/** * Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef COMPILER_OPTIMIZER_IR_MARKER_H #define COMPILER_OPTIMIZER_IR_MARKER_H #include <array> #include <bitset> #include <cstdint> #include "macros.h" namespace panda::compiler { using Marker = uint32_t; constexpr uint32_t MARKERS_SHIFT = 2; constexpr uint32_t MARKERS_NUM = (1U << MARKERS_SHIFT); constexpr uint32_t MARKERS_MASK = (MARKERS_NUM - 1U); constexpr uint32_t MARKER_SIZE = 32; constexpr uint32_t MAX_MARKER = ((1U << (MARKER_SIZE - MARKERS_NUM)) - 1U); constexpr uint32_t UNDEF_MARKER = 0; class MarkerMgr { public: MarkerMgr() : current_index_(0) {} NO_COPY_SEMANTIC(MarkerMgr); NO_MOVE_SEMANTIC(MarkerMgr); virtual ~MarkerMgr() = default; Marker NewMarker() const { ASSERT_PRINT(current_index_ < MAX_MARKER, "Markers overflow. Please check recursion"); ++current_index_; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MARKERS_NUM; i++) { if (!spaces_[i]) { Marker mrk = (current_index_ << MARKERS_SHIFT) | i; spaces_[i] = true; ASSERT(mrk != UNDEF_MARKER); return mrk; } } UNREACHABLE(); } void EraseMarker(Marker mrk) const { spaces_[mrk & MARKERS_MASK] = false; } uint32_t GetCurrentMarkerIdx() { return current_index_; } void SetMaxMarkerIdx(uint32_t ixd) { current_index_ = std::max(current_index_, ixd); } private: mutable uint32_t current_index_ {0}; mutable std::bitset<MARKERS_NUM> spaces_ {}; }; class MarkerSet { public: MarkerSet() { ClearMarkers(); } NO_COPY_SEMANTIC(MarkerSet); NO_MOVE_SEMANTIC(MarkerSet); virtual ~MarkerSet() = default; // returns true if the marker was set before, otherwise set marker and return false bool SetMarker(Marker mrk) { uint32_t index = mrk & MARKERS_MASK; uint32_t value = mrk >> MARKERS_SHIFT; ASSERT(index < MARKERS_NUM); if (markers_[index] == value) { return true; } markers_[index] = value; return false; } // returns true if the marker was set before, otherwise false bool IsMarked(Marker mrk) { uint32_t index = mrk & MARKERS_MASK; uint32_t value = mrk >> MARKERS_SHIFT; ASSERT(index < MARKERS_NUM); return markers_[index] == value; } // unset marker and returns true if the marker was set before, otherwise false bool ResetMarker(Marker mrk) { uint32_t index = mrk & MARKERS_MASK; uint32_t value = mrk >> MARKERS_SHIFT; bool was_set = (markers_[index] == value); ASSERT(index < MARKERS_NUM); markers_[index] = UNDEF_MARKER; return was_set; } void ClearMarkers() { for (unsigned int &marker : markers_) { marker = UNDEF_MARKER; } } private: friend class MarkerMgr; std::array<Marker, MARKERS_NUM> markers_ {}; }; } // namespace panda::compiler #endif // COMPILER_OPTIMIZER_IR_MARKER_H