Lines Matching refs:vtx
190 std::ostringstream vtx; in init() local
192 std::ostringstream& op = isVertexCase ? vtx : frag; in init()
194 vtx << "#version 300 es\n"; in init()
195 vtx << "in highp vec4 a_position;\n"; // Position attribute. in init()
196 vtx << "in mediump vec4 a_value0;\n"; // Input for workload calculations of "true" branch. in init()
197 vtx << "in mediump vec4 a_value1;\n"; // Input for workload calculations of "false" branch. in init()
204 vtx << "in mediump float a_compareValue;\n"; in init()
211 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_color;\n"; in init()
216 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_value0;\n"; in init()
217 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_value1;\n"; in init()
223 vtx << "out mediump float v_compareValue;\n"; in init()
228 vtx << "\n"; in init()
229 vtx << "void main()\n"; in init()
230 vtx << "{\n"; in init()
231 vtx << " gl_Position = a_position;\n"; in init()
272 vtx << " v_color = res;\n"; in init()
279 vtx << " v_compareValue = a_compareValue;\n"; in init()
280 vtx << " v_value0 = a_value0;\n"; in init()
281 vtx << " v_value1 = a_value1;\n"; in init()
286 vtx << "}\n"; in init()
289 m_vertShaderSource = vtx.str(); in init()
470 std::ostringstream vtx; in init() local
472 std::ostringstream& op = isVertexCase ? vtx : frag; in init()
474 vtx << "#version 300 es\n"; in init()
475 vtx << "in highp vec4 a_position;\n"; // Position attribute. in init()
476 vtx << "in mediump vec4 a_value;\n"; // Input for workload calculations. in init()
483 vtx << "in mediump float a_bound;\n"; in init()
490 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_color;\n"; in init()
495 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_value;\n"; in init()
500 vtx << "out mediump float v_bound;\n"; in init()
505 vtx << "\n"; in init()
506 vtx << "void main()\n"; in init()
507 vtx << "{\n"; in init()
508 vtx << " gl_Position = a_position;\n"; in init()
554 vtx << " v_color = res;\n"; in init()
561 vtx << " v_bound = a_bound;\n"; in init()
562 vtx << " v_value = a_value;\n"; in init()
567 vtx << "}\n"; in init()
570 m_vertShaderSource = vtx.str(); in init()
702 std::ostringstream vtx; in init() local
704 std::ostringstream& op = isVertexCase ? vtx : frag; in init()
706 vtx << "#version 300 es\n"; in init()
707 vtx << "in highp vec4 a_position;\n"; // Position attribute. in init()
708 vtx << "in mediump vec4 a_value;\n"; // Value for workload calculations. in init()
716 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_color;\n"; in init()
721 vtx << "out mediump vec4 v_value;\n"; in init()
725 vtx << "\n"; in init()
726 vtx << "void main()\n"; in init()
727 vtx << "{\n"; in init()
728 vtx << " gl_Position = a_position;\n"; in init()
740 vtx << " v_color = res;\n"; in init()
745 vtx << " v_value = a_value;\n"; // Transfer input to fragment shader through varying. in init()
749 vtx << "}\n"; in init()
752 m_vertShaderSource = vtx.str(); in init()