/* * Copyright (c) 2023 Huawei Device Co., Ltd. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include "hdf_base.h" #include "hdf_log.h" #include "v1_0/effect_types.h" #include "v1_0/ieffect_control.h" #include "v1_0/ieffect_model.h" #include "include/effect_common.h" #include "osal_mem.h" using namespace std; using namespace testing::ext; constexpr bool IS_DIRECTLY_CALL = false; constexpr uint32_t MAX_DESCRIPTOR_NUM = 20; namespace { const int32_t ITERATION_FREQUENCY = 100; const int32_t REPETITION_FREQUENCY = 3; class EffectModelBenchmarkTest : public benchmark::Fixture { public: struct IEffectModel *model_ = nullptr; struct ControllerId contollerId_; char *libName_ = nullptr; char *effectId_ = nullptr; virtual void SetUp(const ::benchmark::State &state); virtual void TearDown(const ::benchmark::State &state); }; void EffectModelBenchmarkTest::SetUp(const ::benchmark::State &state) { // input testcase setup step,setup invoked before each testcases libName_ = strdup("libmock_effect_lib"); effectId_ = strdup("aaaabbbb-8888-9999-6666-aabbccdd9966ff"); model_ = IEffectModelGet(IS_DIRECTLY_CALL); ASSERT_NE(nullptr, model_); } void EffectModelBenchmarkTest::TearDown(const ::benchmark::State &state) { // input testcase teardown step,teardown invoked after each testcases if (libName_ != nullptr) { free(libName_); libName_ = nullptr; } if (effectId_ != nullptr) { free(effectId_); effectId_ = nullptr; } if (model_ != nullptr) { IEffectModelRelease(model_, IS_DIRECTLY_CALL); } } /** * @tc.name: HdfAudioIsSupplyEffectLibs * @tc.desc: Verify the EffectModelIsSupplyEffectLibs function. */ BENCHMARK_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioIsSupplyEffectLibs)(benchmark::State &state) { int32_t ret; bool isSupport = false; for (auto _ : state) { ret = model_->IsSupplyEffectLibs(model_, &isSupport); } EXPECT_EQ(ret, HDF_SUCCESS); } BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioIsSupplyEffectLibs)-> Iterations(ITERATION_FREQUENCY)->Repetitions(REPETITION_FREQUENCY)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); /** * @tc.name: HdfAudioGetAllEffectDescriptors * @tc.desc: Verify the EffectModelGetAllEffectDescriptors function. */ BENCHMARK_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioGetAllEffectDescriptors)(benchmark::State &state) { int32_t ret; uint32_t descsLen = MAX_DESCRIPTOR_NUM; struct EffectControllerDescriptor descs[MAX_DESCRIPTOR_NUM]; for (auto _ : state) { ret = model_->GetAllEffectDescriptors(model_, descs, &descsLen); } ASSERT_EQ(ret, HDF_SUCCESS); EXPECT_GE(MAX_DESCRIPTOR_NUM, descsLen); } BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioGetAllEffectDescriptors)-> Iterations(ITERATION_FREQUENCY)->Repetitions(REPETITION_FREQUENCY)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); /** * @tc.name: HdfAudioCreateDestroyController * @tc.desc: Verify the EffectModelCreateEffectController and EffectModelDestroyEffectController function. */ BENCHMARK_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioCreateDestroyController)(benchmark::State &state) { int32_t ret; struct EffectInfo info = { .libName = libName_, .effectId = effectId_, .ioDirection = 1, }; for (auto _ : state) { struct IEffectControl *contoller = NULL; ret = model_->CreateEffectController(model_, &info, &contoller, &contollerId_); if (ret == HDF_SUCCESS) { ASSERT_NE(contoller, nullptr); } if (contoller != nullptr) { ret = model_->DestroyEffectController(model_, &contollerId_); } } } BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioCreateDestroyController)-> Iterations(ITERATION_FREQUENCY)->Repetitions(REPETITION_FREQUENCY)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); /** * @tc.name: HdfAudioGetEffectDescriptor * @tc.desc: Verify the EffectModelGetEffectDescriptor function. */ BENCHMARK_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioGetEffectDescriptor)(benchmark::State &state) { int32_t ret; struct EffectControllerDescriptor desc; for (auto _ : state) { ret = model_->GetEffectDescriptor(model_, effectId_, &desc); } ASSERT_EQ(ret, HDF_SUCCESS); EffectControllerReleaseDesc(&desc); } BENCHMARK_REGISTER_F(EffectModelBenchmarkTest, HdfAudioCreateDestroyController)-> Iterations(ITERATION_FREQUENCY)->Repetitions(REPETITION_FREQUENCY)->ReportAggregatesOnly(); } // end of namespace BENCHMARK_MAIN();