/* * Copyright (C) 2021 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "server.h" #include "host_updater.h" namespace Hdc { HdcServer::HdcServer(bool serverOrDaemonIn) : HdcSessionBase(serverOrDaemonIn) { clsTCPClt = nullptr; clsUSBClt = nullptr; #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART clsUARTClt = nullptr; #endif clsServerForClient = nullptr; uv_rwlock_init(&daemonAdmin); uv_rwlock_init(&forwardAdmin); } HdcServer::~HdcServer() { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "~HdcServer"); uv_rwlock_destroy(&daemonAdmin); uv_rwlock_destroy(&forwardAdmin); } void HdcServer::ClearInstanceResource() { TryStopInstance(); Base::TryCloseLoop(&loopMain, "HdcServer::~HdcServer"); if (clsTCPClt) { delete clsTCPClt; } if (clsUSBClt) { delete clsUSBClt; } #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART if (clsUARTClt) { delete clsUARTClt; } #endif if (clsServerForClient) { delete (static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient)); } } void HdcServer::TryStopInstance() { ClearSessions(); if (clsTCPClt) { clsTCPClt->Stop(); } if (clsUSBClt) { clsUSBClt->Stop(); } #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART if (clsUARTClt) { clsUARTClt->Stop(); } #endif if (clsServerForClient) { ((HdcServerForClient *)clsServerForClient)->Stop(); } ReMainLoopForInstanceClear(); ClearMapDaemonInfo(); } bool HdcServer::Initial(const char *listenString) { if (Base::ProgramMutex(SERVER_NAME.c_str(), false) != 0) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Other instance already running, program mutex failed"); return false; } Base::RemoveLogFile(); clsServerForClient = new HdcServerForClient(true, listenString, this, &loopMain); int rc = (static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient))->Initial(); if (rc != RET_SUCCESS) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "clsServerForClient Initial failed"); return false; } clsUSBClt->InitLogging(ctxUSB); clsTCPClt = new HdcHostTCP(true, this); clsUSBClt = new HdcHostUSB(true, this, ctxUSB); if (clsUSBClt->Initial() != RET_SUCCESS) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "clsUSBClt Initial failed"); return false; } if (!clsServerForClient || !clsTCPClt || !clsUSBClt) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Class init failed"); return false; } #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART clsUARTClt = new HdcHostUART(*this); if (!clsUARTClt) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Class init failed"); return false; } if (clsUARTClt->Initial() != RET_SUCCESS) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "clsUARTClt Class init failed."); return false; } #endif return true; } bool HdcServer::PullupServerWin32(const char *path, const char *listenString) { bool retVal = false; #ifdef _WIN32 char buf[BUF_SIZE_SMALL] = ""; char shortPath[MAX_PATH] = ""; std::string strPath = Base::UnicodeToUtf8(path, true); int ret = GetShortPathName(strPath.c_str(), shortPath, MAX_PATH); std::string runPath = shortPath; if (ret == 0) { int err = GetLastError(); constexpr int bufSize = 1024; char buffer[bufSize] = { 0 }; strerror_s(buffer, bufSize, err); WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "GetShortPath path:[%s] errmsg:%s", path, buffer); string uvPath = path; runPath = uvPath.substr(uvPath.find_last_of("/\\") + 1); } WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "server shortpath:[%s] runPath:[%s]", shortPath, runPath.c_str()); // here we give a dummy option first, because getopt will assume the first option is command. it // begin from 2nd args. if (sprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), "dummy -l %d -s %s -m", Base::GetLogLevel(), listenString) < 0) { return retVal; } WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Run server in debug-forground, cmd:%s, args:%s", runPath.c_str(), buf); STARTUPINFO si = {}; si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO); PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = {}; #ifndef HDC_DEBUG si.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.wShowWindow = SW_HIDE; #endif if (!CreateProcess(runPath.c_str(), buf, nullptr, nullptr, true, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, nullptr, nullptr, &si, &pi)) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "CreateProcess failed with cmd:%s, args:%s, Error Code %d", runPath.c_str(), buf, GetLastError()); retVal = false; } else { retVal = true; } CloseHandle(pi.hThread); CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); #endif return retVal; } // Only detects that the default call is in the loop address, the other tubes are not bool HdcServer::PullupServer(const char *listenString) { char path[BUF_SIZE_SMALL] = ""; size_t nPathSize = sizeof(path); int ret = uv_exepath(path, &nPathSize); if (ret < 0) { constexpr int bufSize = 1024; char buf[bufSize] = { 0 }; uv_err_name_r(ret, buf, bufSize); WRITE_LOG(LOG_WARN, "uvexepath ret:%d error:%s", ret, buf); return false; } #ifdef _WIN32 if (!PullupServerWin32(path, listenString)) { return false; } #else pid_t pc = fork(); // create process as daemon process if (pc < 0) { return false; } else if (!pc) { int i; const int maxFD = 1024; for (i = 0; i < maxFD; ++i) { // close file pipe int fd = i; Base::CloseFd(fd); } execl(path, "hdc", "-m", "-s", listenString, nullptr); exit(0); return true; } // orig process #endif // wait little time, util backend-server work ready uv_sleep(TIME_BASE); return true; } void HdcServer::ClearMapDaemonInfo() { map<string, HDaemonInfo>::iterator iter; uv_rwlock_rdlock(&daemonAdmin); for (iter = mapDaemon.begin(); iter != mapDaemon.end();) { string sKey = iter->first; HDaemonInfo hDi = iter->second; delete hDi; ++iter; } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&daemonAdmin); uv_rwlock_wrlock(&daemonAdmin); mapDaemon.clear(); uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&daemonAdmin); } void HdcServer::BuildDaemonVisableLine(HDaemonInfo hdi, bool fullDisplay, string &out) { if (fullDisplay) { string sConn; string sStatus; switch (hdi->connType) { case CONN_TCP: sConn = "TCP"; break; case CONN_USB: sConn = "USB"; break; #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART case CONN_SERIAL: sConn = "UART"; break; #endif case CONN_BT: sConn = "BT"; break; default: sConn = "UNKNOW"; break; } switch (hdi->connStatus) { case STATUS_READY: sStatus = "Ready"; break; case STATUS_CONNECTED: sStatus = "Connected"; break; case STATUS_OFFLINE: sStatus = "Offline"; break; default: sStatus = "UNKNOW"; break; } out = Base::StringFormat("%s\t\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", hdi->connectKey.c_str(), sConn.c_str(), sStatus.c_str(), hdi->devName.c_str()); } else { if (hdi->connStatus == STATUS_CONNECTED) { out = Base::StringFormat("%s\n", hdi->connectKey.c_str()); } } } string HdcServer::GetDaemonMapList(uint8_t opType) { string ret; bool fullDisplay = false; if (opType == OP_GET_STRLIST_FULL) { fullDisplay = true; } uv_rwlock_rdlock(&daemonAdmin); map<string, HDaemonInfo>::iterator iter; string echoLine; for (iter = mapDaemon.begin(); iter != mapDaemon.end(); ++iter) { HDaemonInfo di = iter->second; if (!di) { continue; } echoLine = ""; BuildDaemonVisableLine(di, fullDisplay, echoLine); ret += echoLine; } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&daemonAdmin); return ret; } void HdcServer::GetDaemonMapOnlyOne(HDaemonInfo &hDaemonInfoInOut) { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&daemonAdmin); string key; for (auto &i : mapDaemon) { if (i.second->connStatus == STATUS_CONNECTED) { if (key == STRING_EMPTY) { key = i.first; } else { key = STRING_EMPTY; break; } } } if (key.size() > 0) { hDaemonInfoInOut = mapDaemon[key]; } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&daemonAdmin); } string HdcServer::AdminDaemonMap(uint8_t opType, const string &connectKey, HDaemonInfo &hDaemonInfoInOut) { string sRet; switch (opType) { case OP_ADD: { HDaemonInfo pdiNew = new(std::nothrow) HdcDaemonInformation(); if (pdiNew == nullptr) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "AdminDaemonMap new pdiNew failed"); break; } *pdiNew = *hDaemonInfoInOut; uv_rwlock_wrlock(&daemonAdmin); if (!mapDaemon[hDaemonInfoInOut->connectKey]) { mapDaemon[hDaemonInfoInOut->connectKey] = pdiNew; } uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&daemonAdmin); break; } case OP_GET_STRLIST: case OP_GET_STRLIST_FULL: { sRet = GetDaemonMapList(opType); break; } case OP_QUERY: { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&daemonAdmin); if (mapDaemon.count(connectKey)) { hDaemonInfoInOut = mapDaemon[connectKey]; } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&daemonAdmin); break; } case OP_REMOVE: { uv_rwlock_wrlock(&daemonAdmin); if (mapDaemon.count(connectKey)) { mapDaemon.erase(connectKey); } uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&daemonAdmin); break; } case OP_GET_ANY: { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&daemonAdmin); map<string, HDaemonInfo>::iterator iter; for (iter = mapDaemon.begin(); iter != mapDaemon.end(); ++iter) { HDaemonInfo di = iter->second; // usb will be auto connected if (di->connStatus == STATUS_READY || di->connStatus == STATUS_CONNECTED) { hDaemonInfoInOut = di; break; } } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&daemonAdmin); break; } case OP_WAIT_FOR_ANY: { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&daemonAdmin); map<string, HDaemonInfo>::iterator iter; for (iter = mapDaemon.begin(); iter != mapDaemon.end(); ++iter) { HDaemonInfo di = iter->second; if (di->connStatus == STATUS_CONNECTED) { hDaemonInfoInOut = di; break; } } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&daemonAdmin); break; } case OP_GET_ONLY: { GetDaemonMapOnlyOne(hDaemonInfoInOut); break; } case OP_UPDATE: { // Cannot update the Object HDi lower key value by direct value uv_rwlock_wrlock(&daemonAdmin); HDaemonInfo hdi = mapDaemon[hDaemonInfoInOut->connectKey]; if (hdi) { *mapDaemon[hDaemonInfoInOut->connectKey] = *hDaemonInfoInOut; } uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&daemonAdmin); break; } default: break; } return sRet; } void HdcServer::NotifyInstanceSessionFree(HSession hSession, bool freeOrClear) { HDaemonInfo hdiOld = nullptr; AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, hSession->connectKey, hdiOld); if (hdiOld == nullptr) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "NotifyInstanceSessionFree hdiOld nullptr"); return; } if (!freeOrClear) { // step1 // update HdcDaemonInformation diNew = *hdiOld; diNew.connStatus = STATUS_OFFLINE; HDaemonInfo hdiNew = &diNew; AdminDaemonMap(OP_UPDATE, hSession->connectKey, hdiNew); CleanForwardMap(hSession->sessionId); } else { // step2 string usbMountPoint = hdiOld->usbMountPoint; // The waiting time must be longer than DEVICE_CHECK_INTERVAL. Wait the method WatchUsbNodeChange // to finish execution. Otherwise, the main thread and the session worker thread will conflict constexpr int waitDaemonReconnect = DEVICE_CHECK_INTERVAL + DEVICE_CHECK_INTERVAL; auto funcDelayUsbNotify = [this, usbMountPoint](const uint8_t flag, string &msg, const void *) -> void { string s = usbMountPoint; clsUSBClt->RemoveIgnoreDevice(s); }; if (usbMountPoint.size() > 0) { // wait time for daemon reconnect // If removed from maplist, the USB module will be reconnected, so it needs to wait for a while Base::DelayDoSimple(&loopMain, waitDaemonReconnect, funcDelayUsbNotify); } } } bool HdcServer::HandServerAuth(HSession hSession, SessionHandShake &handshake) { string bufString; switch (handshake.authType) { case AUTH_PUBLICKEY: { WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "recive get publickey cmd"); if (!HdcAuth::GetPublicKeyinfo(handshake.buf)) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "load public key failed"); return false; } handshake.authType = AUTH_PUBLICKEY; bufString = SerialStruct::SerializeToString(handshake); Send(hSession->sessionId, 0, CMD_KERNEL_HANDSHAKE, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(const_cast<char *>(bufString.c_str())), bufString.size()); WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "send pubkey over"); return true; } case AUTH_SIGNATURE: { WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "recive auth signture cmd"); if (!HdcAuth::RsaSignAndBase64(handshake.buf)) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "sign failed"); return false; } handshake.authType = AUTH_SIGNATURE; bufString = SerialStruct::SerializeToString(handshake); Send(hSession->sessionId, 0, CMD_KERNEL_HANDSHAKE, reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(const_cast<char *>(bufString.c_str())), bufString.size()); WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "response auth signture success"); return true; } default: WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "invalid auth type %d", handshake.authType); return false; } } bool HdcServer::ServerSessionHandshake(HSession hSession, uint8_t *payload, int payloadSize) { // session handshake step3 string s = string(reinterpret_cast<char *>(payload), payloadSize); Hdc::HdcSessionBase::SessionHandShake handshake; SerialStruct::ParseFromString(handshake, s); #ifdef HDC_DEBUG WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "handshake.banner:%s, payload:%s(%d)", handshake.banner.c_str(), s.c_str(), payloadSize); #endif if (handshake.banner == HANDSHAKE_FAILED.c_str()) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Handshake failed"); return false; } if (handshake.banner != HANDSHAKE_MESSAGE.c_str()) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Hello failed"); return false; } if (handshake.authType != AUTH_OK) { if (!HandServerAuth(hSession, handshake)) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Auth failed"); return false; } return true; } // handshake auth OK HDaemonInfo hdiOld = nullptr; AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, hSession->connectKey, hdiOld); if (!hdiOld) { return false; } HdcDaemonInformation diNew = *hdiOld; HDaemonInfo hdiNew = &diNew; // update hdiNew->connStatus = STATUS_CONNECTED; if (handshake.buf.size() > sizeof(hdiNew->devName) || !handshake.buf.size()) { hdiNew->devName = "unknown..."; } else { hdiNew->devName = handshake.buf; } WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "handshake.version = %s", handshake.version.c_str()); hdiNew->version = handshake.version; AdminDaemonMap(OP_UPDATE, hSession->connectKey, hdiNew); hSession->handshakeOK = true; return true; } // call in child thread bool HdcServer::FetchCommand(HSession hSession, const uint32_t channelId, const uint16_t command, uint8_t *payload, const int payloadSize) { bool ret = true; HdcServerForClient *sfc = static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient); if (command == CMD_KERNEL_HANDSHAKE) { ret = ServerSessionHandshake(hSession, payload, payloadSize); WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Session handshake %s connType:%d", ret ? "successful" : "failed", hSession->connType); return ret; } // When you first initialize, ChannelID may be 0 HChannel hChannel = sfc->AdminChannel(OP_QUERY_REF, channelId, nullptr); if (!hChannel) { if (command == CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE) { // Daemon close channel and want to notify server close channel also, but it may has been // closed by herself WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Die channelId :%lu recv CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE", channelId); } else { // Client may be ctrl+c and Server remove channel. notify server async WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "channelId :%lu die", channelId); } uint8_t flag = 0; Send(hSession->sessionId, channelId, CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE, &flag, 1); return ret; } if (hChannel->isDead) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "FetchCommand channelId:%u isDead", channelId); --hChannel->ref; return ret; } switch (command) { case CMD_KERNEL_ECHO_RAW: { // Native shell data output sfc->EchoClientRaw(hChannel, payload, payloadSize); break; } case CMD_KERNEL_ECHO: { MessageLevel level = static_cast<MessageLevel>(*payload); string s(reinterpret_cast<char *>(payload + 1), payloadSize - 1); sfc->EchoClient(hChannel, level, s.c_str()); WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "CMD_KERNEL_ECHO size:%d channelId:%u", payloadSize - 1, channelId); break; } case CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE: { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE channelid:%u", channelId); // Forcibly closing the tcp handle here may result in incomplete data reception on the client side ClearOwnTasks(hSession, channelId); // crossthread free sfc->PushAsyncMessage(channelId, ASYNC_FREE_CHANNEL, nullptr, 0); if (*payload != 0) { --(*payload); Send(hSession->sessionId, channelId, CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE, payload, 1); } break; } case CMD_FORWARD_SUCCESS: { // add to local HdcForwardInformation di; HForwardInfo pdiNew = &di; int offset = 2; pdiNew->channelId = channelId; pdiNew->sessionId = hSession->sessionId; pdiNew->connectKey = hSession->connectKey; pdiNew->forwardDirection = (reinterpret_cast<char *>(payload))[0] == '1'; pdiNew->taskString = reinterpret_cast<char *>(payload) + offset; AdminForwardMap(OP_ADD, STRING_EMPTY, pdiNew); Base::TryCloseHandle((uv_handle_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP); // detch client channel break; } case CMD_FILE_INIT: case CMD_FILE_CHECK: case CMD_FILE_BEGIN: case CMD_FILE_DATA: case CMD_FILE_FINISH: case CMD_FILE_MODE: case CMD_DIR_MODE: case CMD_APP_INIT: case CMD_APP_CHECK: case CMD_APP_BEGIN: case CMD_APP_DATA: case CMD_APP_FINISH: if (hChannel->fromClient) { // server directly passthrough app command to client if remote file mode, else go default sfc->SendCommandToClient(hChannel, command, payload, payloadSize); break; } default: { HSession hSessionByQuery = AdminSession(OP_QUERY, hChannel->targetSessionId, nullptr); if (!hSessionByQuery) { ret = false; break; } ret = DispatchTaskData(hSessionByQuery, channelId, command, payload, payloadSize); break; } } --hChannel->ref; return ret; } void HdcServer::BuildForwardVisableLine(bool fullOrSimble, HForwardInfo hfi, string &echo) { string buf; if (fullOrSimble) { buf = Base::StringFormat("%s %s %s\n", hfi->connectKey.c_str(), hfi->taskString.c_str(), hfi->forwardDirection ? "[Forward]" : "[Reverse]"); } else { buf = Base::StringFormat("%s\n", hfi->taskString.c_str()); } echo += buf; } string HdcServer::AdminForwardMap(uint8_t opType, const string &taskString, HForwardInfo &hForwardInfoInOut) { string sRet; switch (opType) { case OP_ADD: { HForwardInfo pfiNew = new(std::nothrow) HdcForwardInformation(); if (pfiNew == nullptr) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "AdminForwardMap new pfiNew failed"); break; } *pfiNew = *hForwardInfoInOut; uv_rwlock_wrlock(&forwardAdmin); if (!mapForward[hForwardInfoInOut->taskString]) { mapForward[hForwardInfoInOut->taskString] = pfiNew; } uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&forwardAdmin); break; } case OP_GET_STRLIST: case OP_GET_STRLIST_FULL: { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&forwardAdmin); map<string, HForwardInfo>::iterator iter; for (iter = mapForward.begin(); iter != mapForward.end(); ++iter) { HForwardInfo di = iter->second; if (!di) { continue; } BuildForwardVisableLine(opType == OP_GET_STRLIST_FULL, di, sRet); } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&forwardAdmin); break; } case OP_QUERY: { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&forwardAdmin); if (mapForward.count(taskString)) { hForwardInfoInOut = mapForward[taskString]; } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&forwardAdmin); break; } case OP_REMOVE: { uv_rwlock_wrlock(&forwardAdmin); if (mapForward.count(taskString)) { mapForward.erase(taskString); } uv_rwlock_wrunlock(&forwardAdmin); break; } default: break; } return sRet; } void HdcServer::CleanForwardMap(uint32_t sessionId) { uv_rwlock_rdlock(&forwardAdmin); map<string, HForwardInfo>::iterator iter; for (iter = mapForward.begin(); iter != mapForward.end();) { HForwardInfo di = iter->second; if (!di) { continue; } if (sessionId == 0 || sessionId == di->sessionId) { iter = mapForward.erase(iter); } else { iter++; } } uv_rwlock_rdunlock(&forwardAdmin); } void HdcServer::UsbPreConnect(uv_timer_t *handle) { HSession hSession = (HSession)handle->data; bool stopLoop = false; HdcServer *hdcServer = (HdcServer *)hSession->classInstance; while (true) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "HdcServer::UsbPreConnect"); HDaemonInfo pDi = nullptr; if (hSession->connectKey == "any") { hdcServer->AdminDaemonMap(OP_GET_ANY, hSession->connectKey, pDi); } else { hdcServer->AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, hSession->connectKey, pDi); } if (!pDi || !pDi->usbMountPoint.size()) { break; } HdcHostUSB *hdcHostUSB = (HdcHostUSB *)hSession->classModule; hdcHostUSB->ConnectDetectDaemon(hSession, pDi); stopLoop = true; break; } if (stopLoop && !uv_is_closing((const uv_handle_t *)handle)) { uv_close((uv_handle_t *)handle, Base::CloseTimerCallback); } } #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART void HdcServer::UartPreConnect(uv_timer_t *handle) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s", __FUNCTION__); HSession hSession = (HSession)handle->data; bool stopLoop = false; HdcServer *hdcServer = (HdcServer *)hSession->classInstance; const int uartConnectRetryMax = 100; // max 6s while (true) { if (hSession->hUART->retryCount > uartConnectRetryMax) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s failed because max retry limit %d", __FUNCTION__, hSession->hUART->retryCount); hdcServer->FreeSession(hSession->sessionId); stopLoop = true; break; } hSession->hUART->retryCount++; HDaemonInfo pDi = nullptr; WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s query %s", __FUNCTION__, hSession->ToDebugString().c_str()); hdcServer->AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, hSession->connectKey, pDi); if (!pDi) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s not found", __FUNCTION__); break; } HdcHostUART *hdcHostUART = (HdcHostUART *)hSession->classModule; hdcHostUART->ConnectDaemonByUart(hSession, pDi); WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "%s ConnectDaemonByUart done", __FUNCTION__); stopLoop = true; break; } if (stopLoop) { uv_close((uv_handle_t *)handle, Base::CloseTimerCallback); } } void HdcServer::CreatConnectUart(HSession hSession) { uv_timer_t *waitTimeDoCmd = new(std::nothrow) uv_timer_t; if (waitTimeDoCmd == nullptr) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "CreatConnectUart new waitTimeDoCmd failed"); return; } uv_timer_init(&loopMain, waitTimeDoCmd); waitTimeDoCmd->data = hSession; uv_timer_start(waitTimeDoCmd, UartPreConnect, UV_TIMEOUT, UV_REPEAT); } #endif // -1,has old,-2 error int HdcServer::CreateConnect(const string &connectKey, bool isCheck) { uint8_t connType = 0; if (connectKey.find(":") != std::string::npos) { // TCP connType = CONN_TCP; } #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART else if (connectKey.find("COM") == 0 || connectKey.find("/dev/ttyUSB") == 0 || connectKey.find("/dev/cu.") == 0) { // UART connType = CONN_SERIAL; } #endif else { // USB connType = CONN_USB; } HDaemonInfo hdi = nullptr; if (connectKey == "any") { return RET_SUCCESS; } AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, connectKey, hdi); if (hdi == nullptr) { HdcDaemonInformation di = {}; di.connectKey = connectKey; di.connType = connType; di.connStatus = STATUS_UNKNOW; HDaemonInfo pDi = reinterpret_cast<HDaemonInfo>(&di); AdminDaemonMap(OP_ADD, "", pDi); AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, connectKey, hdi); } if (!hdi || hdi->connStatus == STATUS_CONNECTED) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "Connected return"); return ERR_GENERIC; } HSession hSession = nullptr; if (connType == CONN_TCP) { hSession = clsTCPClt->ConnectDaemon(connectKey, isCheck); } else if (connType == CONN_SERIAL) { #ifdef HDC_SUPPORT_UART clsUARTClt->SetCheckFlag(isCheck); hSession = clsUARTClt->ConnectDaemon(connectKey); #endif } else { hSession = MallocSession(true, CONN_USB, clsUSBClt); if (!hSession) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "CreateConnect malloc usb session failed %s", connectKey.c_str()); return ERR_BUF_ALLOC; } hSession->connectKey = connectKey; uv_timer_t *waitTimeDoCmd = new(std::nothrow) uv_timer_t; if (waitTimeDoCmd == nullptr) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "CreateConnect new waitTimeDoCmd failed"); FreeSession(hSession->sessionId); return ERR_GENERIC; } uv_timer_init(&loopMain, waitTimeDoCmd); waitTimeDoCmd->data = hSession; uv_timer_start(waitTimeDoCmd, UsbPreConnect, 10, 100); } if (!hSession) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_FATAL, "CreateConnect hSession nullptr"); return ERR_BUF_ALLOC; } HDaemonInfo hdiQuery = nullptr; AdminDaemonMap(OP_QUERY, connectKey, hdiQuery); if (hdiQuery) { HdcDaemonInformation diNew = *hdiQuery; diNew.hSession = hSession; HDaemonInfo hdiNew = &diNew; AdminDaemonMap(OP_UPDATE, hdiQuery->connectKey, hdiNew); } return RET_SUCCESS; } void HdcServer::AttachChannel(HSession hSession, const uint32_t channelId) { int ret = 0; HdcServerForClient *hSfc = static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient); HChannel hChannel = hSfc->AdminChannel(OP_QUERY_REF, channelId, nullptr); if (!hChannel) { return; } uv_tcp_init(&hSession->childLoop, &hChannel->hChildWorkTCP); hChannel->hChildWorkTCP.data = hChannel; hChannel->targetSessionId = hSession->sessionId; if ((ret = uv_tcp_open((uv_tcp_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP, hChannel->fdChildWorkTCP)) < 0) { constexpr int bufSize = 1024; char buf[bufSize] = { 0 }; uv_err_name_r(ret, buf, bufSize); WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Hdcserver AttachChannel uv_tcp_open failed %s, channelid:%d fdChildWorkTCP:%d", buf, hChannel->channelId, hChannel->fdChildWorkTCP); Base::TryCloseHandle((uv_handle_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP); --hChannel->ref; return; } Base::SetTcpOptions((uv_tcp_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP); uv_read_start((uv_stream_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP, hSfc->AllocCallback, hSfc->ReadStream); --hChannel->ref; }; void HdcServer::DeatchChannel(HSession hSession, const uint32_t channelId) { HdcServerForClient *hSfc = static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient); // childCleared has not set, no need OP_QUERY_REF HChannel hChannel = hSfc->AdminChannel(OP_QUERY, channelId, nullptr); if (!hChannel) { return; } if (hChannel->childCleared) { WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Childchannel has already freed, cid:%u", channelId); return; } // The own task for this channel must be clear before free channel ClearOwnTasks(hSession, channelId); uint8_t count = 0; Send(hSession->sessionId, hChannel->channelId, CMD_KERNEL_CHANNEL_CLOSE, &count, 1); if (uv_is_closing((const uv_handle_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP)) { Base::DoNextLoop(&hSession->childLoop, hChannel, [](const uint8_t flag, string &msg, const void *data) { HChannel hChannel = (HChannel)data; hChannel->childCleared = true; WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Childchannel free direct, cid:%u", hChannel->channelId); }); } else { Base::TryCloseHandle((uv_handle_t *)&hChannel->hChildWorkTCP, [](uv_handle_t *handle) -> void { HChannel hChannel = (HChannel)handle->data; hChannel->childCleared = true; WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Childchannel free callback, cid:%u", hChannel->channelId); }); } }; bool HdcServer::ServerCommand(const uint32_t sessionId, const uint32_t channelId, const uint16_t command, uint8_t *bufPtr, const int size) { HdcServerForClient *hSfc = static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient); HChannel hChannel = hSfc->AdminChannel(OP_QUERY, channelId, nullptr); HSession hSession = AdminSession(OP_QUERY, sessionId, nullptr); if (!hChannel || !hSession) { return false; } return FetchCommand(hSession, channelId, command, bufPtr, size); } // clang-format off bool HdcServer::RedirectToTask(HTaskInfo hTaskInfo, HSession hSession, const uint32_t channelId, const uint16_t command, uint8_t *payload, const int payloadSize) // clang-format on { bool ret = true; hTaskInfo->ownerSessionClass = this; switch (command) { case CMD_UNITY_BUGREPORT_INIT: case CMD_UNITY_BUGREPORT_DATA: ret = TaskCommandDispatch<HdcHostUnity>(hTaskInfo, TYPE_UNITY, command, payload, payloadSize); break; case CMD_FILE_INIT: case CMD_FILE_BEGIN: case CMD_FILE_CHECK: case CMD_FILE_DATA: case CMD_FILE_FINISH: case CMD_FILE_MODE: case CMD_DIR_MODE: ret = TaskCommandDispatch<HdcFile>(hTaskInfo, TASK_FILE, command, payload, payloadSize); break; case CMD_FORWARD_INIT: case CMD_FORWARD_CHECK: case CMD_FORWARD_CHECK_RESULT: case CMD_FORWARD_ACTIVE_MASTER: case CMD_FORWARD_ACTIVE_SLAVE: case CMD_FORWARD_DATA: case CMD_FORWARD_FREE_CONTEXT: ret = TaskCommandDispatch<HdcHostForward>(hTaskInfo, TASK_FORWARD, command, payload, payloadSize); break; case CMD_APP_INIT: case CMD_APP_SIDELOAD: case CMD_APP_BEGIN: case CMD_APP_FINISH: case CMD_APP_UNINSTALL: ret = TaskCommandDispatch<HdcHostApp>(hTaskInfo, TASK_APP, command, payload, payloadSize); break; case CMD_FLASHD_UPDATE_INIT: case CMD_FLASHD_FLASH_INIT: case CMD_FLASHD_CHECK: case CMD_FLASHD_BEGIN: case CMD_FLASHD_DATA: case CMD_FLASHD_FINISH: case CMD_FLASHD_ERASE: case CMD_FLASHD_FORMAT: case CMD_FLASHD_PROGRESS: ret = TaskCommandDispatch<HostUpdater>(hTaskInfo, TASK_FLASHD, command, payload, payloadSize); break; default: // ignore unknown command break; } return ret; } bool HdcServer::RemoveInstanceTask(const uint8_t op, HTaskInfo hTask) { bool ret = true; switch (hTask->taskType) { case TYPE_SHELL: WRITE_LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Server not enable unity/shell"); break; case TYPE_UNITY: ret = DoTaskRemove<HdcHostUnity>(hTask, op); break; case TASK_FILE: ret = DoTaskRemove<HdcFile>(hTask, op); break; case TASK_FORWARD: ret = DoTaskRemove<HdcHostForward>(hTask, op); break; case TASK_APP: ret = DoTaskRemove<HdcHostApp>(hTask, op); break; case TASK_FLASHD: ret = DoTaskRemove<HostUpdater>(hTask, op); break; default: ret = false; break; } return ret; } void HdcServer::EchoToClientsForSession(uint32_t targetSessionId, const string &echo) { HdcServerForClient *hSfc = static_cast<HdcServerForClient *>(clsServerForClient); WRITE_LOG(LOG_INFO, "%s:%u %s", __FUNCTION__, targetSessionId, echo.c_str()); hSfc->EchoToAllChannelsViaSessionId(targetSessionId, echo); } } // namespace Hdc