/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include "ecma-alloc.h" #include "ecma-gc.h" #include "ecma-globals.h" #include "ecma-helpers.h" #include "jrt.h" /** \addtogroup ecma ECMA * @{ * * \addtogroup ecmahelpers Helpers for operations with ECMA data types * @{ */ /** * Allocate a collection of ecma values. * * @return pointer to the collection */ ecma_collection_t * ecma_new_collection (void) { ecma_collection_t *collection_p; collection_p = (ecma_collection_t *) jmem_heap_alloc_block (sizeof (ecma_collection_t)); collection_p->item_count = 0; collection_p->capacity = ECMA_COLLECTION_INITIAL_CAPACITY; const uint32_t size = ECMA_COLLECTION_ALLOCATED_SIZE (ECMA_COLLECTION_INITIAL_CAPACITY); collection_p->buffer_p = (ecma_value_t *) jmem_heap_alloc_block (size); return collection_p; } /* ecma_new_collection */ /** * Deallocate a collection of ecma values without freeing it's values */ inline void JERRY_ATTR_ALWAYS_INLINE ecma_collection_destroy (ecma_collection_t *collection_p) /**< value collection */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); jmem_heap_free_block (collection_p->buffer_p, ECMA_COLLECTION_ALLOCATED_SIZE (collection_p->capacity)); jmem_heap_free_block (collection_p, sizeof (ecma_collection_t)); } /* ecma_collection_destroy */ /** * Free the object collection elements and deallocate the collection */ void ecma_collection_free_objects (ecma_collection_t *collection_p) /**< value collection */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); ecma_value_t *buffer_p = collection_p->buffer_p; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < collection_p->item_count; i++) { if (ecma_is_value_object (buffer_p[i])) { ecma_deref_object (ecma_get_object_from_value (buffer_p[i])); } } ecma_collection_destroy (collection_p); } /* ecma_collection_free_objects */ /** * Free the non-object collection elements and deallocate the collection */ void ecma_collection_free_if_not_object (ecma_collection_t *collection_p) /**< value collection */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); ecma_value_t *buffer_p = collection_p->buffer_p; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < collection_p->item_count; i++) { ecma_free_value_if_not_object (buffer_p[i]); } ecma_collection_destroy (collection_p); } /* ecma_collection_free_if_not_object */ /** * Free the collection elements and deallocate the collection */ void ecma_collection_free (ecma_collection_t *collection_p) /**< value collection */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); ecma_value_t *buffer_p = collection_p->buffer_p; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < collection_p->item_count; i++) { ecma_free_value (buffer_p[i]); } ecma_collection_destroy (collection_p); } /* ecma_collection_free */ /** * Append new value to ecma values collection * * Note: The reference count of the values are not increased */ void ecma_collection_push_back (ecma_collection_t *collection_p, /**< value collection */ ecma_value_t value) /**< ecma value to append */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); ecma_value_t *buffer_p = collection_p->buffer_p; if (JERRY_LIKELY (collection_p->item_count < collection_p->capacity)) { buffer_p[collection_p->item_count++] = value; return; } const uint32_t new_capacity = collection_p->capacity + ECMA_COLLECTION_GROW_FACTOR; const uint32_t old_size = ECMA_COLLECTION_ALLOCATED_SIZE (collection_p->capacity); const uint32_t new_size = ECMA_COLLECTION_ALLOCATED_SIZE (new_capacity); buffer_p = jmem_heap_realloc_block (buffer_p, old_size, new_size); buffer_p[collection_p->item_count++] = value; collection_p->capacity = new_capacity; collection_p->buffer_p = buffer_p; } /* ecma_collection_push_back */ /** * Reserve space for the given amount of ecma_values in the collection */ void ecma_collection_reserve (ecma_collection_t *collection_p, /**< value collection */ uint32_t count) /**< number of ecma values to reserve */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); JERRY_ASSERT (UINT32_MAX - count > collection_p->capacity); const uint32_t new_capacity = collection_p->capacity + count; const uint32_t old_size = ECMA_COLLECTION_ALLOCATED_SIZE (collection_p->capacity); const uint32_t new_size = ECMA_COLLECTION_ALLOCATED_SIZE (new_capacity); ecma_value_t *buffer_p = collection_p->buffer_p; buffer_p = jmem_heap_realloc_block (buffer_p, old_size, new_size); collection_p->capacity = new_capacity; collection_p->buffer_p = buffer_p; } /* ecma_collection_reserve */ /** * Append a list of values to the end of the collection */ void ecma_collection_append (ecma_collection_t *collection_p, /**< value collection */ const ecma_value_t *buffer_p, /**< values to append */ uint32_t count) /**< number of ecma values to append */ { JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p != NULL); JERRY_ASSERT (collection_p->capacity >= collection_p->item_count); uint32_t free_count = collection_p->capacity - collection_p->item_count; if (free_count < count) { ecma_collection_reserve (collection_p, count - free_count); } memcpy (collection_p->buffer_p + collection_p->item_count, buffer_p, count * sizeof (ecma_value_t)); collection_p->item_count += count; } /* ecma_collection_append */ /** * @} * @} */