/* Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef ECMA_PROMISE_OBJECT_H #define ECMA_PROMISE_OBJECT_H #if ENABLED (JERRY_ES2015_BUILTIN_PROMISE) #include "ecma-globals.h" /** \addtogroup ecma ECMA * @{ * * \addtogroup ecmaarraybufferobject ECMA ArrayBuffer object related routines * @{ */ /** * The PromiseState of promise object. */ typedef enum { ECMA_PROMISE_IS_PENDING = (1 << 0), /**< pending state */ ECMA_PROMISE_IS_FULFILLED = (1 << 1), /**< fulfilled state */ ECMA_PROMISE_ALREADY_RESOLVED = (1 << 2), /**< already resolved */ } ecma_promise_flags_t; /** * Indicates the type of the executor in promise construct. */ typedef enum { ECMA_PROMISE_EXECUTOR_FUNCTION, /**< the executor is a function, it is for the usual constructor */ ECMA_PROMISE_EXECUTOR_OBJECT, /**< the executor is an object, it is for the `then` routine */ ECMA_PROMISE_EXECUTOR_EMPTY /**< the executor is empty, it is for external C API */ } ecma_promise_executor_type_t; /** * Description of the promise resolving functions. */ typedef struct { ecma_value_t resolve; /**< the resolve function */ ecma_value_t reject; /**< the reject function */ } ecma_promise_resolving_functions_t; /** * Description of the promise object. * It need more space than normal object to store builtin properties. */ typedef struct { ecma_extended_object_t header; /**< extended object part */ ecma_collection_t *reactions; /**< list of promise reactions */ } ecma_promise_object_t; /* The Promise reaction is a compressed structure, where each item can * be a sequence of up to three ecma object values as seen below: * * [ Capability ][ Optional fullfilled callback ][ Optional rejected callback ] * [ Async function callback ] * * The first member is an object, which lower bits specify the type of the reaction: * bit 2 is not set: callback reactions * The first two objects specify the resolve/reject functions of the promise * returned by the `then` operation which can be used to chain event handlers. * * bit 0: has a fullfilled callback * bit 1: has a rejected callback * * bit 2 is set: async function callback */ bool ecma_is_promise (ecma_object_t *obj_p); ecma_value_t ecma_op_create_promise_object (ecma_value_t executor, ecma_promise_executor_type_t type); uint16_t ecma_promise_get_flags (ecma_object_t *promise_p); ecma_value_t ecma_promise_get_result (ecma_object_t *promise_p); ecma_value_t ecma_promise_new_capability (ecma_value_t constructor); ecma_value_t ecma_promise_reject_or_resolve (ecma_value_t this_arg, ecma_value_t value, bool is_resolve); ecma_value_t ecma_promise_then (ecma_value_t promise, ecma_value_t on_fulfilled, ecma_value_t on_rejected); void ecma_promise_create_resolving_functions (ecma_object_t *object_p, ecma_promise_resolving_functions_t *funcs, bool create_already_resolved); void ecma_promise_free_resolving_functions (ecma_promise_resolving_functions_t *funcs); /** * @} * @} */ #endif /* ENABLED (JERRY_ES2015_BUILTIN_PROMISE) */ #endif /* !ECMA_PROMISE_OBJECT_H */