Release Process =============== * `set TAG fuse-A.B.C` * Update version in * `ChangeLog.rst` * `` * `include/fuse_common.h` (`#define FUSE_{MINOR/MAJOR}_VERSION`) * When creating new minor release: * Create signing key for the next release: `P=fuse-<A.B+1> signify-openbsd -G -n -p signify/$ -s signify/$P.sec` * Expire old release signing keys (keep one around just in case) * Update authors: `git log --all --pretty="format:%an <%aE>" | sort -u >> AUTHORS` * `git commit --all -m "Released $TAG"` * `git tag -s $TAG` * Build tarball, `./` * Test build: * `cd fuse-x.y.z` * `md build && (cd build && meson .. && ninja)` * `sudo sudo chown root:root build/util/fusermount3` * `sudo chmod 4755 build/util/fusermount3` * `(cd build; python3 -m pytest test/)` * Upload API docs: * `rm -r ../ && cp -a doc/html ../` * `(cd ../; git add doxygen/; git commit --all -m "Re-generated doxygen documentation"; git push)` * `git push && git push --tags`, create release on Github * Write announcement to fuse-devel Announcement email template ``` To: Subject: [ANNOUNCE] libfuse XXXX has been released Dear all, I am pleased to announce the release of libfuse XXX. The source code is available for download at Please report any issues on this mailing list or the GitHub issue tracker at From ChangeLog.rst: [INSERT NEW ENTRIES] The following people have contributed code to this release: [INSERT CONTRIBUTORS] (a full list of credits containing all known contributors is included in the `AUTHORS` file). Best, -Nikolaus ```