Name NV_texture_rectangle Name Strings GL_NV_texture_rectangle Contact Mark J. Kilgard, NVIDIA Corporation (mjk 'at' Notice Copyright NVIDIA Corporation, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004. Status Implemented in NVIDIA's Release 10 drivers. Version NVIDIA Date: March 5, 2004 Number 229 Dependencies Written based on the OpenGL 1.2.1 specification including ARB_texture_cube_map wording. IBM_mirrored_repeat affects the definition of this extension. ARB_texture_border_clamp affects the definition of this extension. EXT_paletted_texture affects the definition of this extension. This extension affects the definition of the NV_texture_shader extension. Overview OpenGL texturing is limited to images with power-of-two dimensions and an optional 1-texel border. NV_texture_rectangle extension adds a new texture target that supports 2D textures without requiring power-of-two dimensions. Non-power-of-two dimensioned textures are useful for storing video images that do not have power-of-two dimensions. Re-sampling artifacts are avoided and less texture memory may be required by using non-power-of-two dimensioned textures. Non-power-of-two dimensioned textures are also useful for shadow maps and window-space texturing. However, non-power-of-two dimensioned (NPOTD) textures have limitations that do not apply to power-of-two dimensioned (POT) textures. NPOTD textures may not use mipmap filtering; POTD textures support both mipmapped and non-mipmapped filtering. NPOTD textures support only the GL_CLAMP, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, and GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB wrap modes; POTD textures support GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE, GL_REPEAT, GL_CLAMP, GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM, and GL_CLAMP_TO_BORDER. NPOTD textures do not support an optional 1-texel border; POTD textures do support an optional 1-texel border. NPOTD textures are accessed by non-normalized texture coordinates. So instead of thinking of the texture image lying in a [0..1]x[0..1] range, the NPOTD texture image lies in a [0..w]x[0..h] range. This extension adds a new texture target and related state (proxy, binding, max texture size). Issues Should rectangular textures simply be an extension to the 2D texture target that allows non-power-of-two widths and heights? RESOLUTION: No. The rectangular texture is an entirely new texture target type called GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV. This is because while the texture rectangle target relaxes the power-of-two dimensions requirements of the texture 2D target, it also has limitations such as the absence of both mipmapping and the GL_REPEAT and GL_MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM wrap modes. Additionally, rectangular textures do not use [0..1] normalized texture coordinates. How is the image of a rectangular texture specified? RESOLUTION: Using the standard OpenGL API for specifying a 2D texture image: glTexImage2D, glSubTexImage2D, glCopyTexImage2D, and glCopySubTexImage2D. The target for these commands is GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV though. This is similar to how the ARB_texture_cube_map extension uses the 2D texture image specification API though with its own texture target. Should 3D textures be allowed to be NPOTD? RESOLUTION: No. That should be left to another extension. Should cube map textures be allowed to be NPOTD? RESOLUTION: No. Probably not particularly interesting for cube maps. If it becomes important, another extension should provide NPOTD cube maps. Should 1D textures be allowed to be NPOTD? RESOLUTION: No. Rectangular textures are always considered 2D by this extension. You can always simulate a 1D NPOTD textures by using a 2D Wx1 or 1xH dimensioned rectangular texture. Should anything be said about performance? RESOLUTION: No, but developers should not be surprised if conventional POTD textures will render slightly faster than NPOTD textures. This is particularly likely to be true when NPOTD textures are minified leading to texture cache thrashing. How are rectangular textures enabled? RESOLUTION: Since rectangular textures add a new texture target, you enable rectangular textures by enabling this target. Example: glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV); What is the priority of the rectangular texture target enable relative to existing texture enables? RESOLUTION: The texture rectangle target is like a 2D texture in many ways so its enable priority is just above GL_TEXTURE_2D. From lowest priority to highest priority: GL_TEXTURE_1D, GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, GL_TEXTURE_3D, GL_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB. What is the default wrap state for a texture rectangle? RESOLUTION: GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE. The normal default wrap state is GL_REPEAT, but that mode is not allowed for rectangular textures? What is the default minification filter for a texture rectangle? RESOLUTION: GL_LINEAR. The normal default minification filter state is GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, but that mode is not allowed for rectangular textures because mipmapping is not supported. Do paletted textures work with rectangular textures? RESOLUTION: No. Similar (but not identical) functionality can be accomplished using dependent texture shader operations (see NV_texture_shader). The difference between paletted texture accesses and dependent texture accesses is that paletted texture lookups are "pre-filtering" while dependent texture shader operations are "post-filtering". Can compressed texture images be specified for a rectangular texture? RESOLUTION: The generic texture compression internal formats introduced by ARB_texture_compression are supported for rectangular textures because the image is not presented as compressed data and the ARB_texture_compression extension always permits generic texture compression internal formats to be stored in uncompressed form. Implementations are free to support generic compression internal formats for rectangular textures if supported but such support is not required. This extensions makes a blanket statement that specific compressed internal formats for use with CompressedTexImageDARB are NOT supported for rectangular textures. This is because several existing hardware implementations of texture compression formats such as S3TC are not designed for compressing rectangular textures. This does not preclude future texture compression extensions from supporting compressed internal formats that do work with rectangular extensions (by relaxing the current blanket error condition). Does this extension work with SGIX_shadow-style shadow mapping? RESOLUTION: Yes. The one non-obvious allowance to support SGIX_shadow-style shadow mapping is that the R texture coordinate wrap mode remains UNCHANGED for rectangular textures. Clamping of the R texture coordinate for rectangular textures uses the standard [0,1] interval rather than the [0,ws] or [0,hs] intervals as in the case of S and T. This is because R represents a depth value in the [0,1] range whether using a 2D or rectangular texture. New Procedures and Functions None New Tokens Accepted by the parameter of Enable, Disable, IsEnabled, and by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev, and by the parameter of BindTexture, GetTexParameterfv, GetTexParameteriv, TexParameterf, TexParameteri, TexParameterfv, and TexParameteriv: TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV 0x84F5 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetIntegerv, GetFloatv, and GetDoublev: TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_NV 0x84F6 Accepted by the parameter of GetTexImage, GetTexLevelParameteriv, GetTexLevelParameterfv, TexImage2D, CopyTexImage2D, TexSubImage2D, and CopySubTexImage2D: TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV Accepted by the parameter of GetTexLevelParameteriv, GetTexLevelParameterfv, GetTexParameteriv, and TexImage2D: PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV 0x84F7 Accepted by the parameter of GetBooleanv, GetDoublev, GetIntegerv, and GetFloatv: MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV 0x84F8 Additions to Chapter 2 of the GL Specification (OpenGL Operation) None Additions to Chapter 3 of the GL Specification (Rasterization) -- Section 3.6.3 "Pixel Transfer Modes" under "Color Table Specification" or the ColorTableEXT description in the EXT_paletted_texture specification (rev 1.2) Add the following statement after introducing ColorTableEXT: "The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target to ColorTable (or ColorTableEXT or the various ColorTable and ColorTableEXT alternative commands) is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV." -- Section 3.8.1 "Texture Image Specification" Change the second sentence through the rest of the paragraph describing TexImage2D on page 116 to: " must be one of TEXTURE_2D for a 2D texture, or one of TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV for a rectangle texture, or one of TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB for a cube map texture. Additionally, can be either PROXY_TEXTURE_2D for a 2D proxy texture or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV for a rectangle proxy texture or PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB for a cube map proxy texture as discussed in section 3.8.7. The other parameters match the corresponding parameters of TexImage3D." Add a following paragraph reading: "Rectangular textures do not support paletted formats. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the format is COLOR_INDEX or the internalformat is COLOR_INDEX or one of the COLOR_INDEX_EXT internal formats." Change the 14th paragraph (page 116) to read: "In a similar fashion, the maximum allowable width of a rectangular texture image, and the maximum allowable height of a rectangular texture image, must be at least the implementation-dependent value of MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV." Add the following paragraph after the paragraph introducing TexImage2D (page 116): "When the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, the INVALID_VALUE error is generated if border is any value other than zero or the level is any value other than zero. Also when the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, the texture dimension restrictions specified by equations 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13 are ignored; however, if the width is less than zero or the height is less than zero, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated. In the case of a rectangular texture, ws and hs equal the specified width and height respectively of the rectangular texture image while ds is 1." Amend the following paragraph that was added by the ARB_texture_cube_map specification after the first paragraph on page 117: "A 2D texture consists of a single 2D texture image. A rectangle texture consists of a single 2D texture image. A cube map texture is a set of six 2D texture images. The six cube map texture targets form a single cube map texture though each target names a distinct face of the cube map. The TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_*_ARB targets listed above update their appropriate cube map face 2D texture image. Note that the six cube map 2D image tokens such as TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB are used when specifying, updating, or querying one of a cube map's six 2D image, but when enabling cube map texturing or binding to a cube map texture object (that is when the cube map is accessed as a whole as opposed to a particular 2D image), the TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB target is specified." Append to the end of the third to the last paragraph in the section (page 118): "A rectangular texture array has depth dt=1, with height ht and width wt defined by the specified image height and width parameters." -- Section 3.8.2 "Alternate Texture Image Specification Commands" Add TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV to the second paragraph (page 120) to say: ... "Currently, must be TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB." ... Add TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV to the fourth paragraph (page 121) to say: ... "Currently the target arguments of TexSubImage1D and CopyTexSubImage1D must be TEXTURE_1D, the arguments of TexSubImage2D and CopyTexSubImage2D must be one of TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB, and the arguments of TexSubImage3D and CopyTexSubImage3D must be TEXTURE_3D." ... Also add to the end of the fourth paragraph (121): "If target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and level is not zero, the error INVALID_VALUE is generated." -- Section "Compressed Texture Images" in the ARB_texture_compression specification Add the following paragraph after introducing the CompressedTexImageDARB commands: "The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target parameter to one of the CompressedTexImageDARB commands is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV." Add the following paragraph after introducing the CompressedTexSubImageDARB commands: "The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target parameter to one of the CompressedTexSubImageDARB commands is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV." -- Section 3.8.3 "Texture Parameters" Add TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV to paragraph one (page 124) to say: ... " is the target, either TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB." ... Add the following paragraph to the end of the section (page 134): "Certain texture parameter values may not be specified for textures with a target of TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the TEXTURE_WRAP_S, TEXTURE_WRAP_T, or TEXTURE_WRAP_R parameter is set to REPEAT or MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM. The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is set to a value other than NEAREST or LINEAR (no mipmap filtering is permitted). The error INVALID_ENUM is generated if the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL is set to any value other than zero." -- Section 3.8.4 "Texture Wrap Modes" Add this final additional paragraph: "Texture coordinates are clamped differently for rectangular textures. The r texture coordinate is wrapped as described above (as required for shadow mapping to operate correctly). When the texture target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, the s and t coordinates are wrapped as follows: CLAMP causes the s coordinate to be clamped to the range [0,ws]. CLAMP causes the t coordinate to be clamped to the range [0,hs]. CLAMP_TO_EDGE causes the s coordinate to be clamped to the range [0.5,ws-0.5]. CLAMP_TO_EDGE causes the t coordinate to be clamped to the range [0.5,hs-0.5]. CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB causes the s coordinate to be clamped to the range [-0.5,ws+0.5]. CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB causes the t coordinate to be clamped to the range [-0.5,hs+0.5]." -- Section 3.8.5 "Texture Minification" under "Mipmapping" Change the second full paragraph on page 126 to read: "For non-rectangular textures, let u(x,y) = 2^n*s(x,y), v(x,y) = 2^m*t(x,y), and w(x,y) = 2^l*r(x,y), where n, m, and l are defined by equations 3.11, 3.12, and 3.13 with ws, hs, and ds equal to the width, height, and depth of the image array whose level is TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL. However, for rectangular textures let u(x,y) = s(x,y), v(x,y) = t(x,y), and w(x,y) = r(x,y)." Update the last sentence in the first full paragraph on page 127 to read: "Depending on whether the texture's target is rectangular or non-rectangular, this means the texel at location (i,j,k) becomes the texture value, with i given by / floor(u), s < 1 / i = { 2^n-1, s == 1, non-rectangular texture (3.17) \ \ ws-1, s == 1, rectangular texture (Recall that if TEXTURE_WRAP_S is REPEAT, then 0 <= s < 1.) Similarly, j is found as / floor(v), t < 1 / j = { 2^m-1, t == 1, non-rectangular texture (3.18) \ \ hs-1, t == 1, rectangular texture and k is found as / floor(w), r < 1 / k = { 2^l-1, r == 1, non-rectangular texture (3.19) \ \ 0, r == 1, rectangular texture" Change the last sentence in the partial paragraph after equation 3.19 to read: "For a two-dimensional or rectangular texture, k is irrelevant; the texel at location (i,j) becomes the texture value." Change the sentence preceding equation 3.20 (page 128) specifying how to compute the value tau for a two-dimensional texture to: "For a two-dimensional or rectangular texture," Follow the first full paragraph on page 130 with: "Rectangular textures do not support mipmapping (it is an error to specify a minification filter that requires mipmapping)." -- Section 3.8.7 "Texture State and Proxy State" Change the first sentence of the first paragraph (page 131) to say: "The state necessary for texture can be divided into two categories. First, there are the ten sets of mipmap arrays (one each for the one-, two-, and three-dimensional texture targets, one for the rectangular texture target (though the rectangular texture target has only one mipmap level), and six for the cube map texture targets) and their number." ... Change the fourth and third to last sentences of the first paragraph to say: "In the initial state, the value assigned to TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, except for rectangular textures where the initial value is LINEAR, and the value for TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER is LINEAR. s, t, and r warp modes are all set to REPEAT, except for rectangular textures where the initial value is CLAMP_TO_EDGE." Change the second paragraph (page 132) to say: "In addition to the one-, two-, three-dimensional, rectangular, and the six cube map sets of image arrays, the partially instantiated one-, two-, and three-dimensional, rectangular, and one cube map sets of proxy image arrays are maintained." ... Change the third paragraph (page 132) to: "One- and two-dimensional and rectangular proxy arrays are operated on in the same way when TexImage1D is executed with target specified as PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, or TexImage2D is executed with target specified as PROXY_TEXTURE_2D or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV." Change the second sentence of the fourth paragraph (page 132) to: "Therefore PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, PROXY_TEXTURE_3D, and PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB cannot be used as textures, and their images must never be queried using GetTexImage." ... -- Section 3.8.8 "Texture Objects" Change the first sentence of the first paragraph (page 132) to say: "In addition to the default textures TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, and TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, named one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, and three-dimensional texture objects and cube map texture objects can be created and operated on." ... Change the second paragraph (page 132) to say: "A texture object is created by binding an unused name to TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB." ... "If the new texture object is bound to TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, it remains a one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, three-dimensional, or cube map texture until it is deleted." Change the third paragraph (page 133) to say: "BindTexture may also be used to bind an existing texture object to either TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB." Change paragraph five (page 133) to say: "In the initial state, TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, and TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP have one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, three-dimensional, and cube map state vectors associated with them respectively." ... "The initial, one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, three-dimensional, and cube map texture is therefore operated upon, queried, and applied as TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, and TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB respectively while 0 is bound to the corresponding targets." Change paragraph six (page 133) to say: ... "If a texture that is currently bound to one of the targets TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB is deleted, it is as though BindTexture has been executed with the same and zero." ... -- Section 3.8.10 "Texture Application" Replace the beginning sentences of the first paragraph (page 138) with: "Texturing is enabled or disabled using the generic Enable and Disable commands, respectively, with the symbolic constants TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB to enable the one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, three-dimensional, or cube map texturing respectively. If both two- and one-dimensional textures are enabled, the two-dimensional texture is used. If the rectangular and either of the two- or one-dimensional textures is enabled, the rectangular texture is used. If the three-dimensional and any of the rectangular, two-dimensional, or one-dimensional textures is enabled, the three-dimensional texture is used. If the cube map texture and any of the three-dimensional, rectangular, two-dimensional, or one-dimensional textures is enabled, then cube map texturing is used. Additions to Chapter 4 of the GL Specification (Per-Fragment Operations and the Framebuffer) None Additions to Chapter 5 of the GL Specification (Special Functions) -- Section 5.4 "Display Lists" In the first paragraph (page 179), add PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV to the list of PROXY_* tokens. Additions to Chapter 6 of the GL Specification (State and State Requests) -- Section 6.1.3 "Enumerated Queries" Change the fourth paragraph (page 183) to say: "The GetTexParameter parameter may be one of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, or TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, indicating the currently bound one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, three-dimensional, or cube map texture object. For GetTexLevelParameter, may be one of TEXTURE_1D, TEXTURE_2D, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, TEXTURE_3D, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB, PROXY_TEXTURE_1D, PROXY_TEXTURE_2D, PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV, PROXY_TEXTURE_3D, or PROXY_TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB, indicating the one-dimensional texture object, two-dimensional texture object, rectangular texture object, three-dimensional texture object, or one of the six distinct 2D images making up the cube map texture object or one-dimensional, two-dimensional, rectangular, three-dimensional, or cube map proxy state vector. Note that TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_ARB is not a valid parameter for GetTexLevelParameter because it does not specify a particular cube map face." -- Section 6.1.4 "Texture Queries" Change the first paragraph (page 184) to read: ... "It is somewhat different from the other get commands; is a symbolic value indicating which texture (or texture face in the case of a cube map texture target name) is to be obtained. TEXTURE_1D indicates a one-dimensional texture, TEXTURE_2D indicates a two-dimensional texture, TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV indicates a rectangular texture, TEXTURE_3D indicates a three-dimensional texture, and TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_X_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Y_ARB, TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_POSITIVE_Z_ARB, and TEXTURE_CUBE_MAP_NEGATIVE_Z_ARB indicate the respective face of a cube map texture." Add a final sentence to the fourth paragraph: "Calling GetTexImage with a lod not zero when the tex is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV causes the error INVALID_VALUE." Additions to the GLX Specification None GLX Protocol None Dependencies on ARB_texture_border_clamp If ARB_texture_border_clamp is not supported, references to the CLAMP_TO_BORDER_ARB wrap mode in this document should be ignored. Dependencies on IBM_mirrored_repeat If IBM_mirrored_repeat is not supported, references to the MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM wrap mode in this document should be ignored. Dependencies on EXT_paletted_texture If EXT_paletted_texture is not supported, references to the COLOR_INDEX, COLOR_INDEX_EXT, ColorTable, and ColorTableEXT should be ignored. Dependencies on EXT_texture_compression_s3tc If EXT_texture_compression_s3tc is not supported, references to CompressedTexImage2DARB and CompressedTexSubImageARB and the COMPRESSED_*_S3TC_DXT*_EXT enumerants should be ignored. Errors INVALID_ENUM is generated when ColorTable (or ColorTableEXT or the various ColorTable and ColorTableEXT alternative commands) is called and the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV. INVALID_ENUM is generated when TexImage2D is called and the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV or PROXY_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the format is COLOR_INDEX or the internalformat is COLOR_INDEX or one of the COLOR_INDEX_EXT internal formats. INVALID_VALUE is generated when TexImage2D is called when the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV if border is any value other than zero or the level is any value other than zero. INVALID_VALUE is generated when TexImage2D is called when the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV if the width is less than zero or the height is less than zero. INVALID_VALUE is generated when TexSubImage2D or CopyTexSubImage2D is called when the target is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV if the level is any value other than zero. INVALID_ENUM is generated when one of the CompressedTexImageDARB commands is called when the target parameter is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV. INVALID_ENUM is generated when one of the CompressedTexSubImageDARB commands is called when the target parameter is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV. INVALID_ENUM is generated when TexParameter is called with a target of TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the TEXTURE_WRAP_S, TEXTURE_WRAP_T, or TEXTURE_WRAP_R parameter is set to REPEAT or MIRRORED_REPEAT_IBM. INVALID_ENUM is generated when TexParameter is called with a target of TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER is set to a value other than NEAREST or LINEAR. INVALID_VALUE is generated when TexParameter is called with a target of TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV and the TEXTURE_BASE_LEVEL is set to any value other than zero. INVALID_VALUE is generated when GetTexImage is called with a lod not zero when the tex is TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV. New State (table 6.12, p202) amend/add the following entries: Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute ---------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- --------------------- ------ -------------- TEXTURE_RECTANGULAR_NV B IsEnabled False True if rectangular 3.8.10 texture/enable texturing is enabled TEXTURE_BINDING_RECTANGLE_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 0 Texture object 3.8.8 texture for texture rectangle TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_NV I GetTexImage see 3.8 rectangular texture 3.8 - image for lod 0 (table 6.13, p203) amend/add the following entries: Get Value Type Get Command Initial Value Description Sec Attribute ------------------ ----- --------------- --------------------- -------------------- ----- --------- TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER 2+xZ6 GetTexparameter NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR Texture minification 3.8.5 texture except for function rectangular which is LINEAR TEXTURE_WRAP_S 5+xZ5 GetTexParameter REPEAT except Texture wrap mode S 3.8 texture for rectangular which is CLAMP_TO_EDGE TEXTURE_WRAP_T 5+xZ5 GetTexParameter REPEAT except Texture wrap mode T 3.8 texture for rectangular which is CLAMP_TO_EDGE TEXTURE_WRAP_R 5+xZ5 GetTexParameter REPEAT except Texture wrap mode R 3.8 texture for rectangular which is CLAMP_TO_EDGE New Implementation Dependent State (table 6.24, p214) add the following entry: Get Value Type Get Command Minimum Value Description Sec Attribute ----------------------------- ---- ----------- ------------- ------------------- ----- --------- MAX_RECTANGLE_TEXTURE_SIZE_NV Z+ GetIntegerv 64 Maximum rectangular 3.8.1 - texture image dimension Revision History Jan 2, 2003 - Fix typo in 4th paragraph of Overview to read: "NPOTD textures are accessed by non-normalized texture coordinates." March 5, 2004 - Delete update to the convolution section because it was bogus language in the OpenGL 1.2.1 specification saying convolution affects glGetTexImage (it does not); this language was deleted in OpenGL 1.3. Fix minor typo in 6.12 table.