# Paoc
## Overview
  `Paoc` is an application to launch compiler on [panda binary files](../../docs/file_format.md).  
  There are three [modes](#--paoc-mode) of `paoc`:
  1. `AOT-mode` (default) - compile the files and produce an executable;
  2. `JIT-mode` - only run compiler (IR builder, optimizations) without generating an executable. This may be usefull, for example, to get `--compiler-dump` or to ensure that all of the compiler passes are applied correctly.
  3. `OSR-mode` - similiar to `JIT-mode`. Takes into account differences of [OSR](../../docs/on-stack-replacement.md#Compilation) compilation.

## Paoc options

### Common options

#### `--paoc-panda-files`

- Comma-separated list of panda files to compile.  
  This is a mandatory option.

#### `--compiler-ignore-failures`

- A boolean option that allows to continue the compilation if some of the methods are failed to compile.  
Default is `true`.

#### `--paoc-mode`

- A string that specifies paoc's mode.  
Possible values:
  - `aot` (default)
  - `jit`
  - `osr`

### AOT-specific options

#### `--paoc-output`

- Output file path.  
Default is `out.an`.

#### `--paoc-arch`

- Target architecture for output file.  
Possible values:
  - `arm`
  - `arm64` (default)
  - `x86`
  - `x86_64`

#### `--paoc-location`

- Location path of the input panda file, that will be written into the AOT file.

#### `--paoc-generate-symbols`

- Generate symbols for compiled methods (always true in debug builds).  
Default is `false`.

### Selection options

The following options allow to specify methods to compile.  
If none of them are specified, `paoc` will compile every method from [--paoc-panda-files](#`--paoc-panda-files`).

#### `--paoc-methods-from-file`

- Path to a file which contains full names of methods to compile.  

#### `--paoc-skip-until`

- Set first method to complie and skip all previous.

#### `--paoc-compile-until`

- Set last method to complie and skip all following.

### Cluster compiler options

`paoc` has an option to apply clusters of special compiler options (different from default and passed via command line) to specified methods:

#### `--paoc-clusters`

- A path to `.json` config file of the following format:

    # The file should contain two objects: "clusters_map", which describes `function-clusters` relations,
    # and "compiler_options", which defines clusters themselves (`option:argument` pairs).

    "clusters_map" :
    # Keys are functions' full names (i.e. `class::method`).
    # Values are arrays whose elements should be a name of a cluster or it's index (starting from 0).
    # If some of the options are intersecting, the last (in the array) would be applied.
        "class::function_1" : [1],
        "class::function_2" : [0, "cluster_1", 2],
        "class::function_3" : ["cluster_0", 1, 2],     # same as previous
        "class::function_4" : ["cluster_0", 2, 3]      # "cluster_3" overlaps "cluster_2" by "compiler_option_2".

    "compiler_options" :
    # Keys are clusters' names.
    # Values are objects with `"option": argument` elements.
        # [0]
        "cluster_0" :
            "compiler_option_1" : "arg",
            "compiler_option_2" : "arg",
            "compiler_option_3" : "arg"
        # [1]
        "cluster_1" :
            "compiler_option_1" : "arg"
        # [2]
        "cluster_2" :
            "compiler_option_1" : "arg",
            "compiler_option_2" : "arg"

        # [3]
        "cluster_3" :
            "compiler_option_2" : "arg"

## Links

### Source code
