/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import { ARK_COMPILER_META_INFO, ESMODULE, IS_CACHE_INVALID } from './common/ark_define'; import { TRANSFORMED_MOCK_CONFIG, USER_DEFINE_MOCK_CONFIG } from '../../pre_define'; let disableCache: boolean = false; export function checkArkCompilerCacheInfo(rollupObject: Object): void { disableCache = false; const metaInfo: string = getMetaInfo(rollupObject.share.projectConfig); const lastMetaInfo: string = rollupObject.cache.get(ARK_COMPILER_META_INFO); if (!lastMetaInfo || metaInfo !== lastMetaInfo || isMockConfigModified(rollupObject)) { rollupObject.cache.set(IS_CACHE_INVALID, true); disableCache = true; } rollupObject.cache.set(ARK_COMPILER_META_INFO, metaInfo); } function getMetaInfo(projectConfig: Object): string { let metaInfoArr: string[] = []; // user selects the compiled API version information const compileSdkVersion: string = projectConfig.compileSdkVersion ? projectConfig.compileSdkVersion : 'null_compileSdkVersion'; // user selects the compatible API version information const compatibleSdkVersion: string = projectConfig.compatibleSdkVersion ? projectConfig.compatibleSdkVersion : 'null_compatibleSdkVersion'; const runtimeOS: string = projectConfig.runtimeOS ? projectConfig.runtimeOS : 'null_runtimeOS'; const sdkPath: string = projectConfig.etsLoaderPath ? projectConfig.etsLoaderPath : 'null_sdkPath'; // version information for loading SDKs in the IDE const sdkVersion: string = projectConfig.etsLoaderVersion ? projectConfig.etsLoaderVersion : 'null_sdkVersion'; const sdkReleaseType: string = projectConfig.etsLoaderReleaseType ? projectConfig.etsLoaderReleaseType : 'null_sdkReleaseType'; metaInfoArr.push(compileSdkVersion, compatibleSdkVersion, runtimeOS, sdkPath, sdkVersion, sdkReleaseType); if (projectConfig.compileMode === ESMODULE) { const bundleName: string = projectConfig.bundleName ? projectConfig.bundleName : 'null_bundleName'; const allModuleNameHash: string = projectConfig.allModuleNameHash ? projectConfig.allModuleNameHash : 'null_allModuleNameHash'; const aotCompileMode: string = projectConfig.aotCompileMode ? projectConfig.aotCompileMode : 'null_aotCompileMode'; const apPath: string = projectConfig.apPath ? projectConfig.apPath : 'null_apPath'; metaInfoArr.push(bundleName, allModuleNameHash, aotCompileMode, apPath); } return metaInfoArr.join(':'); } function isMockConfigModified(rollupObject): boolean { // mock is only enabled in the following two modes if (!rollupObject.share.projectConfig.isPreview && !rollupObject.share.projectConfig.isOhosTest) { return false; } if (!rollupObject.share.projectConfig.mockParams || !rollupObject.share.projectConfig.mockParams.mockConfigPath) { return false; } const userDefinedMockConfigCache: string = path.resolve(rollupObject.share.projectConfig.cachePath, `./${USER_DEFINE_MOCK_CONFIG}`); const transformedMockConfigCache: string = path.resolve(rollupObject.share.projectConfig.cachePath, `./${TRANSFORMED_MOCK_CONFIG}`); if (!fs.existsSync(userDefinedMockConfigCache) || !fs.existsSync(transformedMockConfigCache)) { return true; } const mockConfigInfo: Object = require('json5').parse(fs.readFileSync(rollupObject.share.projectConfig.mockParams.mockConfigPath, 'utf-8')); const cachedMockConfigInfo: Object = require('json5').parse(fs.readFileSync(userDefinedMockConfigCache, 'utf-8')); return JSON.stringify(mockConfigInfo) !== JSON.stringify(cachedMockConfigInfo); } /** * rollup shouldInvalidCache hook * @param {rollup OutputOptions} options */ export function shouldInvalidCache(): boolean { return disableCache; } export const utCache = { getMetaInfo };