.d3d12-test: extends: - .build-windows - .use-windows_test_vs2019 - .glon12-test-rules stage: layered-backends dependencies: - windows-vs2019 needs: - windows-vs2019 - windows_test_vs2019 variables: GIT_STRATEGY: none # testing doesn't build anything from source GALLIUM_DRIVER: d3d12 WGL_DISABLE_ERROR_DIALOGS: "true" .d3d12-test-piglit: extends: - .d3d12-test script: - . _install/piglit_run.ps1 artifacts: when: on_failure name: "mesa_${CI_JOB_NAME}" paths: - summary/ - result.txt test-d3d12-quick_gl: extends: - .d3d12-test-piglit variables: PIGLIT_PROFILE: quick_gl PIGLIT_RESULTS: "d3d12-quick_gl" PIGLIT_TESTS: -x nv_copy_depth_to_color -x glsl-1.30.execution.tex-miplevel-selection -x arb_timer_query.timestamp-get -x max-size -x query.gl_timestamp -x query.time-elapsed -x tes-gs-max-output test-d3d12-quick_shader: extends: - .d3d12-test-piglit variables: PIGLIT_PROFILE: quick_shader PIGLIT_RESULTS: "d3d12-quick_shader" # These tests crash WARP causing the test suite to timeout, or are flaky PIGLIT_TESTS: -x amd_texture_texture4 -x arb_texture_gather -x isoline