#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # 0. 运行环境: python 3.10+, pytest # 1. 修改 GP 中字段 # 2. pytest [-k case_name_pattern] # eg. pytest -k file 执行方法名含 file 的用例 # 打包 # pip install pyinstaller # prepare assert source dir includes your data files # pyi-makespec -D --add-data assert:assert dev_hdc_test.py # pyinstaller dev_hdc_test.spec # 执行 dev_hdc_test.exe import hashlib import json import os import shutil import subprocess import sys import time import csv import pytest import pkg_resources class GP(object): """ Global Parameters customize here !!! """ hdc_exe = "hdc" local_path = "resource" remote_path = "data/local/tmp" remote_ip = "auto" remote_port = 8710 hdc_head = "hdc" device_name = "" targets = [] tmode = "usb" changed_testcase = "n" testcase_path = "ts_windows.csv" loaded_testcase = 0 @classmethod def init(cls): cls.list_targets() if os.path.exists(".hdctester.conf"): cls.load() return else: cls.set_options() cls.print_options() cls.dump() return @classmethod def list_targets(cls): try: targets = subprocess.check_output(f"{cls.hdc_exe} list targets".split()).split() except (OSError, IndexError): targets = [b"failed to auto detect device"] cls.targets = [targets[0].decode()] return False cls.targets = [t.decode() for t in targets] return True @classmethod def get_device(cls): if len(cls.targets) > 1: print("Multiple device detected, please select one:") for i, t in enumerate(cls.targets): print(f"{i+1}. {t}") print("input the nums of the device above:") cls.device_name = cls.targets[int(input()) - 1] else: cls.device_name = cls.targets[0] if cls.device_name == "failed to auto detect device": print("No device detected, please check your device connection") return False elif cls.device_name == "[empty]": print("No hdc device detected.") return False cls.hdc_head = f"{cls.hdc_exe} -t {cls.device_name}" return True @classmethod def dump(cls): try: os.remove(".hdctester.conf") except OSError: pass content = filter( lambda k: not k[0].startswith("__") and not isinstance(k[1], classmethod), cls.__dict__.items()) json_str = json.dumps(dict(content)) fd = os.open(".hdctester.conf", os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o755) os.write(fd, json_str.encode()) os.close(fd) return True @classmethod def load(cls): with open(".hdctester.conf") as f: content = json.load(f) cls.hdc_exe = content.get("hdc_exe") cls.local_path = content.get("local_path") cls.remote_path = content.get("remote_path") cls.remote_ip = content.get("remote_ip") cls.hdc_head = content.get("hdc_head") cls.tmode = content.get("tmode") cls.device_name = content.get("device_name") cls.changed_testcase = content.get("changed_testcase") cls.testcase_path = content.get("testcase_path") cls.loaded_testcase = content.get("load_testcase") return True @classmethod def print_options(cls): info = "HDC Tester Default Options: \n\n" \ + f"{'hdc execution'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.hdc_exe}\n" \ + f"{'local storage path'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.local_path}\n" \ + f"{'remote storage path'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.remote_path}\n" \ + f"{'remote ip'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.remote_ip}\n" \ + f"{'remote port'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.remote_port}\n" \ + f"{'device name'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.device_name}\n" \ + f"{'connect type'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.tmode}\n" \ + f"{'hdc head'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.hdc_head}\n" \ + f"{'changed testcase'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.changed_testcase}\n" \ + f"{'testcase path'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.testcase_path}\n" \ + f"{'loaded testcase'.rjust(20, ' ')}: {cls.loaded_testcase}\n" print(info) @classmethod def tconn_tcp(cls): res = subprocess.check_output(f"{cls.hdc_exe} tconn {cls.remote_ip}:{cls.remote_port}".split()).decode() if "Connect OK" in res: return True else: return False @classmethod def set_options(cls): if opt := input(f"Default hdc execution? [{cls.hdc_exe}]\n").strip(): cls.hdc_exe = opt if opt := input(f"Default local storage path? [{cls.local_path}]\n").strip(): cls.local_path = opt if opt := input(f"Default remote storage path? [{cls.remote_path}]\n").strip(): cls.remote_path = opt if opt := input(f"Default remote ip? [{cls.remote_ip}]\n").strip(): cls.remote_ip = opt if opt := input(f"Default remote port? [{cls.remote_port}]\n").strip(): cls.remote_port = int(opt) if opt := input(f"Default device name? [{cls.device_name}], opts: {cls.targets}\n").strip(): cls.device_name = opt if opt := input(f"Default connect type? [{cls.tmode}], opt: [usb, tcp]\n").strip(): cls.tmode = opt if cls.tmode == "usb": ret = cls.get_device() if ret: print("USB device detected.") elif cls.tconn_tcp(): cls.hdc_head = f"{cls.hdc_exe} -t {cls.remote_ip}:{cls.remote_port}" else: print(f"tconn {cls.remote_ip}:{cls.remote_port} failed") return False return True @classmethod def change_testcase(cls): if opt := input(f"Change default testcase?(Y/n) [{cls.changed_testcase}]\n").strip(): cls.changed_testcase = opt if opt == "n": return False if opt := input(f"Use default testcase path?(Y/n) [{cls.testcase_path}]\n").strip(): cls.testcase_path = os.path.join(opt) cls.print_options() return True @classmethod def load_testcase(cls): print("this fuction will coming soon.") return False def rmdir(path): try: if sys.platform == "win32": if os.path.isfile(path): subprocess.call(f"del {path}".split()) else: subprocess.call(f"del /Q {path}".split()) else: subprocess.call(f"rm -rf {path}".split()) except OSError: pass def get_local_path(path): return os.path.join(GP.local_path, path) def get_remote_path(path): return f"{GP.remote_path}/{path}" def _get_local_md5(local): md5_hash = hashlib.md5() with open(local, "rb") as f: for byte_block in iter(lambda: f.read(4096), b""): md5_hash.update(byte_block) return md5_hash.hexdigest() def check_shell(cmd, pattern=None, fetch=False): cmd = f"{GP.hdc_head} {cmd}" print(f"\nexecuting command: {cmd}") if pattern: # check output valid output = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode() res = pattern in output print(f"--> pattern [{pattern}] {'FOUND' if res else 'NOT FOUND'} in output") return res elif fetch: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd.split()).decode() print(f"--> output: {output}") return output else: # check cmd run successfully return subprocess.check_call(cmd.split()) == 0 def _check_file(local, remote): cmd = f"shell md5sum {remote}" local_md5 = _get_local_md5(local) return check_shell(cmd, local_md5) def _check_app_installed(bundle, is_shared=False): dump = "dump-shared" if is_shared else "dump" cmd = f"shell bm {dump} -a" return check_shell(cmd, bundle) def check_hdc_targets(): cmd = f"{GP.hdc_head} list targets" print(GP.device_name) return check_shell(cmd, GP.device_name) def check_file_send(local, remote): local_path = os.path.join(GP.local_path, local) remote_path = f"{GP.remote_path}/{remote}" cmd = f"file send {local_path} {remote_path}" return check_shell(cmd) and _check_file(local_path, remote_path) def check_file_recv(remote, local): local_path = os.path.join(GP.local_path, local) remote_path = f"{GP.remote_path}/{remote}" cmd = f"file recv {remote_path} {local_path}" return check_shell(cmd) and _check_file(local_path, remote_path) def check_app_install(app, bundle, args=""): app = os.path.join(GP.local_path, app) install_cmd = f"install {args} {app}" return check_shell(install_cmd, "successfully") and _check_app_installed(bundle, "s" in args) def check_app_uninstall(bundle, args=""): uninstall_cmd = f"uninstall {args} {bundle}" return check_shell(uninstall_cmd, "successfully") and not _check_app_installed(bundle, "s" in args) def check_hdc_cmd(cmd, pattern=None, **args): if cmd.startswith("file"): if not check_shell(cmd, "FileTransfer finish"): return False if cmd.startswith("file send"): local, remote = cmd.split()[-2:] else: remote, local = cmd.split()[-2:] return _check_file(local, remote) elif cmd.startswith("install"): bundle = args.get("bundle", "invalid") opt = " ".join(cmd.split()[1:-1]) return check_shell(cmd, "successfully") and _check_app_installed(bundle, "s" in opt) elif cmd.startswith("uninstall"): bundle = cmd.split()[-1] opt = " ".join(cmd.split()[1:-1]) return check_shell(cmd, "successfully") and not _check_app_installed(bundle, "s" in opt) else: return check_shell(cmd, pattern, **args) def switch_usb(): res = check_hdc_cmd("tmode usb") time.sleep(3) if res: GP.hdc_head = f"{GP.hdc_exe} -t {GP.device_name}" return res def switch_tcp(): if not GP.remote_ip: # skip tcp check print("!!! remote_ip is none, skip tcp check !!!") return True if GP.remote_ip == "auto": ipconf = check_hdc_cmd("shell \"ifconfig -a | grep inet | grep -v | grep -v inet6\"", fetch=True) if not ipconf: print("!!! device ip not found, skip tcp check !!!") return True GP.remote_ip = ipconf.split(":")[1].split()[0] print(f"fetch remote ip: {GP.remote_ip}") ret = check_hdc_cmd(f"tmode port {GP.remote_port}") if ret: time.sleep(3) res = check_hdc_cmd(f"tconn {GP.remote_ip}:{GP.remote_port}", "Connect OK") if res: GP.hdc_head = f"{GP.hdc_exe} -t {GP.remote_ip}:{GP.remote_port}" return res def select_cmd(): msg = "1) Proceed tester\n" \ + "2) Customize tester\n" \ + "3) Setup files for transfer\n" \ + "4) Load custom testcase(default unused) \n" \ + "5) Exit\n" \ + ">> " while True: opt = input(msg).strip() if len(opt) == 1 and '1' <= opt <= '5': return opt def prepare_source(): def gen_file(path, size): index = 0 path = os.path.abspath(path) fd = os.open(path, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT, 0o755) while index < size: os.write(fd, os.urandom(1024)) index += 1024 os.close(fd) print(f"in prepare {GP.local_path},wait for 2 mins.") current_path = os.getcwd() os.mkdir(GP.local_path) print("generating empty file ...") gen_file(os.path.join(GP.local_path, "empty"), 0) print("generating small file ...") gen_file(os.path.join(GP.local_path, "small"), 102400) print("generating large file ...") gen_file(os.path.join(GP.local_path, "large"), 2 * 1024 ** 3) print("generating dir with small file ...") dir_path = os.path.join(GP.local_path, "normal_dir") rmdir(dir_path) os.mkdir(dir_path) gen_file(os.path.join(dir_path, "small2"), 102400) print("generating empty dir ...") dir_path = os.path.join(GP.local_path, "empty_dir") rmdir(dir_path) os.mkdir(dir_path) if os.path.exists("entry-default-signed-debug.hap"): print("copy the hap file to resource dir...") shutil.copy("entry-default-signed-debug.hap", GP.local_path) else: print("No hap File!") if os.path.exists("panalyticshsp-default-signed.hsp"): shutil.copy("panalyticshsp-default-signed.hsp", GP.local_path) else: print("No hsp File!") def setup_tester(): while True: GP.print_options() opt = int(select_cmd()) if opt == 1: return True elif opt == 2: if not GP.set_options(): return False GP.dump() elif opt == 3: prepare_source() elif opt == 4: if not GP.load_testcase(): return False elif opt == 5: return False else: return False def load_testcase(): if not GP.load_testcase: print("load testcase failed") return False print("load testcase success") return True def check_library_installation(library_name): try: pkg_resources.get_distribution(library_name) return 0 except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: print(f"\n\n{library_name} is not installed.\n\n") print(f"try to use command below:") print(f"pip install {library_name}") return 1