namespace ts { /** The version of the language service API */ export const servicesVersion = "0.8"; function createNode(kind: TKind, pos: number, end: number, parent: Node): NodeObject | TokenObject | IdentifierObject | PrivateIdentifierObject { const node = isNodeKind(kind) ? new NodeObject(kind, pos, end) : kind === SyntaxKind.Identifier ? new IdentifierObject(SyntaxKind.Identifier, pos, end) : kind === SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier ? new PrivateIdentifierObject(SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier, pos, end) : new TokenObject(kind, pos, end); node.parent = parent; node.flags = parent.flags & NodeFlags.ContextFlags; return node; } class NodeObject implements Node { public kind: SyntaxKind; public pos: number; public end: number; public flags: NodeFlags; public modifierFlagsCache: ModifierFlags; public transformFlags: TransformFlags; public parent: Node; public symbol!: Symbol; // Actually optional, but it was too annoying to access `node.symbol!` everywhere since in many cases we know it must be defined public jsDoc?: JSDoc[]; public original?: Node; private _children: Node[] | undefined; constructor(kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) { this.pos = pos; this.end = end; this.flags = NodeFlags.None; this.modifierFlagsCache = ModifierFlags.None; this.transformFlags = TransformFlags.None; this.parent = undefined!; this.kind = kind; } private assertHasRealPosition(message?: string) { // eslint-disable-next-line local/debug-assert Debug.assert(!positionIsSynthesized(this.pos) && !positionIsSynthesized(this.end), message || "Node must have a real position for this operation"); } public getSourceFile(): SourceFile { return getSourceFileOfNode(this); } public getStart(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike, includeJsDocComment?: boolean): number { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return getTokenPosOfNode(this, sourceFile, includeJsDocComment); } public getFullStart(): number { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return this.pos; } public getEnd(): number { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return this.end; } public getWidth(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return this.getEnd() - this.getStart(sourceFile); } public getFullWidth(): number { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return this.end - this.pos; } public getLeadingTriviaWidth(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return this.getStart(sourceFile) - this.pos; } public getFullText(sourceFile?: SourceFile): string { this.assertHasRealPosition(); return (sourceFile || this.getSourceFile()).text.substring(this.pos, this.end); } public getText(sourceFile?: SourceFile): string { this.assertHasRealPosition(); if (!sourceFile) { sourceFile = this.getSourceFile(); } return sourceFile.text.substring(this.getStart(sourceFile), this.getEnd()); } public getChildCount(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number { return this.getChildren(sourceFile).length; } public getChildAt(index: number, sourceFile?: SourceFile): Node { return this.getChildren(sourceFile)[index]; } public getChildren(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): Node[] { this.assertHasRealPosition("Node without a real position cannot be scanned and thus has no token nodes - use forEachChild and collect the result if that's fine"); return this._children || (this._children = createChildren(this, sourceFile)); } public getFirstToken(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): Node | undefined { this.assertHasRealPosition(); const children = this.getChildren(sourceFile); if (!children.length) { return undefined; } const child = find(children, kid => kid.kind < SyntaxKind.FirstJSDocNode || kid.kind > SyntaxKind.LastJSDocNode)!; return child.kind < SyntaxKind.FirstNode ? child : child.getFirstToken(sourceFile); } public getLastToken(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike): Node | undefined { this.assertHasRealPosition(); const children = this.getChildren(sourceFile); const child = lastOrUndefined(children); if (!child) { return undefined; } return child.kind < SyntaxKind.FirstNode ? child : child.getLastToken(sourceFile); } public forEachChild(cbNode: (node: Node) => T, cbNodeArray?: (nodes: NodeArray) => T): T | undefined { return forEachChild(this, cbNode, cbNodeArray); } } function createChildren(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFileLike | undefined): Node[] { if (!isNodeKind(node.kind)) { return emptyArray; } const children: Node[] = []; if (isJSDocCommentContainingNode(node)) { /** Don't add trivia for "tokens" since this is in a comment. */ node.forEachChild(child => { children.push(child); }); return children; } const sourceFileName: string | undefined = sourceFile ? sourceFile.fileName : node.getSourceFile().fileName; if (sourceFileName && getScriptKindFromFileName(sourceFileName) === ScriptKind.ETS) { scanner.setEtsContext(true); } scanner.setText((sourceFile || node.getSourceFile()).text); let pos = node.pos; const processNode = (child: Node) => { addSyntheticNodes(children, pos, child.pos, node); children.push(child); pos = child.end; }; const processNodes = (nodes: NodeArray) => { addSyntheticNodes(children, pos, nodes.pos, node); children.push(createSyntaxList(nodes, node)); pos = nodes.end; }; // jsDocComments need to be the first children forEach((node as JSDocContainer).jsDoc, processNode); // For syntactic classifications, all trivia are classified together, including jsdoc comments. // For that to work, the jsdoc comments should still be the leading trivia of the first child. // Restoring the scanner position ensures that. pos = node.pos; node.forEachChild(processNode, processNodes); addSyntheticNodes(children, pos, node.end, node); scanner.setText(undefined); scanner.setEtsContext(false); return children; } function addSyntheticNodes(nodes: Push, pos: number, end: number, parent: Node): void { // position start === end mean the node is virtual if(parent.virtual){ return; } scanner.setTextPos(pos); while (pos < end) { const token = scanner.scan(); const textPos = scanner.getTextPos(); if (textPos <= end) { if (token === SyntaxKind.Identifier) {`Did not expect ${Debug.formatSyntaxKind(parent.kind)} to have an Identifier in its trivia`); } nodes.push(createNode(token, pos, textPos, parent)); } pos = textPos; if (token === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken) { break; } } } function createSyntaxList(nodes: NodeArray, parent: Node): Node { const list = createNode(SyntaxKind.SyntaxList, nodes.pos, nodes.end, parent) as any as SyntaxList; list._children = []; let pos = nodes.pos; for (const node of nodes) { // position start === end mean the node is visual if (node.virtual) { continue; } addSyntheticNodes(list._children, pos, node.pos, parent); list._children.push(node); pos = node.end; } addSyntheticNodes(list._children, pos, nodes.end, parent); return list; } class TokenOrIdentifierObject implements Node { public kind!: SyntaxKind; public pos: number; public end: number; public flags: NodeFlags; public modifierFlagsCache: ModifierFlags; public transformFlags: TransformFlags; public parent: Node; public symbol!: Symbol; public jsDocComments?: JSDoc[]; constructor(pos: number, end: number) { // Set properties in same order as NodeObject this.pos = pos; this.end = end; this.flags = NodeFlags.None; this.modifierFlagsCache = ModifierFlags.None; this.transformFlags = TransformFlags.None; this.parent = undefined!; } public getSourceFile(): SourceFile { return getSourceFileOfNode(this); } public getStart(sourceFile?: SourceFileLike, includeJsDocComment?: boolean): number { return getTokenPosOfNode(this, sourceFile, includeJsDocComment); } public getFullStart(): number { return this.pos; } public getEnd(): number { return this.end; } public getWidth(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number { return this.getEnd() - this.getStart(sourceFile); } public getFullWidth(): number { return this.end - this.pos; } public getLeadingTriviaWidth(sourceFile?: SourceFile): number { return this.getStart(sourceFile) - this.pos; } public getFullText(sourceFile?: SourceFile): string { return (sourceFile || this.getSourceFile()).text.substring(this.pos, this.end); } public getText(sourceFile?: SourceFile): string { if (!sourceFile) { sourceFile = this.getSourceFile(); } return sourceFile.text.substring(this.getStart(sourceFile), this.getEnd()); } public getChildCount(): number { return this.getChildren().length; } public getChildAt(index: number): Node { return this.getChildren()[index]; } public getChildren(): Node[] { return this.kind === SyntaxKind.EndOfFileToken ? (this as EndOfFileToken).jsDoc || emptyArray : emptyArray; } public getFirstToken(): Node | undefined { return undefined; } public getLastToken(): Node | undefined { return undefined; } public forEachChild(): T | undefined { return undefined; } } class SymbolObject implements Symbol { flags: SymbolFlags; escapedName: __String; declarations!: Declaration[]; valueDeclaration!: Declaration; // Undefined is used to indicate the value has not been computed. If, after computing, the // symbol has no doc comment, then the empty array will be returned. documentationComment?: SymbolDisplayPart[]; tags?: JSDocTagInfo[]; // same contextualGetAccessorDocumentationComment?: SymbolDisplayPart[]; contextualSetAccessorDocumentationComment?: SymbolDisplayPart[]; contextualGetAccessorTags?: JSDocTagInfo[]; contextualSetAccessorTags?: JSDocTagInfo[]; constructor(flags: SymbolFlags, name: __String) { this.flags = flags; this.escapedName = name; } getFlags(): SymbolFlags { return this.flags; } get name(): string { return symbolName(this); } getEscapedName(): __String { return this.escapedName; } getName(): string { return; } getDeclarations(): Declaration[] | undefined { return this.declarations; } getDocumentationComment(checker: TypeChecker | undefined): SymbolDisplayPart[] { if (!this.documentationComment) { this.documentationComment = emptyArray; // Set temporarily to avoid an infinite loop finding inherited docs if (!this.declarations && (this as Symbol as TransientSymbol).target && ((this as Symbol as TransientSymbol).target as TransientSymbol).tupleLabelDeclaration) { const labelDecl = ((this as Symbol as TransientSymbol).target as TransientSymbol).tupleLabelDeclaration!; this.documentationComment = getDocumentationComment([labelDecl], checker); } else { this.documentationComment = getDocumentationComment(this.declarations, checker); } } return this.documentationComment; } getContextualDocumentationComment(context: Node | undefined, checker: TypeChecker | undefined): SymbolDisplayPart[] { if (context) { if (isGetAccessor(context)) { if (!this.contextualGetAccessorDocumentationComment) { this.contextualGetAccessorDocumentationComment = getDocumentationComment(filter(this.declarations, isGetAccessor), checker); } if (length(this.contextualGetAccessorDocumentationComment)) { return this.contextualGetAccessorDocumentationComment; } } if (isSetAccessor(context)) { if (!this.contextualSetAccessorDocumentationComment) { this.contextualSetAccessorDocumentationComment = getDocumentationComment(filter(this.declarations, isSetAccessor), checker); } if (length(this.contextualSetAccessorDocumentationComment)) { return this.contextualSetAccessorDocumentationComment; } } } return this.getDocumentationComment(checker); } getJsDocTags(checker?: TypeChecker): JSDocTagInfo[] { if (this.tags === undefined) { this.tags = getJsDocTagsOfDeclarations(this.declarations, checker); } return this.tags; } getContextualJsDocTags(context: Node | undefined, checker: TypeChecker | undefined): JSDocTagInfo[] { if (context) { if (isGetAccessor(context)) { if (!this.contextualGetAccessorTags) { this.contextualGetAccessorTags = getJsDocTagsOfDeclarations(filter(this.declarations, isGetAccessor), checker); } if (length(this.contextualGetAccessorTags)) { return this.contextualGetAccessorTags; } } if (isSetAccessor(context)) { if (!this.contextualSetAccessorTags) { this.contextualSetAccessorTags = getJsDocTagsOfDeclarations(filter(this.declarations, isSetAccessor), checker); } if (length(this.contextualSetAccessorTags)) { return this.contextualSetAccessorTags; } } } return this.getJsDocTags(checker); } } class TokenObject extends TokenOrIdentifierObject implements Token { public kind: TKind; constructor(kind: TKind, pos: number, end: number) { super(pos, end); this.kind = kind; } } class IdentifierObject extends TokenOrIdentifierObject implements Identifier { public kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier = SyntaxKind.Identifier; public escapedText!: __String; public autoGenerateFlags!: GeneratedIdentifierFlags; _primaryExpressionBrand: any; _memberExpressionBrand: any; _leftHandSideExpressionBrand: any; _updateExpressionBrand: any; _unaryExpressionBrand: any; _expressionBrand: any; _declarationBrand: any; /*@internal*/typeArguments!: NodeArray; constructor(_kind: SyntaxKind.Identifier, pos: number, end: number) { super(pos, end); } get text(): string { return idText(this); } } IdentifierObject.prototype.kind = SyntaxKind.Identifier; class PrivateIdentifierObject extends TokenOrIdentifierObject implements PrivateIdentifier { public kind!: SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier; public escapedText!: __String; public symbol!: Symbol; _primaryExpressionBrand: any; _memberExpressionBrand: any; _leftHandSideExpressionBrand: any; _updateExpressionBrand: any; _unaryExpressionBrand: any; _expressionBrand: any; constructor(_kind: SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier, pos: number, end: number) { super(pos, end); } get text(): string { return idText(this); } } PrivateIdentifierObject.prototype.kind = SyntaxKind.PrivateIdentifier; class TypeObject implements Type { checker: TypeChecker; flags: TypeFlags; objectFlags?: ObjectFlags; id!: number; symbol!: Symbol; constructor(checker: TypeChecker, flags: TypeFlags) { this.checker = checker; this.flags = flags; } getFlags(): TypeFlags { return this.flags; } getSymbol(): Symbol | undefined { return this.symbol; } getProperties(): Symbol[] { return this.checker.getPropertiesOfType(this); } getProperty(propertyName: string): Symbol | undefined { return this.checker.getPropertyOfType(this, propertyName); } getApparentProperties(): Symbol[] { return this.checker.getAugmentedPropertiesOfType(this); } getCallSignatures(): readonly Signature[] { return this.checker.getSignaturesOfType(this, SignatureKind.Call); } getConstructSignatures(): readonly Signature[] { return this.checker.getSignaturesOfType(this, SignatureKind.Construct); } getStringIndexType(): Type | undefined { return this.checker.getIndexTypeOfType(this, IndexKind.String); } getNumberIndexType(): Type | undefined { return this.checker.getIndexTypeOfType(this, IndexKind.Number); } getBaseTypes(): BaseType[] | undefined { return this.isClassOrInterface() ? this.checker.getBaseTypes(this) : undefined; } isNullableType(): boolean { return this.checker.isNullableType(this); } getNonNullableType(): Type { return this.checker.getNonNullableType(this); } getNonOptionalType(): Type { return this.checker.getNonOptionalType(this); } getConstraint(): Type | undefined { return this.checker.getBaseConstraintOfType(this); } getDefault(): Type | undefined { return this.checker.getDefaultFromTypeParameter(this); } isUnion(): this is UnionType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.Union); } isIntersection(): this is IntersectionType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.Intersection); } isUnionOrIntersection(): this is UnionOrIntersectionType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.UnionOrIntersection); } isLiteral(): this is LiteralType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.StringOrNumberLiteral); } isStringLiteral(): this is StringLiteralType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.StringLiteral); } isNumberLiteral(): this is NumberLiteralType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.NumberLiteral); } isTypeParameter(): this is TypeParameter { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.TypeParameter); } isClassOrInterface(): this is InterfaceType { return !!(getObjectFlags(this) & ObjectFlags.ClassOrInterface); } isClass(): this is InterfaceType { return !!(getObjectFlags(this) & ObjectFlags.Class); } isIndexType(): this is IndexType { return !!(this.flags & TypeFlags.Index); } /** * This polyfills `referenceType.typeArguments` for API consumers */ get typeArguments() { if (getObjectFlags(this) & ObjectFlags.Reference) { return this.checker.getTypeArguments(this as Type as TypeReference); } return undefined; } } class SignatureObject implements Signature { flags: SignatureFlags; checker: TypeChecker; declaration!: SignatureDeclaration; typeParameters?: TypeParameter[]; parameters!: Symbol[]; thisParameter!: Symbol; resolvedReturnType!: Type; resolvedTypePredicate: TypePredicate | undefined; minTypeArgumentCount!: number; minArgumentCount!: number; // Undefined is used to indicate the value has not been computed. If, after computing, the // symbol has no doc comment, then the empty array will be returned. documentationComment?: SymbolDisplayPart[]; jsDocTags?: JSDocTagInfo[]; // same constructor(checker: TypeChecker, flags: SignatureFlags) { this.checker = checker; this.flags = flags; } getDeclaration(): SignatureDeclaration { return this.declaration; } getTypeParameters(): TypeParameter[] | undefined { return this.typeParameters; } getParameters(): Symbol[] { return this.parameters; } getReturnType(): Type { return this.checker.getReturnTypeOfSignature(this); } getTypeParameterAtPosition(pos: number): Type { const type = this.checker.getParameterType(this, pos); if (type.isIndexType() && isThisTypeParameter(type.type)) { const constraint = type.type.getConstraint(); if (constraint) { return this.checker.getIndexType(constraint); } } return type; } getDocumentationComment(): SymbolDisplayPart[] { return this.documentationComment || (this.documentationComment = getDocumentationComment(singleElementArray(this.declaration), this.checker)); } getJsDocTags(): JSDocTagInfo[] { return this.jsDocTags || (this.jsDocTags = getJsDocTagsOfDeclarations(singleElementArray(this.declaration), this.checker)); } } /** * Returns whether or not the given node has a JSDoc "inheritDoc" tag on it. * @param node the Node in question. * @returns `true` if `node` has a JSDoc "inheritDoc" tag on it, otherwise `false`. */ function hasJSDocInheritDocTag(node: Node) { return getJSDocTags(node).some(tag => tag.tagName.text === "inheritDoc" || tag.tagName.text === "inheritdoc"); } function getJsDocTagsOfDeclarations(declarations: Declaration[] | undefined, checker: TypeChecker | undefined): JSDocTagInfo[] { if (!declarations) return emptyArray; let tags = JsDoc.getJsDocTagsFromDeclarations(declarations, checker); if (checker && (tags.length === 0 || declarations.some(hasJSDocInheritDocTag))) { const seenSymbols = new Set(); for (const declaration of declarations) { const inheritedTags = findBaseOfDeclaration(checker, declaration, symbol => { if (!seenSymbols.has(symbol)) { seenSymbols.add(symbol); if (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor) { return symbol.getContextualJsDocTags(declaration, checker); } return symbol.declarations?.length === 1 ? symbol.getJsDocTags() : undefined; } }); if (inheritedTags) { tags = [...inheritedTags, ...tags]; } } } return tags; } function getDocumentationComment(declarations: readonly Declaration[] | undefined, checker: TypeChecker | undefined): SymbolDisplayPart[] { if (!declarations) return emptyArray; let doc = JsDoc.getJsDocCommentsFromDeclarations(declarations, checker); if (checker && (doc.length === 0 || declarations.some(hasJSDocInheritDocTag))) { const seenSymbols = new Set(); for (const declaration of declarations) { const inheritedDocs = findBaseOfDeclaration(checker, declaration, symbol => { if (!seenSymbols.has(symbol)) { seenSymbols.add(symbol); if (declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.GetAccessor || declaration.kind === SyntaxKind.SetAccessor) { return symbol.getContextualDocumentationComment(declaration, checker); } return symbol.getDocumentationComment(checker); } }); // TODO: GH#16312 Return a ReadonlyArray, avoid copying inheritedDocs if (inheritedDocs) doc = doc.length === 0 ? inheritedDocs.slice() : inheritedDocs.concat(lineBreakPart(), doc); } } return doc; } function findBaseOfDeclaration(checker: TypeChecker, declaration: Declaration, cb: (symbol: Symbol) => T[] | undefined): T[] | undefined { const classOrInterfaceDeclaration = declaration.parent?.kind === SyntaxKind.Constructor ? declaration.parent.parent : declaration.parent; if (!classOrInterfaceDeclaration) return; const isStaticMember = hasStaticModifier(declaration); return firstDefined(getAllSuperTypeNodes(classOrInterfaceDeclaration), superTypeNode => { const baseType = checker.getTypeAtLocation(superTypeNode); const type = isStaticMember && baseType.symbol ? checker.getTypeOfSymbol(baseType.symbol) : baseType; const symbol = checker.getPropertyOfType(type,; return symbol ? cb(symbol) : undefined; }); } class SourceFileObject extends NodeObject implements SourceFile { public kind: SyntaxKind.SourceFile = SyntaxKind.SourceFile; public _declarationBrand: any; public fileName!: string; public path!: Path; public resolvedPath!: Path; public originalFileName!: string; public text!: string; public scriptSnapshot!: IScriptSnapshot; public lineMap!: readonly number[]; public statements!: NodeArray; public endOfFileToken!: Token; public amdDependencies!: { name: string; path: string }[]; public moduleName!: string; public referencedFiles!: FileReference[]; public typeReferenceDirectives!: FileReference[]; public libReferenceDirectives!: FileReference[]; public syntacticDiagnostics!: DiagnosticWithLocation[]; public parseDiagnostics!: DiagnosticWithLocation[]; public bindDiagnostics!: DiagnosticWithLocation[]; public bindSuggestionDiagnostics?: DiagnosticWithLocation[]; public isDeclarationFile!: boolean; public isDefaultLib!: boolean; public hasNoDefaultLib!: boolean; public externalModuleIndicator!: Node; // The first node that causes this file to be an external module public commonJsModuleIndicator!: Node; // The first node that causes this file to be a CommonJS module public nodeCount!: number; public identifierCount!: number; public symbolCount!: number; public version!: string; public scriptKind!: ScriptKind; public languageVersion!: ScriptTarget; public languageVariant!: LanguageVariant; public identifiers!: ESMap; public nameTable: UnderscoreEscapedMap | undefined; public resolvedModules: ModeAwareCache | undefined; public resolvedTypeReferenceDirectiveNames!: ModeAwareCache; public imports!: readonly StringLiteralLike[]; public moduleAugmentations!: StringLiteral[]; private namedDeclarations: ESMap | undefined; public ambientModuleNames!: string[]; public checkJsDirective: CheckJsDirective | undefined; public errorExpectations: TextRange[] | undefined; public possiblyContainDynamicImport?: boolean; public pragmas!: PragmaMap; public localJsxFactory: EntityName | undefined; public localJsxNamespace: __String | undefined; constructor(kind: SyntaxKind, pos: number, end: number) { super(kind, pos, end); } public update(newText: string, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange): SourceFile { return updateSourceFile(this, newText, textChangeRange); } public getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(position: number): LineAndCharacter { return getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(this, position); } public getLineStarts(): readonly number[] { return getLineStarts(this); } public getPositionOfLineAndCharacter(line: number, character: number, allowEdits?: true): number { return computePositionOfLineAndCharacter(getLineStarts(this), line, character, this.text, allowEdits); } public getLineEndOfPosition(pos: number): number { const { line } = this.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos); const lineStarts = this.getLineStarts(); let lastCharPos: number | undefined; if (line + 1 >= lineStarts.length) { lastCharPos = this.getEnd(); } if (!lastCharPos) { lastCharPos = lineStarts[line + 1] - 1; } const fullText = this.getFullText(); // if the new line is "\r\n", we should return the last non-new-line-character position return fullText[lastCharPos] === "\n" && fullText[lastCharPos - 1] === "\r" ? lastCharPos - 1 : lastCharPos; } public getNamedDeclarations(): ESMap { if (!this.namedDeclarations) { this.namedDeclarations = this.computeNamedDeclarations(); } return this.namedDeclarations; } private computeNamedDeclarations(): ESMap { const result = createMultiMap(); this.forEachChild(visit); return result; function addDeclaration(declaration: Declaration) { const name = getDeclarationName(declaration); if (name) { result.add(name, declaration); } } function getDeclarations(name: string) { let declarations = result.get(name); if (!declarations) { result.set(name, declarations = []); } return declarations; } function getDeclarationName(declaration: Declaration) { const name = getNonAssignedNameOfDeclaration(declaration); return name && (isComputedPropertyName(name) && isPropertyAccessExpression(name.expression) ? : isPropertyName(name) ? getNameFromPropertyName(name) : undefined); } function visit(node: Node): void { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression: case SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: const functionDeclaration = node as FunctionLikeDeclaration; const declarationName = getDeclarationName(functionDeclaration); if (declarationName) { const declarations = getDeclarations(declarationName); const lastDeclaration = lastOrUndefined(declarations); // Check whether this declaration belongs to an "overload group". if (lastDeclaration && functionDeclaration.parent === lastDeclaration.parent && functionDeclaration.symbol === lastDeclaration.symbol) { // Overwrite the last declaration if it was an overload // and this one is an implementation. if (functionDeclaration.body && !(lastDeclaration as FunctionLikeDeclaration).body) { declarations[declarations.length - 1] = functionDeclaration; } } else { declarations.push(functionDeclaration); } } forEachChild(node, visit); break; case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.TypeAliasDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.EnumDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ExportSpecifier: case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: case SyntaxKind.ImportClause: case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: case SyntaxKind.GetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.SetAccessor: case SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral: addDeclaration(node as Declaration); forEachChild(node, visit); break; case SyntaxKind.Parameter: // Only consider parameter properties if (!hasSyntacticModifier(node, ModifierFlags.ParameterPropertyModifier)) { break; } // falls through case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.BindingElement: { const decl = node as VariableDeclaration; if (isBindingPattern( { forEachChild(, visit); break; } if (decl.initializer) { visit(decl.initializer); } } // falls through case SyntaxKind.EnumMember: case SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.PropertySignature: addDeclaration(node as Declaration); break; case SyntaxKind.ExportDeclaration: // Handle named exports case e.g.: // export {a, b as B} from "mod"; const exportDeclaration = node as ExportDeclaration; if (exportDeclaration.exportClause) { if (isNamedExports(exportDeclaration.exportClause)) { forEach(exportDeclaration.exportClause.elements, visit); } else { visit(; } } break; case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: const importClause = (node as ImportDeclaration).importClause; if (importClause) { // Handle default import case e.g.: // import d from "mod"; if ( { addDeclaration(; } // Handle named bindings in imports e.g.: // import * as NS from "mod"; // import {a, b as B} from "mod"; if (importClause.namedBindings) { if (importClause.namedBindings.kind === SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport) { addDeclaration(importClause.namedBindings); } else { forEach(importClause.namedBindings.elements, visit); } } } break; case SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: if (getAssignmentDeclarationKind(node as BinaryExpression) !== AssignmentDeclarationKind.None) { addDeclaration(node as BinaryExpression); } // falls through default: forEachChild(node, visit); } } } } class SourceMapSourceObject implements SourceMapSource { lineMap!: number[]; constructor(public fileName: string, public text: string, public skipTrivia?: (pos: number) => number) { } public getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos: number): LineAndCharacter { return getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(this, pos); } } function getServicesObjectAllocator(): ObjectAllocator { return { getNodeConstructor: () => NodeObject, getTokenConstructor: () => TokenObject, getIdentifierConstructor: () => IdentifierObject, getPrivateIdentifierConstructor: () => PrivateIdentifierObject, getSourceFileConstructor: () => SourceFileObject, getSymbolConstructor: () => SymbolObject, getTypeConstructor: () => TypeObject, getSignatureConstructor: () => SignatureObject, getSourceMapSourceConstructor: () => SourceMapSourceObject, }; } /// Language Service /* @internal */ export interface DisplayPartsSymbolWriter extends EmitTextWriter { displayParts(): SymbolDisplayPart[]; } /* @internal */ export function toEditorSettings(options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): FormatCodeSettings; export function toEditorSettings(options: EditorOptions | EditorSettings): EditorSettings; export function toEditorSettings(optionsAsMap: MapLike): MapLike { let allPropertiesAreCamelCased = true; for (const key in optionsAsMap) { if (hasProperty(optionsAsMap, key) && !isCamelCase(key)) { allPropertiesAreCamelCased = false; break; } } if (allPropertiesAreCamelCased) { return optionsAsMap; } const settings: MapLike = {}; for (const key in optionsAsMap) { if (hasProperty(optionsAsMap, key)) { const newKey = isCamelCase(key) ? key : key.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + key.substr(1); settings[newKey] = optionsAsMap[key]; } } return settings; } function isCamelCase(s: string) { return !s.length || s.charAt(0) === s.charAt(0).toLowerCase(); } export function displayPartsToString(displayParts: SymbolDisplayPart[] | undefined) { if (displayParts) { return map(displayParts, displayPart => displayPart.text).join(""); } return ""; } export function getDefaultCompilerOptions(): CompilerOptions { // Always default to "ScriptTarget.ES5" for the language service return { target: ScriptTarget.ES5, jsx: JsxEmit.Preserve }; } export function getSupportedCodeFixes() { return codefix.getSupportedErrorCodes(); } class SyntaxTreeCache { // For our syntactic only features, we also keep a cache of the syntax tree for the // currently edited file. private currentFileName: string | undefined; private currentFileVersion: string | undefined; private currentFileScriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot | undefined; private currentSourceFile: SourceFile | undefined; constructor(private host: LanguageServiceHost) { } public getCurrentSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile { const scriptSnapshot =; if (!scriptSnapshot) { // The host does not know about this file. throw new Error("Could not find file: '" + fileName + "'."); } const scriptKind = getScriptKind(fileName,; const version =; let sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined; if (this.currentFileName !== fileName) { // This is a new file, just parse it const options: CreateSourceFileOptions = { languageVersion: ScriptTarget.Latest, impliedNodeFormat: getImpliedNodeFormatForFile( toPath(fileName,, || hostGetCanonicalFileName(,,, ), setExternalModuleIndicator: getSetExternalModuleIndicator( }; sourceFile = createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName, scriptSnapshot, options, version, /*setNodeParents*/ true, scriptKind,; } else if (this.currentFileVersion !== version) { // This is the same file, just a newer version. Incrementally parse the file. const editRange = scriptSnapshot.getChangeRange(this.currentFileScriptSnapshot!); sourceFile = updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(this.currentSourceFile!, scriptSnapshot, version, editRange, /*aggressiveChecks*/ undefined,; } if (sourceFile) { // All done, ensure state is up to date this.currentFileVersion = version; this.currentFileName = fileName; this.currentFileScriptSnapshot = scriptSnapshot; this.currentSourceFile = sourceFile; } return this.currentSourceFile!; } } function setSourceFileFields(sourceFile: SourceFile, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: string) { sourceFile.version = version; sourceFile.scriptSnapshot = scriptSnapshot; } export function createLanguageServiceSourceFile(fileName: string, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, scriptTargetOrOptions: ScriptTarget | CreateSourceFileOptions, version: string, setNodeParents: boolean, scriptKind?: ScriptKind, option?: CompilerOptions): SourceFile { const sourceFile = createSourceFile(fileName, getSnapshotText(scriptSnapshot), scriptTargetOrOptions, setNodeParents, scriptKind, option); setSourceFileFields(sourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version); return sourceFile; } export function updateLanguageServiceSourceFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, scriptSnapshot: IScriptSnapshot, version: string, textChangeRange: TextChangeRange | undefined, aggressiveChecks?: boolean, option?: CompilerOptions): SourceFile { // If we were given a text change range, and our version or open-ness changed, then // incrementally parse this file. if (textChangeRange) { if (version !== sourceFile.version) { let newText: string; // grab the fragment from the beginning of the original text to the beginning of the span const prefix = textChangeRange.span.start !== 0 ? sourceFile.text.substr(0, textChangeRange.span.start) : ""; // grab the fragment from the end of the span till the end of the original text const suffix = textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span) !== sourceFile.text.length ? sourceFile.text.substr(textSpanEnd(textChangeRange.span)) : ""; if (textChangeRange.newLength === 0) { // edit was a deletion - just combine prefix and suffix newText = prefix && suffix ? prefix + suffix : prefix || suffix; } else { // it was actual edit, fetch the fragment of new text that correspond to new span const changedText = scriptSnapshot.getText(textChangeRange.span.start, textChangeRange.span.start + textChangeRange.newLength); // combine prefix, changed text and suffix newText = prefix && suffix ? prefix + changedText + suffix : prefix ? (prefix + changedText) : (changedText + suffix); } const newSourceFile = updateSourceFile(sourceFile, newText, textChangeRange, aggressiveChecks, option); setSourceFileFields(newSourceFile, scriptSnapshot, version); // after incremental parsing nameTable might not be up-to-date // drop it so it can be lazily recreated later newSourceFile.nameTable = undefined; // dispose all resources held by old script snapshot if (sourceFile !== newSourceFile && sourceFile.scriptSnapshot) { if (sourceFile.scriptSnapshot.dispose) { sourceFile.scriptSnapshot.dispose(); } sourceFile.scriptSnapshot = undefined; } return newSourceFile; } } const options: CreateSourceFileOptions = { languageVersion: sourceFile.languageVersion, impliedNodeFormat: sourceFile.impliedNodeFormat, setExternalModuleIndicator: sourceFile.setExternalModuleIndicator, }; // Otherwise, just create a new source file. return createLanguageServiceSourceFile(sourceFile.fileName, scriptSnapshot, options, version, /*setNodeParents*/ true, sourceFile.scriptKind, option); } const NoopCancellationToken: CancellationToken = { isCancellationRequested: returnFalse, throwIfCancellationRequested: noop, }; class CancellationTokenObject implements CancellationToken { constructor(private cancellationToken: HostCancellationToken) { } public isCancellationRequested(): boolean { return this.cancellationToken.isCancellationRequested(); } public throwIfCancellationRequested(): void { if (this.isCancellationRequested()) { tracing?.instant(tracing.Phase.Session, "cancellationThrown", { kind: "CancellationTokenObject" }); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } } } /* @internal */ /** A cancellation that throttles calls to the host */ export class ThrottledCancellationToken implements CancellationToken { // Store when we last tried to cancel. Checking cancellation can be expensive (as we have // to marshall over to the host layer). So we only bother actually checking once enough // time has passed. private lastCancellationCheckTime = 0; constructor(private hostCancellationToken: HostCancellationToken, private readonly throttleWaitMilliseconds = 20) { } public isCancellationRequested(): boolean { const time = timestamp(); const duration = Math.abs(time - this.lastCancellationCheckTime); if (duration >= this.throttleWaitMilliseconds) { // Check no more than once every throttle wait milliseconds this.lastCancellationCheckTime = time; return this.hostCancellationToken.isCancellationRequested(); } return false; } public throwIfCancellationRequested(): void { if (this.isCancellationRequested()) { tracing?.instant(tracing.Phase.Session, "cancellationThrown", { kind: "ThrottledCancellationToken" }); throw new OperationCanceledException(); } } } const invalidOperationsInPartialSemanticMode: readonly (keyof LanguageService)[] = [ "getSemanticDiagnostics", "getSuggestionDiagnostics", "getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics", "getSemanticClassifications", "getEncodedSemanticClassifications", "getCodeFixesAtPosition", "getCombinedCodeFix", "applyCodeActionCommand", "organizeImports", "getEditsForFileRename", "getEmitOutput", "getApplicableRefactors", "getEditsForRefactor", "prepareCallHierarchy", "provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls", "provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls", "provideInlayHints" ]; const invalidOperationsInSyntacticMode: readonly (keyof LanguageService)[] = [ ...invalidOperationsInPartialSemanticMode, "getCompletionsAtPosition", "getCompletionEntryDetails", "getCompletionEntrySymbol", "getSignatureHelpItems", "getQuickInfoAtPosition", "getDefinitionAtPosition", "getDefinitionAndBoundSpan", "getImplementationAtPosition", "getTypeDefinitionAtPosition", "getReferencesAtPosition", "findReferences", "getOccurrencesAtPosition", "getDocumentHighlights", "getNavigateToItems", "getRenameInfo", "findRenameLocations", "getApplicableRefactors", ]; export function createLanguageService( host: LanguageServiceHost, documentRegistry: DocumentRegistry = createDocumentRegistry(host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames && host.useCaseSensitiveFileNames(), host.getCurrentDirectory()), syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode?: boolean | LanguageServiceMode, ): LanguageService { let languageServiceMode: LanguageServiceMode; if (syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode === undefined) { languageServiceMode = LanguageServiceMode.Semantic; } else if (typeof syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode === "boolean") { // languageServiceMode = SyntaxOnly languageServiceMode = syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode ? LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic : LanguageServiceMode.Semantic; } else { languageServiceMode = syntaxOnlyOrLanguageServiceMode; } const syntaxTreeCache: SyntaxTreeCache = new SyntaxTreeCache(host); let program: Program; let builderProgram: BuilderProgram; let lastProjectVersion: string; let lastTypesRootVersion = 0; const cancellationToken = host.getCancellationToken ? new CancellationTokenObject(host.getCancellationToken()) : NoopCancellationToken; const currentDirectory = host.getCurrentDirectory(); // Checks if the localized messages json is set, and if not, query the host for it maybeSetLocalizedDiagnosticMessages(host.getLocalizedDiagnosticMessages?.bind(host)); function log(message: string) { if (host.log) { host.log(message); } } const useCaseSensitiveFileNames = hostUsesCaseSensitiveFileNames(host); const getCanonicalFileName = createGetCanonicalFileName(useCaseSensitiveFileNames); const sourceMapper = getSourceMapper({ useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => useCaseSensitiveFileNames, getCurrentDirectory: () => currentDirectory, getProgram, fileExists: maybeBind(host, host.fileExists), readFile: maybeBind(host, host.readFile), getDocumentPositionMapper: maybeBind(host, host.getDocumentPositionMapper), getSourceFileLike: maybeBind(host, host.getSourceFileLike), log }); function getValidSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(fileName); if (!sourceFile) { const error: Error & PossibleProgramFileInfo = new Error(`Could not find source file: '${fileName}'.`); // We've been having trouble debugging this, so attach sidecar data for the tsserver log. // See error.ProgramFiles = program.getSourceFiles().map(f => f.fileName); throw error; } return sourceFile; } function synchronizeHostData(isCreateIncrementalProgramMode: boolean = false): void { Debug.assert(languageServiceMode !== LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic); // perform fast check if host supports it if (host.getProjectVersion) { const hostProjectVersion = host.getProjectVersion(); if (hostProjectVersion) { if (lastProjectVersion === hostProjectVersion && !host.hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames?.()) { return; } lastProjectVersion = hostProjectVersion; } } const typeRootsVersion = host.getTypeRootsVersion ? host.getTypeRootsVersion() : 0; if (lastTypesRootVersion !== typeRootsVersion) { log("TypeRoots version has changed; provide new program"); program = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 lastTypesRootVersion = typeRootsVersion; } // This array is retained by the program and will be used to determine if the program is up to date, // so we need to make a copy in case the host mutates the underlying array - otherwise it would look // like every program always has the host's current list of root files. const rootFileNames = host.getScriptFileNames().slice(); // Get a fresh cache of the host information const newSettings = host.getCompilationSettings() || getDefaultCompilerOptions(); const hasInvalidatedResolutions: HasInvalidatedResolutions = host.hasInvalidatedResolutions || returnFalse; const hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames = maybeBind(host, host.hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames); const projectReferences = host.getProjectReferences?.(); let parsedCommandLines: ESMap | undefined; // Now create a new compiler let compilerHost: CompilerHost | undefined = { getSourceFile: getOrCreateSourceFile, getSourceFileByPath: getOrCreateSourceFileByPath, getCancellationToken: () => cancellationToken, getCanonicalFileName, useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => useCaseSensitiveFileNames, getNewLine: () => getNewLineCharacter(newSettings, () => getNewLineOrDefaultFromHost(host)), getDefaultLibFileName: options => host.getDefaultLibFileName(options), writeFile: noop, getCurrentDirectory: () => currentDirectory, fileExists: fileName => host.fileExists(fileName), readFile: fileName => host.readFile && host.readFile(fileName), getSymlinkCache: maybeBind(host, host.getSymlinkCache), realpath: maybeBind(host, host.realpath), directoryExists: directoryName => { return directoryProbablyExists(directoryName, host); }, getDirectories: path => { return host.getDirectories ? host.getDirectories(path) : []; }, readDirectory: (path: string, extensions?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number) => { Debug.checkDefined(host.readDirectory, "'LanguageServiceHost.readDirectory' must be implemented to correctly process 'projectReferences'"); return host.readDirectory!(path, extensions, exclude, include, depth); }, onReleaseOldSourceFile, onReleaseParsedCommandLine, hasInvalidatedResolutions, hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames, trace: maybeBind(host, host.trace), resolveModuleNames: maybeBind(host, host.resolveModuleNames), getModuleResolutionCache: maybeBind(host, host.getModuleResolutionCache), resolveTypeReferenceDirectives: maybeBind(host, host.resolveTypeReferenceDirectives), useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect: maybeBind(host, host.useSourceOfProjectReferenceRedirect), getParsedCommandLine, getJsDocNodeCheckedConfig: maybeBind(host, host.getJsDocNodeCheckedConfig), getJsDocNodeConditionCheckedResult: maybeBind(host, host.getJsDocNodeConditionCheckedResult), getFileCheckedModuleInfo: maybeBind(host, host.getFileCheckedModuleInfo), }; const originalGetSourceFile = compilerHost.getSourceFile; const { getSourceFileWithCache } = changeCompilerHostLikeToUseCache( compilerHost, fileName => toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName), (...args) =>, ...args) ); compilerHost.getSourceFile = getSourceFileWithCache!; host.setCompilerHost?.(compilerHost); const parseConfigHost: ParseConfigFileHost = { useCaseSensitiveFileNames, fileExists: fileName => compilerHost!.fileExists(fileName), readFile: fileName => compilerHost!.readFile(fileName), readDirectory: (...args) => compilerHost!.readDirectory!(...args), trace: compilerHost.trace, getCurrentDirectory: compilerHost.getCurrentDirectory, onUnRecoverableConfigFileDiagnostic: noop, }; // The call to isProgramUptoDate below may refer back to documentRegistryBucketKey; // calculate this early so it's not undefined if downleveled to a var (or, if emitted // as a const variable without downleveling, doesn't crash). const documentRegistryBucketKey = documentRegistry.getKeyForCompilationSettings(newSettings); // If the program is already up-to-date, we can reuse it if (isProgramUptoDate(program, rootFileNames, newSettings, (_path, fileName) => host.getScriptVersion(fileName), fileName => compilerHost!.fileExists(fileName), hasInvalidatedResolutions, hasChangedAutomaticTypeDirectiveNames, getParsedCommandLine, projectReferences)) { return; } // clear ArkUI collected properties host.clearProps && host.clearProps(); compilerHost.getLastCompiledProgram = () => { return program; } // IMPORTANT - It is critical from this moment onward that we do not check // cancellation tokens. We are about to mutate source files from a previous program // instance. If we cancel midway through, we may end up in an inconsistent state where // the program points to old source files that have been invalidated because of // incremental parsing. const options: CreateProgramOptions = { rootNames: rootFileNames, options: newSettings, host: compilerHost, oldProgram: program, projectReferences }; if (isCreateIncrementalProgramMode) { builderProgram = createIncrementalProgram(options); program = builderProgram.getProgram(); } else { program = createProgram(options); } // 'getOrCreateSourceFile' depends on caching but should be used past this point. // After this point, the cache needs to be cleared to allow all collected snapshots to be released compilerHost = undefined; parsedCommandLines = undefined; // We reset this cache on structure invalidation so we don't hold on to outdated files for long; however we can't use the `compilerHost` above, // Because it only functions until `hostCache` is cleared, while we'll potentially need the functionality to lazily read sourcemap files during // the course of whatever called `synchronizeHostData` sourceMapper.clearCache(); // Make sure all the nodes in the program are both bound, and have their parent // pointers set property. program.getTypeChecker(); return; function getParsedCommandLine(fileName: string): ParsedCommandLine | undefined { const path = toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); const existing = parsedCommandLines?.get(path); if (existing !== undefined) return existing || undefined; const result = host.getParsedCommandLine ? host.getParsedCommandLine(fileName) : getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFileUsingSourceFile(fileName); (parsedCommandLines ||= new Map()).set(path, result || false); return result; } function getParsedCommandLineOfConfigFileUsingSourceFile(configFileName: string): ParsedCommandLine | undefined { const result = getOrCreateSourceFile(configFileName, ScriptTarget.JSON) as JsonSourceFile | undefined; if (!result) return undefined; result.path = toPath(configFileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); result.resolvedPath = result.path; result.originalFileName = result.fileName; return parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent( result, parseConfigHost, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(getDirectoryPath(configFileName), currentDirectory), /*optionsToExtend*/ undefined, getNormalizedAbsolutePath(configFileName, currentDirectory), ); } function onReleaseParsedCommandLine(configFileName: string, oldResolvedRef: ResolvedProjectReference | undefined, oldOptions: CompilerOptions) { if (host.getParsedCommandLine) { host.onReleaseParsedCommandLine?.(configFileName, oldResolvedRef, oldOptions); } else if (oldResolvedRef) { onReleaseOldSourceFile(oldResolvedRef.sourceFile, oldOptions); } } // Release any files we have acquired in the old program but are // not part of the new program. function onReleaseOldSourceFile(oldSourceFile: SourceFile, oldOptions: CompilerOptions) { const oldSettingsKey = documentRegistry.getKeyForCompilationSettings(oldOptions); documentRegistry.releaseDocumentWithKey(oldSourceFile.resolvedPath, oldSettingsKey, oldSourceFile.scriptKind, oldSourceFile.impliedNodeFormat); } function getOrCreateSourceFile(fileName: string, languageVersionOrOptions: ScriptTarget | CreateSourceFileOptions, onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined { return getOrCreateSourceFileByPath(fileName, toPath(fileName, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName), languageVersionOrOptions, onError, shouldCreateNewSourceFile); } function getOrCreateSourceFileByPath(fileName: string, path: Path, languageVersionOrOptions: ScriptTarget | CreateSourceFileOptions, _onError?: (message: string) => void, shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean): SourceFile | undefined { Debug.assert(compilerHost, "getOrCreateSourceFileByPath called after typical CompilerHost lifetime, check the callstack something with a reference to an old host."); // The program is asking for this file, check first if the host can locate it. // If the host can not locate the file, then it does not exist. return undefined // to the program to allow reporting of errors for missing files. const scriptSnapshot = host.getScriptSnapshot(fileName); if (!scriptSnapshot) { return undefined; } const scriptKind = getScriptKind(fileName, host); const scriptVersion = host.getScriptVersion(fileName); // Check if the language version has changed since we last created a program; if they are the same, // it is safe to reuse the sourceFiles; if not, then the shape of the AST can change, and the oldSourceFile // can not be reused. we have to dump all syntax trees and create new ones. if (!shouldCreateNewSourceFile) { // Check if the old program had this file already const oldSourceFile = program && program.getSourceFileByPath(path); if (oldSourceFile) { // We already had a source file for this file name. Go to the registry to // ensure that we get the right up to date version of it. We need this to // address the following race-condition. Specifically, say we have the following: // // LS1 // \ // DocumentRegistry // / // LS2 // // Each LS has a reference to file 'foo.ts' at version 1. LS2 then updates // it's version of 'foo.ts' to version 2. This will cause LS2 and the // DocumentRegistry to have version 2 of the document. However, LS1 will // have version 1. And *importantly* this source file will be *corrupt*. // The act of creating version 2 of the file irrevocably damages the version // 1 file. // // So, later when we call into LS1, we need to make sure that it doesn't use // it's source file any more, and instead defers to DocumentRegistry to get // either version 1, version 2 (or some other version) depending on what the // host says should be used. // We do not support the scenario where a host can modify a registered // file's script kind, i.e. in one project some file is treated as ".ts" // and in another as ".js" if (scriptKind === oldSourceFile.scriptKind) { return documentRegistry.updateDocumentWithKey(fileName, path, host, documentRegistryBucketKey, scriptSnapshot, scriptVersion, scriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions); } else { // Release old source file and fall through to aquire new file with new script kind documentRegistry.releaseDocumentWithKey(oldSourceFile.resolvedPath, documentRegistry.getKeyForCompilationSettings(program.getCompilerOptions()), oldSourceFile.scriptKind, oldSourceFile.impliedNodeFormat); } } // We didn't already have the file. Fall through and acquire it from the registry. } // Could not find this file in the old program, create a new SourceFile for it. return documentRegistry.acquireDocumentWithKey(fileName, path, host, documentRegistryBucketKey, scriptSnapshot, scriptVersion, scriptKind, languageVersionOrOptions); } } // TODO: GH#18217 frequently asserted as defined function getProgram(): Program | undefined { if (languageServiceMode === LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic) { Debug.assert(program === undefined); return undefined; } synchronizeHostData(); return program; } function getBuilderProgram(): BuilderProgram | undefined { if (languageServiceMode === LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic) { Debug.assert(builderProgram === undefined); return undefined; } synchronizeHostData(isIncrementalCompilation(host.getCompilationSettings())); return builderProgram; } function getAutoImportProvider(): Program | undefined { return host.getPackageJsonAutoImportProvider?.(); } function updateIsDefinitionOfReferencedSymbols(referencedSymbols: readonly ReferencedSymbol[], knownSymbolSpans: Set): boolean { const checker = program.getTypeChecker(); const symbol = getSymbolForProgram(); if (!symbol) return false; for (const referencedSymbol of referencedSymbols) { for (const ref of referencedSymbol.references) { const refNode = getNodeForSpan(ref); Debug.assertIsDefined(refNode); if (knownSymbolSpans.has(ref) || FindAllReferences.isDeclarationOfSymbol(refNode, symbol)) { knownSymbolSpans.add(ref); ref.isDefinition = true; const mappedSpan = getMappedDocumentSpan(ref, sourceMapper, maybeBind(host, host.fileExists)); if (mappedSpan) { knownSymbolSpans.add(mappedSpan); } } else { ref.isDefinition = false; } } } return true; function getSymbolForProgram(): Symbol | undefined { for (const referencedSymbol of referencedSymbols) { for (const ref of referencedSymbol.references) { if (knownSymbolSpans.has(ref)) { const refNode = getNodeForSpan(ref); Debug.assertIsDefined(refNode); return checker.getSymbolAtLocation(refNode); } const mappedSpan = getMappedDocumentSpan(ref, sourceMapper, maybeBind(host, host.fileExists)); if (mappedSpan && knownSymbolSpans.has(mappedSpan)) { const refNode = getNodeForSpan(mappedSpan); if (refNode) { return checker.getSymbolAtLocation(refNode); } } } } return undefined; } function getNodeForSpan(docSpan: DocumentSpan): Node | undefined { const sourceFile = program.getSourceFile(docSpan.fileName); if (!sourceFile) return undefined; const rawNode = getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, docSpan.textSpan.start); const adjustedNode = FindAllReferences.Core.getAdjustedNode(rawNode, { use: FindAllReferences.FindReferencesUse.References }); return adjustedNode; } } function cleanupSemanticCache(): void { program = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 } function dispose(): void { if (program) { // Use paths to ensure we are using correct key and paths as document registry could be created with different current directory than host const key = documentRegistry.getKeyForCompilationSettings(program.getCompilerOptions()); forEach(program.getSourceFiles(), f => documentRegistry.releaseDocumentWithKey(f.resolvedPath, key, f.scriptKind, f.impliedNodeFormat)); program = undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 } host = undefined!; } /// Diagnostics function getSyntacticDiagnostics(fileName: string): DiagnosticWithLocation[] { synchronizeHostData(); return program.getSyntacticDiagnostics(getValidSourceFile(fileName), cancellationToken).slice(); } /** * getSemanticDiagnostics return array of Diagnostics. If '-d' is not enabled, only report semantic errors * If '-d' enabled, report both semantic and emitter errors */ function getSemanticDiagnostics(fileName: string): Diagnostic[] { synchronizeHostData(); const targetSourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); // Only perform the action per file regardless of '-out' flag as LanguageServiceHost is expected to call this function per file. // Therefore only get diagnostics for given file. const semanticDiagnostics = program.getSemanticDiagnostics(targetSourceFile, cancellationToken); if (!getEmitDeclarations(program.getCompilerOptions())) { return semanticDiagnostics.slice(); } // If '-d' is enabled, check for emitter error. One example of emitter error is export class implements non-export interface const declarationDiagnostics = program.getDeclarationDiagnostics(targetSourceFile, cancellationToken); return [...semanticDiagnostics, ...declarationDiagnostics]; } function getSuggestionDiagnostics(fileName: string): DiagnosticWithLocation[] { synchronizeHostData(); return computeSuggestionDiagnostics(getValidSourceFile(fileName), program, cancellationToken); } function getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics() { synchronizeHostData(); return [...program.getOptionsDiagnostics(cancellationToken), ...program.getGlobalDiagnostics(cancellationToken)]; } function getCompletionsAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, options: GetCompletionsAtPositionOptions = emptyOptions, formattingSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): CompletionInfo | undefined { // Convert from deprecated options names to new names const fullPreferences: UserPreferences = { ...identity(options), // avoid excess property check includeCompletionsForModuleExports: options.includeCompletionsForModuleExports || options.includeExternalModuleExports, includeCompletionsWithInsertText: options.includeCompletionsWithInsertText || options.includeInsertTextCompletions, }; synchronizeHostData(); return Completions.getCompletionsAtPosition( host, program, log, getValidSourceFile(fileName), position, fullPreferences, options.triggerCharacter, options.triggerKind, cancellationToken, formattingSettings && formatting.getFormatContext(formattingSettings, host)); } function getCompletionEntryDetails(fileName: string, position: number, name: string, formattingOptions: FormatCodeSettings | undefined, source: string | undefined, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions, data?: CompletionEntryData): CompletionEntryDetails | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return Completions.getCompletionEntryDetails( program, log, getValidSourceFile(fileName), position, { name, source, data }, host, (formattingOptions && formatting.getFormatContext(formattingOptions, host))!, // TODO: GH#18217 preferences, cancellationToken, ); } function getCompletionEntrySymbol(fileName: string, position: number, name: string, source?: string, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions): Symbol | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return Completions.getCompletionEntrySymbol(program, log, getValidSourceFile(fileName), position, { name, source }, host, preferences); } function getQuickInfoAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): QuickInfo | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); const node = getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position); if (node === sourceFile) { // Avoid giving quickInfo for the sourceFile as a whole. return undefined; } const typeChecker = program.getTypeChecker(); const nodeForQuickInfo = getNodeForQuickInfo(node); const symbol = getSymbolAtLocationForQuickInfo(nodeForQuickInfo, typeChecker); if (!symbol || typeChecker.isUnknownSymbol(symbol)) { const type = shouldGetType(sourceFile, nodeForQuickInfo, position) ? typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(nodeForQuickInfo) : undefined; return type && { kind: ScriptElementKind.unknown, kindModifiers: ScriptElementKindModifier.none, textSpan: createTextSpanFromNode(nodeForQuickInfo, sourceFile), displayParts: typeChecker.runWithCancellationToken(cancellationToken, typeChecker => typeToDisplayParts(typeChecker, type, getContainerNode(nodeForQuickInfo))), documentation: type.symbol ? type.symbol.getDocumentationComment(typeChecker) : undefined, tags: type.symbol ? type.symbol.getJsDocTags(typeChecker) : undefined }; } const { symbolKind, displayParts, documentation, tags } = typeChecker.runWithCancellationToken(cancellationToken, typeChecker => SymbolDisplay.getSymbolDisplayPartsDocumentationAndSymbolKind(typeChecker, symbol, sourceFile, getContainerNode(nodeForQuickInfo), nodeForQuickInfo) ); return { kind: symbolKind, kindModifiers: SymbolDisplay.getSymbolModifiers(typeChecker, symbol), textSpan: createTextSpanFromNode(nodeForQuickInfo, sourceFile), displayParts, documentation, tags, }; } function getNodeForQuickInfo(node: Node): Node { if (isNewExpression(node.parent) && node.pos === node.parent.pos) { return node.parent.expression; } if (isNamedTupleMember(node.parent) && node.pos === node.parent.pos) { return node.parent; } if (isImportMeta(node.parent) && === node) { return node.parent; } return node; } function shouldGetType(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, position: number): boolean { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.Identifier: return !isLabelName(node) && !isTagName(node) && !isConstTypeReference(node.parent); case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName: // Don't return quickInfo if inside the comment in `a/**/.b` return !isInComment(sourceFile, position); case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ThisType: case SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: case SyntaxKind.NamedTupleMember: return true; case SyntaxKind.MetaProperty: return isImportMeta(node); default: return false; } } /// Goto definition function getDefinitionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, searchOtherFilesOnly?: boolean, stopAtAlias?: boolean): readonly DefinitionInfo[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return GoToDefinition.getDefinitionAtPosition(program, getValidSourceFile(fileName), position, searchOtherFilesOnly, stopAtAlias); } function getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(fileName: string, position: number): DefinitionInfoAndBoundSpan | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return GoToDefinition.getDefinitionAndBoundSpan(program, getValidSourceFile(fileName), position); } function getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly DefinitionInfo[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return GoToDefinition.getTypeDefinitionAtPosition(program.getTypeChecker(), getValidSourceFile(fileName), position); } /// Goto implementation function getImplementationAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): ImplementationLocation[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return FindAllReferences.getImplementationsAtPosition(program, cancellationToken, program.getSourceFiles(), getValidSourceFile(fileName), position); } /// References and Occurrences function getOccurrencesAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): readonly ReferenceEntry[] | undefined { return flatMap( getDocumentHighlights(fileName, position, [fileName]), entry => => ({ fileName: entry.fileName, textSpan: highlightSpan.textSpan, isWriteAccess: highlightSpan.kind === HighlightSpanKind.writtenReference, ...highlightSpan.isInString && { isInString: true }, ...highlightSpan.contextSpan && { contextSpan: highlightSpan.contextSpan } })) ); } function getDocumentHighlights(fileName: string, position: number, filesToSearch: readonly string[]): DocumentHighlights[] | undefined { const normalizedFileName = normalizePath(fileName); Debug.assert(filesToSearch.some(f => normalizePath(f) === normalizedFileName)); synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFilesToSearch = mapDefined(filesToSearch, fileName => program.getSourceFile(fileName)); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); return DocumentHighlights.getDocumentHighlights(program, cancellationToken, sourceFile, position, sourceFilesToSearch); } function findRenameLocations(fileName: string, position: number, findInStrings: boolean, findInComments: boolean, providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename?: boolean): RenameLocation[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); const node = getAdjustedRenameLocation(getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position)); if (!Rename.nodeIsEligibleForRename(node)) return undefined; if (isIdentifier(node) && (isJsxOpeningElement(node.parent) || isJsxClosingElement(node.parent)) && isIntrinsicJsxName(node.escapedText)) { const { openingElement, closingElement } = node.parent.parent; return [openingElement, closingElement].map((node): RenameLocation => { const textSpan = createTextSpanFromNode(node.tagName, sourceFile); return { fileName: sourceFile.fileName, textSpan, ...FindAllReferences.toContextSpan(textSpan, sourceFile, node.parent) }; }); } else { return getReferencesWorker(node, position, { findInStrings, findInComments, providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename, use: FindAllReferences.FindReferencesUse.Rename }, (entry, originalNode, checker) => FindAllReferences.toRenameLocation(entry, originalNode, checker, providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename || false)); } } function getReferencesAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): ReferenceEntry[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return getReferencesWorker(getTouchingPropertyName(getValidSourceFile(fileName), position), position, { use: FindAllReferences.FindReferencesUse.References }, FindAllReferences.toReferenceEntry); } function getReferencesWorker(node: Node, position: number, options: FindAllReferences.Options, cb: FindAllReferences.ToReferenceOrRenameEntry): T[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); // Exclude default library when renaming as commonly user don't want to change that file. const sourceFiles = options && options.use === FindAllReferences.FindReferencesUse.Rename ? program.getSourceFiles().filter(sourceFile => !program.isSourceFileDefaultLibrary(sourceFile)) : program.getSourceFiles(); return FindAllReferences.findReferenceOrRenameEntries(program, cancellationToken, sourceFiles, node, position, options, cb); } function findReferences(fileName: string, position: number): ReferencedSymbol[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); return FindAllReferences.findReferencedSymbols(program, cancellationToken, program.getSourceFiles(), getValidSourceFile(fileName), position); } function getFileReferences(fileName: string): ReferenceEntry[] { synchronizeHostData(); return FindAllReferences.Core.getReferencesForFileName(fileName, program, program.getSourceFiles()).map(FindAllReferences.toReferenceEntry); } function getNavigateToItems(searchValue: string, maxResultCount?: number, fileName?: string, excludeDtsFiles = false): NavigateToItem[] { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFiles = fileName ? [getValidSourceFile(fileName)] : program.getSourceFiles(); return NavigateTo.getNavigateToItems(sourceFiles, program.getTypeChecker(), cancellationToken, searchValue, maxResultCount, excludeDtsFiles); } function getEmitOutput(fileName: string, emitOnlyDtsFiles?: boolean, forceDtsEmit?: boolean) { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); const customTransformers = host.getCustomTransformers && host.getCustomTransformers(); return getFileEmitOutput(program, sourceFile, !!emitOnlyDtsFiles, cancellationToken, customTransformers, forceDtsEmit); } // Signature help /** * This is a semantic operation. */ function getSignatureHelpItems(fileName: string, position: number, { triggerReason }: SignatureHelpItemsOptions = emptyOptions): SignatureHelpItems | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); return SignatureHelp.getSignatureHelpItems(program, sourceFile, position, triggerReason, cancellationToken); } /// Syntactic features function getNonBoundSourceFile(fileName: string): SourceFile { return syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); } function getNameOrDottedNameSpan(fileName: string, startPos: number, _endPos: number): TextSpan | undefined { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); // Get node at the location const node = getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, startPos); if (node === sourceFile) { return undefined; } switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName: case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.FalseKeyword: case SyntaxKind.TrueKeyword: case SyntaxKind.NullKeyword: case SyntaxKind.SuperKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword: case SyntaxKind.ThisType: case SyntaxKind.Identifier: break; // Cant create the text span default: return undefined; } let nodeForStartPos = node; while (true) { if (isRightSideOfPropertyAccess(nodeForStartPos) || isRightSideOfQualifiedName(nodeForStartPos)) { // If on the span is in right side of the the property or qualified name, return the span from the qualified name pos to end of this node nodeForStartPos = nodeForStartPos.parent; } else if (isNameOfModuleDeclaration(nodeForStartPos)) { // If this is name of a module declarations, check if this is right side of dotted module name // If parent of the module declaration which is parent of this node is module declaration and its body is the module declaration that this node is name of // Then this name is name from dotted module if (nodeForStartPos.parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration && (nodeForStartPos.parent.parent as ModuleDeclaration).body === nodeForStartPos.parent) { // Use parent module declarations name for start pos nodeForStartPos = (nodeForStartPos.parent.parent as ModuleDeclaration).name; } else { // We have to use this name for start pos break; } } else { // Is not a member expression so we have found the node for start pos break; } } return createTextSpanFromBounds(nodeForStartPos.getStart(), node.getEnd()); } function getBreakpointStatementAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TextSpan | undefined { // doesn't use compiler - no need to synchronize with host const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return BreakpointResolver.spanInSourceFileAtLocation(sourceFile, position); } function getNavigationBarItems(fileName: string): NavigationBarItem[] { return NavigationBar.getNavigationBarItems(syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName), cancellationToken); } function getNavigationTree(fileName: string): NavigationTree { return NavigationBar.getNavigationTree(syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName), cancellationToken); } function getSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[]; function getSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan, format?: SemanticClassificationFormat): ClassifiedSpan[] | ClassifiedSpan2020[] { synchronizeHostData(); const responseFormat = format || SemanticClassificationFormat.Original; if (responseFormat === SemanticClassificationFormat.TwentyTwenty) { return classifier.v2020.getSemanticClassifications(program, cancellationToken, getValidSourceFile(fileName), span); } else { return ts.getSemanticClassifications(program.getTypeChecker(), cancellationToken, getValidSourceFile(fileName), program.getClassifiableNames(), span); } } function getEncodedSemanticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan, format?: SemanticClassificationFormat): Classifications { synchronizeHostData(); const responseFormat = format || SemanticClassificationFormat.Original; if (responseFormat === SemanticClassificationFormat.Original) { return ts.getEncodedSemanticClassifications(program.getTypeChecker(), cancellationToken, getValidSourceFile(fileName), program.getClassifiableNames(), span); } else { return classifier.v2020.getEncodedSemanticClassifications(program, cancellationToken, getValidSourceFile(fileName), span); } } function getSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): ClassifiedSpan[] { // doesn't use compiler - no need to synchronize with host return ts.getSyntacticClassifications(cancellationToken, syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName), span); } function getEncodedSyntacticClassifications(fileName: string, span: TextSpan): Classifications { // doesn't use compiler - no need to synchronize with host return ts.getEncodedSyntacticClassifications(cancellationToken, syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName), span); } function getOutliningSpans(fileName: string): OutliningSpan[] { // doesn't use compiler - no need to synchronize with host const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return OutliningElementsCollector.collectElements(sourceFile, cancellationToken); } const braceMatching = new Map(getEntries({ [SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken]: SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, [SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken]: SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, [SyntaxKind.OpenBracketToken]: SyntaxKind.CloseBracketToken, [SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken]: SyntaxKind.LessThanToken, })); braceMatching.forEach((value, key) => braceMatching.set(value.toString(), Number(key) as SyntaxKind)); function getBraceMatchingAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): TextSpan[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const token = getTouchingToken(sourceFile, position); const matchKind = token.getStart(sourceFile) === position ? braceMatching.get(token.kind.toString()) : undefined; const match = matchKind && findChildOfKind(token.parent, matchKind, sourceFile); // We want to order the braces when we return the result. return match ? [createTextSpanFromNode(token, sourceFile), createTextSpanFromNode(match, sourceFile)].sort((a, b) => a.start - b.start) : emptyArray; } function getIndentationAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, editorOptions: EditorOptions | EditorSettings) { let start = timestamp(); const settings = toEditorSettings(editorOptions); const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); log("getIndentationAtPosition: getCurrentSourceFile: " + (timestamp() - start)); start = timestamp(); const result = formatting.SmartIndenter.getIndentation(position, sourceFile, settings); log("getIndentationAtPosition: computeIndentation : " + (timestamp() - start)); return result; } function getFormattingEditsForRange(fileName: string, start: number, end: number, options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): TextChange[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); return formatting.formatSelection(start, end, sourceFile, formatting.getFormatContext(toEditorSettings(options), host)); } function getFormattingEditsForDocument(fileName: string, options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): TextChange[] { return formatting.formatDocument(syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName), formatting.getFormatContext(toEditorSettings(options), host)); } function getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke(fileName: string, position: number, key: string, options: FormatCodeOptions | FormatCodeSettings): TextChange[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const formatContext = formatting.getFormatContext(toEditorSettings(options), host); if (!isInComment(sourceFile, position)) { switch (key) { case "{": return formatting.formatOnOpeningCurly(position, sourceFile, formatContext); case "}": return formatting.formatOnClosingCurly(position, sourceFile, formatContext); case ";": return formatting.formatOnSemicolon(position, sourceFile, formatContext); case "\n": return formatting.formatOnEnter(position, sourceFile, formatContext); } } return []; } function getCodeFixesAtPosition(fileName: string, start: number, end: number, errorCodes: readonly number[], formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions): readonly CodeFixAction[] { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); const span = createTextSpanFromBounds(start, end); const formatContext = formatting.getFormatContext(formatOptions, host); return flatMap(deduplicate(errorCodes, equateValues, compareValues), errorCode => { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); return codefix.getFixes({ errorCode, sourceFile, span, program, host, cancellationToken, formatContext, preferences }); }); } function getCombinedCodeFix(scope: CombinedCodeFixScope, fixId: {}, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions): CombinedCodeActions { synchronizeHostData(); Debug.assert(scope.type === "file"); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(scope.fileName); const formatContext = formatting.getFormatContext(formatOptions, host); return codefix.getAllFixes({ fixId, sourceFile, program, host, cancellationToken, formatContext, preferences }); } function organizeImports(args: OrganizeImportsArgs, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions): readonly FileTextChanges[] { synchronizeHostData(); Debug.assert(args.type === "file"); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(args.fileName); const formatContext = formatting.getFormatContext(formatOptions, host); const mode = args.mode ?? (args.skipDestructiveCodeActions ? OrganizeImportsMode.SortAndCombine : OrganizeImportsMode.All); return OrganizeImports.organizeImports(sourceFile, formatContext, host, program, preferences, mode); } function getEditsForFileRename(oldFilePath: string, newFilePath: string, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions): readonly FileTextChanges[] { return ts.getEditsForFileRename(getProgram()!, oldFilePath, newFilePath, host, formatting.getFormatContext(formatOptions, host), preferences, sourceMapper); } function applyCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand, formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): Promise; function applyCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand[], formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): Promise; function applyCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand | CodeActionCommand[], formatSettings?: FormatCodeSettings): Promise; function applyCodeActionCommand(fileName: Path, action: CodeActionCommand): Promise; function applyCodeActionCommand(fileName: Path, action: CodeActionCommand[]): Promise; function applyCodeActionCommand(fileName: Path | CodeActionCommand | CodeActionCommand[], actionOrFormatSettingsOrUndefined?: CodeActionCommand | CodeActionCommand[] | FormatCodeSettings): Promise { const action = typeof fileName === "string" ? actionOrFormatSettingsOrUndefined as CodeActionCommand | CodeActionCommand[] : fileName as CodeActionCommand[]; return isArray(action) ? Promise.all( => applySingleCodeActionCommand(a))) : applySingleCodeActionCommand(action); } function applySingleCodeActionCommand(action: CodeActionCommand): Promise { const getPath = (path: string): Path => toPath(path, currentDirectory, getCanonicalFileName); Debug.assertEqual(action.type, "install package"); return host.installPackage ? host.installPackage({ fileName: getPath(action.file), packageName: action.packageName }) : Promise.reject("Host does not implement `installPackage`"); } function getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, options?: DocCommentTemplateOptions): TextInsertion | undefined { return JsDoc.getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition(getNewLineOrDefaultFromHost(host), syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName), position, options); } function isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number, openingBrace: number): boolean { // '<' is currently not supported, figuring out if we're in a Generic Type vs. a comparison is too // expensive to do during typing scenarios // i.e. whether we're dealing with: // var x = new foo<| ( with class foo{} ) // or // var y = 3 <| if (openingBrace === CharacterCodes.lessThan) { return false; } const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); // Check if in a context where we don't want to perform any insertion if (isInString(sourceFile, position)) { return false; } if (isInsideJsxElementOrAttribute(sourceFile, position)) { return openingBrace === CharacterCodes.openBrace; } if (isInTemplateString(sourceFile, position)) { return false; } switch (openingBrace) { case CharacterCodes.singleQuote: case CharacterCodes.doubleQuote: case CharacterCodes.backtick: return !isInComment(sourceFile, position); } return true; } function getJsxClosingTagAtPosition(fileName: string, position: number): JsxClosingTagInfo | undefined { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const token = findPrecedingToken(position, sourceFile); if (!token) return undefined; const element = token.kind === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken && isJsxOpeningElement(token.parent) ? token.parent.parent : isJsxText(token) && isJsxElement(token.parent) ? token.parent : undefined; if (element && isUnclosedTag(element)) { return { newText: `` }; } const fragment = token.kind === SyntaxKind.GreaterThanToken && isJsxOpeningFragment(token.parent) ? token.parent.parent : isJsxText(token) && isJsxFragment(token.parent) ? token.parent : undefined; if (fragment && isUnclosedFragment(fragment)) { return { newText: "" }; } } function getLinesForRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, textRange: TextRange) { return { lineStarts: sourceFile.getLineStarts(), firstLine: sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(textRange.pos).line, lastLine: sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(textRange.end).line }; } function toggleLineComment(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange, insertComment?: boolean): TextChange[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const textChanges: TextChange[] = []; const { lineStarts, firstLine, lastLine } = getLinesForRange(sourceFile, textRange); let isCommenting = insertComment || false; let leftMostPosition = Number.MAX_VALUE; const lineTextStarts = new Map(); const firstNonWhitespaceCharacterRegex = new RegExp(/\S/); const isJsx = isInsideJsxElement(sourceFile, lineStarts[firstLine]); const openComment = isJsx ? "{/*" : "//"; // Check each line before any text changes. for (let i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) { const lineText = sourceFile.text.substring(lineStarts[i], sourceFile.getLineEndOfPosition(lineStarts[i])); // Find the start of text and the left-most character. No-op on empty lines. const regExec = firstNonWhitespaceCharacterRegex.exec(lineText); if (regExec) { leftMostPosition = Math.min(leftMostPosition, regExec.index); lineTextStarts.set(i.toString(), regExec.index); if (lineText.substr(regExec.index, openComment.length) !== openComment) { isCommenting = insertComment === undefined || insertComment; } } } // Push all text changes. for (let i = firstLine; i <= lastLine; i++) { // If the range is multiline and ends on a beginning of a line, don't comment/uncomment. if (firstLine !== lastLine && lineStarts[i] === textRange.end) { continue; } const lineTextStart = lineTextStarts.get(i.toString()); // If the line is not an empty line; otherwise no-op. if (lineTextStart !== undefined) { if (isJsx) { textChanges.push.apply(textChanges, toggleMultilineComment(fileName, { pos: lineStarts[i] + leftMostPosition, end: sourceFile.getLineEndOfPosition(lineStarts[i]) }, isCommenting, isJsx)); } else if (isCommenting) { textChanges.push({ newText: openComment, span: { length: 0, start: lineStarts[i] + leftMostPosition } }); } else if (sourceFile.text.substr(lineStarts[i] + lineTextStart, openComment.length) === openComment) { textChanges.push({ newText: "", span: { length: openComment.length, start: lineStarts[i] + lineTextStart } }); } } } return textChanges; } function toggleMultilineComment(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange, insertComment?: boolean, isInsideJsx?: boolean): TextChange[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const textChanges: TextChange[] = []; const { text } = sourceFile; let hasComment = false; let isCommenting = insertComment || false; const positions = [] as number[] as SortedArray; let { pos } = textRange; const isJsx = isInsideJsx !== undefined ? isInsideJsx : isInsideJsxElement(sourceFile, pos); const openMultiline = isJsx ? "{/*" : "/*"; const closeMultiline = isJsx ? "*/}" : "*/"; const openMultilineRegex = isJsx ? "\\{\\/\\*" : "\\/\\*"; const closeMultilineRegex = isJsx ? "\\*\\/\\}" : "\\*\\/"; // Get all comment positions while (pos <= textRange.end) { // Start of comment is considered inside comment. const offset = text.substr(pos, openMultiline.length) === openMultiline ? openMultiline.length : 0; const commentRange = isInComment(sourceFile, pos + offset); // If position is in a comment add it to the positions array. if (commentRange) { // Comment range doesn't include the brace character. Increase it to include them. if (isJsx) { commentRange.pos--; commentRange.end++; } positions.push(commentRange.pos); if (commentRange.kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) { positions.push(commentRange.end); } hasComment = true; pos = commentRange.end + 1; } else { // If it's not in a comment range, then we need to comment the uncommented portions. const newPos = text.substring(pos, textRange.end).search(`(${openMultilineRegex})|(${closeMultilineRegex})`); isCommenting = insertComment !== undefined ? insertComment : isCommenting || !isTextWhiteSpaceLike(text, pos, newPos === -1 ? textRange.end : pos + newPos); // If isCommenting is already true we don't need to check whitespace again. pos = newPos === -1 ? textRange.end + 1 : pos + newPos + closeMultiline.length; } } // If it didn't found a comment and isCommenting is false means is only empty space. // We want to insert comment in this scenario. if (isCommenting || !hasComment) { if (isInComment(sourceFile, textRange.pos)?.kind !== SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia) { insertSorted(positions, textRange.pos, compareValues); } insertSorted(positions, textRange.end, compareValues); // Insert open comment if the first position is not a comment already. const firstPos = positions[0]; if (text.substr(firstPos, openMultiline.length) !== openMultiline) { textChanges.push({ newText: openMultiline, span: { length: 0, start: firstPos } }); } // Insert open and close comment to all positions between first and last. Exclusive. for (let i = 1; i < positions.length - 1; i++) { if (text.substr(positions[i] - closeMultiline.length, closeMultiline.length) !== closeMultiline) { textChanges.push({ newText: closeMultiline, span: { length: 0, start: positions[i] } }); } if (text.substr(positions[i], openMultiline.length) !== openMultiline) { textChanges.push({ newText: openMultiline, span: { length: 0, start: positions[i] } }); } } // Insert open comment if the last position is not a comment already. if (textChanges.length % 2 !== 0) { textChanges.push({ newText: closeMultiline, span: { length: 0, start: positions[positions.length - 1] } }); } } else { // If is not commenting then remove all comments found. for (const pos of positions) { const from = pos - closeMultiline.length > 0 ? pos - closeMultiline.length : 0; const offset = text.substr(from, closeMultiline.length) === closeMultiline ? closeMultiline.length : 0; textChanges.push({ newText: "", span: { length: openMultiline.length, start: pos - offset } }); } } return textChanges; } function commentSelection(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange): TextChange[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const { firstLine, lastLine } = getLinesForRange(sourceFile, textRange); // If there is a selection that is on the same line, add multiline. return firstLine === lastLine && textRange.pos !== textRange.end ? toggleMultilineComment(fileName, textRange, /*insertComment*/ true) : toggleLineComment(fileName, textRange, /*insertComment*/ true); } function uncommentSelection(fileName: string, textRange: TextRange): TextChange[] { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const textChanges: TextChange[] = []; const { pos } = textRange; let { end } = textRange; // If cursor is not a selection we need to increase the end position // to include the start of the comment. if (pos === end) { end += isInsideJsxElement(sourceFile, pos) ? 2 : 1; } for (let i = pos; i <= end; i++) { const commentRange = isInComment(sourceFile, i); if (commentRange) { switch (commentRange.kind) { case SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia: textChanges.push.apply(textChanges, toggleLineComment(fileName, { end: commentRange.end, pos: commentRange.pos + 1 }, /*insertComment*/ false)); break; case SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia: textChanges.push.apply(textChanges, toggleMultilineComment(fileName, { end: commentRange.end, pos: commentRange.pos + 1 }, /*insertComment*/ false)); } i = commentRange.end + 1; } } return textChanges; } function isUnclosedTag({ openingElement, closingElement, parent }: JsxElement): boolean { return !tagNamesAreEquivalent(openingElement.tagName, closingElement.tagName) || isJsxElement(parent) && tagNamesAreEquivalent(openingElement.tagName, parent.openingElement.tagName) && isUnclosedTag(parent); } function isUnclosedFragment({ closingFragment, parent }: JsxFragment): boolean { return !!(closingFragment.flags & NodeFlags.ThisNodeHasError) || (isJsxFragment(parent) && isUnclosedFragment(parent)); } function getSpanOfEnclosingComment(fileName: string, position: number, onlyMultiLine: boolean): TextSpan | undefined { const sourceFile = syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName); const range = formatting.getRangeOfEnclosingComment(sourceFile, position); return range && (!onlyMultiLine || range.kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) ? createTextSpanFromRange(range) : undefined; } function getTodoComments(fileName: string, descriptors: TodoCommentDescriptor[]): TodoComment[] { // Note: while getting todo comments seems like a syntactic operation, we actually // treat it as a semantic operation here. This is because we expect our host to call // this on every single file. If we treat this syntactically, then that will cause // us to populate and throw away the tree in our syntax tree cache for each file. By // treating this as a semantic operation, we can access any tree without throwing // anything away. synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); const fileContents = sourceFile.text; const result: TodoComment[] = []; // Exclude node_modules or oh_modules files as we don't want to show the todos of external libraries. if (descriptors.length > 0 && !isNodeModulesFile(sourceFile.fileName) && !isOHModulesFile(sourceFile.fileName)) { const regExp = getTodoCommentsRegExp(); let matchArray: RegExpExecArray | null; while (matchArray = regExp.exec(fileContents)) { cancellationToken.throwIfCancellationRequested(); // If we got a match, here is what the match array will look like. Say the source text is: // // " // hack 1" // // The result array with the regexp: will be: // // ["// hack 1", "// ", "hack 1", undefined, "hack"] // // Here are the relevant capture groups: // 0) The full match for the entire regexp. // 1) The preamble to the message portion. // 2) The message portion. // 3...N) The descriptor that was matched - by index. 'undefined' for each // descriptor that didn't match. an actual value if it did match. // // i.e. 'undefined' in position 3 above means TODO(jason) didn't match. // "hack" in position 4 means HACK did match. const firstDescriptorCaptureIndex = 3; Debug.assert(matchArray.length === descriptors.length + firstDescriptorCaptureIndex); const preamble = matchArray[1]; const matchPosition = matchArray.index + preamble.length; // OK, we have found a match in the file. This is only an acceptable match if // it is contained within a comment. if (!isInComment(sourceFile, matchPosition)) { continue; } let descriptor: TodoCommentDescriptor | undefined; for (let i = 0; i < descriptors.length; i++) { if (matchArray[i + firstDescriptorCaptureIndex]) { descriptor = descriptors[i]; } } if (descriptor === undefined) return; // We don't want to match something like 'TODOBY', so we make sure a non // letter/digit follows the match. if (isLetterOrDigit(fileContents.charCodeAt(matchPosition + descriptor.text.length))) { continue; } const message = matchArray[2]; result.push({ descriptor, message, position: matchPosition }); } } return result; function escapeRegExp(str: string): string { return str.replace(/[\-\[\]\/\{\}\(\)\*\+\?\.\\\^\$\|]/g, "\\$&"); } function getTodoCommentsRegExp(): RegExp { // NOTE: `?:` means 'non-capture group'. It allows us to have groups without having to // filter them out later in the final result array. // TODO comments can appear in one of the following forms: // // 1) // TODO or /////////// TODO // // 2) /* TODO or /********** TODO // // 3) /* // * TODO // */ // // The following three regexps are used to match the start of the text up to the TODO // comment portion. const singleLineCommentStart = /(?:\/\/+\s*)/.source; const multiLineCommentStart = /(?:\/\*+\s*)/.source; const anyNumberOfSpacesAndAsterisksAtStartOfLine = /(?:^(?:\s|\*)*)/.source; // Match any of the above three TODO comment start regexps. // Note that the outermost group *is* a capture group. We want to capture the preamble // so that we can determine the starting position of the TODO comment match. const preamble = "(" + anyNumberOfSpacesAndAsterisksAtStartOfLine + "|" + singleLineCommentStart + "|" + multiLineCommentStart + ")"; // Takes the descriptors and forms a regexp that matches them as if they were literals. // For example, if the descriptors are "TODO(jason)" and "HACK", then this will be: // // (?:(TODO\(jason\))|(HACK)) // // Note that the outermost group is *not* a capture group, but the innermost groups // *are* capture groups. By capturing the inner literals we can determine after // matching which descriptor we are dealing with. const literals = "(?:" + map(descriptors, d => "(" + escapeRegExp(d.text) + ")").join("|") + ")"; // After matching a descriptor literal, the following regexp matches the rest of the // text up to the end of the line (or */). const endOfLineOrEndOfComment = /(?:$|\*\/)/.source; const messageRemainder = /(?:.*?)/.source; // This is the portion of the match we'll return as part of the TODO comment result. We // match the literal portion up to the end of the line or end of comment. const messagePortion = "(" + literals + messageRemainder + ")"; const regExpString = preamble + messagePortion + endOfLineOrEndOfComment; // The final regexp will look like this: // /((?:\/\/+\s*)|(?:\/\*+\s*)|(?:^(?:\s|\*)*))((?:(TODO\(jason\))|(HACK))(?:.*?))(?:$|\*\/)/gim // The flags of the regexp are important here. // 'g' is so that we are doing a global search and can find matches several times // in the input. // // 'i' is for case insensitivity (We do this to match C# TODO comment code). // // 'm' is so we can find matches in a multi-line input. return new RegExp(regExpString, "gim"); } function isLetterOrDigit(char: number): boolean { return (char >= CharacterCodes.a && char <= CharacterCodes.z) || (char >= CharacterCodes.A && char <= CharacterCodes.Z) || (char >= CharacterCodes._0 && char <= CharacterCodes._9); } function isNodeModulesFile(path: string): boolean { return stringContains(path, "/node_modules/"); } function isOHModulesFile(path: string): boolean { return stringContains(path, "/oh_modules/"); } } function getRenameInfo(fileName: string, position: number, preferences: UserPreferences | RenameInfoOptions | undefined): RenameInfo { synchronizeHostData(); return Rename.getRenameInfo(program, getValidSourceFile(fileName), position, preferences || {}); } function getRefactorContext(file: SourceFile, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, preferences: UserPreferences, formatOptions?: FormatCodeSettings, triggerReason?: RefactorTriggerReason, kind?: string): RefactorContext { const [startPosition, endPosition] = typeof positionOrRange === "number" ? [positionOrRange, undefined] : [positionOrRange.pos, positionOrRange.end]; return { file, startPosition, endPosition, program: getProgram()!, host, formatContext: formatting.getFormatContext(formatOptions!, host), // TODO: GH#18217 cancellationToken, preferences, triggerReason, kind }; } function getInlayHintsContext(file: SourceFile, span: TextSpan, preferences: UserPreferences): InlayHintsContext { return { file, program: getProgram()!, host, span, preferences, cancellationToken, }; } function getSmartSelectionRange(fileName: string, position: number): SelectionRange { return SmartSelectionRange.getSmartSelectionRange(position, syntaxTreeCache.getCurrentSourceFile(fileName)); } function getApplicableRefactors(fileName: string, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions, triggerReason: RefactorTriggerReason, kind: string): ApplicableRefactorInfo[] { synchronizeHostData(); const file = getValidSourceFile(fileName); return refactor.getApplicableRefactors(getRefactorContext(file, positionOrRange, preferences, emptyOptions, triggerReason, kind)); } function getEditsForRefactor( fileName: string, formatOptions: FormatCodeSettings, positionOrRange: number | TextRange, refactorName: string, actionName: string, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions, ): RefactorEditInfo | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); const file = getValidSourceFile(fileName); return refactor.getEditsForRefactor(getRefactorContext(file, positionOrRange, preferences, formatOptions), refactorName, actionName); } function toLineColumnOffset(fileName: string, position: number): LineAndCharacter { // Go to Definition supports returning a zero-length span at position 0 for // non-existent files. We need to special-case the conversion of position 0 // to avoid a crash trying to get the text for that file, since this function // otherwise assumes that 'fileName' is the name of a file that exists. if (position === 0) { return { line: 0, character: 0 }; } return sourceMapper.toLineColumnOffset(fileName, position); } function prepareCallHierarchy(fileName: string, position: number): CallHierarchyItem | CallHierarchyItem[] | undefined { synchronizeHostData(); const declarations = CallHierarchy.resolveCallHierarchyDeclaration(program, getTouchingPropertyName(getValidSourceFile(fileName), position)); return declarations && mapOneOrMany(declarations, declaration => CallHierarchy.createCallHierarchyItem(program, declaration)); } function provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls(fileName: string, position: number): CallHierarchyIncomingCall[] { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); const declaration = firstOrOnly(CallHierarchy.resolveCallHierarchyDeclaration(program, position === 0 ? sourceFile : getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position))); return declaration ? CallHierarchy.getIncomingCalls(program, declaration, cancellationToken) : []; } function provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls(fileName: string, position: number): CallHierarchyOutgoingCall[] { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); const declaration = firstOrOnly(CallHierarchy.resolveCallHierarchyDeclaration(program, position === 0 ? sourceFile : getTouchingPropertyName(sourceFile, position))); return declaration ? CallHierarchy.getOutgoingCalls(program, declaration) : []; } function provideInlayHints(fileName: string, span: TextSpan, preferences: UserPreferences = emptyOptions): InlayHint[] { synchronizeHostData(); const sourceFile = getValidSourceFile(fileName); return InlayHints.provideInlayHints(getInlayHintsContext(sourceFile, span, preferences)); } function updateRootFiles(rootFiles: string[]) { host.getScriptFileNames = () => rootFiles } function getProps(): string[] { return host.uiProps ? host.uiProps : []; } const ls: LanguageService = { dispose, cleanupSemanticCache, getSyntacticDiagnostics, getSemanticDiagnostics, getSuggestionDiagnostics, getCompilerOptionsDiagnostics, getSyntacticClassifications, getSemanticClassifications, getEncodedSyntacticClassifications, getEncodedSemanticClassifications, getCompletionsAtPosition, getCompletionEntryDetails, getCompletionEntrySymbol, getSignatureHelpItems, getQuickInfoAtPosition, getDefinitionAtPosition, getDefinitionAndBoundSpan, getImplementationAtPosition, getTypeDefinitionAtPosition, getReferencesAtPosition, findReferences, getFileReferences, getOccurrencesAtPosition, getDocumentHighlights, getNameOrDottedNameSpan, getBreakpointStatementAtPosition, getNavigateToItems, getRenameInfo, getSmartSelectionRange, findRenameLocations, getNavigationBarItems, getNavigationTree, getOutliningSpans, getTodoComments, getBraceMatchingAtPosition, getIndentationAtPosition, getFormattingEditsForRange, getFormattingEditsForDocument, getFormattingEditsAfterKeystroke, getDocCommentTemplateAtPosition, isValidBraceCompletionAtPosition, getJsxClosingTagAtPosition, getSpanOfEnclosingComment, getCodeFixesAtPosition, getCombinedCodeFix, applyCodeActionCommand, organizeImports, getEditsForFileRename, getEmitOutput, getNonBoundSourceFile, getProgram, getBuilderProgram, getCurrentProgram: () => program, getAutoImportProvider, updateIsDefinitionOfReferencedSymbols, getApplicableRefactors, getEditsForRefactor, toLineColumnOffset, getSourceMapper: () => sourceMapper, clearSourceMapperCache: () => sourceMapper.clearCache(), prepareCallHierarchy, provideCallHierarchyIncomingCalls, provideCallHierarchyOutgoingCalls, toggleLineComment, toggleMultilineComment, commentSelection, uncommentSelection, provideInlayHints, updateRootFiles, getProps }; switch (languageServiceMode) { case LanguageServiceMode.Semantic: break; case LanguageServiceMode.PartialSemantic: invalidOperationsInPartialSemanticMode.forEach(key => ls[key] = () => { throw new Error(`LanguageService Operation: ${key} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.PartialSemantic`); } ); break; case LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic: invalidOperationsInSyntacticMode.forEach(key => ls[key] = () => { throw new Error(`LanguageService Operation: ${key} not allowed in LanguageServiceMode.Syntactic`); } ); break; default: Debug.assertNever(languageServiceMode); } return ls; } /* @internal */ /** Names in the name table are escaped, so an identifier `__foo` will have a name table entry `___foo`. */ export function getNameTable(sourceFile: SourceFile): UnderscoreEscapedMap { if (!sourceFile.nameTable) { initializeNameTable(sourceFile); } return sourceFile.nameTable!; // TODO: GH#18217 } function initializeNameTable(sourceFile: SourceFile): void { const nameTable = sourceFile.nameTable = new Map(); sourceFile.forEachChild(function walk(node) { if (isIdentifier(node) && !isTagName(node) && node.escapedText || isStringOrNumericLiteralLike(node) && literalIsName(node)) { const text = getEscapedTextOfIdentifierOrLiteral(node); nameTable.set(text, nameTable.get(text) === undefined ? node.pos : -1); } else if (isPrivateIdentifier(node)) { const text = node.escapedText; nameTable.set(text, nameTable.get(text) === undefined ? node.pos : -1); } forEachChild(node, walk); if (hasJSDocNodes(node)) { for (const jsDoc of node.jsDoc!) { forEachChild(jsDoc, walk); } } }); } /** * We want to store any numbers/strings if they were a name that could be * related to a declaration. So, if we have 'import x = require("something")' * then we want 'something' to be in the name table. Similarly, if we have * "a['propname']" then we want to store "propname" in the name table. */ function literalIsName(node: StringLiteralLike | NumericLiteral): boolean { return isDeclarationName(node) || node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ExternalModuleReference || isArgumentOfElementAccessExpression(node) || isLiteralComputedPropertyDeclarationName(node); } /** * Returns the containing object literal property declaration given a possible name node, e.g. "a" in x = { "a": 1 } */ /* @internal */ export function getContainingObjectLiteralElement(node: Node): ObjectLiteralElementWithName | undefined { const element = getContainingObjectLiteralElementWorker(node); return element && (isObjectLiteralExpression(element.parent) || isJsxAttributes(element.parent)) ? element as ObjectLiteralElementWithName : undefined; } function getContainingObjectLiteralElementWorker(node: Node): ObjectLiteralElement | undefined { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NoSubstitutionTemplateLiteral: case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteral: if (node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName) { return isObjectLiteralElement(node.parent.parent) ? node.parent.parent : undefined; } // falls through case SyntaxKind.Identifier: return isObjectLiteralElement(node.parent) && (node.parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression || node.parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.JsxAttributes) && === node ? node.parent : undefined; } return undefined; } /* @internal */ export type ObjectLiteralElementWithName = ObjectLiteralElement & { name: PropertyName; parent: ObjectLiteralExpression | JsxAttributes }; function getSymbolAtLocationForQuickInfo(node: Node, checker: TypeChecker): Symbol | undefined { const object = getContainingObjectLiteralElement(node); if (object) { const contextualType = checker.getContextualType(object.parent); const properties = contextualType && getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(object, checker, contextualType, /*unionSymbolOk*/ false); if (properties && properties.length === 1) { return first(properties); } } return checker.getSymbolAtLocation(node); } /** Gets all symbols for one property. Does not get symbols for every property. */ /* @internal */ export function getPropertySymbolsFromContextualType(node: ObjectLiteralElementWithName, checker: TypeChecker, contextualType: Type, unionSymbolOk: boolean): readonly Symbol[] { const name = getNameFromPropertyName(; if (!name) return emptyArray; if (!contextualType.isUnion()) { const symbol = contextualType.getProperty(name); return symbol ? [symbol] : emptyArray; } const discriminatedPropertySymbols = mapDefined(contextualType.types, t => (isObjectLiteralExpression(node.parent)|| isJsxAttributes(node.parent)) && checker.isTypeInvalidDueToUnionDiscriminant(t, node.parent) ? undefined : t.getProperty(name)); if (unionSymbolOk && (discriminatedPropertySymbols.length === 0 || discriminatedPropertySymbols.length === contextualType.types.length)) { const symbol = contextualType.getProperty(name); if (symbol) return [symbol]; } if (discriminatedPropertySymbols.length === 0) { // Bad discriminant -- do again without discriminating return mapDefined(contextualType.types, t => t.getProperty(name)); } return discriminatedPropertySymbols; } function isArgumentOfElementAccessExpression(node: Node) { return node && node.parent && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression && (node.parent as ElementAccessExpression).argumentExpression === node; } /// getDefaultLibraryFilePath declare const __dirname: string; /** * Get the path of the default library files (lib.d.ts) as distributed with the typescript * node package. * The functionality is not supported if the ts module is consumed outside of a node module. */ export function getDefaultLibFilePath(options: CompilerOptions): string { // Check __dirname is defined and that we are on a node.js system. if (typeof __dirname !== "undefined") { return combinePaths(__dirname, getDefaultLibFileName(options)); } throw new Error("getDefaultLibFilePath is only supported when consumed as a node module. "); } setObjectAllocator(getServicesObjectAllocator()); }