Name NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect Name Strings GL_NV_bindless_multi_draw_indirect Contact Christoph Kubisch, NVIDIA (ckubisch 'at' Contributors Jeff Bolz, NVIDIA Piers Daniell, NVIDIA Markus Tavenrath, NVIDIA Eric Werness, NVIDIA Vincent Zhang, NVIDIA Status Complete Version Last Modified Date: July 3rd, 2015 Revision: 3 Number OpenGL Extension #432 Dependencies NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory is required. OpenGL 4.3 or ARB_multi_draw_indirect is required. The extension is written against the OpenGL 4.3 Specification, Core Profile. Overview This extension combines NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory and ARB_multi_draw_indirect to allow the processing of multiple drawing commands, whose vertex and index data can be sourced from arbitrary buffer locations, by a single function call. The NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory extension provided a mechanism to specify vertex attrib and element array locations using GPU addresses. Prior to this extension, these addresses had to be set through explicit function calls. Now the ability to set the pointer addresses indirectly by extending the GL_ARB_draw_indirect mechanism has been added. Combined with other "bindless" extensions, such as NV_bindless_texture and NV_shader_buffer_load, it is now possible for the GPU to create draw commands that source all resource inputs, which are common to change frequently between draw calls from the GPU: vertex and index buffers, samplers, images and other shader input data stored in buffers. New Procedures and Functions void MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV(enum mode, const void *indirect, sizei drawCount, sizei stride, int vertexBufferCount); void MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV(enum mode, enum type, const void *indirect, sizei drawCount, sizei stride, int vertexBufferCount); New Tokens None. Additions to Chapter 10 of the OpenGL 4.3 (Core) Specification (Vertex Specification and Drawing Commands) Additions to Section 10.5, "Drawing Commands Using Vertex Arrays" After the description of MultiDrawArraysIndirect and before the introduction of DrawElementsOneInstance, insert the following on p.311: The command void MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV(enum mode, const void *indirect, sizei drawCount, sizei stride, int vertexBufferCount); behaves similar to MultiDrawArraysIndirect, except that is treated as an array of DrawArraysIndirectBindlessCommandNV structures. It has the same effect as: typedef struct { GLuint index; GLuint reserved; GLuint64 address; GLuint64 length; } BindlessPtrNV; typedef struct { DrawArraysIndirectCommand cmd; BindlessPtrNV vertexBuffers[]; } DrawArraysIndirectBindlessCommandNV; if ( is invalid) generate appropriate error else { GLuint64 vtxAddresses[MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS]; GLsizeiptr vtxLengths[MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) { GetIntegerui64i_vNV(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV,i,&vtxAddresses[i]); GetInteger64i_v(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV ,i,&vtxLengths[i]); } const ubyte * ptr = (const ubyte *)indirect; for (i = 0; i < drawCount; i++) { const DrawArraysIndirectBindlessCommandNV* cmdNV = (DrawArraysIndirectBindlessCommandNV*)ptr; if ( cmdNV->cmd.instanceCount != 0 ){ for (n = 0; n < vertexBufferCount; n++){ BufferAddressRangeNV(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV, cmdNV->vertexBuffers[n].index cmdNV->vertexBuffers[n].address, cmdNV->vertexBuffers[n].length); } DrawArraysIndirect(mode, (DrawArraysIndirectCommand*)ptr); } if (stride == 0) { ptr += sizeof(DrawArraysIndirectCommand) + (sizeof(BindlessPtrNV) * vertexBufferCount); } else { ptr += stride; } } for (i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) { BufferAddressRangeNV(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV,i,vtxAddresses[i],vtxLengths[i]); } } must be positive, otherwise an INVALID_VALUE error will be generated. After the description of MultiDrawElementsIndirect and before the introduction of MultiDrawElementsBaseVertex, insert the following on p.316: The command void MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV(enum mode, enum type, const void *indirect, sizei drawCount, sizei stride, int vertexBufferCount); behaves similar to MultiDrawElementsIndirect, except that is treated as an array of DrawElementsIndirectBindlessCommandNV structures. It has the same effect as: typedef struct { GLuint index; GLuint reserved; GLuint64 address; GLuint64 length; } BindlessPtrNV; typedef struct { DrawElementsIndirectCommand cmd; GLuint reserved; BindlessPtrNV indexBuffer; BindlessPtrNV vertexBuffers[]; } DrawElementsIndirectBindlessCommandNV; if ( or is invalid) generate appropriate error else { GLuint64 idxAddress; GLsizeiptr idxLength; GetIntegerui64vNV(ELEMENT_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV,&idxAddress); GetInteger64v(ELEMENT_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV,&idxLength); GLuint64 vtxAddresses[MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS]; GLsizeiptr vtxLengths[MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) { GetIntegerui64i_vNV(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV,i,&vtxAddresses[i]); GetInteger64i_v(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_LENGTH_NV ,i,&vtxLengths[i]); } const ubyte * ptr = (const ubyte *)indirect; for (i = 0; i < primcount; i++) { const DrawElementsIndirectBindlessCommandNV* cmdNV = (DrawElementsIndirectBindlessCommandNV*)ptr; if ( cmdNV->cmd.instanceCount != 0 ) { BufferAddressRangeNV(ELEMENT_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV, 0, cmdNV->indexBuffer.address, cmdNV->indexBuffer.length); for (n = 0; n < vertexBufferCount; n++){ BufferAddressRangeNV(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV, cmdNV->vertexBuffers[n].index cmdNV->vertexBuffers[n].address, cmdNV->vertexBuffers[n].length); } DrawElementsIndirect(mode, type, (DrawElementsIndirectCommand*)ptr); } if (stride == 0) { ptr += sizeof(DrawElementsIndirectCommand) + sizeof(GLuint) + sizeof(BindlessPtrNV) + (sizeof(BindlessPtrNV) * vertexBufferCount); } else { ptr += stride; } } BufferAddressRangeNV(ELEMENT_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV,0,idxAddress,idxLengths); for (i = 0; i < MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS) { BufferAddressRangeNV(VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_ADDRESS_NV,i,vtxAddresses[i],vtxLengths[i]); } } Modifications to Section 10.3.10 (p. 305) "Indirect Commands in Buffer Objects" Modify both instances of "DrawArraysIndirect, DrawElementsIndirect, MultiDrawArraysIndirect and MultiDrawElementsIndirect" on p. 305 to read "DrawArraysIndirect, DrawElementsIndirect, MultiDrawArraysIndirect, MultiDrawElementsIndirect, MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV and MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV". Additions to the AGL/GLX/WGL Specifications None. GLX Protocol None. Errors INVALID_VALUE is generated by MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV or MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV if is negative. INVALID_VALUE is generated by MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV or MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV if is not a multipe of eight. INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MultiDrawArraysIndirectBindlessNV or MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV if the VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_UNIFIED_NV client state is not enabled. INVALID_OPERATION is generated by MultiDrawElementsIndirectBindlessNV if the ELEMENT_ARRAY_UNIFIED_NV client state is not enabled. New State None. New Implementation Dependent State None. Issues 1) BufferAddressRangeNV is defined to take GLsizeiptr as length. Should the length parameter inside the indirect structure be cast to GLsizeiptr when passed as argument? RESOLVED: When the indirect buffer is stored in host memory, the cast should be performed, otherwise, 64-bit should be assumed. 2) BufferAddressRangeNV also covered fixed function vertex state, should this be exposed in this extension? NO, the named attributes aren't necessary, as it is very likely that shaders are used to also handle the parameters of individual drawcalls. For fixed function shading the interleaving of related state changes with drawcalls would already be efficiently handled by regular MultiDraw or NV_vertex_buffer_unified_memory functionality. 3) In which state should the vertex/index pointers be left after the execution of the command? RESOLVED: All pointers should be reset to what was last specified by the client side using BufferAddressRangeNV. 4) How does this extension relate to the newer NV_command_list? NV_command_list provides a more flexible draw indirect mechnanism. It can be more efficient if there are redundancies in the vertex and index buffer addresses, as it allows specifying addresses and drawcalls with different frequencies in the command stream. Revision History Rev. Date Author Changes ---- -------- -------- ----------------------------------------- 1 ckubisch Internal revisions 2 1/5/2015 ckubisch bugfix, remove of "reserved" in DrawArraysIndirectBindlessCommandNV added reference to NV_command_list 3 7/3/2015 ckubisch bugfix, wrong math used in the "if (stride == 0)" pointer advancing. GLsizeiptr for length instead of GLuint64