/base/security/device_auth/deps_adapter/os_adapter/impl/src/liteos/mini/ |
D | hc_file_posix.c | 52 LOGI("[OS]: CreateDirectory access fail. [Res]: %d, [errno]: %d", res, errno); in CreateDirectory() 55 LOGI("[OS]: opendir fail. [errno]: %d", errno); in CreateDirectory() 71 LOGI("[OS]: file open enter."); in HcFileOpenRead() 73 LOGI("[OS]: file open quit."); in HcFileOpenRead() 83 LOGI("[OS]: HcFileOpenWrite access fail. [errno]: %d", errno); in HcFileOpenWrite() 88 LOGI("[OS]: file open enter."); in HcFileOpenWrite() 90 LOGI("[OS]: file open quit."); in HcFileOpenWrite() 131 LOGI("[OS]: file read enter. [OriSize]: %d", dstSize); in HcFileRead() 144 LOGI("[OS]: file read quit. [ReadSize]: %d", total); in HcFileRead() 157 LOGI("[OS]: file write enter. [OriSize]: %d", srcSize); in HcFileWrite() [all …]
D | hc_file.c | 30 LOGI("ret = %d", ret); in HcFileOpenRead() 37 LOGI("ret = %d", ret); in HcFileOpenWrite() 65 LOGI("ret = %d, fileSize = %d\n", ret, fileSize); in HcFileSize() 79 LOGI("ret = %d", ret); in HcFileRead() 90 LOGI("ret = %d", ret); in HcFileWrite() 101 LOGI("ret = %d", ret); in HcFileClose() 111 LOGI("File delete result:%d", ret); in HcFileRemove()
/base/security/device_auth/services/group_manager/src/channel_manager/soft_bus_channel/ |
D | soft_bus_channel.c | 101 LOGI("[Start]: DoOnChannelOpened!"); in DoOnChannelOpened() 161 LOGI("Peer device open channel!"); in OnChannelOpenedCb() 174 LOGI("[Start]: OnChannelOpened! [ChannelId]: %d, [ReqId]: %" PRId64, sessionId, requestId); in OnChannelOpenedCb() 187 LOGI("[End]: OnChannelOpened!"); in OnChannelOpenedCb() 193 LOGI("[SoftBus][Out]: OnChannelClosed! sessionId: %d", sessionId); in OnChannelClosedCb() 206 LOGI("[Start]: OnMsgReceived! [ChannelId]: %d", sessionId); in OnBytesReceivedCb() 222 LOGI("[SoftBus][In]: OpenChannel!"); in OpenSoftBusChannel() 224 LOGI("[SoftBus][Out]: OpenChannel! channelId: %" PRId64, channelId); in OpenSoftBusChannel() 244 LOGI("[SoftBus][In]: CloseSession!"); in CloseSoftBusChannel() 246 LOGI("[SoftBus][Out]: CloseSession!"); in CloseSoftBusChannel() [all …]
/base/security/device_auth/test/unittest/deviceauth/source/ |
D | hc_dev_info_mock.c | 49 LOGI("Use mock client device udid."); in HcGetUdid() 52 LOGI("Use mock server device udid."); in HcGetUdid() 68 LOGI("[OS]: storageFile: %s", storageFile); in GetStoragePath() 79 LOGI("[OS]: storageDirFile: %s", storageFile); in GetStorageDirPath() 93 LOGI("[OS]: Account storage dir: %s", storageFile); in GetAccountStoragePath()
D | protocol_task_main_mock.c | 39 LOGI("pake v1 support."); in IsSupportPakeV1() 41 LOGI("pake v1 not support."); in IsSupportPakeV1() 68 LOGI("iso support."); in IsIsoSupported() 70 LOGI("iso not support."); in IsIsoSupported()
D | device_auth_ext_mock.c | 35 LOGI("DestroyPlugin"); in DestroyPlugin() 40 LOGI("CreateNode"); in CreateNode() 86 LOGI("InitExtPart."); in InitExtPart() 100 LOGI("GetExtPlugins."); in GetExtPlugins() 108 LOGI("DestroyExtPart."); in DestroyExtPart()
/base/security/device_auth/services/frameworks/src/os_account_adapter/ |
D | os_account_adapter.cpp | 31 LOGI("[OsAccountManager]: QueryActiveOsAccountIds enter."); in DevAuthGetRealOsAccountLocalId() 33 LOGI("[OsAccountManager]: QueryActiveOsAccountIds quit. [Res]: %d", res); in DevAuthGetRealOsAccountLocalId() 39 LOGI("[Account]: Use activated os account! [Id]: %d", osAccountId); in DevAuthGetRealOsAccountLocalId() 45 LOGI("[Account]: Use input os account! [Id]: %d", inputId); in DevAuthGetRealOsAccountLocalId()
/base/security/device_auth/services/frameworks/src/plugin_adapter/ |
D | static_plugin_adapter.c | 49 LOGI("[Plugin]: no need to load plugins."); in LoadExtendPlugin() 63 LOGI("[Plugin]: load extend plugin success."); in LoadExtendPlugin() 71 LOGI("[Plugin]: no need to unload plugins."); in UnloadExtendPlugin() 76 LOGI("[Plugin]: unload extend plugin success."); in UnloadExtendPlugin()
/base/security/device_auth/frameworks/src/lite/ |
D | ipc_dev_auth_proxy.c | 52 LOGI("type %d, paramSz %d", type, paramSz); in EncodeCallRequest() 75 LOGI("method id %d, param num %d, data length %d, flag %u, io offset %d", in FinalCallRequest() 99 LOGI("ipc call with callback, data flag %u", ioPtr->flag); in FinalCallRequest() 110 LOGI("starting..."); in CliInvokeRetCallback() 124 LOGI("done, reply data length %zu", dstReply->bufferLeft); in CliInvokeRetCallback() 136 LOGI("start to invoke ipc call..."); in ActCall() 139 LOGI("invoke call done, ipc result(%d)", ipcRet); in ActCall() 142 LOGI("service call result(%d)", ret); in ActCall()
D | ipc_dev_auth_stub.c | 94 LOGI("request data length(%d), param number: %d", dataLen - sizeof(int32_t), *inParamNum); in DecodeCallRequest() 104 … LOGI("decode success, param type %d, val size %d", paramsCache[i].type, paramsCache[i].valSz); in DecodeCallRequest() 112 LOGI("GetMethodId, id code %d", *methodId); in GetMethodId() 133 LOGI("object trans success, set id %d", ipcData->idx); in WithObject() 167 LOGI("request method id %d", methodId); in DevAuthRequestCall() 204 LOGI("request code %u", reqId); in OnRemoteInvoke() 223 LOGI("WriteBuffer faild"); in OnRemoteInvoke() 226 LOGI("form service result done, result length(%d)", n); in OnRemoteInvoke() 229 LOGI("done, request code %d, call result %d", reqId, ret); in OnRemoteInvoke() 282 LOGI("remote object cache index %d", idx); in SetRemoteObject() [all …]
D | ipc_callback_proxy.c | 37 LOGI("with reply data, length(%zu), flag(%u)", replySrc->bufferLeft, replySrc->flag); in CbProxyFormReplyData() 45 LOGI("out reply data, length(%zu)", replyDst->bufferLeft); in CbProxyFormReplyData() 65 LOGI("to form callback params data length(%d)", dataSz); in CbProxySendRequest() 78 LOGI("SendRequest(%d) done, return(%d)", option.flags, ret); in CbProxySendRequest()
D | ipc_callback_stub.c | 59 LOGI("enter invoking callback..."); in CbStubOnRemoteRequest() 65 LOGI("receive ipc transact code(%u)", code); in CbStubOnRemoteRequest() 76 LOGI("Invoke callback done, result(%d)", HC_SUCCESS); in CbStubOnRemoteRequest()
/base/security/device_auth/services/key_agree_sdk/src/ |
D | key_agree_sdk.c | 135 LOGI("This field named extras is not used in this version!"); in InitKeyAgreeStartSessionParams() 149 LOGI("Key agree init begin!"); in KeyAgreeInitSession() 186 LOGI("Init keyAgree session successfully!"); in KeyAgreeInitSession() 193 LOGI("Key agree start session begin!"); in KeyAgreeStartSession() 212 LOGI("KeyAgree start successfully!"); in KeyAgreeStartSession() 219 LOGI("Key agree generate next message begin!"); in KeyAgreeGenerateNextMessage() 247 LOGI("Protocol is not decided, need protocol agree!"); in KeyAgreeGenerateNextMessage() 254 LOGI("Protocol decided, process key agree!"); in KeyAgreeGenerateNextMessage() 261 LOGI("KeyAgree generate next message successfully!"); in KeyAgreeGenerateNextMessage() 267 LOGI("Key agree is finish start!"); in KeyAgreeIsFinish() [all …]
/base/security/device_auth/services/group_manager/src/callback_manager/ |
D | callback_manager.c | 100 … LOGI("[Service][In]: ProcessTransmitCallback! [DataLen]: %u, [ReqId]: %" PRId64, dataLen, reqId); in ProcessTransmitCallback() 102 LOGI("[Service][Out]: ProcessTransmitCallback!"); in ProcessTransmitCallback() 113 LOGI("[Service][In]: ProcessSessionKeyCallback! [ReqId]: %" PRId64, reqId); in ProcessSessionKeyCallback() 115 LOGI("[Service][Out]: ProcessSessionKeyCallback!"); in ProcessSessionKeyCallback() 125 LOGI("[Service][In]: ProcessFinishCallback! [ReqId]: %" PRId64, reqId); in ProcessFinishCallback() 127 LOGI("[Service][Out]: ProcessFinishCallback!"); in ProcessFinishCallback() 137 LOGI("[Service][In]: ProcessErrorCallback! [ReqId]: %" PRId64, reqId); in ProcessErrorCallback() 139 LOGI("[Service][Out]: ProcessErrorCallback!"); in ProcessErrorCallback() 149 LOGI("[Service][In]: ProcessRequestCallback! [ReqId]: %" PRId64, reqId); in ProcessRequestCallback() 151 LOGI("[Service][Out]: ProcessRequestCallback!"); in ProcessRequestCallback()
/base/security/device_auth/frameworks/src/ |
D | ipc_service.c | 73 LOGI("starting ..."); in IpcServiceGmRegCallback() 105 LOGI("process done, call ret %d, ipc ret %d", callRet, ret); in IpcServiceGmRegCallback() 115 LOGI("starting ..."); in IpcServiceGmUnRegCallback() 124 LOGI("process done, call ret %d, ipc ret %d", callRet, ret); in IpcServiceGmUnRegCallback() 138 LOGI("starting ..."); in IpcServiceGmRegDataChangeListener() 177 LOGI("process done, call ret %d, ipc ret %d", callRet, ret); in IpcServiceGmRegDataChangeListener() 187 LOGI("starting ..."); in IpcServiceGmUnRegDataChangeListener() 195 LOGI("process done, call ret %d, ipc ret %d", callRet, ret); in IpcServiceGmUnRegDataChangeListener() 209 LOGI("starting ..."); in IpcServiceGmCreateGroup() 239 LOGI("process done, call ret %d, ipc ret %d", callRet, ret); in IpcServiceGmCreateGroup() [all …]
/base/security/device_auth/services/authenticators/src/account_unrelated/iso_task/lite_exchange_task/ |
D | das_lite_token_manager.c | 36 LOGI("AuthCode alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****.", isoKeyAliasVal[0], isoKeyAliasVal[1], in UnregisterLocalIdentity() 43 LOGI("AuthCode deleted successfully!"); in UnregisterLocalIdentity() 62 LOGI("AuthCode alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****.", isoKeyAliasVal[0], isoKeyAliasVal[1], in DeletePeerAuthInfo() 69 LOGI("AuthCode deleted successfully!"); in DeletePeerAuthInfo()
/base/security/device_auth/services/group_manager/src/broadcast_manager/ |
D | broadcast_manager.c | 73 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnGroupCreated! [AppId]: %s", entry->appId); in PostOnGroupCreated() 96 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnGroupDeleted! [AppId]: %s", entry->appId); in PostOnGroupDeleted() 119 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnDeviceBound! [AppId]: %s", entry->appId); in PostOnDeviceBound() 142 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnDeviceUnBound! [AppId]: %s", entry->appId); in PostOnDeviceUnBound() 161 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnDeviceNotTrusted! [AppId]: %s", entry->appId); in PostOnDeviceNotTrusted() 179 …LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnLastGroupDeleted! [AppId]: %s, [GroupType]: %d", entry->appId, groupTyp… in PostOnLastGroupDeleted() 193 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: PostOnTrustedDeviceNumChanged! [AppId]: %s", entry->appId); in PostOnTrustedDeviceNumChanged() 253 LOGI("[End]: Service register listener successfully!"); in AddListenerIfNotExist() 288 LOGI("[Broadcaster]: Init broadcast manager module successfully!"); in InitBroadcastManager() 339 LOGI("[End]: Service deregister listener successfully!"); in RemoveListener() [all …]
/base/security/device_auth/services/authenticators/src/account_unrelated/pake_task/standard_exchange_task/ |
D | das_standard_token_manager.c | 48 LOGI("Key pair generated successfully!"); in RegisterLocalIdentity() 65 LOGI("KeyPair alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****.", pakeKeyAliasVal[0], pakeKeyAliasVal[1], in UnregisterLocalIdentity() 72 LOGI("Key pair deleted successfully!"); in UnregisterLocalIdentity() 94 LOGI("PubKey alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****.", pakeKeyAliasVal[0], pakeKeyAliasVal[1], in DeletePeerAuthInfo() 101 LOGI("PubKey deleted successfully!"); in DeletePeerAuthInfo() 108 LOGI("Psk alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****.", pakeKeyAliasVal[0], pakeKeyAliasVal[1], in DeletePeerAuthInfo() 115 LOGI("Psk deleted successfully!"); in DeletePeerAuthInfo() 164 …LOGI("PubKey alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****, priKey alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x****, psk alias(HEX): %x%x%x%x**… in ComputeAndSavePsk() 201 LOGI("Get public key successfully!"); in GetPublicKey()
/base/security/device_auth/frameworks/deviceauth_lite/source/ |
D | hichain.c | 74 LOGI("Begin get instance"); in get_instance() 108 LOGI("Get instance success"); in get_instance() 114 LOGI("Begin destroy"); in destroy() 139 LOGI("End destroy"); in destroy() 144 LOGI("Begin set context"); in set_context() 150 LOGI("End set context"); in set_context() 155 LOGI("Begin receive data"); in receive_data() 160 LOGI("Receive data from peer"); in receive_data() 195 LOGI("Had no message to send"); in receive_data() 204 LOGI("End receive data"); in receive_data() [all …]
/base/security/device_auth/services/cred_manager/src/ |
D | cred_manager.c | 54 LOGI("[CredMgr]: Init success!"); in InitCredMgr() 95 LOGI("[CredMgr]: Replace cred plugin. [Name]: %d", plugin->pluginName); in AddCredPlugin() 98 LOGI("[CredMgr]: Add new cred plugin. [Name]: %d", plugin->pluginName); in AddCredPlugin() 109 LOGI("[CredMgr]: Delete cred plugin success. [Name]: %d", pluginName); in DelCredPlugin()
/base/security/device_auth/frameworks/src/standard/ |
D | ipc_dev_auth_proxy.cpp | 38 LOGI("ProxyDevAuth, SendRequest..."); in DoCallRequest() 50 LOGI("SendRequest done, ret %d", ret); in DoCallRequest() 70 LOGI("type %d, paramSz %d", type, paramSz); in EncodeCallRequest() 99 LOGI("method id %d, param num %d, data length %d", methodId, paramCnt, dataLen); in FinalCallRequest() 112 LOGI("type %d, cbStub %s", PARAM_TYPE_CB_OBJECT, (cbStub != nullptr) ? "true" : "false"); in FinalCallRequest()
D | ipc_dev_auth_stub.cpp | 104 LOGI("param number: %d", inParamNum); in DecodeCallRequest() 113 … LOGI("decode success, param type %d, val size %d", paramsCache[i].type, paramsCache[i].valSz); in DecodeCallRequest() 125 LOGI("GetMethodId, id code %d", methodId); in GetMethodId() 148 LOGI("object trans success, set id %d", ipcData.idx); in WithObject() 185 LOGI("request code %u", code); in OnRemoteRequest() 219 LOGI("done, request code %u, method id %d, call result %d", code, methodId, ret); in OnRemoteRequest() 273 LOGI("remote object cache index %d", idx); in SetRemoteObject() 291 LOGI("AddDeathRecipient %s, callback stub idx %d", bRet ? "success" : "failed", cbStubIdx); in AddCbDeathRecipient() 298 LOGI("remote object used done, idx %d", idx); in ResetRemoteObject() 331 LOGI("remote is not actively, to reset local resource"); in OnRemoteDied()
/base/security/device_auth/frameworks/deviceauth_lite/source/log/ |
D | log.h | 35 #define LOGI(...) get_logi()("[HiChain]", __func__, __VA_ARGS__) macro 40 #define LOGI(...) {} macro
/base/security/device_auth/deps_adapter/os_adapter/interfaces/linux/ |
D | hc_log.h | 35 LOGI("[" tag "]: %c%c%c%c****", (str)[DEV_AUTH_ZERO], (str)[DEV_AUTH_ONE], \ 57 #define LOGI(fmt, ...) (DevAuthLogPrint(DEV_AUTH_LOG_LEVEL_INFO, __FUNCTION__, fmt, ##__VA_ARGS__)) macro 83 #define LOGI(fmt, ...) printf("[I][DEVAUTH]%s: " fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, ##__VA_ARGS__) macro
/base/security/device_auth/test/unittest/tdd_framework/tdd_helper/dev_info_mock/src/ |
D | dev_info_mock.c | 42 LOGI("Use mock client device udid."); in HcGetUdid() 45 LOGI("Use mock server device udid."); in HcGetUdid()