These benchmark inputs were taken from the sliceslice [project benchmarks][1]. These inputs drive two benchmarks, one on short haystacks and the other on long haystacks, with a slightly unusual but interesting configuration. Neither of these benchmarks include the time it takes to build a searcher. They only measure actual search time. The short haystack benchmark starts by loading all of the words in `words.txt` into memory and sorting them in ascending order by their length. Then, a substring searcher is created for each of these words in the same order. The actual benchmark consists of executing each searcher once on every needle that appears after it in the list. In essence, this benchmark tests how quickly the implementation can deal with tiny haystacks. The results of this benchmark tend to come down to how much overhead the implementation has. In other words, this benchmark tests latency. The long haystack benchmark has a setup similar to the short haystack benchmark, except it also loads the contents of `i386.txt` into memory. The actual benchmark itself executes each of the searchers built (from `words.txt`) on the `i386.txt` haystack. This benchmark, executing on a much longer haystack, tests throughput as opposed to latency across a wide variety of needles. [1]: