# Drawing
## Overview
The **Drawing** module provides the functions for 2D graphics rendering, text drawing, and image display.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
## Summary
### Files
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [drawing_bitmap.h](drawing__bitmap_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the bitmap in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_brush.h](drawing__brush_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the brush in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_canvas.h](drawing__canvas_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the canvas in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_color.h](drawing__color_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the color in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_color_filter.h](drawing__color__filter_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the color filter in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_filter.h](drawing__filter_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the filter in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_font.h](drawing__font_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the font in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_font_collection.h](drawing__font__collection_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the font collection in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_mask_filter.h](drawing__mask__filter_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the mask filter in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_matrix.h](drawing__matrix_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the matrix in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_path.h](drawing__path_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the path in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_pen.h](drawing__pen_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the pen in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_point.h](drawing__point_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the coordinate point in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_rect.h](drawing__rect_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the rectangle in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_round_rect.h](drawing__round__rect_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the rounded rectangle in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_shader_effect.h](drawing__shader__effect_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the shader effect in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_text_blob.h](drawing__text__blob_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the text blob in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_text_declaration.h](drawing__text__declaration_8h.md) | Declares the structs related to text in 2D drawing.|
| [drawing_text_typography.h](drawing__text__typography_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the typography in the drawing module.|
| [drawing_typeface.h](drawing__typeface_8h.md) | Declares the functions related to the typeface in the drawing module. Different platforms have their own default typefaces. You can also parse the .ttf file to obtain the typefaces specified by the third party, such as SimSun and SimHei.|
| [drawing_types.h](drawing__types_8h.md) | Declares the data types of the canvas, brush, pen, bitmap, and path used to draw 2D graphics.|
### Structs
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md) | Defines the pixel format of a bitmap, including the color type and alpha type.|
| [OH_Drawing_RunBuffer](_o_h___drawing___run_buffer.md) | Describes a run, which provides storage for glyphs and positions.|
| [OH_Drawing_PlaceholderSpan](_o_h___drawing___placeholder_span.md) | Describes a placeholder that acts as a span.|
### Types
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) | Defines a font collection, which is used to load fonts.|
| [OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) | Used to manage the typography layout and display.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) | Used to manage text colors and decorations.|
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) | Defines the typography style, such as the text direction.|
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) | Used to create an [OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography).|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) | Defines a text box, which is used to receive the rectangle size, direction, and quantity.|
| [OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) | Used to receive the position and affinity of the graph.|
| [OH_Drawing_Range](#oh_drawing_range) | Defines a range, which is used to receive the start position and end position of the font.|
| [OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) | Defines a rectangular canvas on which various shapes, images, and texts can be drawn by using the brush and pen.|
| [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) | Defines a pen, which is used to describe the style and color to outline a shape.|
| [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) | Defines a brush, which is used to describe the style and color to fill in a shape.|
| [OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) | Defines a path, which is used to customize various shapes.|
| [OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) | Defines a bitmap, which is a memory area that contains the pixel data of a shape.|
| [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) | Defines a coordinate point.|
| [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) | Defines a rectangle.|
| [OH_Drawing_RoundRect](#oh_drawing_roundrect) | Defines a rounded rectangle.|
| [OH_Drawing_Matrix](#oh_drawing_matrix) | Defines a matrix, which is used to describe coordinate transformation.|
| [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_shadereffect) | Defines a shader effect, which is used to describe the source color of the drawn content.|
| [OH_Drawing_Filter](#oh_drawing_filter) | Defines a filter, which consists of a color filter and mask filter.|
| [OH_Drawing_MaskFilter](#oh_drawing_maskfilter) | Defines a mask filter, which is used to convert a mask into a new one.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) | Defines a color filter, which is used to convert a color into a new one.|
| [OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) | Defines a font.|
| [OH_Drawing_Typeface](#oh_drawing_typeface) | Defines a typeface.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBlob](#oh_drawing_textblob) | Defines a text blob, which is an immutable container that holds multiple texts. Each text line consists of a glyph and position.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilder) | Defines a text blob builder, which is used to build a text blob.|
### Enums
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp](#oh_drawing_canvasclipop) { DIFFERENCE, INTERSECT } | Enumerates the canvas clipping modes.|
| [OH_Drawing_BlurType](#oh_drawing_blurtype) { NORMAL, SOLID, OUTER, INNER } | Enumerates the blur types.|
| [OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinecapstyle) { LINE_FLAT_CAP, LINE_SQUARE_CAP, LINE_ROUND_CAP } | Enumerates the line cap styles of a pen. The line cap style defines the style of both ends of a line segment drawn by the pen.|
| [OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinejoinstyle) { LINE_MITER_JOIN, LINE_ROUND_JOIN, LINE_BEVEL_JOIN } | Enumerates the line join styles of a pen. The line join style defines the shape of the joints of a polyline segment drawn by the pen.|
| [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode) { CLAMP, REPEAT, MIRROR, DECAL } | Enumerates the tile modes of the shader effect.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextDirection](#oh_drawing_textdirection) { TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL, TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR } | Enumerates the text directions.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextAlign](#oh_drawing_textalign) {
} | Enumerates the text alignment modes.|
| [OH_Drawing_FontWeight](#oh_drawing_fontweight) {
} | Enumerates the font weights.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBaseline](#oh_drawing_textbaseline) {
} | Enumerates the text baselines.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextDecoration](#oh_drawing_textdecoration) {
} | Enumerates the text decorations.|
| [OH_Drawing_FontStyle](#oh_drawing_fontstyle) {
} | Enumerates the font styles.|
| [OH_Drawing_PlaceholderVerticalAlignment](#oh_drawing_placeholderverticalalignment) {
} | Enumerates the vertical alignment modes of placeholders.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextDecorationStyle](#oh_drawing_textdecorationstyle) {
} | Enumerates the text decoration styles.|
| [OH_Drawing_EllipsisModal](#oh_drawing_ellipsismodal) {
} | Enumerates the ellipsis styles.|
| [OH_Drawing_BreakStrategy](#oh_drawing_breakstrategy) {
} | Enumerates the text break strategies.|
| [OH_Drawing_WordBreakType](#oh_drawing_wordbreaktype) {
} | Enumerates the word break types.|
| [OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle](#oh_drawing_rectheightstyle) {
} | Enumerates the rectangle height styles.|
| [OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle](#oh_drawing_rectwidthstyle) {
} | Enumerates the rectangle width styles.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFormat](#oh_drawing_colorformat) {
} | Enumerates the storage formats of bitmap pixels.|
| [OH_Drawing_AlphaFormat](#oh_drawing_alphaformat) {
} | Enumerates the alpha formats of bitmap pixels.|
| [OH_Drawing_BlendMode](#oh_drawing_blendmode) {
} | Enumerates the blend modes. In blend mode, each operation generates a new color from two colors (source color and target color). These operations are the same on the four channels (red, green, blue, and alpha). The operations for the alpha channel are used as examples.|
### Functions
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| [OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \* [OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate](#oh_drawing_bitmapcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BitmapDestroy](#oh_drawing_bitmapdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild](#oh_drawing_bitmapbuild) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*, const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md) \*) | Initializes the width and height of a bitmap and sets the pixel format for the bitmap.|
| uint32_t [OH_Drawing_BitmapGetWidth](#oh_drawing_bitmapgetwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Obtains the width of a bitmap.|
| uint32_t [OH_Drawing_BitmapGetHeight](#oh_drawing_bitmapgetheight) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Obtains the height of a bitmap.|
| void \* [OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels](#oh_drawing_bitmapgetpixels) ([OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Obtains the pixel address of a bitmap. You can use this address to obtain the pixel data of the bitmap.|
| [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \* [OH_Drawing_BrushCreate](#oh_drawing_brushcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy](#oh_drawing_brushdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| bool [OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_brushisantialias) (const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a brush. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_brushsetantialias) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, bool) | Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a brush. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.|
| uint32_t [OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor](#oh_drawing_brushgetcolor) (const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Obtains the color of a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor](#oh_drawing_brushsetcolor) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, uint32_t color) | Sets the color for a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.|
| uint8_t [OH_Drawing_BrushGetAlpha](#oh_drawing_brushgetalpha) (const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Obtains the alpha value of a brush. This value is used by the alpha channel when the brush fills in a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BrushSetAlpha](#oh_drawing_brushsetalpha) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, uint8_t alpha) | Sets the alpha value for a brush. This value is used by the alpha channel when the brush fills in a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BrushSetShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_brushsetshadereffect) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_shadereffect) \*) | Sets the shader effect for a brush.|
| void [OH_Drawing_BrushSetFilter](#oh_drawing_brushsetfilter) ([OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*, [OH_Drawing_Filter](#oh_drawing_filter) \*) | Sets a filter for a brush. The filter is a container that holds a mask filter and color filter.|
| [OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \* [OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate](#oh_drawing_canvascreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDestroy](#oh_drawing_canvasdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasBind](#oh_drawing_canvasbind) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, [OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*) | Binds a bitmap to a canvas so that the content drawn on the canvas is output to the bitmap. (This process is called CPU rendering.)|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen](#oh_drawing_canvasattachpen) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Attaches a pen to a canvas so that the canvas can use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachPen](#oh_drawing_canvasdetachpen) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Detaches the pen from a canvas so that the canvas can no longer use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachBrush](#oh_drawing_canvasattachbrush) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Brush](#oh_drawing_brush) \*) | Attaches a brush to a canvas so that the canvas can use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachBrush](#oh_drawing_canvasdetachbrush) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Detaches the brush from a canvas so that the canvas can no longer use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasSave](#oh_drawing_canvassave) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Saves the current canvas status (canvas matrix) to the top of the stack.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasRestore](#oh_drawing_canvasrestore) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Restores the canvas status (canvas matrix) saved on the top of the stack.|
| uint32_t [OH_Drawing_CanvasGetSaveCount](#oh_drawing_canvasgetsavecount) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*) | Obtains the number of canvas statuses (canvas matrices) saved in the stack.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasRestoreToCount](#oh_drawing_canvasrestoretocount) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, uint32_t saveCount) | Restores to a given number of canvas statuses (canvas matrices).|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawLine](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawline) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2) | Draws a line segment.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawpath) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Draws a path.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawBitmap](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawbitmap) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Bitmap](#oh_drawing_bitmap) \*, float left, float top) | Draws a bitmap. A bitmap, also referred to as a dot matrix image, a pixel map image, or a grid image, includes single points called pixels (image elements).|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawRect](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawrect) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*) | Draws a rectangle.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawCircle](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawcircle) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \*, float radius) | Draws a circle.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawOval](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawoval) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*) | Draws an oval.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawArc](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawarc) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*, float startAngle, float sweepAngle) | Draws an arc.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawRoundRect](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawroundrect) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_RoundRect](#oh_drawing_roundrect) \*) | Draws a rounded rectangle.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawTextBlob](#oh_drawing_canvasdrawtextblob) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_TextBlob](#oh_drawing_textblob) \*, float x, float y) | Draws a text blob.|
| uint32_t [OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb](#oh_drawing_colorsetargb) (uint32_t alpha, uint32_t red, uint32_t green, uint32_t blue) | Converts four variables (alpha, red, green, and blue) into a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes a color.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateBlendMode](#oh_drawing_colorfiltercreateblendmode) (uint32_t color, [OH_Drawing_BlendMode](#oh_drawing_blendmode)) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object with a given blend mode.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateCompose](#oh_drawing_colorfiltercreatecompose) ([OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \*colorFilter1, [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \*colorFilter2) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object by combining another two color filters.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateMatrix](#oh_drawing_colorfiltercreatematrix) (const float matrix[20]) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object with a given 5x4 color matrix.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLinearToSrgbGamma](#oh_drawing_colorfiltercreatelineartosrgbgamma) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object that applies the sRGB gamma curve to the RGB channels.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateSrgbGammaToLinear](#oh_drawing_colorfiltercreatesrgbgammatolinear) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object that applies the RGB channels to the sRGB gamma curve.|
| [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLuma](#oh_drawing_colorfiltercreateluma) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object that multiplies the passed-in luma into the alpha channel and sets the RGB channels to zero.|
| void [OH_Drawing_ColorFilterDestroy](#oh_drawing_colorfilterdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_Filter](#oh_drawing_filter) \* [OH_Drawing_FilterCreate](#oh_drawing_filtercreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FilterSetMaskFilter](#oh_drawing_filtersetmaskfilter) ([OH_Drawing_Filter](#oh_drawing_filter) \*, [OH_Drawing_MaskFilter](#oh_drawing_maskfilter) \*) | Sets an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object for an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FilterSetColorFilter](#oh_drawing_filtersetcolorfilter) ([OH_Drawing_Filter](#oh_drawing_filter) \*, [OH_Drawing_ColorFilter](#oh_drawing_colorfilter) \*) | Sets an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object for an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FilterDestroy](#oh_drawing_filterdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Filter](#oh_drawing_filter) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \* [OH_Drawing_FontCreate](#oh_drawing_fontcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FontSetTypeface](#oh_drawing_fontsettypeface) ([OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*, [OH_Drawing_Typeface](#oh_drawing_typeface) \*) | Sets the typeface for a font.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FontSetTextSize](#oh_drawing_fontsettextsize) ([OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*, float textSize) | Sets the font size.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FontSetLinearText](#oh_drawing_fontsetlineartext) ([OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*, bool isLinearText) | Sets linear scaling for a font.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FontSetTextSkewX](#oh_drawing_fontsettextskewx) ([OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*, float skewX) | Sets a horizontal skew factor for a font.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FontSetFakeBoldText](#oh_drawing_fontsetfakeboldtext) ([OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*, bool isFakeBoldText) | Sets fake bold for a font by increasing the stroke width.|
| void [OH_Drawing_FontDestroy](#oh_drawing_fontdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Font** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) \* [OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection](#oh_drawing_createfontcollection) (void) | Creates an [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_DestroyFontCollection](#oh_drawing_destroyfontcollection) ([OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_MaskFilter](#oh_drawing_maskfilter) \* [OH_Drawing_MaskFilterCreateBlur](#oh_drawing_maskfiltercreateblur) ([OH_Drawing_BlurType](#oh_drawing_blurtype) blurType, float sigma, bool respectCTM) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object with a given blur type.|
| void [OH_Drawing_MaskFilterDestroy](#oh_drawing_maskfilterdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_MaskFilter](#oh_drawing_maskfilter) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_Matrix](#oh_drawing_matrix) \* [OH_Drawing_MatrixCreate](#oh_drawing_matrixcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_MatrixSetMatrix](#oh_drawing_matrixsetmatrix) ([OH_Drawing_Matrix](#oh_drawing_matrix) \*, float scaleX, float skewX, float transX, float skewY, float scaleY, float transY, float persp0, float persp1, float persp2) | Sets matrix parameters for an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_MatrixDestroy](#oh_drawing_matrixdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Matrix](#oh_drawing_matrix) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \* [OH_Drawing_PathCreate](#oh_drawing_pathcreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathDestroy](#oh_drawing_pathdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Path** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo](#oh_drawing_pathmoveto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float x, float y) | Sets the start point of a path.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathLineTo](#oh_drawing_pathlineto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float x, float y) | Draws a line segment from the last point of a path to the target point.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathArcTo](#oh_drawing_patharcto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float startDeg, float sweepDeg) | Draws an arc to a path. This is done by using angle arc mode. In this mode, a rectangle that encloses an ellipse is specified first, and then a start angle and a sweep angle are specified. The arc is a portion of the ellipse defined by the start angle and the sweep angle. By default, a line segment from the last point of the path to the start point of the arc is also added.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathQuadTo](#oh_drawing_pathquadto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float ctrlX, float ctrlY, float endX, float endY) | Draws a quadratic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathCubicTo](#oh_drawing_pathcubicto) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, float ctrlX1, float ctrlY1, float ctrlX2, float ctrlY2, float endX, float endY) | Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathClose](#oh_drawing_pathclose) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Closes a path by drawing a line segment from the current point to the start point of the path.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PathReset](#oh_drawing_pathreset) ([OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*) | Resets path data.|
| [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \* [OH_Drawing_PenCreate](#oh_drawing_pencreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenDestroy](#oh_drawing_pendestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| bool [OH_Drawing_PenIsAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_penisantialias) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a pen. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias](#oh_drawing_pensetantialias) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, bool) | Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a pen. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.|
| uint32_t [OH_Drawing_PenGetColor](#oh_drawing_pengetcolor) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the color of a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetColor](#oh_drawing_pensetcolor) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, uint32_t color) | Sets the color for a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape.|
| uint8_t [OH_Drawing_PenGetAlpha](#oh_drawing_pengetalpha) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the alpha value of a pen. This value is used by the alpha channel when the pen outlines a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetAlpha](#oh_drawing_pensetalpha) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, uint8_t alpha) | Sets the alpha value for a pen. This value is used by the alpha channel when the pen outlines a shape.|
| float [OH_Drawing_PenGetWidth](#oh_drawing_pengetwidth) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the thickness of a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth](#oh_drawing_pensetwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, float width) | Sets the thickness for a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape.|
| float [OH_Drawing_PenGetMiterLimit](#oh_drawing_pengetmiterlimit) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the stroke miter limit of a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetMiterLimit](#oh_drawing_pensetmiterlimit) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, float miter) | Sets the stroke miter limit for a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded.|
| [OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinecapstyle)[OH_Drawing_PenGetCap](#oh_drawing_pengetcap) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the line cap style of a pen.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetCap](#oh_drawing_pensetcap) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, [OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinecapstyle)) | Sets the line cap style for a pen.|
| [OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinejoinstyle)[OH_Drawing_PenGetJoin](#oh_drawing_pengetjoin) (const [OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*) | Obtains the line join style of a pen.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin](#oh_drawing_pensetjoin) ([OH_Drawing_Pen](#oh_drawing_pen) \*, [OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle](#oh_drawing_penlinejoinstyle)) | Sets the line join style for a pen.|
| [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \* [OH_Drawing_PointCreate](#oh_drawing_pointcreate) (float x, float y) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Point** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_PointDestroy](#oh_drawing_pointdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Point** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \* [OH_Drawing_RectCreate](#oh_drawing_rectcreate) (float left, float top, float right, float bottom) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_RectDestroy](#oh_drawing_rectdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_RoundRect](#oh_drawing_roundrect) \* [OH_Drawing_RoundRectCreate](#oh_drawing_roundrectcreate) (const [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*, float xRad, float yRad) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_RoundRectDestroy](#oh_drawing_roundrectdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_RoundRect](#oh_drawing_roundrect) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_shadereffect) \* [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateLinearGradient](#oh_drawing_shadereffectcreatelineargradient) (const [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \*startPt, const [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \*endPt, const uint32_t \*colors, const float \*pos, uint32_t size, [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode)) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object that generates a linear gradient between two points.|
| [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_shadereffect) \* [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateRadialGradient](#oh_drawing_shadereffectcreateradialgradient) (const [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \*centerPt, float radius, const uint32_t \*colors, const float \*pos, uint32_t size, [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode)) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object that generates a radial gradient based on the center and radius of a circle. The radial gradient transitions colors from the center to the ending shape in a radial manner.|
| [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_shadereffect) \* [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateSweepGradient](#oh_drawing_shadereffectcreatesweepgradient) (const [OH_Drawing_Point](#oh_drawing_point) \*centerPt, const uint32_t \*colors, const float \*pos, uint32_t size, [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode)) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object that generates a sweep gradient based on the center.|
| void [OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectDestroy](#oh_drawing_shadereffectdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect](#oh_drawing_shadereffect) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilder) \* [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderCreate](#oh_drawing_textblobbuildercreate) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object.|
| const [OH_Drawing_RunBuffer](_o_h___drawing___run_buffer.md) \* [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPos](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilderallocrunpos) ([OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilder) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Font](#oh_drawing_font) \*, int32_t count, const [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*) | Allocates a run to store glyphs and positions. The pointer returned does not need to be managed by the caller. It can no longer be used after [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake](#oh_drawing_textblobbuildermake) is called.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBlob](#oh_drawing_textblob) \* [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake](#oh_drawing_textblobbuildermake) ([OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilder) \*) | Makes an **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object from an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder**.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TextBlobDestroy](#oh_drawing_textblobdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_TextBlob](#oh_drawing_textblob) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderDestroy](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilderdestroy) ([OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder](#oh_drawing_textblobbuilder) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \* [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_destroytypographystyle) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection](#oh_drawing_settypographytextdirection) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the text direction.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign](#oh_drawing_settypographytextalign) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the text alignment mode.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextMaxLines](#oh_drawing_settypographytextmaxlines) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the maximum number of lines in the text.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \* [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_DestroyTextStyle](#oh_drawing_destroytextstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor](#oh_drawing_settextstylecolor) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, uint32_t) | Sets the text color.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontsize) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the font size.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontweight) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the font weight.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine](#oh_drawing_settextstylebaseline) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the text baseline.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecoration](#oh_drawing_settextstyledecoration) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the text decoration.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationColor](#oh_drawing_settextstyledecorationcolor) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, uint32_t) | Sets the color for the text decoration.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontheight) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the font height.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontfamilies) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int, const char \*fontFamilies[]) | Sets the font families.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle](#oh_drawing_settextstylefontstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the font style.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale](#oh_drawing_settextstylelocale) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, const char \*) | Sets the locale.|
| [OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \* [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) \*) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_destroytypographyhandler) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle](#oh_drawing_typographyhandlerpushtextstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*, [OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*) | Sets the text style.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText](#oh_drawing_typographyhandleraddtext) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*, const char \*) | Sets the text content.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle](#oh_drawing_typographyhandlerpoptextstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*) | Removes the topmost style in the stack, leaving the remaining styles in effect.|
| [OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \* [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_DestroyTypography](#oh_drawing_destroytypography) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout](#oh_drawing_typographylayout) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, double) | Lays out the typography.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint](#oh_drawing_typographypaint) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, [OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, double, double) | Paints text on the canvas.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetmaxwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the maximum width.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetHeight](#oh_drawing_typographygetheight) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the height.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLongestLine](#oh_drawing_typographygetlongestline) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the longest line.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMinIntrinsicWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetminintrinsicwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the minimum intrinsic width.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxIntrinsicWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetmaxintrinsicwidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the maximum intrinsic width.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetAlphabeticBaseline](#oh_drawing_typographygetalphabeticbaseline) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the alphabetic baseline.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetIdeographicBaseline](#oh_drawing_typographygetideographicbaseline) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the ideographic baseline.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddPlaceholder](#oh_drawing_typographyhandleraddplaceholder) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate](#oh_drawing_typographycreate) \*, [OH_Drawing_PlaceholderSpan](_o_h___drawing___placeholder_span.md) \*) | Adds a placeholder.|
| bool [OH_Drawing_TypographyDidExceedMaxLines](#oh_drawing_typographydidexceedmaxlines) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Checks whether the maximum number of lines is exceeded.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \* [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, size_t, size_t, [OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle](#oh_drawing_rectheightstyle), [OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle](#oh_drawing_rectwidthstyle)) | Obtains text boxes in a given range.|
| [OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \* [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains text boxes for placeholders.|
| float [OH_Drawing_GetLeftFromTextBox](#oh_drawing_getleftfromtextbox) ([OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \*, int) | Obtains the left position of a text box.|
| float [OH_Drawing_GetRightFromTextBox](#oh_drawing_getrightfromtextbox) ([OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \*, int) | Obtains the right position of a text box.|
| float [OH_Drawing_GetTopFromTextBox](#oh_drawing_gettopfromtextbox) ([OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \*, int) | Obtains the top position of a text box.|
| float [OH_Drawing_GetBottomFromTextBox](#oh_drawing_getbottomfromtextbox) ([OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \*, int) | Obtains the bottom position of a text box.|
| int [OH_Drawing_GetTextDirectionFromTextBox](#oh_drawing_gettextdirectionfromtextbox) ([OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \*, int) | Obtains the text direction of a text box.|
| size_t [OH_Drawing_GetSizeOfTextBox](#oh_drawing_getsizeoftextbox) ([OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) \*) | Obtains the number of text boxes.|
| [OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) \* [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinate](#oh_drawing_typographygetglyphpositionatcoordinate) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, double, double) | Obtains the position and affinity of the glyph at the given coordinates.|
| [OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) \* [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinateWithCluster](#oh_drawing_typographygetglyphpositionatcoordinatewithcluster) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, double, double) | Obtains the position and affinity of the glyph cluster to which the glyph at the given coordinates belongs. The glyph cluster is a container that holds one or more glyphs.|
| size_t [OH_Drawing_GetPositionFromPositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_getpositionfrompositionandaffinity) ([OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) \*) | Obtains the position attribute of an **OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity** object.|
| int [OH_Drawing_GetAffinityFromPositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_getaffinityfrompositionandaffinity) ([OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) \*) | Obtains the affinity attribute of an **OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity** object. The affinity determines whether the font is close to the front text or rear text.|
| [OH_Drawing_Range](#oh_drawing_range) \* [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetWordBoundary](#oh_drawing_typographygetwordboundary) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, size_t) | Obtains the word boundary.|
| size_t [OH_Drawing_GetStartFromRange](#oh_drawing_getstartfromrange) ([OH_Drawing_Range](#oh_drawing_range) \*) | Obtains the start position of an **OH_Drawing_Range** object.|
| size_t [OH_Drawing_GetEndFromRange](#oh_drawing_getendfromrange) ([OH_Drawing_Range](#oh_drawing_range) \*) | Obtains the end position of an **OH_Drawing_Range** object.|
| size_t [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineCount](#oh_drawing_typographygetlinecount) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*) | Obtains the number of lines.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationStyle](#oh_drawing_settextstyledecorationstyle) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the text decoration style.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationThicknessScale](#oh_drawing_settextstyledecorationthicknessscale) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the thickness scale factor of the text decoration line.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLetterSpacing](#oh_drawing_settextstyleletterspacing) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the letter spacing for text.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleWordSpacing](#oh_drawing_settextstylewordspacing) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, double) | Sets the word spacing for text.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleHalfLeading](#oh_drawing_settextstylehalfleading) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, bool) | Sets half leading for text.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleEllipsis](#oh_drawing_settextstyleellipsis) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, const char \*) | Sets the ellipsis content for text.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleEllipsisModal](#oh_drawing_settextstyleellipsismodal) ([OH_Drawing_TextStyle](#oh_drawing_textstyle) \*, int) | Sets the ellipsis style for text.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextBreakStrategy](#oh_drawing_settypographytextbreakstrategy) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the text break strategy.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextWordBreakType](#oh_drawing_settypographytextwordbreaktype) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the word break type.|
| void [OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextEllipsisModal](#oh_drawing_settypographytextellipsismodal) ([OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_typographystyle) \*, int) | Sets the ellipsis style for text.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineHeight](#oh_drawing_typographygetlineheight) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, int) | Obtains the height of a line.|
| double [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineWidth](#oh_drawing_typographygetlinewidth) ([OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography) \*, int) | Obtains the width of a line.|
| [OH_Drawing_Typeface](#oh_drawing_typeface) \* [OH_Drawing_TypefaceCreateDefault](#oh_drawing_typefacecreatedefault) (void) | Creates an **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object, which defines the default font.|
| void [OH_Drawing_TypefaceDestroy](#oh_drawing_typefacedestroy) ([OH_Drawing_Typeface](#oh_drawing_typeface) \*) | Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipRect](#oh_drawing_canvascliprect) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Rect](#oh_drawing_rect) \*, [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp](#oh_drawing_canvasclipop) clipOp, bool doAntiAlias) | Clips a rectangle.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipPath](#oh_drawing_canvasclippath) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, const [OH_Drawing_Path](#oh_drawing_path) \*, [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp](#oh_drawing_canvasclipop) clipOp, bool doAntiAlias) | Clips a path.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasRotate](#oh_drawing_canvasrotate) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, float degrees, float px, float py) | Rotates a canvas by a given angle. A positive number indicates clockwise rotation, and a negative number indicates clockwise rotation.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasTranslate](#oh_drawing_canvastranslate) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, float dx, float dy) | Translates a canvas by a given distance.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasScale](#oh_drawing_canvasscale) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, float sx, float sy) | Scales a canvas.|
| void [OH_Drawing_CanvasClear](#oh_drawing_canvasclear) ([OH_Drawing_Canvas](#oh_drawing_canvas) \*, uint32_t color) | Clears a canvas by using a given color.|
## Type Description
### OH_Drawing_Bitmap
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Bitmap OH_Drawing_Bitmap
Defines a bitmap, which is a memory area that contains the pixel data of a shape.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_Brush
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Brush OH_Drawing_Brush
Defines a brush, which is used to describe the style and color to fill in a shape.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_Canvas
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Canvas OH_Drawing_Canvas
Defines a rectangular canvas on which various shapes, images, and texts can be drawn by using the brush and pen.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilter
typedef struct OH_Drawing_ColorFilter OH_Drawing_ColorFilter
Defines a color filter, which is used to convert a color into a new one.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Filter
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Filter OH_Drawing_Filter
Defines a filter, which consists of a color filter and mask filter.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Font
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Font OH_Drawing_Font
Defines a font.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_FontCollection
typedef struct OH_Drawing_FontCollection OH_Drawing_FontCollection
Defines a font collection, which is used to load fonts.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_MaskFilter
typedef struct OH_Drawing_MaskFilter OH_Drawing_MaskFilter
Defines a mask filter, which is used to convert a mask into a new one.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Matrix
typedef struct OH_Drawing_MatrixOH_Drawing_Matrix
Defines a matrix, which is used to describe coordinate transformation.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Path
typedef struct OH_Drawing_PathOH_Drawing_Path
Defines a path, which is used to customize various shapes.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_Pen
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Pen OH_Drawing_Pen
Defines a pen, which is used to describe the style and color to outline a shape.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_Point
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Point OH_Drawing_Point
Defines a coordinate point.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity
typedef struct OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity
Used to receive the position and affinity of the graph.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Range
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Range OH_Drawing_Range
Defines a range, which is used to receive the start position and end position of the font.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Rect
typedef struct OH_Drawing_Rect OH_Drawing_Rect
Defines a rectangle.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_RoundRect
typedef struct OH_Drawing_RoundRect OH_Drawing_RoundRect
Defines a rounded rectangle.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect
typedef struct OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectOH_Drawing_ShaderEffect
Defines a shader effect, which is used to describe the source color of the drawn content.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_TextBlob
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TextBlobOH_Drawing_TextBlob
Defines a text blob, which is an immutable container that holds multiple texts. Each text line consists of a glyph and position.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderOH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder
Defines a text blob builder, which is used to build a text blob.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_TextBox
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TextBoxOH_Drawing_TextBox
Defines a text box, which is used to receive the rectangle size, direction, and quantity.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_TextStyle
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TextStyleOH_Drawing_TextStyle
Used to manage text colors and decorations.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_Typeface
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypefaceOH_Drawing_Typeface
Defines a typeface.
**Since**: 11
### OH_Drawing_Typography
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypographyOH_Drawing_Typography
Used to manage the typography layout and display.
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypographyCreateOH_Drawing_TypographyCreate
Used to create an [OH_Drawing_Typography](#oh_drawing_typography).
**Since**: 8
### OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle
typedef struct OH_Drawing_TypographyStyleOH_Drawing_TypographyStyle
Defines the typography style, such as the text direction.
**Since**: 8
## Enum Description
### OH_Drawing_AlphaFormat
enum OH_Drawing_AlphaFormat
Enumerates the alpha formats of bitmap pixels.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| ALPHA_FORMAT_UNKNOWN | Unknown format.|
| ALPHA_FORMAT_OPAQUE | The bitmap does not have the alpha component.|
| ALPHA_FORMAT_PREMUL | The color component of each pixel is premultiplied by the alpha component.|
| ALPHA_FORMAT_UNPREMUL | The color component of each pixel is not premultiplied by the alpha component.|
### OH_Drawing_BlendMode
enum OH_Drawing_BlendMode
Enumerates the blend modes. In blend mode, each operation generates a new color from two colors (source color and target color). These operations are the same on the four channels (red, green, blue, and alpha). The operations for the alpha channel are used as examples.
For brevity, the following abbreviations are used:
**s**: source. **d**: destination. **sa**: source alpha. **da**: destination alpha.
The following abbreviations are used in the calculation result:
**r**: The calculation methods of the four channels are the same. **ra**: Only the alpha channel is manipulated. **rc**: The other three color channels are manipulated.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| BLEND_MODE_CLEAR | Clear mode. r = 0.|
| BLEND_MODE_SRC | r = s (The four channels of **result** are equal to the four channels of **source**, that is, the result is equal to the source.)|
| BLEND_MODE_DST | r = d (The four channels of **result** are equal to the four channels of **destination**, that is, the result is equal to the destination.)|
| BLEND_MODE_SRC_OVER | r = s + (1 - sa) \* d |
| BLEND_MODE_DST_OVER | r = d + (1 - da) \* s |
| BLEND_MODE_SRC_IN | r = s \* da |
| BLEND_MODE_DST_IN | r = d \* sa |
| BLEND_MODE_SRC_OUT | r = s \* (1 - da) |
| BLEND_MODE_DST_OUT | r = d \* (1 - sa) |
| BLEND_MODE_SRC_ATOP | r = s \* da + d \* (1 - sa) |
| BLEND_MODE_DST_ATOP | r = d \* sa + s \* (1 - da) |
| BLEND_MODE_XOR | r = s \* (1 - da) + d \* (1 - sa) |
| BLEND_MODE_PLUS | r = min(s + d, 1) |
| BLEND_MODE_MODULATE | r = s \* d |
| BLEND_MODE_SCREEN | Screen mode. r = s + d - s \* d|
| BLEND_MODE_OVERLAY | Overlay mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_DARKEN | Darken mode. rc = s + d - max(s \* da, d \* sa), ra = s + (1 - sa) \* d|
| BLEND_MODE_LIGHTEN | Lighten mode. rc = s + d - min(s \* da, d \* sa), ra = s + (1 - sa) \* d|
| BLEND_MODE_COLOR_DODGE | Color dodge mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_COLOR_BURN | Color burn mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_HARD_LIGHT | Hard light mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_SOFT_LIGHT | Soft light mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_DIFFERENCE | Difference mode. rc = s + d - 2 \* (min(s \* da, d \* sa)), ra = s + (1 - sa) \* d|
| BLEND_MODE_EXCLUSION | Exclusion mode. rc = s + d - two(s \* d), ra = s + (1 - sa) \* d|
| BLEND_MODE_MULTIPLY | Multiply mode. r = s \* (1 - da) + d \* (1 - sa) + s \* d|
| BLEND_MODE_HUE | Hue mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_SATURATION | Saturation mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_COLOR | Color mode.|
| BLEND_MODE_LUMINOSITY | Luminosity mode.|
### OH_Drawing_BlurType
enum OH_Drawing_BlurType
Enumerates the blur types.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| NORMAL | Blurs both inside and outside the original border.|
| SOLID | Draws solid inside the border, and blurs outside.|
| OUTER | Draws nothing inside the border, and blurs outside.|
| INNER | Blurs inside the border, and draws nothing outside.|
### OH_Drawing_BreakStrategy
enum OH_Drawing_BreakStrategy
Enumerates the text break strategies.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| BREAK_STRATEGY_GREEDY | Each line is filled as much as possible during line break.|
| BREAK_STRATEGY_HIGH_QUALITY | Text continuity is preferentially considered during line break.|
| BREAK_STRATEGY_BALANCED | Line breaks are performed at the word boundary.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp
enum OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp
Enumerates the canvas clipping modes.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| DIFFERENCE | Clips a specified area. That is, the difference set is obtained.|
| INTERSECT | Retains a specified area. That is, the intersection is obtained.|
### OH_Drawing_ColorFormat
enum OH_Drawing_ColorFormat
Enumerates the storage formats of bitmap pixels.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| COLOR_FORMAT_UNKNOWN | Unknown format.|
| COLOR_FORMAT_ALPHA_8 | Each pixel is represented by 8 bits, which together indicate alpha.|
| COLOR_FORMAT_RGB_565 | Each pixel is represented by 16 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, the first 5 bits indicate red, the subsequent 6 bits indicate green, and the last 5 bits indicate blue.|
| COLOR_FORMAT_ARGB_4444 | Each pixel is represented by 16 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, every 4 bits indicate alpha, red, green, and blue, respectively.|
| COLOR_FORMAT_RGBA_8888 | Each pixel is represented by 32 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, every 8 bits indicate alpha, red, green, and blue, respectively.|
| COLOR_FORMAT_BGRA_8888 | Each pixel is represented by 32 bits. From the most significant bit to the least significant bit, every 8 bits indicate blue, green, red, and alpha, respectively.|
### OH_Drawing_EllipsisModal
enum OH_Drawing_EllipsisModal
Enumerates the ellipsis styles.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| ELLIPSIS_MODAL_HEAD | Places the ellipsis in the text header.|
| ELLIPSIS_MODAL_MIDDLE | Places the ellipsis in the middle of the text.|
| ELLIPSIS_MODAL_TAIL | Places the ellipsis at the end of the text.|
### OH_Drawing_FontStyle
enum OH_Drawing_FontStyle
Enumerates the font styles.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| FONT_STYLE_NORMAL | Normal style.|
### OH_Drawing_FontWeight
enum OH_Drawing_FontWeight
Enumerates the font weights.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| FONT_WEIGHT_100 | Thin.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_200 | Extra-light.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_300 | Light.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_400 | Normal/Regular.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_500 | Medium.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_600 | Semi-bold.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_700 | Bold.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_800 | Extra-bold.|
| FONT_WEIGHT_900 | Black.|
### OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle
enum OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle
Enumerates the line cap styles of a pen. The line cap style defines the style of both ends of a line segment drawn by the pen.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| LINE_FLAT_CAP | There is no cap style. Both ends of the line segment are cut off square.|
| LINE_SQUARE_CAP | Square cap style. Both ends have a square, the height of which is half of the width of the line segment, with the same width.|
| LINE_ROUND_CAP | Round cap style. Both ends have a semicircle centered, the diameter of which is the same as the width of the line segment.|
### OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle
enum OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle
Enumerates the line join styles of a pen. The line join style defines the shape of the joints of a polyline segment drawn by the pen.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| LINE_MITER_JOIN | Mitered corner. If the angle of a polyline is small, its miter length may be inappropriate. In this case, you need to use the miter limit to limit the miter length.|
| LINE_ROUND_JOIN | Round corner.|
| LINE_BEVEL_JOIN | Beveled corner.|
### OH_Drawing_PlaceholderVerticalAlignment
enum OH_Drawing_PlaceholderVerticalAlignment
Enumerates the vertical alignment modes of placeholders.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| ALIGNMENT_OFFSET_AT_BASELINE | Aligned to the baseline.|
| ALIGNMENT_ABOVE_BASELINE | Aligned above the baseline.|
| ALIGNMENT_BELOW_BASELINE | Aligned below the baseline.|
| ALIGNMENT_TOP_OF_ROW_BOX | Aligned to the top of the row box.|
| ALIGNMENT_BOTTOM_OF_ROW_BOX | Aligned to the bottom of the row box.|
| ALIGNMENT_CENTER_OF_ROW_BOX | Aligned to the center of the row box.|
### OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle
enum OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle
Enumerates the rectangle height styles.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| RECT_HEIGHT_STYLE_MAX | Maximum style.|
| RECT_HEIGHT_STYLE_INCLUDELINESPACEMIDDLE | Middle style that includes the line spacing.|
| RECT_HEIGHT_STYLE_INCLUDELINESPACETOP | Top style that includes the line spacing.|
| RECT_HEIGHT_STYLE_INCLUDELINESPACEBOTTOM | Bottom style that includes the line spacing.|
| RECT_HEIGHT_STYLE_STRUCT | Structure style.|
### OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle
enum OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle
Enumerates the rectangle width styles.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| RECT_WIDTH_STYLE_TIGHT | Tight style.|
| RECT_WIDTH_STYLE_MAX | Maximum style.|
### OH_Drawing_TextAlign
enum OH_Drawing_TextAlign
Enumerates the text alignment modes.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT | Left-aligned.|
| TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT | Right-aligned.|
| TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER | Center-aligned.|
| TEXT_ALIGN_JUSTIFY | Justified, which means that each line (except the last line) is stretched so that every line has equal width, and the left and right margins are straight.|
| TEXT_ALIGN_START | **TEXT_ALIGN_START** achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR**; it achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL**.|
| TEXT_ALIGN_END | **TEXT_ALIGN_END** achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_RIGHT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR**; it achieves the same effect as **TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT** when **OH_Drawing_TextDirection** is **TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL**.|
### OH_Drawing_TextBaseline
enum OH_Drawing_TextBaseline
Enumerates the text baselines.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_BASELINE_ALPHABETIC | Alphabetic, where the letters in alphabets like English sit on.|
| TEXT_BASELINE_IDEOGRAPHIC | Ideographic. The baseline is at the bottom of the text area.|
### OH_Drawing_TextDecoration
enum OH_Drawing_TextDecoration
Enumerates the text decorations.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_DECORATION_NONE | No decoration.|
| TEXT_DECORATION_UNDERLINE | An underline is used for decoration.|
| TEXT_DECORATION_OVERLINE | An overline is used for decoration.|
| TEXT_DECORATION_LINE_THROUGH | A strikethrough is used for decoration.|
### OH_Drawing_TextDecorationStyle
enum OH_Drawing_TextDecorationStyle
Enumerates the text decoration styles.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
### OH_Drawing_TextDirection
enum OH_Drawing_TextDirection
Enumerates the text directions.
**Since**: 8
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| TEXT_DIRECTION_RTL | Right to left (RTL).|
| TEXT_DIRECTION_LTR | Left to right (LTR).|
### OH_Drawing_TileMode
enum OH_Drawing_TileMode
Enumerates the tile modes of the shader effect.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| CLAMP | Replicates the edge color if the shader effect draws outside of its original boundary.|
| REPEAT | Repeats the shader effect's image in both horizontal and vertical directions.|
| MIRROR | Repeats the shader effect's image in both horizontal and vertical directions, alternating mirror images.|
| DECAL | Renders the shader effect's image only within the original boundary, and returns transparent black elsewhere.|
### OH_Drawing_WordBreakType
enum OH_Drawing_WordBreakType
Enumerates the word break types.
**Since**: 11
| Value| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| WORD_BREAK_TYPE_NORMAL | Normal mode.|
| WORD_BREAK_TYPE_BREAK_ALL | Breaks the words at any character to prevent overflow.|
| WORD_BREAK_TYPE_BREAK_WORD | Breaks the words at arbitrary points to prevent overflow.|
## Function Description
### OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild()
void OH_Drawing_BitmapBuild (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * , const uint32_t width, const uint32_t height, const OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat * )
Initializes the width and height of a bitmap and sets the pixel format for the bitmap.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
| width | Width of the bitmap to be initialized.|
| height | Height of the bitmap to be initialized.|
| [OH_Drawing_BitmapFormat](_o_h___drawing___bitmap_format.md) | Pointer to the pixel format of the bitmap to be initialized, including the pixel color type and alpha type.|
### OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate()
OH_Drawing_Bitmap* OH_Drawing_BitmapCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object created.
### OH_Drawing_BitmapDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_BitmapDestroy (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
### OH_Drawing_BitmapGetHeight()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BitmapGetHeight (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Obtains the height of a bitmap.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
Returns the height.
### OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels()
void* OH_Drawing_BitmapGetPixels (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Obtains the pixel address of a bitmap. You can use this address to obtain the pixel data of the bitmap.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
Returns the pixel address.
### OH_Drawing_BitmapGetWidth()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BitmapGetWidth (OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Obtains the width of a bitmap.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
Returns the width.
### OH_Drawing_BrushCreate()
OH_Drawing_Brush* OH_Drawing_BrushCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Brush** object created.
### OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_BrushDestroy (OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
### OH_Drawing_BrushGetAlpha()
uint8_t OH_Drawing_BrushGetAlpha (const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Obtains the alpha value of a brush. This value is used by the alpha channel when the brush fills in a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
Returns an 8-bit variable that describes the alpha value.
### OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_BrushGetColor (const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Obtains the color of a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
Returns a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes the color.
### OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias()
bool OH_Drawing_BrushIsAntiAlias (const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a brush. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
Returns **true** if anti-aliasing is enabled; returns **false** otherwise.
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetAlpha()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetAlpha (OH_Drawing_Brush * , uint8_t alpha )
Sets the alpha value for a brush. This value is used by the alpha channel when the brush fills in a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
| alpha | Alpha value, which is an 8-bit variable.|
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetAntiAlias (OH_Drawing_Brush * , bool )
Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a brush. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
| bool | Whether to enable anti-aliasing. The value **true** means to enable anti-aliasing, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetColor (OH_Drawing_Brush * , uint32_t color )
Sets the color for a brush. The color is used by the brush to fill in a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
| color | Color, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable.|
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetFilter()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetFilter (OH_Drawing_Brush * , OH_Drawing_Filter * )
Sets a filter for a brush. The filter is a container that holds a mask filter and color filter.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Filter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
### OH_Drawing_BrushSetShaderEffect()
void OH_Drawing_BrushSetShaderEffect (OH_Drawing_Brush * , OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect * )
Sets the shader effect for a brush.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
| OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachBrush()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachBrush (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Brush * )
Attaches a brush to a canvas so that the canvas can use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Brush | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Brush** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasAttachPen (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Attaches a pen to a canvas so that the canvas can use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasBind()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasBind (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , OH_Drawing_Bitmap * )
Binds a bitmap to a canvas so that the content drawn on the canvas is output to the bitmap. (This process is called CPU rendering.)
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasClear()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasClear (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , uint32_t color )
Clears a canvas by using a given color.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| color | Color, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasClipPath()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasClipPath (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Path * , OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp clipOp, bool doAntiAlias )
Clips a path.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| clipOp | Clip mode. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp](#oh_drawing_canvasclipop).|
| doAntiAlias | Whether to enable anti-aliasing. The value **true** means to enable anti-aliasing, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasClipRect()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasClipRect (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Rect * , OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp clipOp, bool doAntiAlias )
Clips a rectangle.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
| clipOp | Clip mode. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_CanvasClipOp](#oh_drawing_canvasclipop).|
| doAntiAlias | Whether to enable anti-aliasing. The value **true** means to enable anti-aliasing, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate()
OH_Drawing_Canvas* OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDestroy (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachBrush()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachBrush (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Detaches the brush from a canvas so that the canvas can no longer use the style and color of the brush to fill in a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachPen()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDetachPen (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Detaches the pen from a canvas so that the canvas can no longer use the style and color of the pen to outline a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawArc()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawArc (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Rect * , float startAngle, float sweepAngle )
Draws an arc.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
| startAngle | Start angle of the arc.|
| sweepAngle | Sweep angle of the arc.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawBitmap()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawBitmap (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Bitmap * , float left, float top )
Draws a bitmap. A bitmap, also referred to as a dot matrix image, a pixel map image, or a grid image, includes single points called pixels (image elements).
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Bitmap | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Bitmap** object.|
| left | X coordinate of the upper left corner of the bitmap.|
| top | Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the bitmap.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawCircle()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawCircle (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Point * , float radius )
Draws a circle.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Point | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Point** object, which indicates the center of the circle.|
| radius | Radius of the circle.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawLine()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawLine (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 )
Draws a line segment.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| x1 | X coordinate of the start point of the line segment.|
| y1 | Y coordinate of the start point of the line segment.|
| x2 | X coordinate of the end point of the line segment.|
| y2 | Y coordinate of the end point of the line segment.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawOval()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawOval (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Rect * )
Draws an oval.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawPath (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Path * )
Draws a path.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawRect()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawRect (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_Rect * )
Draws a rectangle.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawRoundRect()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawRoundRect (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_RoundRect * )
Draws a rounded rectangle.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_RoundRect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawTextBlob()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasDrawTextBlob (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , const OH_Drawing_TextBlob * , float x, float y )
Draws a text blob.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| OH_Drawing_TextBlob | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object.|
| x | X coordinate of the lower left corner of the text blob.|
| y | Y coordinate of the lower left corner of the text blob.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasGetSaveCount()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_CanvasGetSaveCount (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Obtains the number of canvas statuses (canvas matrices) saved in the stack.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
Returns a 32-bit value that describes the number of canvas statuses (canvas matrices).
### OH_Drawing_CanvasRestore()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasRestore (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Restores the canvas status (canvas matrix) saved on the top of the stack.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasRestoreToCount()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasRestoreToCount (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , uint32_t saveCount )
Restores to a given number of canvas statuses (canvas matrices).
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| saveCount | Number of canvas statuses (canvas matrices).|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasRotate()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasRotate (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , float degrees, float px, float py )
Rotates a canvas by a given angle. A positive number indicates clockwise rotation, and a negative number indicates clockwise rotation.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| degrees | Angle to rotate.|
| px | X coordinate of the rotation center.|
| py | Y coordinate of the rotation center.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasSave()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasSave (OH_Drawing_Canvas * )
Saves the current canvas status (canvas matrix) to the top of the stack.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasScale()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasScale (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , float sx, float sy )
Scales a canvas.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| sx | Horizontal scale factor.|
| sy | Vertical scale factor.|
### OH_Drawing_CanvasTranslate()
void OH_Drawing_CanvasTranslate (OH_Drawing_Canvas * , float dx, float dy )
Translates a canvas by a given distance.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object.|
| dx | Distance to translate in the horizontal direction.|
| dy | Distance to translate in the vertical direction.|
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateBlendMode()
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter* OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateBlendMode (uint32_t color, OH_Drawing_BlendMode )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object with a given blend mode.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| color | Color, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable.|
| OH_Drawing_BlendMode | Blend mode. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_BlendMode](#oh_drawing_blendmode).|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateCompose()
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter* OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateCompose (OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * colorFilter1, OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * colorFilter2 )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object by combining another two color filters.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_ColorFilter | Pointer to the first color filter.|
| OH_Drawing_ColorFilter | Pointer to the second color filter.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLinearToSrgbGamma()
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter* OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLinearToSrgbGamma (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object that applies the sRGB gamma curve to the RGB channels.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLuma()
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter* OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateLuma (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object that multiplies the passed-in luma into the alpha channel and sets the RGB channels to zero.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateMatrix()
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter* OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateMatrix (const float matrix[20])
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object with a given 5x4 color matrix.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| matrix | Matrix, which is represented by a floating-point array with a length of 20.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateSrgbGammaToLinear()
OH_Drawing_ColorFilter* OH_Drawing_ColorFilterCreateSrgbGammaToLinear (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object that applies the RGB channels to the sRGB gamma curve.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ColorFilterDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_ColorFilterDestroy (OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_ColorFilter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object.|
### OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_ColorSetArgb (uint32_t alpha, uint32_t red, uint32_t green, uint32_t blue )
Converts four variables (alpha, red, green, and blue) into a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes a color.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| alpha | Alpha, which is a variable ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.|
| red | Read, which is a variable ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.|
| green | Green, which is a variable ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.|
| blue | Blue, which is a variable ranging from 0x00 to 0xFF.|
Returns a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes the color.
### OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection()
OH_Drawing_FontCollection* OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection (void )
Creates an [OH_Drawing_FontCollection](#oh_drawing_fontcollection) object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle()
OH_Drawing_TextStyle* OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTypography()
OH_Drawing_Typography* OH_Drawing_CreateTypography (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. The pointer is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler).|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Typography** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler()
OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate* OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , OH_Drawing_FontCollection * )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| OH_Drawing_FontCollection | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateFontCollection](#oh_drawing_createfontcollection).|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object created.
### OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle()
OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle* OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object created.
### OH_Drawing_DestroyFontCollection()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyFontCollection (OH_Drawing_FontCollection * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_FontCollection | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_FontCollection** object.|
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTextStyle()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTextStyle (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTypography()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTypography (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyHandler()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyHandler (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. The pointer is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler).|
### OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyStyle()
void OH_Drawing_DestroyTypographyStyle (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
### OH_Drawing_FilterCreate()
OH_Drawing_Filter* OH_Drawing_FilterCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Filter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_FilterDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_FilterDestroy (OH_Drawing_Filter * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Filter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
### OH_Drawing_FilterSetColorFilter()
void OH_Drawing_FilterSetColorFilter (OH_Drawing_Filter * , OH_Drawing_ColorFilter * )
Sets an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object for an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Filter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
| OH_Drawing_ColorFilter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_ColorFilter** object.|
### OH_Drawing_FilterSetMaskFilter()
void OH_Drawing_FilterSetMaskFilter (OH_Drawing_Filter * , OH_Drawing_MaskFilter * )
Sets an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object for an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Filter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Filter** object.|
| OH_Drawing_MaskFilter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object.|
### OH_Drawing_FontCreate()
OH_Drawing_Font* OH_Drawing_FontCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Font** object created.
### OH_Drawing_FontDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_FontDestroy (OH_Drawing_Font * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Font** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
### OH_Drawing_FontSetFakeBoldText()
void OH_Drawing_FontSetFakeBoldText (OH_Drawing_Font * , bool isFakeBoldText )
Sets fake bold for a font by increasing the stroke width.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| isFakeBoldText | Whether to set fake bold. The value **true** means to set fake bold, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_FontSetLinearText()
void OH_Drawing_FontSetLinearText (OH_Drawing_Font * , bool isLinearText )
Sets linear scaling for a font.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| isLinearText | Whether to set linear scaling. The value **true** means to set linear scaling, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_FontSetTextSize()
void OH_Drawing_FontSetTextSize (OH_Drawing_Font * , float textSize )
Sets the font size.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| textSize | Font size.|
### OH_Drawing_FontSetTextSkewX()
void OH_Drawing_FontSetTextSkewX (OH_Drawing_Font * , float skewX )
Sets a horizontal skew factor for a font.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| skewX | Skew of the X axis relative to the Y axis.|
### OH_Drawing_FontSetTypeface()
void OH_Drawing_FontSetTypeface (OH_Drawing_Font * , OH_Drawing_Typeface * )
Sets the typeface for a font.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Typeface | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object.|
### OH_Drawing_GetAffinityFromPositionAndAffinity()
int OH_Drawing_GetAffinityFromPositionAndAffinity (OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity * )
Obtains the affinity attribute of an **OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity** object. The affinity determines whether the font is close to the front text or rear text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinate](#oh_drawing_typographygetglyphpositionatcoordinate) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinateWithCluster](#oh_drawing_typographygetglyphpositionatcoordinatewithcluster).|
Returns the affinity attribute.
### OH_Drawing_GetBottomFromTextBox()
float OH_Drawing_GetBottomFromTextBox (OH_Drawing_TextBox * , int )
Obtains the bottom position of a text box.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBox | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBox** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders).|
| int | Index of the text box.|
Returns the bottom position.
### OH_Drawing_GetEndFromRange()
size_t OH_Drawing_GetEndFromRange (OH_Drawing_Range * )
Obtains the end position of an **OH_Drawing_Range** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Range | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Range** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetWordBoundary](#oh_drawing_typographygetwordboundary).|
Returns the end position.
### OH_Drawing_GetLeftFromTextBox()
float OH_Drawing_GetLeftFromTextBox (OH_Drawing_TextBox * , int )
Obtains the left position of a text box.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBox | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBox** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders).|
| int | Index of the text box.|
Returns the left position.
### OH_Drawing_GetPositionFromPositionAndAffinity()
size_t OH_Drawing_GetPositionFromPositionAndAffinity (OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity * )
Obtains the position attribute of an **OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinate](#oh_drawing_typographygetglyphpositionatcoordinate) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinateWithCluster](#oh_drawing_typographygetglyphpositionatcoordinatewithcluster).|
Returns the position attribute.
### OH_Drawing_GetRightFromTextBox()
float OH_Drawing_GetRightFromTextBox (OH_Drawing_TextBox * , int )
Obtains the right position of a text box.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBox | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBox** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders).|
| int | Index of the text box.|
Returns the right position.
### OH_Drawing_GetSizeOfTextBox()
size_t OH_Drawing_GetSizeOfTextBox (OH_Drawing_TextBox * )
Obtains the number of text boxes.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBox | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBox** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders).|
Returns the number of text boxes.
### OH_Drawing_GetStartFromRange()
size_t OH_Drawing_GetStartFromRange (OH_Drawing_Range * )
Obtains the start position of an **OH_Drawing_Range** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Range | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Range** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetWordBoundary](#oh_drawing_typographygetwordboundary).|
Returns the start position.
### OH_Drawing_GetTextDirectionFromTextBox()
int OH_Drawing_GetTextDirectionFromTextBox (OH_Drawing_TextBox * , int )
Obtains the text direction of a text box.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBox | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBox** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders).|
| int | Index of the text box.|
Returns the text direction.
### OH_Drawing_GetTopFromTextBox()
float OH_Drawing_GetTopFromTextBox (OH_Drawing_TextBox * , int )
Obtains the top position of a text box.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBox | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBox** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforrange) or [OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders](#oh_drawing_typographygetrectsforplaceholders).|
| int | Index of the text box.|
Returns the top position.
### OH_Drawing_MaskFilterCreateBlur()
OH_Drawing_MaskFilter* OH_Drawing_MaskFilterCreateBlur (OH_Drawing_BlurType blurType, float sigma, bool respectCTM )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object with a given blur type.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| blurType | Blur type.|
| sigma | Standard deviation of the Gaussian blur to apply. The value must be greater than **0**.|
| respectCTM | Whether the blur's sigma is modified by the CTM. The default value is **true**.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object created.
### OH_Drawing_MaskFilterDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_MaskFilterDestroy (OH_Drawing_MaskFilter * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_MaskFilter | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_MaskFilter** object.|
### OH_Drawing_MatrixCreate()
OH_Drawing_Matrix* OH_Drawing_MatrixCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object created.
### OH_Drawing_MatrixDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_MatrixDestroy (OH_Drawing_Matrix * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Matrix | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
### OH_Drawing_MatrixSetMatrix()
void OH_Drawing_MatrixSetMatrix (OH_Drawing_Matrix * , float scaleX, float skewX, float transX, float skewY, float scaleY, float transY, float persp0, float persp1, float persp2 )
Sets matrix parameters for an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Matrix | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Matrix** object.|
| scaleX | Horizontal scale factor.|
| skewX | Horizontal skew coefficient.|
| transX | Horizontal translation coefficient.|
| skewY | Vertical skew coefficient.|
| scaleY | Vertical scale factor.|
| transY | Vertical translation coefficient.|
| persp0 | Perspective coefficient of the X axis.|
| persp1 | Perspective coefficient of the Y axis.|
| persp2 | Perspective scale coefficient.|
### OH_Drawing_PathArcTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathArcTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float startDeg, float sweepDeg )
Draws an arc to a path. This is done by using angle arc mode. In this mode, a rectangle that encloses an ellipse is specified first, and then a start angle and a sweep angle are specified. The arc is a portion of the ellipse defined by the start angle and the sweep angle. By default, a line segment from the last point of the path to the start point of the arc is also added.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| x1 | X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.|
| y1 | Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.|
| x2 | X coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle.|
| y2 | Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle.|
| startDeg | Start angle.|
| sweepDeg | Sweep degree.|
### OH_Drawing_PathClose()
void OH_Drawing_PathClose (OH_Drawing_Path * )
Closes a path by drawing a line segment from the current point to the start point of the path.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
### OH_Drawing_PathCreate()
OH_Drawing_Path* OH_Drawing_PathCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Path** object created.
### OH_Drawing_PathCubicTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathCubicTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float ctrlX1, float ctrlY1, float ctrlX2, float ctrlY2, float endX, float endY )
Draws a cubic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| ctrlX1 | X coordinate of the first control point.|
| ctrlY1 | Y coordinate of the first control point.|
| ctrlX2 | X coordinate of the second control point.|
| ctrlY2 | Y coordinate of the second control point.|
| endX | X coordinate of the target point.|
| endY | Y coordinate of the target point.|
### OH_Drawing_PathDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_PathDestroy (OH_Drawing_Path * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Path** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
### OH_Drawing_PathLineTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathLineTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float x, float y )
Draws a line segment from the last point of a path to the target point.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| x | X coordinate of the target point.|
| y | Y coordinate of the target point.|
### OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathMoveTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float x, float y )
Sets the start point of a path.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| x | X coordinate of the start point.|
| y | Y coordinate of the start point.|
### OH_Drawing_PathQuadTo()
void OH_Drawing_PathQuadTo (OH_Drawing_Path * , float ctrlX, float ctrlY, float endX, float endY )
Draws a quadratic Bezier curve from the last point of a path to the target point.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
| ctrlX | X coordinate of the control point.|
| ctrlY | Y coordinate of the control point.|
| endX | X coordinate of the target point.|
| endY | Y coordinate of the target point.|
### OH_Drawing_PathReset()
void OH_Drawing_PathReset (OH_Drawing_Path * )
Resets path data.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Path | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Path** object.|
### OH_Drawing_PenCreate()
OH_Drawing_Pen* OH_Drawing_PenCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Pen** object created.
### OH_Drawing_PenDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_PenDestroy (OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Path** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
### OH_Drawing_PenGetAlpha()
uint8_t OH_Drawing_PenGetAlpha (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the alpha value of a pen. This value is used by the alpha channel when the pen outlines a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns an 8-bit variable that describes the alpha value.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetCap()
OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle OH_Drawing_PenGetCap (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the line cap style of a pen.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns the line cap style.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetColor()
uint32_t OH_Drawing_PenGetColor (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the color of a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns a 32-bit (ARGB) variable that describes the color.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetJoin()
OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle OH_Drawing_PenGetJoin (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the line join style of a pen.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns the line join style.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetMiterLimit()
float OH_Drawing_PenGetMiterLimit (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the stroke miter limit of a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns the miter limit.
### OH_Drawing_PenGetWidth()
float OH_Drawing_PenGetWidth (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Obtains the thickness of a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns the thickness.
### OH_Drawing_PenIsAntiAlias()
bool OH_Drawing_PenIsAntiAlias (const OH_Drawing_Pen * )
Checks whether anti-aliasing is enabled for a pen. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
Returns **true** if anti-aliasing is enabled; returns **false** otherwise.
### OH_Drawing_PenSetAlpha()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetAlpha (OH_Drawing_Pen * , uint8_t alpha )
Sets the alpha value for a pen. This value is used by the alpha channel when the pen outlines a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| alpha | Alpha value, which is an 8-bit variable.|
### OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetAntiAlias (OH_Drawing_Pen * , bool )
Enables or disables anti-aliasing for a pen. Anti-aliasing makes the pixels around the shape edges semi-transparent.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| bool | Whether to enable anti-aliasing. The value **true** means to enable anti-aliasing, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_PenSetCap()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetCap (OH_Drawing_Pen * , OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle )
Sets the line cap style for a pen.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| OH_Drawing_PenLineCapStyle | Line cap style, which is a variable.|
### OH_Drawing_PenSetColor()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetColor (OH_Drawing_Pen * , uint32_t color )
Sets the color for a pen. The color is used by the pen to outline a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| color | Color, which is a 32-bit (ARGB) variable.|
### OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetJoin (OH_Drawing_Pen * , OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle )
Sets the line join style for a pen.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| OH_Drawing_PenLineJoinStyle | Line join style, which is a variable.|
### OH_Drawing_PenSetMiterLimit()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetMiterLimit (OH_Drawing_Pen * , float miter )
Sets the stroke miter limit for a polyline drawn by a pen. When the corner type is bevel, a beveled corner is displayed if the miter limit is exceeded, and a mitered corner is displayed if the miter limit is not exceeded.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| miter | Stroke miter limit, which is a variable.|
### OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth()
void OH_Drawing_PenSetWidth (OH_Drawing_Pen * , float width )
Sets the thickness for a pen. This thickness determines the width of the outline of a shape.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Pen | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Pen** object.|
| width | Thickness, which is a variable.|
### OH_Drawing_PointCreate()
OH_Drawing_Point* OH_Drawing_PointCreate (float x, float y )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Point** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| x | X coordinate of the point.|
| y | Y coordinate of the point.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Point** object created.
### OH_Drawing_PointDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_PointDestroy (OH_Drawing_Point * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Point** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Point | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Point** object.|
### OH_Drawing_RectCreate()
OH_Drawing_Rect* OH_Drawing_RectCreate (float left, float top, float right, float bottom )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| left | X coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.|
| top | Y coordinate of the upper left corner of the rectangle.|
| right | X coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle.|
| bottom | Y coordinate of the lower right corner of the rectangle.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Rect** object created.
### OH_Drawing_RectDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_RectDestroy (OH_Drawing_Rect * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_RoundRectCreate()
OH_Drawing_RoundRect* OH_Drawing_RoundRectCreate (const OH_Drawing_Rect * , float xRad, float yRad )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Rect** object.|
| xRad | Radius of the rounded corner on the X axis.|
| yRad | Radius of the rounded corner on the Y axis.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object created.
### OH_Drawing_RoundRectDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_RoundRectDestroy (OH_Drawing_RoundRect * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_RoundRect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_RoundRect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleBaseLine (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the text baseline.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Text baseline. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TextBaseline](#oh_drawing_textbaseline).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleColor (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , uint32_t )
Sets the text color.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| uint32_t | Color.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecoration()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecoration (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the text decoration.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Text decoration. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TextDecoration](#oh_drawing_textdecoration).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationColor()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationColor (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , uint32_t )
Sets the color for the text decoration.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| uint32_t | Color.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationStyle()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationStyle (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the text decoration style.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Text decoration style. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TextDecorationStyle](#oh_drawing_textdecorationstyle).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationThicknessScale()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleDecorationThicknessScale (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the thickness scale factor of the text decoration line.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| double | Scale factor.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleEllipsis()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleEllipsis (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , const char * )
Sets the ellipsis content for text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| char\* | Pointer to the ellipsis content. The data type is a pointer pointing to char.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleEllipsisModal()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleEllipsisModal (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the ellipsis style for text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Ellipsis style. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_EllipsisModal](#oh_drawing_ellipsismodal).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontFamilies (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int , const char * fontFamilies[] )
Sets the font families.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Number of font families.|
| char | Pointer to the font families.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontHeight (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the font height.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| double | Font height.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontSize (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the font size.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| double | Font size.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontStyle (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the font style.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Font style. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_FontStyle](#oh_drawing_fontstyle).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleFontWeight (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , int )
Sets the font weight.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| int | Font weight. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_FontWeight](#oh_drawing_fontweight).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleHalfLeading()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleHalfLeading (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , bool )
Sets half leading for text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| bool | Whether to enable half leading. The value **true** means to enable half lading, and **false** means the opposite.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLetterSpacing()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLetterSpacing (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the letter spacing for text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| double | Letter spacing.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleLocale (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , const char * )
Sets the locale.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| char | Pointer to the locale.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleWordSpacing()
void OH_Drawing_SetTextStyleWordSpacing (OH_Drawing_TextStyle * , double )
Sets the word spacing for text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
| double | Word spacing.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextAlign (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the text alignment mode.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| int | Text alignment mode. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TextAlign](#oh_drawing_textalign).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextBreakStrategy()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextBreakStrategy (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the text break strategy.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| int | Text break strategy. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_BreakStrategy](#oh_drawing_breakstrategy).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextDirection (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the text direction.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| int | Text direction. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TextDirection](#oh_drawing_textdirection).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextEllipsisModal()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextEllipsisModal (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the ellipsis style for text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| int | Ellipsis style. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_EllipsisModal](#oh_drawing_ellipsismodal).|
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextMaxLines()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextMaxLines (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the maximum number of lines in the text.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| int | Maximum number of lines.|
### OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextWordBreakType()
void OH_Drawing_SetTypographyTextWordBreakType (OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle * , int )
Sets the word break type.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyStyle](#oh_drawing_createtypographystyle).|
| int | Word break type. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_WordBreakType](#oh_drawing_wordbreaktype).|
### OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateLinearGradient()
OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect* OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateLinearGradient (const OH_Drawing_Point * startPt, const OH_Drawing_Point * endPt, const uint32_t * colors, const float * pos, uint32_t size, OH_Drawing_TileMode )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object that generates a linear gradient between two points.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| startPt | Start point.|
| endPt | End point.|
| colors | Colors to distribute.|
| pos | Relative position of each color in the color array.|
| size | Number of colors and positions.|
| OH_Drawing_TileMode | Tile mode of the shader effect. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode).|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateRadialGradient()
OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect* OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateRadialGradient (const OH_Drawing_Point * centerPt, float radius, const uint32_t * colors, const float * pos, uint32_t size, OH_Drawing_TileMode )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object that generates a radial gradient based on the center and radius of a circle. The radial gradient transitions colors from the center to the ending shape in a radial manner.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| centerPt | Center of the circle.|
| radius | Radius of the circle.|
| colors | Colors to distribute.|
| pos | Relative position of each color in the color array.|
| size | Number of colors and positions.|
| OH_Drawing_TileMode | Tile mode of the shader effect. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode).|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateSweepGradient()
OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect* OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectCreateSweepGradient (const OH_Drawing_Point * centerPt, const uint32_t * colors, const float * pos, uint32_t size, OH_Drawing_TileMode )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object that generates a sweep gradient based on the center.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| centerPt | Center of the circle.|
| colors | Colors to distribute.|
| pos | Relative position of each color in the color array.|
| size | Number of colors and positions.|
| OH_Drawing_TileMode | Tile mode of the shader effect. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_TileMode](#oh_drawing_tilemode).|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object created.
### OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_ShaderEffectDestroy (OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_ShaderEffect** object.|
### OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPos()
const OH_Drawing_RunBuffer* OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderAllocRunPos (OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder * , const OH_Drawing_Font * , int32_t count, const OH_Drawing_Rect * )
Allocates a run to store glyphs and positions. The pointer returned does not need to be managed by the caller. It can no longer be used after [OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake](#oh_drawing_textblobbuildermake) is called.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object.|
| OH_Drawing_Font | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Font** object.|
| count | Number of text blobs.|
| OH_Drawing_Rect | Rectangle of the text blob.|
### OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderCreate()
OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder* OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderCreate (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object created.
### OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderDestroy (OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object.|
### OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake()
OH_Drawing_TextBlob* OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilderMake (OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder * )
Makes an **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object from an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder**.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBlobBuilder** object.|
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object created.
### OH_Drawing_TextBlobDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_TextBlobDestroy (OH_Drawing_TextBlob * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TextBlob | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextBlob** object.|
### OH_Drawing_TypefaceCreateDefault()
OH_Drawing_Typeface* OH_Drawing_TypefaceCreateDefault (void )
Creates an **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object, which defines the default font.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
Returns the pointer to the **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object created.
### OH_Drawing_TypefaceDestroy()
void OH_Drawing_TypefaceDestroy (OH_Drawing_Typeface * )
Destroys an **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object and reclaims the memory occupied by the object.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typeface | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typeface** object.|
### OH_Drawing_TypographyDidExceedMaxLines()
bool OH_Drawing_TypographyDidExceedMaxLines (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Checks whether the maximum number of lines is exceeded.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns **true** if the maximum number of lines is exceeded; returns **false** otherwise.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetAlphabeticBaseline()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetAlphabeticBaseline (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the alphabetic baseline.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the alphabetic baseline.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinate()
OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity* OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinate (OH_Drawing_Typography * , double , double )
Obtains the position and affinity of the glyph at the given coordinates.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| double | X coordinate.|
| double | Y coordinate.|
Returns the [OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) struct that holds the position and affinity of the glyph.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinateWithCluster()
OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity* OH_Drawing_TypographyGetGlyphPositionAtCoordinateWithCluster (OH_Drawing_Typography * , double , double )
Obtains the position and affinity of the glyph cluster to which the glyph at the given coordinates belongs. The glyph cluster is a container that holds one or more glyphs.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| double | X coordinate.|
| double | Y coordinate.|
Returns the [OH_Drawing_PositionAndAffinity](#oh_drawing_positionandaffinity) struct that holds the position and affinity of the glyph cluster.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetHeight()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetHeight (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the height.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the height.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetIdeographicBaseline()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetIdeographicBaseline (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the ideographic baseline.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the ideographic baseline.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineCount()
size_t OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineCount (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the number of lines.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the number of lines.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineHeight()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineHeight (OH_Drawing_Typography * , int )
Obtains the height of a given line.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| int | Target line.|
Returns the height.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLineWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * , int )
Obtains the width of a given line.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| int | Target line.|
Returns the width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLongestLine()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetLongestLine (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the longest line.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the longest line.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxIntrinsicWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxIntrinsicWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the maximum intrinsic width.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the maximum intrinsic width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMaxWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the maximum width.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the maximum width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMinIntrinsicWidth()
double OH_Drawing_TypographyGetMinIntrinsicWidth (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains the minimum intrinsic width.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 9
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the minimum intrinsic width.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders()
OH_Drawing_TextBox* OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForPlaceholders (OH_Drawing_Typography * )
Obtains text boxes for placeholders.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
Returns the [OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) struct that holds the text boxes.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange()
OH_Drawing_TextBox* OH_Drawing_TypographyGetRectsForRange (OH_Drawing_Typography * , size_t , size_t , OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle , OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle )
Obtains text boxes in a given range.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| size_t | Start position.|
| size_t | End position.|
| OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle | Height style. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_RectHeightStyle](#oh_drawing_rectheightstyle).|
| OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle | Width style. For details about the available options, see [OH_Drawing_RectWidthStyle](#oh_drawing_rectwidthstyle).|
Returns the [OH_Drawing_TextBox](#oh_drawing_textbox) struct that holds the text boxes.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyGetWordBoundary()
OH_Drawing_Range* OH_Drawing_TypographyGetWordBoundary (OH_Drawing_Typography * , size_t )
Obtains the word boundary.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| size_t | Index of the word.|
Returns the [OH_Drawing_Range](#oh_drawing_range) struct that holds the word boundary.
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddPlaceholder()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddPlaceholder (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * , OH_Drawing_PlaceholderSpan * )
Adds a placeholder.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 11
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. The pointer is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler).|
| [OH_Drawing_PlaceholderSpan](_o_h___drawing___placeholder_span.md) | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_PlaceholderSpan** object.|
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerAddText (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * , const char * )
Sets the text content.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. The pointer is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler).|
| char | Pointer to the text content.|
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPopTextStyle (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * )
Removes the topmost style in the stack, leaving the remaining styles in effect.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. The pointer is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler).|
### OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyHandlerPushTextStyle (OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate * , OH_Drawing_TextStyle * )
Sets the text style.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TypographyCreate** object. The pointer is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypographyHandler](#oh_drawing_createtypographyhandler).|
| OH_Drawing_TextStyle | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_TextStyle** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTextStyle](#oh_drawing_createtextstyle).|
### OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyLayout (OH_Drawing_Typography * , double )
Lays out the typography.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| double | Maximum text width.|
### OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint()
void OH_Drawing_TypographyPaint (OH_Drawing_Typography * , OH_Drawing_Canvas * , double , double )
Paints text on the canvas.
**System capability**: SystemCapability.Graphic.Graphic2D.NativeDrawing
**Since**: 8
| Name| Description|
| -------- | -------- |
| OH_Drawing_Typography | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Typography** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CreateTypography](#oh_drawing_createtypography).|
| OH_Drawing_Canvas | Pointer to an **OH_Drawing_Canvas** object, which is obtained by [OH_Drawing_CanvasCreate](#oh_drawing_canvascreate).|
| double | X coordinate.|
| double | Y coordinate. |