Name NV_evaluators Name Strings GL_NV_evaluators Contact Matt Craighead, NVIDIA Corporation (mcraighead 'at' Mark J. Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation (mjk 'at' Notice Copyright NVIDIA Corporation, 2000, 2001. IP Status NVIDIA Proprietary. Status Discontinued. NVIDIA no longer supports this extension in driver updates after November 2002. Instead, use conventional OpenGL evaluators or tessellate surfaces within your application. Version NVIDIA Date: January 3, 2003 $Date$ $Revision$ $Id: //sw/main/docs/OpenGL/specs/old/GL_NV_evaluators.txt#2 $ Number 225 Dependencies Written based on the wording of the OpenGL 1.2.1 specification. Assumes support for the ARB_multitexture extension. NV_vertex_program affects the definition of this extension. Overview OpenGL evaluators provide applications with the capability to specify polynomial or rational curves and surfaces using control points relative to the Bezier basis. The curves and surfaces are then drawn by evaluating the polynomials provided at various values for the u parameter of a curve or the (u,v) parameters of a surface. A tensor product formulation is used for the surfaces. For various historical reasons, evaluators have not been particularly popular as an interface for drawing curves and surfaces. This extension proposes a new interface for surfaces that provides a number of significant enhancements to the functionality provided by the original OpenGL evaluators. Many implementations never optimized evaluators, so applications often implemented their own algorithms instead. This extension relaxes some restrictions that make it difficult to optimize evaluators. Also, new vertex attributes have been added to OpenGL through extensions, including multiple sets of texture coordinates, a secondary color, a fog coordinate, a vertex weight, and others. The extensions which added these vertex attributes never bothered to update the functionality of evaluators, since they were used so little in the first place. In turn, evaluators have become more and more out of date, making it even less likely that developers will want to use them. Most of the attributes are not a big loss, but support for multiple sets of texture coordinates would be absolutely essential to developers considering the use of evaluators. OpenGL evaluators only support rectangular patches, not triangular patches. Although triangular patches can be converted into rectangular patches, direct support for triangular patches is likely to be more efficient. The tessellation algorithm used is too inflexible for most purposes; only the number of rows and columns can be specified. Adjacent patches must then have identical numbers of rows and columns, or severe cracking will occur. Ideally, a number of subdivisions could be specified for all four sides of a rectangular patch and for all three of a triangular patch. This extension goes one step further and allows those numbers to be specified in floating-point, providing a mechanism for smoothly changing the level of detail of the surface. Meshes evaluated with EvalMesh are required to match up exactly with equivalent meshes evaluated with EvalCoord or EvalPoint. This makes it difficult or impossible to use optimizations such as forward differencing. Finally, little attention is given to some of the difficult problems that can arise when multiple patches are drawn. Depending on the way evaluators are implemented, and depending on the orientation of edges, numerical accuracy problems can cause cracks to appear between patches with the same boundary control points. This extension makes guarantees that an edge shared between two patches will match up exactly under certain conditions. Issues * Should one-dimensional evaluators be supported? RESOLVED: No. This extension is intended for surfaces only. * Should we support triangular patches? RESOLVED: Yes. Otherwise, applications will have to convert them to rectangular patches themselves. We can do this more efficiently. * What domain should triangular patches be defined on? RESOLVED: (0,0),(1,0),(0,1). * What memory layout should we use for triangular patch control points? RESOLVED: Both a[i][j], where i+j <= n, and a packed format are supported. * Is it worth it to have "evaluator objects"? RESOLVED: No. We will leave these out for now. * Should we support the original evaluators' ability to specify a map from an arbitrary (u1,v1) to an arbitrary (u2,v2)? RESOLVED: No. Maps will always extend from (0,0) to (1,1) and will always be evaluated from (0,0) to (1,1). * Should the new interface support an EvalCoord-like syntax? RESOLVED: No. We are only interested in evaluating an entire mesh at once. * Should we support the "mode" parameter to the existing EvalMesh2, which allows the mesh to be tessellated in wireframe or as points? RESOLVED: No. We will leave in the parameter and require that it be FILL, though, to leave room for a future extension. * Should there be a new interface to specify control points or should Map2{fd} be reused? RESOLVED: A new interface. There are enough changes compared to the original evaluators that we can't reuse the old interface without causing more problems. For example, the target parameter of Map2{fd} is really a cross of target and index in MapControlPointsNV, and so it ends up creating an excessive number of enumerants. * How should grids be specified? RESOLVED: A MapParameter command. This is better than a new MapGrid- style command because it can be extended to include new parameter types. * Should there be any rules about the order of generation of primitives within a single patch? RESOLVED: No. The tessellation algorithm itself is not even specified, so it makes no sense to do this. Applications must not depend on the order in which the primitives are drawn. * Should the stride for MapControlPointsNV be specified in basic machine units (i.e. unsigned bytes) or in floats/doubles? RESOLVED: ubytes. Most of the rest of OpenGL (vertex arrays, pixel path, etc.) uses ubytes; evaluators are actually inconsistent. * How much leeway should implementations be given to choose their own algorithm for tessellation? RESOLVED: The integral tessellation scheme will require a specific tessellation of the boundary edges of the patch, but the interior tessellation is implementation-specific. The fractional tessellation scheme will only require a minimum number of segments along each edge. In either case, a minimum number of triangles for the entire patch is specified. * Should there be rules to ensure that the triangles will be oriented in a consistent fashion? RESOLVED: Yes. This is essential for features such as backface culling to work properly. The rule given ensures that the orientation will be identical to the orientation used for the original evaluators. * Should there be a separate MAX_EVAL_ORDER for rational surfaces? RESOLVED: Yes. Rational surfaces require additional calculation to be done by the implementation, especially if AUTO_NORMAL is enabled. Furthermore, the most useful rational surfaces are of low order. For example, all the conic sections are quadratic rational surfaces. * Should there be enables similar to AUTO_NORMAL that generate partials of U (tangents), partials of V, and/or binormals? RESOLVED: No. The application is responsible for configuring the evaluators appropriately. The auto normal functionality is supported because it is fairly complicated and was already a core part of OpenGL for evaluators. Plus there is already a "normal" vertex attribute for it to automatically generate. The partials of U and partials of V are fairly straightforward to evaluate (just take the derivative of the bivariate polynomial in terms of either U or V) plus there is not a particular vertex attribute associated with each of these. New Procedures and Functions void MapControlPointsNV(enum target, uint index, enum type, sizei ustride, sizei vstride, int uorder, int vorder, boolean packed, const void *points) void MapParameterivNV(enum target, enum pname, const int *params) void MapParameterfvNV(enum target, enum pname, const float *params) void GetMapControlPointsNV(enum target, uint index, enum type, sizei ustride, sizei vstride, boolean packed, void *points) void GetMapParameterivNV(enum target, enum pname, int *params) void GetMapParameterfvNV(enum target, enum pname, float *params) void GetMapAttribParameterivNV(enum target, uint index, enum pname, int *params) void GetMapAttribParameterfvNV(enum target, uint index, enum pname, float *params) void EvalMapsNV(enum target, enum mode) New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of MapControlPointsNV, MapParameter[if]vNV, GetMapControlPointsNV, GetMapParameter[if]vNV, GetMapAttribParameter[if]vNV, and EvalMapsNV: EVAL_2D_NV 0x86C0 EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV 0x86C1 Accepted by the parameter of MapParameter[if]vNV and GetMapParameter[if]vNV: MAP_TESSELLATION_NV 0x86C2 Accepted by the parameter of GetMapAttribParameter[if]vNV: MAP_ATTRIB_U_ORDER_NV 0x86C3 MAP_ATTRIB_V_ORDER_NV 0x86C4 Accepted by the parameter of Disable, Enable, and IsEnabled, and by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV 0x86C5 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_NV 0x86C6 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB1_NV 0x86C7 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB2_NV 0x86C8 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB3_NV 0x86C9 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB4_NV 0x86CA EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB5_NV 0x86CB EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB6_NV 0x86CC EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB7_NV 0x86CD EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB8_NV 0x86CE EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB9_NV 0x86CF EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB10_NV 0x86D0 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB11_NV 0x86D1 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB12_NV 0x86D2 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB13_NV 0x86D3 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB14_NV 0x86D4 EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB15_NV 0x86D5 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: MAX_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV 0x86D6 MAX_RATIONAL_EVAL_ORDER_NV 0x86D7 Additions to Chapter 2 of the 1.2 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None. Additions to Chapter 3 of the 1.2 Specification (Rasterization) None. Additions to Chapter 4 of the 1.2 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Frame Buffer) None. Additions to Chapter 5 of the 1.2 Specification (Special Functions) -- NEW Section 5.7 "General Evaluators" "General evaluators are similar to evaluators in that they can be used to evaluate polynomial and rational mappings, but general evaluators have several new features that the original evaluators do not. First, they support triangular surfaces in addition to (quadrilateral) tensor product surfaces. Second, the tessellation can be varied continuously as well as in integral steps. Finally, general evaluators can evaluate all vertex attributes, not just the vertex, color, normal, and texture coordinates. Several elements of the original evaluators have been removed in the general evaluators interface. The general evaluators always evaluate four components in parallel, whereas the original evaluators might evaluate between 1 and 4 (see the "k" column in Table 5.1 on page 165). The original evaluators can map on an arbitrary domain and can map grids on an arbitrary region, whereas the general evaluators only use the [0,1] range. Support for 1D evaluators, an EvalCoord-style interface, and the "mode" parameter of EvalMesh* has also been removed from the general evaluators. The command void MapControlPointsNV(enum target, uint index, enum type, sizei ustride, sizei vstride, int uorder, int vorder, boolean packed, const void *points); specifies control points for a general evaluator map. target is the type of evaluator map and can be either EVAL_2D_NV or EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV. index is the number of the vertex attribute register the map will be used to evaluate for; these are the same indices used in the GL_NV_vertex_program extension. Table X.1 shows the relationship between these indices and the conventional per-vertex attributes for implementations that do not support GL_NV_vertex_program. Vertex Attribute Conventional Conventional Register Per-vertex Conventional Component Number Parameter Per-vertex Parameter Command Mapping --------- --------------- -------------------------------------- ------------ 0 vertex position Vertex x,y,z,w 1 vertex weights VertexWeightEXT w,0,0,1 2 normal Normal x,y,z,1 3 primary color Color r,g,b,a 4 secondary color SecondaryColorEXT r,g,b,1 5 fog coordinate FogCoordEXT fc,0,0,1 6 - - - 7 - - - 8 texture coord 0 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE0_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 9 texture coord 1 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE1_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 10 texture coord 2 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE2_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 11 texture coord 3 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE3_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 12 texture coord 4 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE4_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 13 texture coord 5 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE5_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 14 texture coord 6 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE6_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q 15 texture coord 7 MultiTexCoordARB(GL_TEXTURE7_ARB, ...) s,t,r,q Table X.1: Aliasing of vertex attributes with conventional per-vertex parameters. type is either FLOAT or DOUBLE. ustride and vstride are the numbers of basic machine units (typically unsigned bytes) between control points in the u and v directions. uorder and vorder have the same meaning they do in the Map2{fd} command. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if either uorder or vorder is less than one or greater than MAX_EVAL_ORDER. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if target is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV and uorder is not equal to vorder. points is a pointer to an array of control points. If target is EVAL_2D_NV, there are uorder*vorder control points in the array, and if it is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, there are uorder*(uorder+1)/2 points in the array. If packed is FALSE, control point i,j is located (ustride)i + (vstride)j basic machine units from points. If target is EVAL_2D_NV, i ranges from 0 to uorder-1, and j ranges from 0 to vorder-1. If target is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, i and j range from 0 to uorder-1, and i+j must be less than or equal to uorder-1. If packed is TRUE and target is EVAL_2D_NV, control point i,j is located (ustride)(j*uorder + i) basic machine units from points. If packed is TRUE and target is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, control point i,j is located (ustride)(j*uorder + i - j*(j-1)/2) basic machine units from points. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if index is 0, one of the control points' fourth components is not equal to 1, and either uorder of vorder is greater than MAX_RATIONAL_EVAL_ORDER_NV. The evaluation of a 2D tensor product map is performed in the same way as for the original evaluators. The exact coordinates produced by the original evaluators may differ from those produced by the general evaluators, since different algorithms may be used. A triangular map may be evaluated as follows. Let Ri,j be the 4-component vector for control point i,j and n be the degree of the patch (i.e. uorder-1). Then: --- \ (n) (n-i) i j n-i-j p_t(u,v) = / (i) ( j ) u v (1-u-v) Ri,j --- i,j >= 0 i+j <= n evaluates the point p_t(u,v) on the triangular patch at parameter values (u,v). (The notation on the left indicates "n choose i" and "n minus i choose j", i.e., binomial coefficients.) The evaluation of any particular attribute can be enabled or disabled with Enable and Disable using one of the EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIBi_NV constants. If AUTO_NORMAL is enabled (see section 5.1), analytically computed normals are evaluated as well. The formula for the normal is the same as the one in section 5.1, except that the magnitude of the normals is undefined. These normals should be renormalized by enabling NORMALIZE, or by normalizing them in a vertex program. The w of the normal vertex attribute will always be 1. The commands void MapParameter{if}vNV(enum target, enum pname, T params); can be used to specify the level of tessellation to evaluate, where target is EVAL_2D_NV or EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV and pname is MAP_TESSELLATION_NV. If target is EVAL_2D_NV, params contains the four values [nu0,nu1,nv0,nv1], and if it is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, params contains the three values [n1,n2,n3]. The state for each target is independent of the other. These values are clamped to the range [1.0, MAX_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV]. The use of a fractional tessellation algorithm can be enabled or disabled with Enable and Disable using the EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV constant. The fractional tessellation algorithm allows the tessellation to smoothly morph without popping as the tessellation parameters are varied by small amounts. The command void EvalMapsNV(enum target, enum mode); evaluates the currently enabled maps. target is either EVAL_2D_NV or EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D and specifies which set of maps to evaluate. mode must be FILL. If EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_NV is not enabled, the error INVALID_OPERATION results. If EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV is disabled, tensor product maps are evaluated such that the boundaries of the mesh are divided into ceil(nu0) segments on the edge from (0,0) to (1,0), ceil(nu1) segments on the edge from (0,1) to (1,1), ceil(nv0) segments on the edge from (0,0) to (0,1), and ceil(nv1) segments on the edge from (1,0) to (1,1). These segments must be evaluated at equal spacings in (u,v) parameter space. Triangular maps are evaluated such that the boundary of the mesh from (0,0) to (1,0) has ceil(n1) equally-spaced segments, the boundary from (1,0) to (0,1) has ceil(n2) equally-spaced segments, and the boundary from (0,1) to (0,0) has ceil(n3) equally-spaced segments. If EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV is enabled, each edge must be tessellated with no fewer the number of segments that would be used in the non- fractional case for any values of the tessellation parameters. Furthermore, the tessellation of each edge must vary smoothly with the parameters; that is, a small change in any or all of the parameters must cause a small change in the tessellation. Whenever a new vertex is introduced into the tessellation, it must be coincident with another vertex, and whenever a vertex is removed, it must have been coincident with a different vertex. The parameter-space position of any vertex must be a continuous function of the tessellation parameters. The same minimum triangle requirements apply to fractional tessellations as to integral tessellations. A tensor product patch must always be tessellated with no fewer than 2 * ceil((nu0+nu1)/2) * ceil((nv0+nv1)/2) triangles in total. A triangular patch must always be tessellated with no fewer than ceil((n1+n2+n3)/3)^2 triangles in total. If a triangle is formed by evaluating the maps at the three coordinates (u1,v1), (u2,v2), and (u3,v3), it must be true that (u3-u1)*(v2-v1) - (u2-u1)*(v3-v1) >= 0 to ensure that all triangles in a patch have a consistent orientation. The current value of any vertex attribute for which the evaluation of a map is enabled becomes undefined after an EvalMapsNV command. If AUTO_NORMAL is enabled, the current normal becomes undefined as well. If AUTO_NORMAL is enabled, the analytically computed normals take precedence over the currently enabled map for vertex attribute 2 (the normal). To prevent cracks, certain rules must be established for performing the evaluations. The goal of these rules is to ensure that no matter what order control points are specified in and what the tessellation parameters are, so long as the control points on any edge exactly match the control points of an adjacent edge, and so long as the subdivision parameter for that edge is the same for the adjacent patch, there will be no cracking artifacts between the two patches. These requirements are completely independent of numerical precision. In particular, we will require that these shared vertices' positions be equal. Furthermore, there must be no cracking inside the geometry of any patch, and normals must not change in a discontinuous fashion so that there are no discontinuities in lighting or other effects that use the normal. Let two patches share an edge of equal order (the order of an edge is the order of the patch in that direction for a tensor product patch, or the order of the patch for a triangular patch). Then this edge is said to be consistent if all the vertex control points (vertex attribute 0) are identical on each edge (although they may be specified in the opposite direction, or even in a different coordinate; one may an edge in the u direction, and one may be an edge in the v direction). If an edge is consistent, and if each of the two patches are tessellated with identical tessellation parameters for that edge, then the vertex coordinates given to vertex processing must be exactly equal for each of the vertices. The vertex coordinates given to vertex processing for the corner vertices of any patch must be exactly equal to the values of the corner control points of that patch, regardless of the patch's order, type, tessellation parameters, the state of the AUTO_NORMAL or EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV enables, the control points, order, or enable of any other associated map, or any other OpenGL state. The vertex coordinates and normals given to vertex processing for any vertex of a patch must be exactly equal each time that vertex is evaluated during the tessellation of a patch. Since each vertex is shared between several triangles in the patch, any variation in these coordinates and normals would result in cracks or lighting discontinuities. The state required for the general evaluators consists of a bit indicating whether fractional tessellation is enabled or disabled, 16 bits indicating whether the evaluation of each vertex attribute is enabled or disabled, four floating-point map tessellation values for tensor product patches, three floating-point map tessellation values for triangular patches, and a map specification for a tensor product patch and a triangular patch for each vertex attribute. A map specification consists of two integers indicating the order of the map in u and v and a two-dimensional array of vectors of four floating-point values containing the control points for that map. The initial state of fractional tessellation is disabled. The initial state of evaluation of vertex attribute 0 is enabled, and the initial state of evaluation for any other vertex attribute is disabled. The initial value of the tessellation parameters is 1.0. The initial order of each map specification is an order of 1 in both u and v and a single control point of [0,0,0,1]." Additions to Chapter 6 of the 1.2 Specification (State and State Requests) -- NEW Section 6.1.13 "General Evaluator Queries" "The commands void GetMapParameterivNV(enum target, enum pname, int *params); void GetMapParameterfvNV(enum target, enum pname, float *params); obtain the parameters for a map target. target may be one of EVAL_2D_NV or EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV. pname must be MAP_TESSELLATION_NV. The map tessellation is placed in params. The commands void GetMapAttribParameterivNV(enum target, uint index, enum pname, int *params); void GetMapAttribParameterfvNV(enum target, uint index, enum pname, float *params); obtain parameters for a single map. target may be one of EVAL_2D_NV or EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV. index is the number of the vertex attribute register the map is used for evaluating. If pname is MAP_ATTRIB_U_ORDER_NV, the u order of the map is placed in params. If pname is MAP_ATTRIB_V_ORDER_NV, the v order of the map is placed in params. The command void GetMapControlPointsNV(enum target, uint index, enum type, sizei ustride, sizei vstride, boolean packed, void *points); obtains the control points of a map. target may be one of EVAL_2D_NV or EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV. index is the number of the vertex attribute register the map is used for evaluating. type is either FLOAT or DOUBLE. ustride and vstride are the numbers of basic machine units (typically unsigned bytes) between control points in the u and v directions. points is a pointer to an array where the control points are to be written. If target is EVAL_2D_NV, there are uorder*vorder control points in the array, and if it is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, there are uorder*(uorder+1)/2 points in the array. If packed is FALSE, control point i,j is located (ustride)i + (vstride)j basic machine units from points. If packed is TRUE and target is EVAL_2D_NV, control point i,j is located (ustride)(j*uorder + i) basic machine units from points. If packed is TRUE and target is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, control point i,j is located (ustride)(j*uorder + i - j*(j-1)/2) basic machine units from points. If target is EVAL_2D_NV, i ranges from 0 to uorder-1, and j ranges from 0 to vorder-1. If target is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, i and j range from 0 to uorder-1, and i+j must be less than or equal to uorder-1." Additions to the GLX Specification Nine new GL commands are added. The following three rendering commands are sent to the sever as part of a glXRender request: MapParameterivNV 2 12+4*n rendering command length 2 ???? rendering command opcode 4 ENUM target 4 ENUM pname 0x86C2 GL_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV n=3 if (target == GL_EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV) n=4 if (target == GL_EVAL_2D_NV) else n=0 command is erroneous 4*n LISTofINT32 params MapParameterfvNV 2 12+4*n rendering command length 2 ???? rendering command opcode 4 ENUM target 4 ENUM pname 0x86C2 GL_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV n=3 if (target == GL_EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV) n=4 if (target == GL_EVAL_2D_NV) else n=0 command is erroneous 4*n LISTofFLOAT32 params EvalMapsNV 2 12 rendering command length 2 ???? rendering command opcode 4 ENUM target 4 ENUM mode The following rendering command is potentially large and can be sent in a glXRender or glXRenderLarge request: MapControlPointsNV 2 24+m rendering command length 2 ???? rendering command opcode 4 ENUM target 4 CARD32 index 4 CARD32 type 4 INT32 uorder 4 INT32 vorder m (see below) points Determine m from the table below; n depends on the target. If the target is GL_EVAL_2D_NV, then n = uorder*vorder. If the target is GL_EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV, then n = uorder * (uorder+1)/2. The points data is packed such that when unpacked by the server, the value of ustride is 16 for GL_FLOAT typed data and 32 for GL_DOUBLE typed data. type encoding of type type of lists m (bytes) --------- ---------------- ------------- --------- GL_FLOAT 0x1406 LISTofFLOAT32 n*4 GL_DOUBLE 0x140A LISTofFLOAT64 n*8 If the command is encoded in a glXRenderLarge request, the command opcode and command length fields above are expanded to 4 bytes each: 4 28+m rendering command length 4 ???? rendering command opcode The remaining five commands are non-rendering commands. These commands are sent separately (i.e., not as part of a glXRender or glXRenderLarge request), using the glXVendorPrivateWithReply request: GetMapParameterivNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 5 request length 4 ???? vendor specific opcode 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 ENUM target 4 ENUM pname => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n) 4 unused 4 CARD32 n if (n=1) this follows: 4 INT32 params 12 unused otherwise this follows: 16 unused n*4 LISTofINT32 params GetMapParameterfvNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 5 request length 4 ???? vendor specific opcode 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 ENUM target 4 ENUM pname => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n) 4 unused 4 CARD32 n if (n=1) this follows: 4 FLOAT32 params 12 unused otherwise this follows: 16 unused n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params GetMapAttribParameterivNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 6 request length 4 ???? vendor specific opcode 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 ENUM target 4 CARD32 index 4 ENUM pname => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n) 4 unused 4 CARD32 n if (n=1) this follows: 4 INT32 params 12 unused otherwise this follows: 16 unused n*4 LISTofINT32 params GetMapAttribParameterfvNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 6 request length 4 ???? vendor specific opcode 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 ENUM target 4 CARD32 index 4 ENUM pname => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m=(n==1?0:n) 4 unused 4 CARD32 n if (n=1) this follows: 4 FLOAT32 params 12 unused otherwise this follows: 16 unused n*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params GetMapControlPointsNV 1 CARD8 opcode (X assigned) 1 17 GLX opcode (glXVendorPrivateWithReply) 2 6 request length 4 ???? vendor specific opcode 4 GLX_CONTEXT_TAG context tag 4 ENUM target 4 CARD32 index 4 ENUM type => 1 1 reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 m reply length, m 4 unused 4 CARD32 uorder 4 CARD32 vorder 12 unused if type == 0x1406 (GL_FLOAT) and target == 0x86C0 (GL_EVAL_2D_NV), m = 4*uorder*vorder and the packed control points follow assuming ustride = 16 m*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params if type == 0x140A (GL_DOUBLE) and target == 0x86C0 (GL_EVAL_2D_NV), m = 4*uorder*vorder and the packed control points follow asssuming ustride = 32 m*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params if type == 0x1406 (GL_FLOAT) and target == 0x86C1 (GL_EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV), m = 4*uorder*(uorder+1)/2 and the packed control points follow assuming ustride = 16 m*4 LISTofFLOAT32 params if type == 0x140A (GL_DOUBLE) and target == 0x86C1 (GL_EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV), m = 4*uorder*(uorder+1)/2 and the packed control points follow asssuming ustride = 32 m*8 LISTofFLOAT64 params otherwise m = 0 and nothing else follows. Errors The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if MapControlPointsNV, GetMapControlPointsNV, or GetMapAttribParameter{if}v is called where index is greater than 15. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if MapControlPointsNV or GetMapControlPointsNV is called where ustride or vstride is negative. The error INVALID_VALUE is generated if MapControlPointsNV is called where uorder or vorder is less than one or greater than MAX_EVAL_ORDER. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if MapControlPointsNV is called where target is EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV and uorder is not equal to vorder. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if MapControlPointsNV is called where index is 0, one of the control points' fourth components is not equal to 1, and either uorder of vorder is greater than MAX_RATIONAL_EVAL_ORDER_NV. The error INVALID_OPERATION is generated if EvalMapsNV is called where EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIB0_NV is disabled. New State (add to table 6.22, page 212) Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute ------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------ ---------------- -------------- ----- --------- EVAL_FRACTIONAL_TESSELLATION_NV B IsEnabled False fractional 5.7 eval/enable tess. enable EVAL_VERTEX_ATTRIBi_NV Bx16 IsEnabled True if i=0, attrib eval 5.7 eval/enable false otherwise enable EVAL_2D_NV R4x16x8*x8* GetMapControlPointsNV [0,0,0,1] control points 5.7 - EVAL_TRIANGULAR_2D_NV R4x16x8*x8* GetMapControlPoints [0,0,0,1] control points 5.7 - MAP_TESSELLATION_NV R4,R3 GetMapParameter*NV all 1.0 level of 5.7 eval tessellation MAP_ATTRIB_U_ORDER_NV Z8*x16x2 GetMapAttribParameter*NV 1 map order in 5.7 - U direction MAP_ATTRIB_V_ORDER_NV Z8*x16x2 GetMapAttribParameter*NV 1 map order in 5.7 - V direction New Implementation Dependent State (add to table 6.24/6.25, page 214) Get Value Type Get Command Minimum Value Description Sec Attribute ------------------------ ---- ------------ ------------- ----------- ----- --------- MAX_MAP_TESSELLATION_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 256 maximum level 5.7 - of tessellation MAX_RATIONAL_EVAL_ORDER_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 4 maximum order 5.7 - of rational surfaces Revision History 1/3/2003 changed status to "discontinued"