Lines Matching refs:msg_in
124 * Clean up DHCP a bit: no need keep msg_out and msg_in as members in struct
844 * snmp_msg.h, msg_in.c: fixed bug #43790: Sending octet string of Length >255
954 * msg_in.c: fixed bug #22070 "MIB_OBJECT_WRITE_ONLY not implemented in SNMP"
1020 * msg_in.c: fixed bug #39355 SNMP Memory Leak in case of error
1324 * msg_in.c, msg_out.c: fixed bug #35536 SNMP: error too big response is malformed
1873 * msg_in.c: Fixed SNMP ASN constant defines to not use ! operator
2081 * snmp_structs.h, msg_in.c: Partly fixed bug #22070 (MIB_OBJECT_WRITE_ONLY
2479 * msg_in.c: fixed bug #25636: SNMPSET value is ignored for integer fields
2533 * dhcp.c: task #9192: mem_free of dhcp->options_in and dhcp->msg_in
2941 * inet.c, autoip.c, msg_in.c, msg_out.c, init.c: Move some build time checkings
3199 * arch.h, api_msg.c, dhcp.c, msg_in.c, sockets.c: Introduced #define LWIP_UNUSED_ARG(x)
3223 * stats.h, stats.c, msg_in.c: Stats counters can be change to u32_t if necessary with the
3227 but never used. Fix msg_in.c with the correct #if test for a stat display.
3256 * snmp_msg.h, msg_in.c: SNMP UDP ports can be configured at compile time.