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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
4# Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
5# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
6# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
7# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
11# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
12# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
13# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
14# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
15# limitations under the License.
18from __future__ import print_function
19from datetime import datetime
20from fnmatch import fnmatch
21import errno
22import json
23import os
24import platform
25import subprocess
26import sys
28CURRENT_FILENAME = os.path.basename(__file__)
31def str_of_time_now() -> str:
32    return datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f")[:-3]
35def _call(cmd: str):
36    print("# %s" % cmd)
37    return subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
40def _write(filename: str, content: str, mode: str):
41    with open(filename, mode) as f:
42        f.write(content)
45def call_with_output(cmd: str, file: str):
46    print("# %s" % cmd)
47    host = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
48    while True:
49        try:
50            build_data = host.stdout.readline().decode('utf-8')
51            sys.stdout.flush()
52            print(build_data)
53            _write(file, build_data, "a")
54        except OSError as error:
55            if error == errno.ENOENT:
56                print("no such file")
57            elif error == errno.EPERM:
58                print("permission denied")
59            break
60        if not build_data:
61            break
62    host.wait()
63    return host.returncode
66class ArkPy:
67    # constants determined by designer of this class
71    GN_TARGET_LOG_FILE_NAME = "build.log"
72    UNITTEST_LOG_FILE_NAME = "unittest.log"
73    TEST262_LOG_FILE_NAME = "test262.log"
75        "./arkcompiler/toolchain/build/prebuilts_download/prebuilts_download_config.json"
76    INDENTATION_STRING_PER_LEVEL = "  " # for help message
77    # In ARG_DICT, "flags" and "description" are must-keys for the leaf-dicts in it.
78    # (Future designer need know.)
79    ARG_DICT = {
80        "os_cpu": {
81            "linux_x64": {
82                "flags": ["linux_x64", "x64"],
83                "description":
84                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system linux and "
85                    "target-central-processing-unit x64.",
86                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"linux\"", "target_cpu=\"x64\""],
87                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "x64",
88            },
89            "linux_x86": {
90                "flags": ["linux_x86", "x86"],
91                "description":
92                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system linux and "
93                    "target-central-processing-unit x86.",
94                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"linux\"", "target_cpu=\"x86\""],
95                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "x86",
96            },
97            "ohos_arm": {
98                "flags": ["ohos_arm", "arm"],
99                "description":
100                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system ohos and "
101                    "target-central-processing-unit arm.",
102                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"ohos\"", "target_cpu=\"arm\""],
103                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "arm",
104            },
105            "ohos_arm64": {
106                "flags": ["ohos_arm64", "arm64"],
107                "description":
108                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system ohos and "
109                    "target-central-processing-unit arm64.",
110                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"ohos\"", "target_cpu=\"arm64\""],
111                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "arm64",
112            },
113            "android_arm64": {
114                "flags": ["android_arm64"],
115                "description":
116                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system android and "
117                    "target-central-processing-unit arm64.",
118                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"android\"", "target_cpu=\"arm64\""],
119                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "android_arm64",
120            },
121            "mingw_x86_64": {
122                "flags": ["mingw_x86_64"],
123                "description":
124                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system MinGW(Minimalist GNU on Windows) and "
125                    "target-central-processing-unit x86_64.",
126                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"mingw\"", "target_cpu=\"x86_64\""],
127                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "mingw_x86_64",
128            },
129            "ohos_mipsel": {
130                "flags": ["ohos_mipsel", "mipsel"],
131                "description":
132                    "Build for arkcompiler target of target-operating-system ohos and "
133                    "target-central-processing-unit mipsel(32-bit little-endian mips).",
134                "gn_args": ["target_os=\"ohos\"", "target_cpu=\"mipsel\""],
135                "prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "mipsel",
136            },
137        },
138        "mode": {
139            "release": {
140                "flags": ["release", "r"],
141                "description": "Build for arkcompiler target(executables and libraries) for distribution.",
142                "gn_args": ["is_debug=false"],
143                "suffix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "release",
144            },
145            "debug": {
146                "flags": ["debug", "d"],
147                "description": "Build for arkcompiler target(executables and libraries) for debugging.",
148                "gn_args": ["is_debug=true"],
149                "suffix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level": "debug",
150            },
151        },
152        "target": {
153            "test262": {
154                "flags": ["test262", "test-262", "test_262", "262test", "262-test", "262_test", "262"],
155                "description": "Compile arkcompiler target and run test262 with arkcompiler target.",
156                "gn_targets_depend_on": ["default"],
157            },
158            "unittest": {
159                "flags": ["unittest", "ut"],
160                "description":
161                    "Compile and run unittest of arkcompiler target. "
162                    "Add --gn-args=\"run_with_qemu=true\" to command when running unittest of non-host type with qemu.",
163                "gn_targets_depend_on": ["unittest_packages"],
164            },
165            "gn_target": {
166                "flags": ["<name of target in \"*.gn*\" file>"], # any other flags
167                "description":
168                    "Build for arkcompiler target assigned by user. Targets include group(ets_runtime), "
169                    "ohos_executable(ark_js_vm), ohos_shared_library(libark_jsruntime), "
170                    "ohos_static_library(static_icuuc), ohos_source_set(libark_jsruntime_set), "
171                    "ohos_unittest(EcmaVm_001_Test), action(EcmaVm_001_TestAction) and other target of user-defined "
172                    "template type in \"*.gn*\" file.",
173                "gn_targets_depend_on": [], # not need, depend on deps of itself in "*.gn*" file
174            },
175        },
176        "option": {
177            "clean": {
178                "flags": ["--clean", "-clean"],
179                "description":
180                    "Clean the root-out-dir(x64.release-->out/x64.release) execept for file args.gn. "
181                    "Then exit.",
182            },
183            "clean-continue": {
184                "flags": ["--clean-continue", "-clean-continue"],
185                "description":
186                    "Clean the root-out-dir(x64.release-->out/x64.release) execept for file args.gn. "
187                    "Then continue to build.",
188            },
189            "gn-args": {
190                "flags": ["--gn-args=*", "-gn-args=*"],
191                "description":
192                    "Pass args(*) to gn command. Example: python3 ark.py x64.release "
193                    "--gn-args=\"bool_declared_in_src_gn=true string_declared_in_src_gn=\\\"abcd\\\" "
194                    "list_declared_in_src_gn=[ \\\"element0\\\", \\\"element1\\\" ] print(list_declared_in_src_gn) "
195                    "exec_script(\\\"script_in_src\\\", [ \\\"arg_to_script\\\" ])\"  .",
196            },
197            "keepdepfile": {
198                "flags": ["--keepdepfile", "-keepdepfile"],
199                "description":
200                    "Keep depfile(\"*.o.d\") generated by commands(CXX, CC ...) called by ninja during compilation.",
201            },
202            "verbose": {
203                "flags": ["--verbose", "-verbose"],
204                "description": "Print full commands(CXX, CC, LINK ...) called by ninja during compilation.",
205            },
206        },
207        "help": {
208            "flags": ["help", "--help", "--h", "-help", "-h"],
209            "description": "Show the usage of ark.py.",
210        },
211    }
213    # variables which would change with the change of host_os or host_cpu
214    gn_binary_path = ""
215    ninja_binary_path = ""
217    # variables which would change with the change of ark.py command
218    has_cleaned = False
219    enable_verbose = False
220    enable_keepdepfile = False
222    def get_binaries(self):
223        host_os = sys.platform
224        host_cpu = platform.machine()
225        try:
226            with open(self.PREBUILTS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE_PATH) as file_prebuilts_download_config:
227                prebuilts_download_config_dict = json.load(file_prebuilts_download_config)
228                file_prebuilts_download_config.close()
229            for element in prebuilts_download_config_dict[host_os][host_cpu]["copy_config"]:
230                if element["unzip_filename"] == "gn":
231                    self.gn_binary_path = os.path.join(element["unzip_dir"], element["unzip_filename"])
232                elif element["unzip_filename"] == "ninja":
233                    self.ninja_binary_path = os.path.join(element["unzip_dir"], element["unzip_filename"])
234        except Exception as error:
235            print("\nLogic of getting gn binary or ninja binary does not match logic of prebuilts_download." \
236                  "\nCheck func \033[92m{0} of class {1} in file {2}\033[0m against file {3} if the name of this " \
237                  "file had not changed!\n".format(
238                    sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.__class__.__name__, CURRENT_FILENAME,
239                    self.PREBUILTS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE_PATH))
240            raise error
241        if self.gn_binary_path == "" or self.ninja_binary_path == "":
242            print("\nLogic of prebuilts_download may be wrong." \
243                  "\nCheck \033[92mdata in file {0}\033[0m against func {1} of class {2} in file {3}!\n".format(
244                    self.PREBUILTS_DOWNLOAD_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, self.__class__.__name__,
245                    CURRENT_FILENAME))
246            sys.exit(0)
247        if not os.path.isfile(self.gn_binary_path) or not os.path.isfile(self.ninja_binary_path):
248            print("\nStep for prebuilts_download may be ommited. (\033[92m./prebuilts_download.sh\033[0m)" \
249            "\nCheck \033[92mwhether gn binary and ninja binary are under directory prebuilts\033[0m!\n".format())
250            sys.exit(0)
251        return
253    @staticmethod
254    def is_dict_flags_match_arg(dict_to_match: dict, arg_to_match: str) -> bool:
255        for flag in dict_to_match["flags"]:
256            if fnmatch(arg_to_match, flag):
257                return True
258        return False
260    def which_dict_flags_match_arg(self, dict_including_dicts_to_match: dict, arg_to_match: str) -> str:
261        for key in dict_including_dicts_to_match.keys():
262            if self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(dict_including_dicts_to_match[key], arg_to_match):
263                return key
264        return ""
266    def dict_in_os_cpu_mode_match_arg(self, arg: str) -> [bool, str, str]:
267        os_cpu_part = ""
268        mode_part = ""
269        match_success = True
270        key_to_dict_in_os_cpu_matched_arg = ""
271        key_to_dict_in_mode_matched_arg = ""
272        arg_to_list = arg.split(self.DELIMITER_BETWEEN_OS_CPU_MODE_FOR_COMMAND)
273        if len(arg_to_list) == 1:
274            os_cpu_part = arg_to_list[0]
275            mode_part = "release"
276            key_to_dict_in_os_cpu_matched_arg = self.which_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["os_cpu"], os_cpu_part)
277            key_to_dict_in_mode_matched_arg = self.which_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["mode"], mode_part)
278        elif len(arg_to_list) == 2:
279            os_cpu_part = arg_to_list[0]
280            mode_part = arg_to_list[1]
281            key_to_dict_in_os_cpu_matched_arg = self.which_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["os_cpu"], os_cpu_part)
282            key_to_dict_in_mode_matched_arg = self.which_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["mode"], mode_part)
283        else:
284            print("\"\033[92m{0}\033[0m\" combined with more than 2 flags is not supported.".format(arg))
285        if (key_to_dict_in_os_cpu_matched_arg == "") | (key_to_dict_in_mode_matched_arg == ""):
286            match_success = False
287        return [match_success, key_to_dict_in_os_cpu_matched_arg, key_to_dict_in_mode_matched_arg]
289    def get_help_msg_of_dict(self, dict_in: dict, indentation_str_current: str, indentation_str_per_level: str) -> str:
290        help_msg = "".format()
291        for key in dict_in.keys():
292            if isinstance(dict_in[key], dict):
293                help_msg += "{0}{1}:\n".format(indentation_str_current, key)
294                help_msg += self.get_help_msg_of_dict(
295                    dict_in[key], indentation_str_current + indentation_str_per_level, indentation_str_per_level)
296            elif key == "flags":
297                help_msg += "{0}{1}: \033[92m{2}\033[0m\n".format(indentation_str_current, key, " ".join(dict_in[key]))
298            elif key == "description":
299                help_msg += "{0}{1}: {2}\n".format(indentation_str_current, key, dict_in[key])
300        return help_msg
302    def get_help_msg_of_all(self) -> str:
303        help_msg = "".format()
304        # Command template
305        help_msg += "\033[32mCommand template:\033[0m\n{}\n\n".format(
306            "  python3 ark.py \033[92m[os_cpu].[mode] [gn_target] [option]\033[0m\n"
307            "  python3 ark.py \033[92m[os_cpu].[mode] [test262] [none, file or dir] [option]\033[0m\n"
308            "  python3 ark.py \033[92m[os_cpu].[mode] [unittest] [option]\033[0m")
309        # Command examples
310        help_msg += "\033[32mCommand examples:\033[0m\n{}\n\n".format(
311            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release\033[0m\n"
312            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release ets_runtime\033[0m\n"
313            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release ark_js_vm es2panda\033[0m\n"
314            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release ark_js_vm es2panda --clean\033[0m\n"
315            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release test262\033[0m\n"
316            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release test262 built-ins/Array\033[0m\n"
317            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release test262 built-ins/Array/name.js\033[0m\n"
318            "  python3 ark.py \033[92mx64.release unittest\033[0m")
319        # Arguments
320        help_msg += "\033[32mArguments:\033[0m\n{}".format(
321            self.get_help_msg_of_dict(
323        return help_msg
325    def clean(self, out_path: str):
326        if not os.path.exists(out_path):
327            print("Path \"{}\" does not exist! No need to clean it.".format(out_path))
328        else:
329            print("=== clean start ===")
330            code = _call("{0} clean {1}".format(self.gn_binary_path, out_path))
331            if code != 0:
332                print("=== clean failed! ===\n")
333                sys.exit(code)
334            print("=== clean success! ===\n")
335        return
337    def build_for_gn_target(self, out_path: str, gn_args: list, arg_list: list, log_file_name: str):
338        # prepare log file
339        build_log_path = os.path.join(out_path, log_file_name)
340        str_to_build_log = "================================\nbuild_time: {0}\nbuild_target: {1}\n\n".format(
341            str_of_time_now(), " ".join(arg_list))
342        _write(build_log_path, str_to_build_log, "a")
343        # gn command
344        print("=== gn gen start ===")
345        code = call_with_output(
346            "{0} gen {1} --args=\"{2}\"".format(
347                self.gn_binary_path, out_path, " ".join(gn_args).replace("\"", "\\\"")),
348            build_log_path)
349        if code != 0:
350            print("=== gn gen failed! ===\n")
351            sys.exit(code)
352        else:
353            print("=== gn gen success! ===\n")
354        # ninja command
355        # Always add " -d keeprsp" to ninja command to keep response file("*.rsp"), thus we could get shared libraries
356        # of an excutable from its response file.
357        ninja_cmd = \
358        self.ninja_binary_path + \
359        (" -v" if self.enable_verbose else "") + \
360        (" -d keepdepfile" if self.enable_keepdepfile else "") + \
361        " -d keeprsp" + \
362        " -C {}".format(out_path) + \
363        " {}".format(" ".join(arg_list))
364        code = call_with_output(ninja_cmd, build_log_path)
365        if code != 0:
366            print("=== ninja failed! ===\n")
367            sys.exit(code)
368        else:
369            print("=== ninja success! ===\n")
370        return
372    def build_for_test262(self, out_path, gn_args: list, arg_list: list, log_file_name: str):
373        args_to_test262_cmd = ""
374        if len(arg_list) == 0:
375            args_to_test262_cmd = "--es2021 all"
376        elif len(arg_list) == 1:
377            if ".js" in arg_list[0]:
378                args_to_test262_cmd = "--file test262/data/test_es2021/{}".format(arg_list[0])
379            else:
380                args_to_test262_cmd = "--dir test262/data/test_es2021/{}".format(arg_list[0])
381        else:
382            print("\033[92m\"test262\" not support multiple additional arguments.\033[0m\n".format())
383            sys.exit(0)
384        self.build_for_gn_target(
385            out_path, gn_args, self.ARG_DICT["target"]["test262"]["gn_targets_depend_on"], log_file_name)
387        test262_cmd = "cd arkcompiler/ets_frontend && python3 test262/run_test262.py {0} --timeout 180000" \
388                      " --libs-dir ../../prebuilts/clang/ohos/linux-x86_64/llvm/lib" \
389                      " --ark-tool=../../{1}/arkcompiler/ets_runtime/ark_js_vm" \
390                      " --ark-frontend-binary=../../{1}/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/es2abc" \
391                      " --merge-abc-binary=../../{1}/arkcompiler/ets_frontend/merge_abc" \
392                      " --ark-frontend=es2panda".format(args_to_test262_cmd, out_path)
393        test262_log_path = os.path.join(out_path, log_file_name)
394        str_to_test262_log = "================================\ntest262_time: {0}\ntest262_target: {1}\n\n".format(
395            str_of_time_now(), args_to_test262_cmd)
396        _write(test262_log_path, str_to_test262_log, "a")
397        print("=== test262 start ===")
398        code = call_with_output(test262_cmd, test262_log_path)
399        if code != 0:
400            print("=== test262 fail! ===\n")
401            sys.exit(code)
402        print("=== test262 success! ===\n")
403        return
405    def build_for_unittest(self, out_path: str, gn_args: list, log_file_name:str):
406        self.build_for_gn_target(
407            out_path, gn_args, self.ARG_DICT["target"]["unittest"]["gn_targets_depend_on"],
408            log_file_name)
409        return
411    def build(self, out_path: str, gn_args: list, arg_list: list):
412        if not os.path.exists(out_path):
413            print("# mkdir -p {}".format(out_path))
414            os.makedirs(out_path)
415        if len(arg_list) == 0:
416            self.build_for_gn_target(out_path, gn_args, ["default"], self.GN_TARGET_LOG_FILE_NAME)
417        elif self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["target"]["test262"], arg_list[0]):
418            self.build_for_test262(out_path, gn_args, arg_list[1:], self.TEST262_LOG_FILE_NAME)
419        elif self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["target"]["unittest"], arg_list[0]):
420            if len(arg_list) > 1:
421                print("\033[92m\"unittest\" not support additional arguments.\033[0m\n".format())
422                sys.exit(0)
423            self.build_for_unittest(out_path, gn_args, self.UNITTEST_LOG_FILE_NAME)
424        else:
425            self.build_for_gn_target(out_path, gn_args, arg_list, self.GN_TARGET_LOG_FILE_NAME)
426        return
428    def match_options(self, arg_list: list, out_path: str) -> [list, list]:
429        arg_list_ret = []
430        gn_args_ret = []
431        for arg in arg_list:
432            # match [option][clean] flag
433            if self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["option"]["clean"], arg):
434                self.clean(out_path)
435                sys.exit(0)
436            # match [option][clean-continue] flag
437            elif self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["option"]["clean-continue"], arg):
438                if not self.has_cleaned:
439                    self.clean(out_path)
440                    self.has_cleaned = True
441            # match [option][gn-args] flag
442            elif self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["option"]["gn-args"], arg):
443                gn_args_ret.append(arg[(arg.find("=") + 1):])
444            # match [option][keepdepfile] flag
445            elif self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["option"]["keepdepfile"], arg):
446                if not self.enable_keepdepfile:
447                    self.enable_keepdepfile = True
448            # match [option][verbose] flag
449            elif self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["option"]["verbose"], arg):
450                if not self.enable_verbose:
451                    self.enable_verbose = True
452            # make a new list with flag that do not match any flag in [option]
453            else:
454                arg_list_ret.append(arg)
455        return [arg_list_ret, gn_args_ret]
457    def start_for_matched_os_cpu_mode(self, os_cpu_key: str, mode_key: str, arg_list: list):
458        # get binary gn and ninja
459        self.get_binaries()
460        # get out_path
461        name_of_out_dir_of_second_level = \
462            self.ARG_DICT["os_cpu"][os_cpu_key]["prefix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level"] + \
463            self.DELIMITER_FOR_SECOND_OUT_DIR_NAME + \
464            self.ARG_DICT["mode"][mode_key]["suffix_of_name_of_out_dir_of_second_level"]
465        out_path = os.path.join(self.NAME_OF_OUT_DIR_OF_FIRST_LEVEL, name_of_out_dir_of_second_level)
466        # match [option] flag
467        [arg_list, gn_args] = self.match_options(arg_list, out_path)
468        # get expression which would be written to args.gn file
469        gn_args.extend(self.ARG_DICT["os_cpu"][os_cpu_key]["gn_args"])
470        gn_args.extend(self.ARG_DICT["mode"][mode_key]["gn_args"])
471        # start to build
472        self.build(out_path, gn_args, arg_list)
473        return
475    def __main__(self, arg_list: list):
476        # delete duplicate arg in arg_list
477        arg_list = list(dict.fromkeys(arg_list))
478        # match [help] flag
479        if len(arg_list) == 0 or (
480            True in [self.is_dict_flags_match_arg(self.ARG_DICT["help"], arg) for arg in arg_list]):
481            print(self.get_help_msg_of_all())
482            return
483        # match [[os_cpu].[mode]] flag
484        [match_success, key_to_dict_in_os_cpu, key_to_dict_in_mode] = self.dict_in_os_cpu_mode_match_arg(arg_list[0])
485        if match_success:
486            self.start_for_matched_os_cpu_mode(key_to_dict_in_os_cpu, key_to_dict_in_mode, arg_list[1:])
487        else:
488            print("\033[92mThe command is not supported! Help message shows below.\033[0m\n{}".format(
489                self.get_help_msg_of_all()))
490        return
493if __name__ == "__main__":
494    ark_py = ArkPy()
495    ark_py.__main__(sys.argv[1:])