const t = require('tap') const { load: loadMockNpm } = require('../../fixtures/mock-npm') const MockRegistry = require('@npmcli/mock-registry') const pacote = require('pacote') const Arborist = require('@npmcli/arborist') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const pkg = 'test-package' const token = 'test-auth-token' const auth = { '//': token } const alternateRegistry = '' const basic = Buffer.from('test-user:test-password').toString('base64') const pkgJson = { name: pkg, description: 'npm test package', version: '1.0.0', } t.cleanSnapshot = data => { return data.replace(/shasum:.*/g, 'shasum:{sha}') .replace(/integrity:.*/g, 'integrity:{sha}') .replace(/"shasum": ".*",/g, '"shasum": "{sha}",') .replace(/"integrity": ".*",/g, '"integrity": "{sha}",') } t.test('respects publishConfig.registry, runs appropriate scripts', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput, prefix } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { loglevel: 'silent', [`${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/:_authToken`]: 'test-other-token', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ ...pkgJson, scripts: { prepublishOnly: 'touch scripts-prepublishonly', prepublish: 'touch scripts-prepublish', // should NOT run this one publish: 'touch scripts-publish', postpublish: 'touch scripts-postpublish', }, publishConfig: { registry: alternateRegistry }, }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: alternateRegistry, authorization: 'test-other-token', }) registry.nock.put(`/${pkg}`, body => { return t.match(body, { _id: pkg, name: pkg, 'dist-tags': { latest: '1.0.0' }, access: null, versions: { '1.0.0': { name: pkg, version: '1.0.0', _id: `${pkg}@1.0.0`, dist: { shasum: /\.*/, tarball: `http:${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/test-package/-/test-package-1.0.0.tgz`, }, publishConfig: { registry: alternateRegistry, }, }, }, _attachments: { [`${pkg}-1.0.0.tgz`]: {}, }, }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') t.equal(fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-prepublishonly')), true, 'ran prepublishOnly') t.equal(fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-prepublish')), false, 'did not run prepublish') t.equal(fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-publish')), true, 'ran publish') t.equal(fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-postpublish')), true, 'ran postpublish') }) t.test('re-loads publishConfig.registry if added during script process', async t => { const { joinedOutput, npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { [`${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/:_authToken`]: 'test-other-token', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ ...pkgJson, scripts: { prepare: 'cp new.json package.json', }, }, null, 2), 'new.json': JSON.stringify({ ...pkgJson, publishConfig: { registry: alternateRegistry }, }), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: alternateRegistry, authorization: 'test-other-token', }) registry.nock.put(`/${pkg}`, body => { return t.match(body, { _id: pkg, name: pkg, 'dist-tags': { latest: '1.0.0' }, access: null, versions: { '1.0.0': { name: pkg, version: '1.0.0', _id: `${pkg}@1.0.0`, dist: { shasum: /\.*/, tarball: `http:${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/test-package/-/test-package-1.0.0.tgz`, }, publishConfig: { registry: alternateRegistry, }, }, }, _attachments: { [`${pkg}-1.0.0.tgz`]: {}, }, }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') }) t.test('json', async t => { const { joinedOutput, npm, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { json: true, ...auth, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock.put(`/${pkg}`).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(logs.notice) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package json') }) t.test('dry-run', async t => { const { joinedOutput, npm, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { 'dry-run': true, ...auth, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), }, }) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.equal(joinedOutput(), `+ ${pkg}@1.0.0`) t.matchSnapshot(logs.notice) }) t.test('shows usage with wrong set of arguments', async t => { const { publish } = await loadMockNpm(t, { command: 'publish' }) await t.rejects(publish.exec(['a', 'b', 'c']), publish.usage) }) t.test('throws when invalid tag', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { tag: '0.0.13', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), }, }) await t.rejects( npm.exec('publish', []), { message: 'Tag name must not be a valid SemVer range: 0.0.13' } ) }) t.test('tarball', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput, logs, home } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { 'fetch-retries': 0, ...auth, }, homeDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'test-tar-package', description: 'this was from a tarball', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), 'index.js': 'console.log("hello world"}', }, }) const tarball = await pacote.tarball(home, { Arborist }) const tarFilename = path.join(home, 'tarball.tgz') fs.writeFileSync(tarFilename, tarball) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock.put('/test-tar-package', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'test-tar-package', }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', [tarFilename]) t.matchSnapshot(logs.notice) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package json') }) t.test('no auth default registry', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), }, }) await t.rejects( npm.exec('publish', []), { message: 'This command requires you to be logged in to', code: 'ENEEDAUTH', } ) }) t.test('no auth dry-run', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { 'dry-run': true, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), }, }) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput()) t.matchSnapshot(logs.warn, 'warns about auth being needed') }) t.test('no auth for configured registry', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { registry: alternateRegistry, ...auth, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null, 2), }, }) await t.rejects( npm.exec('publish', []), { message: `This command requires you to be logged in to ${alternateRegistry}`, code: 'ENEEDAUTH', } ) }) t.test('no auth for scope configured registry', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { scope: '@npm', registry: alternateRegistry, ...auth, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) await t.rejects( npm.exec('publish', []), { message: `This command requires you to be logged in to ${alternateRegistry}`, code: 'ENEEDAUTH', } ) }) t.test('has token auth for scope configured registry', async t => { const spec = npa('@npm/test-package') const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { scope: '@npm', registry: alternateRegistry, [`${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/:_authToken`]: 'test-scope-token', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: alternateRegistry, authorization: 'test-scope-token', }) registry.nock.put(`/${spec.escapedName}`, body => { return t.match(body, { name: '@npm/test-package' }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') }) t.test('has mTLS auth for scope configured registry', async t => { const spec = npa('@npm/test-package') const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { scope: '@npm', registry: alternateRegistry, [`${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/:certfile`]: '/some.cert', [`${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/:keyfile`]: '/some.key', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: alternateRegistry, }) registry.nock.put(`/${spec.escapedName}`, body => { return t.match(body, { name: '@npm/test-package' }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') }) t.test('workspaces', t => { const dir = { 'package.json': JSON.stringify( { ...pkgJson, workspaces: ['workspace-a', 'workspace-b', 'workspace-c', 'workspace-p'], }, null, 2), 'workspace-a': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-a', version: '1.2.3-a', repository: 'http://repo.workspace-a/', }), }, 'workspace-b': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-b', version: '1.2.3-n', repository: '', }), }, 'workspace-c': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-n', version: '1.2.3-n', }), }, 'workspace-p': { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: 'workspace-p', version: '1.2.3-p', private: true, }), }, } t.test('all workspaces - no color', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { color: false, ...auth, workspaces: true, }, prefixDir: dir, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock .put('/workspace-a', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-a' }) }).reply(200, {}) .put('/workspace-b', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-b' }) }).reply(200, {}) .put('/workspace-n', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-n' }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'all public workspaces') t.matchSnapshot(logs.warn, 'warns about skipped private workspace') }) t.test('all workspaces - color', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, color: 'always', workspaces: true, }, prefixDir: dir, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock .put('/workspace-a', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-a' }) }).reply(200, {}) .put('/workspace-b', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-b' }) }).reply(200, {}) .put('/workspace-n', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-n' }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'all public workspaces') t.matchSnapshot(logs.warn, 'warns about skipped private workspace in color') }) t.test('one workspace - success', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, workspace: ['workspace-a'], }, prefixDir: dir, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock .put('/workspace-a', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-a' }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'single workspace') }) t.test('one workspace - failure', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, workspace: ['workspace-a'], }, prefixDir: dir, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock .put('/workspace-a', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-a' }) }).reply(404, {}) await t.rejects(npm.exec('publish', []), { code: 'E404' }) }) t.test('invalid workspace', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, workspace: ['workspace-x'], }, prefixDir: dir, }) await t.rejects( npm.exec('publish', []), { message: 'No workspaces found:\n --workspace=workspace-x' } ) }) t.test('json', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, workspaces: true, json: true, }, prefixDir: dir, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock .put('/workspace-a', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-a' }) }).reply(200, {}) .put('/workspace-b', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-b' }) }).reply(200, {}) .put('/workspace-n', body => { return t.match(body, { name: 'workspace-n' }) }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'all workspaces in json') }) t.end() }) t.test('ignore-scripts', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput, prefix } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, 'ignore-scripts': true, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ ...pkgJson, scripts: { prepublishOnly: 'touch scripts-prepublishonly', prepublish: 'touch scripts-prepublish', // should NOT run this one publish: 'touch scripts-publish', postpublish: 'touch scripts-postpublish', }, }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock.put(`/${pkg}`).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') t.equal( fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-prepublishonly')), false, 'did not run prepublishOnly' ) t.equal( fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-prepublish')), false, 'did not run prepublish' ) t.equal( fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-publish')), false, 'did not run publish' ) t.equal( fs.existsSync(path.join(prefix, 'scripts-postpublish')), false, 'did not run postpublish' ) }) t.test('_auth config default registry', async t => { const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { '//': basic, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify(pkgJson), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), basic, }) registry.nock.put(`/${pkg}`).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') }) t.test('bare _auth and registry config', async t => { const spec = npa('@npm/test-package') const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { registry: alternateRegistry, '//': basic, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: alternateRegistry, basic, }) registry.nock.put(`/${spec.escapedName}`).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') }) t.test('bare _auth config scoped registry', async t => { const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { scope: '@npm', registry: alternateRegistry, _auth: basic, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) await t.rejects( npm.exec('publish', []), { message: `This command requires you to be logged in to ${alternateRegistry}` } ) }) t.test('scoped _auth config scoped registry', async t => { const spec = npa('@npm/test-package') const { npm, joinedOutput } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { scope: '@npm', registry: alternateRegistry, [`${alternateRegistry.slice(6)}/:_auth`]: basic, }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: alternateRegistry, basic, }) registry.nock.put(`/${spec.escapedName}`).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') }) t.test('restricted access', async t => { const spec = npa('@npm/test-package') const { npm, joinedOutput, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, access: 'restricted', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock.put(`/${spec.escapedName}`, body => { t.equal(body.access, 'restricted', 'access is explicitly set to restricted') return true }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') t.matchSnapshot(logs.notice) }) t.test('public access', async t => { const spec = npa('@npm/test-package') const { npm, joinedOutput, logs } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, access: 'public', }, prefixDir: { 'package.json': JSON.stringify({ name: '@npm/test-package', version: '1.0.0', }, null, 2), }, }) const registry = new MockRegistry({ tap: t, registry: npm.config.get('registry'), authorization: token, }) registry.nock.put(`/${spec.escapedName}`, body => { t.equal(body.access, 'public', 'access is explicitly set to public') return true }).reply(200, {}) await npm.exec('publish', []) t.matchSnapshot(joinedOutput(), 'new package version') t.matchSnapshot(logs.notice) }) t.test('manifest', async t => { // // snapshot test that was generated against v9.6.7 originally to ensure our // own manifest does not change unexpectedly when publishing. this test // asserts a bunch of keys are there that will change often and then snapshots // the rest of the manifest. const root = path.resolve(__dirname, '../../..') const npmPkg = require(path.join(root, 'package.json')) t.cleanSnapshot = (s) => s.replace(new RegExp(npmPkg.version, 'g'), '{VERSION}') let manifest = null const { npm } = await loadMockNpm(t, { config: { ...auth, }, chdir: () => root, mocks: { libnpmpublish: { publish: (m) => manifest = m, }, }, }) await npm.exec('publish', []) const okKeys = [ 'contributors', 'bundleDependencies', 'dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'templateOSS', 'scripts', 'tap', 'readme', 'engines', 'workspaces', ] for (const k of okKeys) { t.ok(manifest[k], k) delete manifest[k] } delete manifest.gitHead t.matchSnapshot(manifest, 'manifest') })