Name ARB_texture_rg Name Strings GL_ARB_texture_rg Contributors Daniel Koch, TransGaming, Inc. Jon Leech, Khronos Contact Daniel Koch, TransGaming, Inc. (daniel 'at' Notice Copyright (c) 2008-2013 The Khronos Group Inc. Copyright terms at Status Approved by the ARB on July 11, 2008 Version Last Modified Date: May 28, 2009 Author Revision: 6 Number ARB Extension #53 Dependencies OpenGL 1.1 is required. This extension is written against the OpenGL 2.1 Specification. EXT_texture_integer affects the definition of this extension. ARB_texture_float affects the definition of this extension. EXT_packed_depth_stencil affects the definition of this extension. This extension interacts with ARB_framebuffer_object and EXT_framebuffer_object. This extension is subsumed by OpenGL 3.0. Overview Historically one- and two- component textures have been specified in OpenGL using the intensity, luminance or luminance-alpha (I/L/LA) formats. With the advent of programmable shaders and render-to-texture capabilites these legacy formats carry some historical artifacts which are no longer useful. For example, when sampling from such textures, the luminance values are replicated across the color components, and the intensity values are replicated across both the color and alpha components. This is no longer necessary with programmable shaders. It is also desirable to be able to render to one- and two- component format textures using capabilities such as framebuffer objects (FBO), but rendering to I/L/LA formats is under-specified (specifically how to map R/G/B/A values to I/L/A texture channels). This extension adds new base internal formats for the one-component RED and two-component RG (red green) texture formats as well as sized internal formats for fixed-point, floating-point and pure integer texture formats. The new texure formats can be used for texturing as well as for rendering into with framebuffer objects. IP Status No known IP claims. New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of TexImage1D, TexImage2D, TexImage3D, CopyTexImage1D, and CopyTexImage2D: R8 0x8229 R16 0x822A RG8 0x822B RG16 0x822C R16F 0x822D R32F 0x822E RG16F 0x822F RG32F 0x8230 R8I 0x8231 R8UI 0x8232 R16I 0x8233 R16UI 0x8234 R32I 0x8235 R32UI 0x8236 RG8I 0x8237 RG8UI 0x8238 RG16I 0x8239 RG16UI 0x823A RG32I 0x823B RG32UI 0x823C RED 0x1903 RG 0x8227 COMPRESSED_RED 0x8225 COMPRESSED_RG 0x8226 Accepted by the parameter of TexImage1D, TexImage2D, TexImage3D, TexSubImage1D, TexSubImage2D, TexSubImage3D, and ReadPixels: RG 0x8227 RG_INTEGER 0x8228 Accepted by the parameter of DrawPixels: RG 0x8227 Accepted by the parameter of the TexParameter{if}* functions when is DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE: RED 0x1903 Accepted by the parameter of GetTexImage: RG 0x8227 RG_INTEGER 0x8228 New Procedures and Functions None Additions to Chapter 2 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Rasterization) Modify section 3.6.3 "Pixel Transfer Modes", the "Color Table Specification" subsection and in the third paragraph of the definition of ColorTable modify the last sentence to read: "internalformat must be one of the formats in table 3.15 or table 3.16, with the exception of the RED, RG and DEPTH_COMPONENT base and sized internal formats." (Add the following to Table 3.6: "DrawPixels and ReadPixels formats", as modified by EXT_texture_integer) Format Name Element Meaning and Order Target Buffer ----------- ------------------------- ------------- RG R, G Color RG_INTEGER iR, iG Color (Add the following to Table 3.15: "Conversion from RGBA and depth pixel components to internal texture, table, or filter components") Base Internal Format RGBA and Depth Values Internal Components -------------------- --------------------- ------------------- RED R R RG R,G R,G (Add the following to Table 3.16: "Correspondence of sized internal formats to base internal formats, and desired component resolutions for each sized internal format", as modified by ARB_texture_float and ARB_texture_integer) Sized Base R G B A L I D Internal Format Internal Format bits bits bits bits bits bits bits --------------- --------------- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- R8 RED 8 R16 RED 16 RG8 RG 8 8 RG16 RG 16 16 R16F RED f16 R32F RED f32 RG16F RG f16 f16 RG32F RG f32 f32 R8I RED i8 R8UI RED ui8 R16I RED i16 R16UI RED ui16 R32I RED i32 R32UI RED ui32 RG8I RG i8 i8 RG8UI RG ui8 ui8 RG16I RG i16 i16 RG16UI RG ui16 ui16 RG32I RG i32 i32 RG32UI RG ui32 ui32 (Add the following to Table 3.17: "Generic and specific compressed internal formats") Compressed Internal Format Base Internal Format Type -------------------------- -------------------- --------- COMPRESSED_RED RED Generic COMPRESSED_RG RG Generic (Modify Table 3.18: "Texure parameters and their values") Add RED to the "Legal Values" column for the row containing the definition of DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE. Modify the first sentence of section 3.8.5 "Depth Component Textures" (as modified by EXT_packed_depth_stencil or ARB_framebuffer_object) to read: "Depth textures and the depth components of depth/stencil textures can be treated as RED, LUMINANCE, INTENSITY or ALPHA textures during texture filtering and application." (Add the following to Table 3.20: "Correspondence of filtered texture components to texture source components.") Texture Base Texture source color Internal Format C_s A_s --------------- ------------- ------ RED (R_t, 0, 0) 1 RG (R_t, G_t, 0) 1 (Modify Table 3.21: "Texture functions REPLACE, MODULATE and DECAL.") Add RED and RG to the "Texture Base Internal Format" column for the row which defines the behaviour for RGB (or 3). (Modify Table 3.22: "Texture functions BLEND and ADD.") Add RED and RG to the "Texture Base Internal Format" column for the row which defines the behaviour for RGB (or 3). Modify Section 3.8.14 "Texture Comparision Modes", the "Depth Texture Comparision Mode" subsection, and change the second to last paragraph to read: "The resulting r is assigned to R_t, L_t, I_t, or A_t if the value of the DEPTH_TEXTURE_MODE is respectively RED, LUMINANCE, INTENSITY, or ALPHA." Additions to Chapter 4 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer) In section 4.3.2 "Reading Pixels" the subsection "Obtaining Pixels from the framebuffer", modify the first sentence of the 3rd paragraph in the definition of ReadBuffer to read: "If the GL is in RGBA mode, and format is one of RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, RGBA, BGR, BGRA, LUMINANCE, or LUMINANCE_ALPHA, then red, green, blue, and alpha values are obtained from the selected buffer at each pixel location." In subsection "Placement in Pixel Pack Buffer or Client Memory," modify the second to last sentence to read: "Likewise if the format is RG, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, RGB, BGR, only the corresponding two or three elements are written." In section 4.4.4 "Framebuffer Completeness" as added by EXT_framebuffer_object or ARB_framebuffer_object, modify the first bullet point and add RED and RG to the list of base internal formats which are color-renderable. Additions to Chapter 5 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (Special Functions) None Additions to Chapter 6 of the OpenGL 2.1 Specification (State and State Requests) Modify section 6.1.4 "Texture Queries". Change the second sentence of the second paragraph to read: "Calling GetTexImage with a color format (one of RED, GREEN, BLUE, ALPHA, RG, RGB, BGR, RGBA, BGRA, LUMINANCE, LUMINANCE_ALPHA, or one of the *_INTEGER variants) when the base internal format of the texture image is not a color format; with a format of DEPTH_COMPONENT when the base internal format is not DEPTH_COMPONENT or DEPTH_STENCIL; with a format of DEPTH_STENCIL when the base internal format is not DEPTH_STENCIL; with an *_INTEGER format when the base internal format is not one of the integral types; or with non-integer format when the base internal is an integral type, causes the error INVALID_OPERATION." (Add the following to Table 6.1: "Texture, table, and filter return values") Base Internal Format R G B A -------------------- ---- ----- --- --- RED R_i 0 0 1 RG R_i G_i 0 1 Dependencies on EXT_packed_depth_stencil If EXT_packed_depth_stencil is not supported then delete any reference to depth/stencil textures (unless ARB_framebuffer_objects is supported). Dependencies on EXT_framebuffer_object If EXT_framebuffer_object is not supported then delete any reference to framebuffer objects (unless ARB_framebuffer_objects is supported). Dependencies on ARB_framebuffer_object If ARB_framebuffer_object is not supported: * delete any reference to depth/stencil textures (unless EXT_packed_depth_stencil is supported). * delete any reference to framebuffer objects (unless EXT_framebuffer_object is supported). Dependencies on EXT_texture_integer If EXT_texture_integer is not supported: * delete any reference to the R*I*, R*UI* and *INTEGER* formats. Dependencies on ARB_texture_float If ARB_texture_float is not supported: * delete any reference to the R*F* formats. Issues 1) What should this extension be called? ARB_rg_formats, ARB_rg_texture, ARB_texture_rg, etc DECIDED. Using ARB_texture_rg. 2) Why use RED token used instead of just "R"? a) there is already some precedent for using RED for single-component images b) the "R" token is already used for texcoord generation, and it is less confusing if we don't reuse it. 3) Why use RG instead of REDGREEN? The list {RED, RG, RGB, RGBA} is more visually appealing than {RED, REDGREEN, RGB, RGBA}. 4) Why don't the new tokens and entry points in this extension have "ARB" suffixes like other ARB extensions? RESOLVED: Unlike most ARB extensions, this is a strict subset of functionality already approved in OpenGL 3.0. This extension exists only to support that functionality on older hardware that cannot implement a full OpenGL 3.0 driver. Since there are no possible behavior changes between the ARB extension and core features, source code compatibility is improved by not using suffixes on the extension. 5) What are the default values for the unspecified channels if you sampled from an R or RG texture? Is it (r,0,0,1) or (r,1,1,1). CLARIFICATION: As per OpenGL defaults as specified in Table 3.20 (as modified by this extension) the default values for unspecified components are (r,0,0,1). Note that this does differ from D3D where unspecified values would be filled in as (r,1,1,1). 6) Are the RG formats accepted by the imaging subset of functions? RESOLUTION: NO. This extension does not add RG support to the functions defined in the imaging subset (that is: [Get]Color[Sub]Table, [Get]ConvolutionFilter, [Get]SeparableFilter, GetHistogram, GetMinMax) as it is felt that there is little benefit in doing so. This could be added as a separate extension if desired. Revision History #6 May 28, 2008, jleech - Remove extraneous *_INTEGER formats from table 6.1 #5 April 8, 2008, dgkoch - Address issues raised in Bug 4163 - clarify that RG_INTEGER is not allowed for DrawPixels - added issue 6) and clarify that support for RED and RG formats is not added to the imaging subset - GetTexImage supports RG (but no conversion) #4 November 14, 2008, dgkoch - marked issue 1) as resolved. - add issue 5) as clarification - Better compatibility with GL 3.0 spec - allow unsized RED and RG formats as internal formats (Bug 4161) - add enums for COMPRESSED_RED/RG and allow as internal formats (Bug 4162) #3 August 7, 2008, jleech - Remove ARB suffixes. #2 June 9, 2008, dgkoch - add COMPRESSED_RED/RG generic formats. - add CopyTexImage1/2D to list of functions accepting the new internalformats. #1 June 8, 2008, dgkoch - initial version extracted from GL3 core.