魯哇克香貓咖啡 世界上最稀有的飲品 Kopi luwak. the rarest beverage in the world. 嘗一小口 Take a whiff. 來 Go ahead. 寇爾先生 董事會已準備好聽你的提案 Uh, mr. cole, the board is ready to hear your proposal. 等一下下 Hold on just a second. 來 繼續 Go ahead. go on. 怎樣 Well? 真不錯 Really good. 真不錯 Really good. 寇爾先生? Mr. cole. sir? 吉姆 你知道庸俗是什麼嗎 Do you know what a philistine is, jim? 先生 我叫理查德 Sir, it's richard. 沒錯 費爾 出動你的如簧巧舌吧 That's right, phil. give them the spiel. 謝謝 主席先生 主管們 Thank you, mr. chairman, fellow supervisors. 我們寇爾集團財務的管理不善 We at the cole group feel the decline of the winwood hospital... 直接造成了溫伍德醫院的衰敗 ...is a direct result of significant fiscal mismanagement. 請原諒 我們醫院... I beg your pardon, this hospital... 日常開支近2倍 overhead costs are nearly double. 你們的租金和置業費用高得不可置信 Your lease and land costs were similarly overbid. 在科研分析 兒科 腫瘤學和核磁共振等領域的貢獻 Donations have atrophied to the point you've fallen far behind 萎縮到了有史以來曲線的最低點 the curve in research, pediatrics, oncology and mri. 7年來 寇爾集團私有化了15家公立醫院 The cole group has privatized 15 public hospitals in seven years... 每一家目前都為社區提供 或即將提供 ...each of which now provides, or will soon provide... 最高標準的醫療服務 ...the highest standard of medical care to their communities. 人手問題就不管了嗎 despite being grossly understaffed? 越好的醫生 越需要... the better the doctor, the need... 床位怎麼辦 外面在傳你們收太多病人 What about beds? there are rumors you increased the number 擠都擠不下了 of patients to the point of overpopulation. 病人的密度一直是... Patient density has always been... 還有急診室 這可是眾所周知的... And your emergency rooms, I mean, they are known... 我開的是醫院 不是健康療養所 I run hospitals, not health spas. 一個房間兩張床 無一例外 Two beds to a room, no exceptions. 聽著 我和米雪爾. 費弗約好了來這兒吃午飯 Look, I passed up a lunch with michelle pfeiffer to be here... 我們能否盡早停止惺惺作態 ...so can we desist from all of this inane posturing? 男孩女孩們 你們需要我 Boys and girls, you need me. 而我卻不需要你們 I do not need you. 這信封裡有一張大額支票 Now, there's a sizeable check in this envelope... 如果決定了就請隨便使用吧 ...let me know if you decide to cash it. 寇爾先生 你沒事吧 Mr. cole, are you all right? 你在這兒幹嘛 What are you doing here? 為生命而戰鬥啊 你呢 Oh, you know, fighting for my life. you? 我只是有點驚奇... Uh, no, I was just surprised... 我並不在乎保險 and I don't care about the insurance! 去告訴那個腦子糊了屎的醫生 必須告訴我 And tell dr. shit -for -brains i wanna know everything 為什麼一定要我打這一針光黴素 about this bleomycin drip he wants to get me on. 我聽說它會吞噬你的肺 I hear it eats your lungs. 等我下個月去國會座談時 When I address congress next month... 我不想通過喉嚨裡的洞來呼吸 ...i don't want to do it breathing through a hole in my throat. -其實並不完全是這樣 -這傢伙是誰 - that's not exactly what happens. - who the hell is this guy? -湯馬斯在哪兒 湯姆 -我在這兒呢 先生 - where's thomas? tom! - in plain view, sir. -你好 湯姆 -我們要把你挪上床 - hi, tom. - we're gonna move you into the bed. 我能自己來 我還沒死呢 I can do it myself. I ain't dead yet. 現在怎樣 How about now? 我最近炒你魷魚了嗎 Have I fired you lately? 自從奧普拉事件以來還沒有 Not since the oprah incident. -他是個好人 -對 好員工 - that was a good one. ha -ha -ha. - yeah, it's good stuff. 那他媽是誰 Who the hell is that? 你他媽又是誰 Who the hell are you? 他說 "你他媽... ?" He said, "who the hell... ?" 天哪 我在哪兒 這是停屍房嗎 Oh, god. what am i, in the morgue? 那是我第一次將目光停留在愛德華. 寇爾身上 That was the first time I laid eyes on edward cole. 一個不祥的開始 一定是這樣 An inauspicious beginning, to be sure. 放過我吧 親愛的上帝 Oh, spare me. sweet jesus. 我討厭這些... 我討厭針管 I hate these... I hate tubes! 要是接下來3個星期裡 I'll be damned if I'm gonna spend the next three weeks 我都挨著這個傢伙一起睡的話 我一定會死的 laying next to this guy. 怪人一個 像個半死人 Zombie boy. looks half -dead already. 你不能住單間 You can't have your own room. 不然會造成巨大的公關問題 It would create an enormous pr problem. 我沒有定過這樣的鬼規矩 I don't give a shit about pr. 我要住單間 這是我的醫院 沒天理啊 I want my own room. it's my hospital, for chrissake. 別告訴我不能住單間 Don't tell me I can't have my own room. 無意冒犯 保爾 No offense, pal. 這政策你已公開辯護過無數次 You have publicly defended this policy countless times. 你開的是醫院 不是健康療養所 You run hospitals, not health spas. 一個房間兩張床 無一例外 two beds to a room, no exceptions. 我從前沒有生過病 I've never been sick before. 好吧 艾爾德瑞吉醫生馬上就要來給您打麻醉 Okay, dr. eldridge will be in in a minute to dot you up, okay? 打麻醉 Dot me up. 上帝 Jesus. 湯馬斯 Thomas 麻醉時別讓我清醒著 don't let me wake up paralyzed. 我會竭我所能 I'll do what I can. 這真的是你的醫院嗎 This really your hospital? 是的 沒錯 Yeah, pretty much. 難喝的豌豆湯需要改進一下 Might wanna do something about the pea soup. 在早上的手術時發現 By the morning of the surgery, 癌癥已經擴散到愛德華的全身 the cancer had spread so far throughout edward's body 醫生們估計他只有5%的希望能活下來 that the doctors gave him only a 5 percent chance to survive 但他們卻未曾估計到他對他們有多生氣 But then, they didn't account for how pissed off they'd made him. 沒有人來看他嗎 No visitors come in to see him? 手術結束後他就一直睡著 He's been sleeping a lot since they brought him back. 哦 Mm. 我親自來護理你 還有一個原因 That's another reason I don't miss nursing. 你看病人要是那樣 是多麼可憐啊 It's always so sad seeing a patient like that, 還獨自一人 挺過手術 all alone after that kind of surgery. 至少他不嘮叨 At least he's quiet. 瑞秋今早來過電話 Rachel called this morning. 真的? 她怎麼樣 Really? how's she doing? 她在為下學期在交響樂團當首席小提琴手做準備 She's auditioning for first violin in next semester's symphony. 那真是太好了 That's wonderful. 還要書嗎 Need any more books? 不用了 我很好 No, I'm... I'm fine. 今晚的藥拿到了嗎 Got your meds for the night? 嗯 我已經吃過了 Mm -hm. I already took them. 枕頭怎麼樣 How about pillows? 我很好 弗吉尼亞 真的 謝謝你 I'm fine, virginia, really. thank you. 如果你願意的話 我可以陪你待一會兒 You know, I could stay a while if you want me to. 沒必要把你也給拖累了 對嗎 No use both of us being useless in the morning, right? 好吧 Okay. 她走了? She gone? 什麼 What? 作為公共健康專家之流 As something of a public health expert, 我相信更多的人死於探望者 而勝過死於疾病 I believe more people die from visitors than diseases 這種草莓 600塊 "it's the berries," for 600. 這種瑞典草莓和越橘一樣享有盛名 This swedish berry is also known as the cowberry. -越桔又是什麼 -越桔又是什麼 - what is a lingonberry? uh, what is a lingonberry? 正確 這種草莓 800塊 Correct! "it's the berries," for 800. 1956年熱賣前40名中 這草莓告訴貝多芬轉存 In a top 40 hit of 1956, this "berry" told beethoven to roll over. 誰是查克. 貝瑞 Who is chuck berry? 誰是查克. 貝瑞 對 Who is chuck berry? yes. 嘿 Hey. 杜克 Duke? 你介意嗎 You mind? 哦 對不起 Oh. sorry. no. -什麼是馬裡亞那海溝 -什麼是馬裡亞那海溝 - what is the mariana trench? - what is the mariana trench? 早上好 愛德華 Good morning, edward. -早 -感覺怎麼樣 - morning. - how you feeling? 明擺著呢 Dumb question. 導管怎麼樣 How's that catheter? 真不知道沒有它的時候我是怎麼過來的 Don't know how I ever did without it. 幽默是個好兆頭 Ah, humor is a good sign. 你去死吧 Kiss my ass. 太粗魯了 這是你最大的愛好了 對吧 As is surliness. it's one of your favorite flavors, right? -對 -看看這裡怎麼樣 - yeah. - let's see what we got here. 看起來不錯 It looks good. 手術很順利 好嗎 All right, so the operation went well, okay? 所有的術後腦掃瞄都很乾淨 All the post -op brain scans are clean. 現在我們要乘勝追擊你體內剩餘的腫瘤 Now we go after the sarcoma in the rest of your body. 不幸的是 你的血壓很高 Now, unfortunately, your blood markers are extremely high, 我希望今早我們就開始化療 so I would like to begin chemo this morning. 喜歡早上化療的味道 Love the smell of chemo in the morning. 現代啟示錄 對嗎 Apocalypse now, right? 讓我感覺像個勝利者 Makes me feel like victory! -我等會兒和你去辦手續 -好的 - I'll check in with you later. - all right. 喂 大夫? 大夫? Say, doc? doc? 你可以來看一下... You think you could just take a look at... ? -對不起 我遲到了 你的醫生是誰 -蓋比安醫生 - sorry, I'm late. who's your doctor? - he's dr. gibian. 我告訴護士 I'll let the nurse know. 謝謝 Appreciate it. 婊子 不是嗎 Bitch, ain't it? -夸克是什麼 -夸克是什麼 - what are quarks? - what are quarks? 你在這兒多久了 how long you been here? 進進出出幾個月了 In and out over the past few months. 把我當成試驗品 got me on an experimental treatment. -二元方程式是什麼 -二元方程式是什麼 - what is the quadratic equation? what is the quadratic equation? 有多痛苦 How rough is it? 化療? Chemo? 不是很糟 Not too bad. 只要你不介意晝夜不停的嘔吐 If you don't mind around -the -clock vomiting... 看著你的血管變黑 ...watching your veins turn black... 感覺骨頭像是汽油膠化劑做的一樣 ...and feeling like your bones are made of napalm... 與在海灘上度假一日無異 ...it's a day at the beach. 那真是種欣慰 That's a relief. 當然 我聽說每個人的反應都不一樣 Of course, I hear people react to it differently. 今晚你自己就知道了 You'll know by tonight. 今晚? Tonight? 聽著 Listen, um... 是否介意我八卦一下 ...you don't mind my asking... 那邊那個奇妙的裝置是什麼 ...what is that contraption you got over there? 是虹吸壺 煮咖啡用的 It's a siphon. makes coffee. 它還能幹些什麼 What else does it do? 它還能幹些什麼呢 What else does it have to do? 你是否知道咖啡最初是由埃塞俄比亞的 Did you know that coffee was originally discovered 一個牧羊人所發現的 by a shepherd in ethiopia? -不必說了 -是真的 - you don't say. - it's true. 好像是他的山羊在一個陌生的灌木叢中吃漿果 Seems his goats were eating berries from an unfamiliar bush. 沒過多久 羊就到處跑跑跳跳 Before long, they were running and jumping all over... 度過了一段歡欣雀躍的時光 ...having a gay old time. 於是牧羊人帶了一些樹枝回到當地的修道院 So the shepherd took some of the branches to the local monastery 修道院長決定把樹枝烤熟 where the abbots decided to roast them. 烤著烤著 When the berries burned 裡面的豆子散發出了濃郁的香氣 the beans inside gave off such a pleasant aroma 他們把豆子放入燉鍋中釀造 they brewed them into a stew. 燉鍋 Stew, huh? 隨後的幾百年裡 咖啡流傳到了阿拉伯 歐洲... And over the next few hundred years, it spread to arabia, europe... 甚至蘇門答臘島 正如你從那兒買的烈酒一樣 ...even sumatra, like that hooch you got over there. 它叫做魯哇克香貓咖啡 It's called kopi luwak. 我知道它的名字 I know what it's called. 是嗎 You do? 從來沒人逮住過我喝那玩意兒 Never catch me drinking that shit. 你喝過嗎 Have you ever tried it? 沒有 我更鍾情於速溶咖啡 No. I'm more of a instant -coffee man. 來 我來幫你 Here, here we are. -謝謝 -不客氣 - thanks. - no problem. 好了 給 There you are. 你一直有雀斑嗎 You always had those freckles? 是的 Far as I know. 挺好看的雀斑 Nice freckles 嗯 Hmm. 好了 我們有培根火腿和甜瓜 還有些意大利布拉塔乾酪 Okay, we got prosciutto and melons, some burrata mozzarella... 和一塊小牛排 ...and a veal paillard. 都是上好的意大利傳統膳食 The folks at toscana send their best. 你要全部吃完嗎 You sure you wanna eat all that? 是這麼打算的 That's the plan. 什麼 What? 哦... Oh, uh... 要湯馬斯給你也來一盤嘛 You want thomas to make you a plate? 湯米 弄一盤給... Tommy, uh, fix a plate for, uh... 卡特 Carter. 是姓還是名? First name or last? 名字 First. 真的? 很有意思 Really? interesting. 要來一盤嗎... ? 說不定能讓你振奮 So you want, uh... ? might cheer you up. 不需要了 謝謝 No, thanks, I'll pass. 確定? You sure? 好吃 好吃 Mm, yum, yum. 全洛杉磯最好吃的 Best in l. a. 再也不是洛杉磯最好的了 It ain't the best in l. a. no more. 我的天啊 Oh, man. 瑪亞又是三好學生 Maya made the honor roll again. 我肯定她行的 Bet your ass she did. 我的天啊 My god. 還不如得個心臟病什麼的 Somewhere, some lucky guy's having a heart attack. 同志們 Fellows. 寇爾先生 Mr. cole. 別管我 我只是在自言自語而已 Don't pay any attention to me. I'm just, uh, talking to myself. 這是凱爾給你的 It's from kai. 他說長大後想成為像他爺爺一樣的機械師 Says he wants to be a mechanic like his granddad when he grows up. 希望你讓他打消這個念頭 I hope you talked him out of that. 我試過了 Well, I tried. 看看是什麼東西 What do we got here? 一部福特野馬350 It's a shelby 350. -我一直想要一部 -是啊 - I always wanted one of those. - yeah. 凱爾記著 kai remembered. 媽媽覺得你好像休息得不夠 Mom seems to think you're not getting enough rest. 恩 Mm -hm. 她愛你 爸爸 She loves you, pop. 恩 Mm -hm. 好 Okay. 檢查報告出來後 給我們打電話 好嗎 You'll, uh, call us when you get your test results, huh? 恩 Mm -hm. 如果有結果的話 If that day ever comes. 好 Okay. -保重 -好 - take care. - okay. 你的長子? He your oldest? 是 Yeah. 他做什麼的 What's he do? -羅傑是稅務律師 -哦 - roger's a tax attorney. - oh. 你看 Here. 他弟弟李 是個工程師 His brother, lee, is an engineer. 這個漂亮的小女孩是誰 Who's the pretty little lady? 那是瑞秋 三個中最小的 That's rachel. youngest of the three. 年紀差得好大 Big age difference. 是啊 她是個驚喜 Yeah, well, she was a surprise. 她出生後 我兒子們都寧願呆在家裡照顧她 We'd hardly gotten the boys out of the house when she came along. 她小提琴拉得很棒 She's an outstanding violinist. 你有小孩嗎 You got kids? 這要看了 Depends. -我的婚姻關係都不長 -恩... - never stayed married long enough. - oh, well... 別擔心 對於我們兩個來說我結婚夠久了 ...don't worry, I've been married long enough for the both of us. 覺得怎麼樣 How's that going? 就這樣 It's going. 感覺不錯吧? That good, huh? 這就是為什麼要發明電燈開關的原因了 Well, that's why they invented light switches. 別誤會 我愛婚姻生活 結過四次婚 Don't get me wrong, I loved being married, been there four times. 問題在於我鍾情於獨身 Problem is I love being single too. 魚和熊掌不可兼得 Hard to do them both at the same time. 人無完人嘛 Well, nobody's perfect. 我唯一成功的就是我的事業 Only successful marriage I had was me and my work. 我16歲時就開始賺錢... I started making money when I was 16... ...之後就 ...and that was that. 沒有停過 Never stopped. 我比較倒霉 I'll be damned. 我原來想當歷史教授 I wanted to be a history professor. 人無完人啊 Nobody's perfect. 弗吉尼亞告訴我懷孕前 I made it through two months of city college... 我在城市學院做過兩個月 ...before virginia gave me the news. 然後... And then, you know... 年紀小 黑人還窮 孩子又要生了 ...young, black, broke, baby on the way... 就接了第一份待遇還不錯的工作 Take the first decent job that comes along. 我一直想回去 I always meant to go back 但45年一晃就過去了 but 45 years goes by pretty fast. 時光飛逝 Like smoke through a keyhole. 該死 Shit! 不要睡著的時候給我打嗎啡 真是浪費 Don't give me the morphine while I'm sleeping. it's a waste. 她可能是想把我們倆都殺了 你說呢 Maybe she's trying to kill us both. you ever think of that? 贏了 Gin. 你是什麼 魔鬼嗎 What are you, the devil? 如果我已經失去理智了怎麼辦 What if I lost my mind already? 老天啊 不會吧 Jesus, no. 不 不 不 這不是祈禱 No. no, no jesus, this is not praying. 我只是在自言自語 這是 I'm talking to myself out loud, that's... 你想過自殺嗎 You ever think about suicide? 自殺? 我? Suicide? me? yeah. 沒有 no. 知道了 你是第一階段 Thought so. stage one. 什麼 What? 有五個階段 但是... The five stages, but... 否認 Denial. 然後是憤怒 抵抗 沮喪 接受 Then anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. 所以你現在當然不會想到自殺 So of course you're not thinking of suicide. 你處於第一階段 否認 You're in stage one. denial. 那你在哪個階段 What stage are you in? 否認 Denial. 想過自殺嗎 And thinking about suicide. 好吧 這只是一個... Yeah, okay. it's just a frame of... 看上去你好像不再需要這個了 Well, it looks like you won't be needing this anymore. -結束了? -第4個療程 也是最後一個 - that's it? - yep, fourth and final. 接下來做什麼呢 What's next? 醫生要先看看所有的檢查結果再決定 They have to run all the tests first, see where we stand. -要多久 -需要點時間 - well, how long? - takes a while. 我會讓蓋比安醫生安排檢查的 I'll get dr. gibian to schedule them when I see him. 謝謝 Thanks. 我離下班還有一個小時 還有什麼需要嗎 I'm on for another hour, anything you need? 如果可以的話 我想要健康證明書 Clean bill of health if you got one. 堅持一下 卡特 Hang in there, carter. 我就是這麼做的 That's what I do. 到中心線 上壘... And line to center, base hit... 將要打三個反彈球 ...kent will have to play it on three bounces... 得分 投球手向後... ...and alou will score. the throw goes to the back... 啊呀抄近路 天啊 Hit the cutoff man, for crying out loud. 你看 這就是比賽癥結所在 You see that's the problem 沒有基本原則 No fundamentals. 有讀過這本書嗎 Did you ever read the time of your life? -威廉. 薩洛揚寫的 -是的 - william saroyan. - yeah. "沒有基礎 完全沒有" "no foundation. all the way down the line." 當我們長大後... 你在做什麼 When we were growing up... what are you doing? 沒有 隨便寫寫 Nothing, scribbling. 寫點什麼 Scribbling? what? 沒什麼 亂寫而已 Nothing. just scribbling. 當然 這是你想做的 Oh, sure, that's what you wanna do 三壘的人 球偏了點 bounce a slider with a man on third. 現在的這些孩子... These kids today, they... 戴耳機了 我原來在自言自語 Earphones. I'm talking to myself, again. -愛德華? -醫生 - edward? - doc. 感覺如何 How's it going there? 愚蠢的問題 Dumb question. 檢驗報告出來了 I got the test back. 現在就說嗎 I'll just lay it out, huh? 只剩六個月 Six months. 幸運的話一年 A year if we're lucky. 我們有一個實驗性的療程 There is an experimental program that we've been conducting 但不要抱太大希望 and I don't wanna get your hopes up 只是覺得你比較適合來試試看 but I think you would be an excellent candidate 醫生 Hey, doc. 怎麼了 Yes? 你擋住我視線了 You're blocking my view. 哦 Oh. 對不起 Sorry. 如果你有什麼想問的 Anyway, if there's any questions 不管什麼時候 都可以來找我 day or night, you know where to find me. 有一個問題 One question. 當然 問吧 Sure, of course. 卡特 你有什麼要問霍林斯醫生的嗎 Carter, you wanna ask dr. hollins something? 我其實對錢柏先生的病情不太瞭解 I mean, I'm not familiar with mr. chambers'... 那就去瞭解一下 Well, get familiar. 我只是想知道我還能活多久 就這個 I just wanted to know how I stand, that's all. 好的 那我先去看看你的病情報告 Sure. how about I'll go take a look at your chart, okay? 謝謝 Thank you. 愛德華? Edward? 愛德華? Edward? 曾經有一項調查 There was a survey once. 一千名被調查者被問到否願意 A thousand people were asked, if they could know in advance... 事先知道他們的死期 ...would they want to know the exact day of their death. 96%的人不想 Ninety -six percent of them said no. 我我以為我就是那剩下的4% I always kind of leaned toward the other 4 percent. 因為如果能知道自己的生命還剩多少 I thought it would be liberating... 將會是一種解脫 ...knowing how much time you had left to work with. 最好的情況是1年 A year at best. 但其實... 我不是 It turns out, it's not. 想玩牌嗎 You want to play cards? 以為你再也不會問了 Thought you'd never ask. 太陽高高昇起 Rise and shine. 或者這樣 Or that. 讓我看看 Let me see that. 還有 湯馬斯 And, uh, thomas... 打電話給克裡斯蒂拍賣行的瑪麗 call marie at christie's and tell her 這個季度我不去競拍了 I won't be bidding this season. 知道了 I understand. 我不想冒犯你 Uh, sir, I don't mean to sound indelicate 但你要我怎麼處理你的... but how do you want me to handle your? 遺產? Death? 就當作你的遺產一樣處理 Treat it as if it were your own. 把所有的錢都留給我的助理? So leave all the money to my assistant? 去給我買塊杏仁牛角麵包 Go get me one of those almond croissants that I like. 給我挑好的 And don't buy any green bananas. -你在看什麼 -這是什麼 - what are you doing? - what is this? -快還給我 -是什麼 - come on, give it back. - what is it? 還給我 Give it back. 地上撿的 我又不知道這是國家機密 It was on the floor. I didn't know it was a state secret. 我大一時 有個哲學教授 Well, my freshman philosophy professor 給我們佈置過一份作業 關於人生規劃 assigned this exercise in forward thinking. 叫做"遺願清單" He called it a "bucket list." 我們要把一生中想做的事情列出一個清單 We were supposed to make a list of things we wanted to do -在我們... -翹辮子之前 in our lives before we... - kicked the bucket. 真做作 Cutesy. 我列出來的是"成為百萬富翁" Anyway, I wrote things like "make a million dollars" "當第一位黑人總統" 都是些年少輕狂的想法 "first black president," you know, young man's wishes. 我想重新列一張 但是... I was gonna redo the list, but then... "善意地幫助一位陌生人" "help a complete stranger for the good." "大笑到流淚" "laugh until I cry." 不是要評論 但這也太弱了點 Not to be judgmental, but this is extremely weak. 現在也沒什麼用了 Well, it's pointless now. 我要從反面跟你理論一下 I would argue the exact opposite. 好吧 就這樣 All right. that's it. 你在幹嘛 What are you doing? 只是稍微改一下 A little rewrite, that's all. 難道你不想去參加舞會 玩玩槍 I mean, don't you want to go out with some balls? guns blazing? 找點樂子? Have a little fun? 這可不是關於什麼槍什麼的 It was not supposed to be about guns blazing or anything like that. 你還沒弄明白 You're missing the point. "欣賞宏偉的景色"這是什麼鬼東西 What the hell is "witness something majestic"? 你有去過喜馬拉雅山嗎 Have you ever been to the himalayas? "駕駛福特野馬跑車" 這還不錯 "drive a mustang shelby." not bad. 想到一個 去跳傘怎麼樣 I got one. all right. how about skydiving? 現在我們有事做了 Now we're onto something. 我們有事請做了? We're onto something? -對啊 -讓我看看 快點 - uh -huh. - let me see that. come on. 好 Fine. "親吻世界上最美的女孩" "kiss the most beautiful girl in the world"? 你打算怎麼做到 How do you propose doing that? 大親特親 Volume. "刺一個紋身" 這就是你的勇氣? "get a tattoo." is that the sum of your ambition? 愛德華 我寫的可比你深刻 Edward, I've taken baths deeper than you. 比大一學生深刻是容易的 It's easy to be deep in freshman philosophy. 霍林斯醫生怎麼說的 What's dr. hollins say? 我們只有幾個月了 對嗎 We got months, right? 也許一年 A year, maybe. 你覺得45年過得很快嗎 You think 45 years went by fast? 我們能去做這些事的 We could do this. 我們應該去完成這些願望 We should do this. 不行 我不能 No, I couldn't. 不要擔心錢 我有的就是錢 Don't think about money. that's all I got is money. 但我不知道... But I don't know. I... 你不知道什麼 What don't you know? 我只是打比方而已 It was meant to be metaphorical. -我只是想試著去處理... -全是廢話 - I'm just trying to get a handle on... - blah, blah, blah. 打比方 Metaphors. 你光說不做 所以才會遺憾 現在機會來了 You're the one crying you never took a shot. here's your chance. 什麼機會 把自己變成傻瓜 My chance to what? make a fool of myself? 永遠不遲 Never too late. 你覺得接下來會怎麼樣 What do you think happens now? 我回去 然後聽別人說一大堆 I go back and sit around listening to people 關於融資理財和次級貸款 talking about mezzanine financing and subordinated debt 假裝關心很關心我那些該死的錢 pretending that I care about dead money. 你回到家去為你的死亡準備一個儀式 You go home to some ceremonial procession into death... 在你想安慰大家的時候 ...with everyone standing around watching you die... 他們卻都圍著看你離去 ...while you try to comfort them. 那就是你想要的嗎 被憐憫和憂傷所充斥著 Is that what you want, to be smothered by pity and grief? 我可不想 Well, not me. 卡特 我相信在你的內心深處你也不想這樣 And in your heart, carter, I believe not you either. 我們現在是同舟共濟 這個比喻怎麼樣 We're both in the same boat. how's that for a metaphor? 我們現在有個很好的機會 We got a real opportunity here. 機會 Opportunity? 即使是對你來說 這麼講也太離譜 That is real twisted, even by your standards. 我們依然感覺不錯 對嗎 精力又回來了一點 We still feel good, right? energy's coming back a little bit. 醫生說沒事了 Asymptomatic, the doc says. 照我的看法 我們可以躺在這兒 The way I see it, we can lay around here... 期待在某個爛科學實驗中發生奇跡 ...hoping for a miracle in some bullshit science experiment... 或者我們能更進一步 ...or we can put some moves on. 跳傘 對嗎 Skydiving, huh? 太好了 All right. 這是什麼醫院 居然連個醫學博士都沒有 What kind of hospital is this? there isn't an m. d. within a mile. 弗吉尼亞 我們得談一下 Virginia, we have to talk. 醫院怎麼說的 What did they say? 錢柏太太 你們談 我出去一下 Uh, mrs. chambers, I'm gonna give you two a little quiet time. 請原諒 Excuse me. 情況不太好 It's not good. 我就知道我們應該去加州大學附屬醫院 I knew we should have gone to ucla. 那兒的外科醫生和手術水平都更好 The surgeons are better. post -op is better. -這沒什麼關係 -你根本不懂 - wouldn't have mattered. - you don't know that. 我們絕不放棄 我有其他辦法 We're not giving up. I want another opinion. 弗吉尼亞 virginia. 請接腫瘤科的維特裡醫生辦公室 Yes, oncology, please. dr. veteri's office. 弗吉尼亞 別打了 Virginia, no. 讓我來處理 Let me handle this. 維特裡醫生嗎 我是弗吉尼亞. 錢柏 Dr. veteri? virginia chambers. 是的 沒錯... Yes, that's right... 我要離開一段時間 I'm going away for a while. 你在說什麼 What are you talking about? 我在說愛德華和我要出發了 I'm talking about edward and I are going away. 愛德華和你 Edward and you? 出發去哪裡 Going away where? 我不期望你能理解 I don't expect you to understand. 你說對了 我不理解 You're damn right I don't understand. 我不理解你怎麼能就這樣放棄 I don't understand how you can just give up like this. 你怎麼能就這樣... 放棄鬥爭 How you can just quit... quit fighting. -弗吉尼亞 -為什麼你不和孩子們那樣去說 - virginia. - why don't you tell our children that? 當他們發現是你放棄了他們時 看他們怎麼說 See what they say when they find out you've given up on them. 放棄他們 Given up on them? 放棄他們 Given up on them? 我在引擎蓋下面修了45年的車 I've got 45 years greased up under the hood of a car... 那樣他們就不會來要求什麼了 他們確實沒有 ...so that they didn't want for anything, and they didn't. 我想我該給自己一點時間了 I think I've earned some time for myself. 去做什麼 和一個完全陌生的人離開 To do what? run off with a total stranger? 他不是一個陌生人 He's not a stranger. 我是你的妻子 I'm your wife. 我是你的丈夫 他們的父親 And I'm your husband. and I'm their father. 他們的祖父 還是一個該死的修車師 And I'm a grandfather. and I'm a damn mechanic! 你是個傻子 And you're a fool. 你是個認為他會給你指一條 You're a fool who thinks he's figured out 不會得癌癥的路的傻子 a way how not to have cancer. 對不起 I'm sorry. 我丈夫不是用錢可以換走的 My husband is not for sale. 她恨我 She hates me. 你恨我嗎 Do you hate me? 目前還沒有 Not yet. 因此計劃就開始了 And so it began. 我常常害怕坐飛機 I've always been afraid to go up in an airplane 現在我就要在一個瘋子的幻想中跳下去 now I'm gonna jump out of one at the whim of a maniac! 想撿回來嗎 Wanna get it? 你怎麼能建議我們這樣做 How do you suggest we do that? 等等 Wait. 噢 Ow! 見鬼 Damn it. 閉嘴 Not a word. 回到座位上去吧 凱爾 Back to the seat, kyle. 你要原諒我 凱爾 You'll have to forgive him, kyle. 他在擔心家裡的那個女人 he's worried about the little woman. 這和我妻子沒有關係 This has nothing to do with my wife. 30秒後起跳 Thirty seconds to drop. 結局是這樣的 The sequel was like that. 她從未支持過我做任何事 She never backed me up on anything. 結局 The sequel? 我的第二任妻子 The second mrs. edward cole. 天啊 那個女人恨死我了 God, that woman hated me. 可能是因為你叫她"結局" Maybe because you called her the sequel. 凱爾 我從來沒那樣想過 kyle, I never looked at it that way. -15秒 -不 不 - fifteen seconds. no, no. -等一下 我不能這樣做 -當然可以 - wait! wait, I can't do this. - sure you can. 不 我真的不能 No. I can't. really. 你害怕的不是跳下去 It's not the jump you're afraid of. 當然不是 The hell it's not! 你只是在擔心你的降落傘不能打開 You're just afraid your chute won't open 然後你會像個煎蛋卷一樣 出現你自己的葬禮上 and you'll show up at your own funeral as a denver omelet. 不 我真的非常擔心降落傘不能打開 No, I'm pretty much just worried the chute won't open. 不 不 No, no! 他的嗓子不錯 對嗎 Man's got some lungs, huh? 讓我們用降落傘降落吧 Let's hit the silk! 我們是勇士 Geronimo! 哇塞 太漂亮了 Oh, yeah, beautiful! 啊 啊 Aah! aah! 快拉 快拉繩索 Pull the thing! pull the cord! 感覺怎麼樣 這才是生活 How about this, huh? this is living. 我恨死你了 I hate your rotten guts. 向天空說投降吧 Surrender to the void! 這麼多繩索 哪條是用來拉的 Which one of these damn cords do you pull? 別碰他 我們還沒到降落地點 Don't touch it. we're not in the drop zone yet. 我們可以借助風勢... we could wind up in the... 好吧 打開降落傘吧 Okay. let's deploy. 我有種感覺 我在降落 I got a feeling I'm falling 我們到了紅色區域了 拉繩索 We're in the red zone. pull the cord. 我有種感覺 我在墜入愛河 I got a feeling I'm falling in love 快拉繩索 Pull the damn cord! 我曾擁有愛 I was in love once. 湯米 我們活著就為了某天死去 Tommy, we live to die another day. 我很走運 How lucky for me. 說真的 湯馬斯 記住那遺囑 它離你很近了 No jokes, thomas, remember the will. you're so close. 我想問你點事情 Let me ask you something. 你是叫湯米還是湯馬斯 Uh, is it tommy or thomas? 實際上我叫馬修 但他覺得那名字太宗教化了 Um, it's actually matthew, but he finds that too biblical. 我們吃點東西吧 快來 Let's eat something. come on! 他瘋了嗎 Is he insane? 時不時地 Depends. 你決定了嗎 So you decided? 不 我不想要任何 No, I couldn't think of anything 會困擾我永世的東西 I wanted to be stuck with permanently. 還永世呢 我們就要在五分鐘內死去了 What's permanently? we're gonna be dead in five minutes. -什麼 -比喻說法 - what? - figure of speech. 不舉同盟旗 不信黑色耶穌 So no confederate flag, no black jesus. 不 我將要... No, I'm gonna... 去世 當然會 Pass. yeah, sure. 我向來不主張褻瀆自己的身體 Well, I never agreed to desecrate my body. 你在擔心他們不會把你葬在猶太人的公墓 You worried they won't bury you in a jewish cemetery? 擔心你妻子嗎 What, the wife? 這只是個紋身 It's a tattoo. 這與你在外搞婚外情是不同的 It's not like you're dumping her for another woman. 我從來沒和其他女人在一起過 I never been with another woman. 哇 Whoa. 那個必須要寫在清單上面 That's gotta be on the list. 不 我不這麼認為 No, no. I don't think so. 66年 Sixty -six years? 夥計 我們應該來次放縱 Man, oh, man. we ought to have a big orgy. 不 No. 放縱並不等於是不忠 Orgy's not even being unfaithful. 不 No. 這只不過看上去更專業 It's just, like, professional. 不 No! 我從來沒去過那種地方 I don't even have to be there. 你好 親愛的 Hello, darling. 你要駕駛她還是給她買身漂亮衣服 you gonna drive it or buy it a dress? 只是讓我們彼此熟悉一下 Just getting to know each other. 你確信我們準備好了嗎 You sure we're cleared for this? 當然已經準備好了 要不然怎麼樣 Of course we're cleared for it. what if we weren't? 只是檢查一下 Just checking. 快 加油寶貝 看看她到底如何 Come on! tap it, baby! let's see what she's got. 我們很棒啊 Ah, we're doing just fine. 你聽上去好像小孩要去參加大三的舞會 You sound like some kid going to the junior prom. 你聽上去好像誰正在等待扭屁股的勝利 You sound like someone looking for an ass -whupping. 扭屁股勝利 哈 哈 Ass -whupping? ho -ho -ho -ho. -你一無所有 -哈 哈 - you got nothing! - ha, ha. 有你就足夠了 快樂的吉姆 加速 Got enough for you, sunny jim, dangling. 開這麼快想證明你雞雞有多能幹嗎 Did you just make a penis reference? 如果我有呢 What if I did? 上帝 你要讓我們兩個送命嗎 Jesus! you're gonna kill us both! 如果我要呢 What if I do? 見鬼 Goddamn it! 你給我帶來了麻煩 You're breaking evil on me. 麻煩 我給你表演一下麻煩 Evil? I'll show you evil. 我來給你表演一下真正的飛車麻煩製造者 I'll show you evel goddamn knievel. 嘗嘗這個 膽小鬼 Pick up on this, chicken man! 耶 哈 Yee -ha! 膽小鬼 哼 Chicken man, huh? 你能跑 但你不能躲起來 You can run, but you cannot hide! 接下去你想做什麼 What do you wanna do next? 你到底有多少錢 How much money do you have anyway? 沒人告訴過你 Didn't anyone ever tell you 議論別人的財產 是件很不禮貌的事情嗎 that it's rude to talk about someone else's money? 這麼有錢的人 我還是第一次認識 I never knew anyone with enough to ask. 很像病房啊 Medicinal. 這是難以形容的美麗 It's indescribably beautiful. 我喜歡在地球兩極上空飛行 I love flying over the polar cap. 在荒涼的上空 Above the desolation. 星星 The stars 是上帝所創造的美好事物之一 it's really one of god's good ones. 你認為是某種生命體創造了這些 So you think a being of some sort did all this? 你不這麼認為嗎 You don't? 你的意思是我是否相信當我仰望天空 You mean, do I believe if I look up in the sky 允諾這個或那個的時候 and promise this or that 上帝就會讓我們挽回生命嗎 the biggie will make all this go away? 不會 No. 那你的意思地球上95%的人都錯了 Then 95 percent of the people on earth are wrong? 生活告訴我 If life has taught me anything 這95%的人總是犯錯 it's that 95 percent of the people are always wrong. 這就叫信仰 It's called faith. 事實上我羨慕那些有信仰的人 I honestly envy people who have faith. 但我自己卻做不到 I just can't get my head around it. 也許你正在努力 Maybe your head's in the way. 卡特 我們聽夠了無數次類似的討論 Carter, we've all had hundreds of these discussions... 但每個人最終都遇到了同樣的問題 ...and every one of them always hits the same wall. 就是到底有沒有神靈的存在 Is there a sugarplum fairy or not? 沒人能夠回答這個問題 And nobody has ever gotten over that wall. 那你信仰什麼呢 So, what do you believe? 我拒絕所有的信仰 I resist all beliefs. 沒有大爆炸之後宇宙的存在 No big bang? random universe? 我們活著 We live. 我們死去 We die. 生命的車輪在不停的前進 And the wheels on the bus go round and round. 如果你錯了呢 What if you're wrong? 我很高興自己是錯的 I'd love to be wrong. 如果我錯了 那我就贏了 If I'm wrong, I win. 我不確定這樣有沒有用 I'm not sure it works that way. 你不認為你知道一些我不知道的事 Well, you're not claiming you know something I don't. 恩 Mm -mm. 我有信仰的 I just have faith. 哈雷路亞 夥計 Hallelujah, brother... 不談這個了 ...and pass the mustard. -你知道他們是怎麼收穫魚子醬的嗎 -不知道 -Know how they harvest caviar? -hit me. 當雌鱘魚被抓住的時候 When a female sturgeon is caught... 漁夫必須注意觀察 她死得是否很安詳 ...the fisherman has to take great care to see she dies peacefully. -恩 -只要她感覺到一點點的恐懼 - mm -hm. - lf she feels the least bit threatened... ...她就會分泌一些酸液來破壞魚卵 ...she secretes a sour chemical that ruins the eggs. 聽上去像我第三任妻子 Sounds like my third wife. 她認為蛋黃醬是種出來的 Woman thought mayonnaise came from a plant. 我對此已經習以為常了 I could get used to this. 聽上去也像我的第三任妻子 Also sounds like my third wife. 這30年裡 我常來這裡 Thirty years I've been coming here. 和一個男人來這裡是第一次 First time with a guy. 我很榮幸 Well, I'm flattered. 艾米莉的十歲生日是最美好的 雖然... Emily's 10th birthday was the best, though. 誰是艾米莉 Who's emily? 我的小... My little, uh... 她已經不再是小姑娘了 Well, she's not so little anymore. 你有個女兒 You have a daughter? -但是你說... -是的 - but I thought you said... - yeah, well... 那時我還不認識你呢 i didn't know you then. 長話短說 Make a long story short, 我們不見面的 i don't see her. 你在幹什麼 What are you doing? 現在是時候了 It's time. -不 不 把它劃掉吧 -為什麼不去 - no, no, no. cross that off. - why not? -劃掉它 -為什麼 - cross it off. - why? 為什麼 Why? 沒有什麼為什麼 There is no why. -你怎麼了 -請原諒 - what's the matter? - excuse me. 你去哪裡 Where you going? 真像個女人 Just like a broad. 喂 卡特 Look, uh, carter... 對不起 我知道 I'm sorry. I know 有時我有一點傲慢和... sometimes I get a little overbearing and l... 上帝啊 Jesus christ. -沒事的 沒關繫了 -什麼 什麼 - it's all right. it's okay. - what? what? 上面的導管流出來的 沒什麼 The top on the catheter came loose, that's all. 也許該送你去醫院 卡特 Well, maybe we should get you to a hospital, carter... -我剛從醫院裡出來 -嗯? - I just busted out of the hospital. - huh? 沒事了 看 已經不流了 我們出去吧 It's all right. look, it's already stopped, see? let's get out of here. 看上去很好 嗯... It looks wonderful. uh... uh... -也許我要去拿... -我們直接走吧 - maybe I'll get the... - let's just go. -你直接上車去 -走吧 走吧 - you go straight to the car. - come on. come on. 好吧 Okay, all right. -湯米在哪? 在哪? -在客廳 先生 - where's... ? where's tommy? in the salon, monsieur. 噢 天哪 Oh, my. 你到底有多少錢呢 How much money do you have? 我可不會流血到地毯上 Well, I wouldn't bleed on the rugs. 我要找個地方好好洗個熱水澡 I'm gonna find someplace where I can take a nice hot bath. 洗得乾乾淨淨的 Be as good as new afterwards. 是的... 你... 好吧 Yeah... you... okay. 好吧 我們都準備好了 好的 okay, we're all set, okay 好了 雖然花了點功夫 但是我都重新安排好了 All right, it took some doing, but, uh, I rearranged everything. 明天去開羅 在坦桑尼亞呆兩天 Cairo tomorrow, tanzania for two days, 然後週六去約翰內斯堡 then johannesburg on saturday. 而且事先聲明 不准鬥牛 不准獵虎 And, as previously directed, no bullfight, no tiger hunt. 湯馬斯 我真的很想說你是不可替代的 Thomas, I'd really like to say you're irreplaceable 但是那是在說謊 but I'd be lying. 我也很想說你真的是個不錯的人 我熱愛我的工作 And I'd really like to say you're a gracious man, and I love my job 但是我 也是在說謊 but i, too, would be lying. 反擊得很合理 Turnabout is fair play. 肯定是跟我學的吧 I believe you learned that from the master. 嘿 過來看 他們遇到危險了 在浴室 Hey, look! they got jeopardy! in the bathroom! 電視上的 冒險者 On the tv. jeopardy! 冒險者 在法國 Jeopardy! ? in french? 喂 Hello? 是寇爾先生嗎? 我是弗吉尼亞. 錢柏 Mr. cole? virginia chambers. 噢 我知道了 嗯 你好 Oh. yeah. um, hi. 我幫你叫卡特接電話 Let me get carter for you. 實際上 我是打給你的 Well, actually, I called to speak to you. 噢 Oh. 他還好嗎 Is he all right? 噢 是的 他... 他很好 Oh, yeah. he's... he's fine. 我能問下你們在哪嗎 May I ask where you are? 法國 實際上 嗯 明天... France, actually. uh, tomorrow... 把他還給我 Give him back to me. 弗吉尼亞 我可以叫你弗吉尼亞嗎? Virginia. may I call you virginia? 我不確定我是否可以讓他 I'm not sure that I can make... 別拿他當借口 I'm not asking for his sake. 寇爾先生 Mr. cole 我這一生的職業就是護士 I've been a nurse my entire adult life. 我親眼目睹了很多人的悲劇 Had a ringside seat to more human tragedy... 我比任何女人承受過的都要多 ...than any woman should ever have to bear. 現在 我早有了丈夫將亡的心理準備 Now, I'm prepared for my husband to die. 我只是沒準備 在他還活著的時候就失去他 I'm just not prepared to lose him while he's still alive. -霍迪. 杜迪是誰? -答對了 - who is howdy doody? -you got it. -你來選 -電視木偶類 400元 - you pick. - "tv puppets," for 400. 這兩個提線木偶 These two muppets... 是室友 他們長期在芝麻街節目中表演 ...are roommates on the long -running show sesame street. 伯特和爾尼是誰 who are bert and ernie? 斯必羅. 阿格紐是誰 Who is spiro agnew? 斯必羅. 阿格紐是誰 Who is spiro agnew? 看來 Well... 你看起來 嗯 ...you're looking, uh... 很愉快 ...buoyant. 這是我第一次躺在一個沒有角的浴缸裡 This is the first time I was ever in a tub with no corners. 是嗎 Really? 嗯 卡特 其實我一直在想 You know, ahem, carter, uh, I've been thinking 剛才導管的事 還有其他的事 what with the catheter and everything 也許我們應該把旅行暫停一陣子 maybe we should put this on hold for a while. 拜託 我不是跟你說了嗎 別擔心 我現在很好 Come on, now, I told you, stop worrying. I'm fine. 不 不 不是指那個 不是指那個 No, no, it's not that. it's not that. 只是 我的意思是 或許我會讓你失望 It's just, I mean, if you're worried about letting me down 你知道 畢竟我更可能會死 you know, it's a lot easier for me. 你和弗吉尼亞談過了 是嗎 You talked to virginia, didn't you? 你認為我這麼做是為什麼 Why do you think I'm doing this? 因為我讓你這麼做的 Because I talked you into it. 愛德華 你是很厲害 但是沒有那麼厲害 Edward, you're strong, but you're not that strong. 知道嗎 Know. 自從瑞秋上大學後 我的生活就出現了個缺口 After rachel left for college, there was a hole. 我的意思是 你知道 不再有家庭作業 不再有社團 I mean, you know, no more homework, no more little league... 背誦 學校比賽 ...recitals, school plays... 孩子的哭聲 打鬧 摔傷膝蓋 ...kids crying, fights, skinned knees. 40年來我第一次看著弗吉尼亞 And for the first time in 40 years, I looked at virginia 周圍沒有絲毫吵鬧聲 沒有任何干擾 without all of the noise, without all of the distractions 我甚至記不起來那種感覺 and I couldn't remember what it felt like 那種不牽著她的手逛街的感覺 when I could not walk down the street without holding her hand. 我的意思是 她還是那個我深愛的女人 I mean, she was the same woman I fell in love with, 她沒有變 she hadn't changed. 但是不知怎麼了 一切都變了 But somehow everything was different. 一路走來 我們似乎失去了什麼 We'd lost something along the way. 你明白嗎 You know? 查理. 麥卡錫是誰 Who is charlie mccarthy? 獅子在今夜沉睡 "the lion sleeps tonight" 看 看 看 Look, look, look! 啊哈 Aah! 我很高興當愛德華決定 I was very pleased when edward decided 把單子上的第9條劃去 to eliminate item number nine "獵虎" "hunt the big cat." 當然 他依然堅持要放幾槍 Of course,he insisted on discharging rounds from the big gun 其實一槍就夠了 One proved to be enough. 你知道嗎 Do you know 唯一一條被閃電擊中的狗 that the only dog ever struck by lightning 就是在這 在埃及 was right here, in egypt? 我真希望我能在被叛死刑前認識你 I wish I'd met you before we were dead. 這樣看來 You know, technically 我們可以劃去兩條了 we could cross off two items: 親眼目睹金字塔 "see the pyramids" 還有欣賞宏偉的景象 and "witness something majestic." 這裡已經很宏偉了 This is about as majestic as it gets. 還是等看到我的山再下結論吧 Wait till you see my mountain. 噢 好吧 Oh, yeah. 你的山 Your mountain. 不過 這裡確實不錯 Still, this ain't half bad. 古埃及人對於死亡有個美好的信仰 the ancient egyptians had a beautiful belief about death. 當他們的靈魂到達天堂的入口時 When their souls got to the entrance to heaven 上帝會問他們兩個問題 the gods asked them two questions. 他們的回答將決定他們能否進入天堂 Their answers determined whether they were admitted or not. 好吧 我想知道 Okay, I'll bite. 問了什麼問題 What were they? 你找到生命中的快樂了麼 Have you found joy in your life? 這個 Uh -huh. 回答問題 Answer the question. -我? -是的 你 - me? - yeah, you. 回答問題 你找到生命中的快樂了麼 Answer the question, "have I found joy in my life?" 找到了 Yes. 你的生活給別人帶去快樂了麼 Has your life brought joy to others? 恩 這種問題 我 Ah, this type of question, l... 我不知道 嗯 I don't know, uh... 我不知道別人是怎麼想的 嗯 I don't think about how other people gauge, uh... 你問他們吧 Ask them. 我在問你 I'm asking you. 好吧 Fine. 好吧 Fine. 這麼跟你說吧 Let me put it to you this way. 離婚後 接著我就不再是爸爸了 After the breakup, and the ensuing fleecing of the dad 艾米麗和她母親一起生活 emily went to live with her mother. 你知道 雖想保持親近 但只能假期聚聚 You know, you try to stay close, but it gets down to holidays 偶爾打個電話 寄張生日卡什麼的 phone calls, birthday cards, you know. 總之... Anyway... 艾米麗上大學了 加入了個拯救窮人 emily goes to college, joins one of her "save the poor people" 動物之類的 the animals, whatnot 遇見了個男人 而且愛上了他 meets a guy, decides she loves him. 那小子長得不錯 有野心 聰明 Good -looking kid, driven, smart. 但是他有些問題 But there was something about him 所以她告訴我 他們要訂婚的時 我反對了 so when she said they were engaged I told her I was against it 但是不愧是我的女兒 於是 but being my daughter, naturally 她還是和他結婚了 she went ahead and married him anyway. 不用說 她沒有邀請我參加他們的婚禮 Needless to say, I wasn't invited to the wedding. 你肯定很傷心 That must have hurt. 你這麼認為 You think? 他第一次打她 她來找我 First time he hit her, she came to me. 我想打爆他的頭 I wanted to bash his brains in. 她阻止了我 She wouldn't let me. 說她愛他 這不是他的錯 他只是喝了點酒 Said she loved him, said it wasn't his fault, he'd had a few drinks 是她先惹他的 she was the one picked the fight. 他第二次打她時 她沒有來找我 Next time it happened, she didn't come to me. 前妻告訴我的 很高興又聽到她的消息 The ex told me. nice to hear her voice again. 你做了什麼 What did you do? 盡為父所能 What any father would do. 我把他擺平了 I took care of it. 我找了個傢伙 他找了個專門處理這類事的人 I called a guy who called a guy who handles these kinds of things. 我不知道他說了什麼 做了什麼 I don't know what he said, don't know what he did 我只知道他沒有殺他 all I know is he didn't kill him 我女兒從此再沒有他的消息了 and my daughter never heard from him again. 她怎麼反應的 How did she react? 你無法相信他直呼我的名字 更糟的是 Called me names you wouldn't believe, and worse 她說對她而言我已經死了 Said I was dead to her. 我不為我所做的事情感到驕傲 I'm not proud of everything I did 但是我很肯定 要是能重來 我仍會那麼做 but I'm pretty sure I'd do it all again 如果他們因為我女兒恨我 so if they don't let me into egyptian heaven 而不讓我進入埃及的天堂 because my daughter hates me 我猜他們確實會這麼做 well, then I guess that's just the way it goes. 不管怎麼說 算是回答了你的兩個問題 However you answer your two questions. 我們怎麼從墳墓下去呢 How do we get down from this tomb? 皇后是莫臥兒帝國第5位國王 沙. 賈漢的妻子 The empress was the wife of shah jahan, the fifth mogul emperor. 雖然是包辦婚姻 但是他們深深愛著對方 Although it was an arranged marriage, they were deeply in love 在他們第14個孩子出生時她死了 and remained inseparable until she died 而他們的感情至死不渝 giving birth to their 14th child. 介意我叫你雷嗎 Do you mind if I call you ray? 大多數人叫雷 Main man ray. 你有在聽我講話嗎 Are you listening to anything I'm saying? 當然 Absolutely. 14個孩子 我聽著呢 Fourteen kids. I'm with you. 這個建築耗費了20,000個工人22年的時間來建造 It took 20,000 volunteers 22 years to complete this structure. 這裡的一切都是賈漢親自設計的 Every square foot designed by the shah himself. 所以那是真愛 So that's true love. 那是真愛 That's true love. 肯定很幸福 Must be nice. 也許我會把這整個買下來 Don't know if I buy the whole "20,000 volunteers" business. 安排葬禮讓我很苦惱 Funeral plans tend to confuse me. 確切的說 是土葬好還是火葬好 Specifically, buried or cremated. 土葬吧 Take buried. 雖然我知道這無關緊要 但是我有幽閉恐懼癥 Now, I know it shouldn't matter, but I'm claustrophobic. 如果哪天我在地下突然醒了 沒有人聽到怎麼辦 What if I wake up underground and nobody can hear me? 他們還會生產那種內置鈴鐺的棺材嗎 Do they still make those coffins with the bells? 嗯... 我估計沒有了 Uh... I don't believe they do. 那火葬吧 你打算怎麼處理那些骨灰呢? Then cremated. what do you do with the ashes? 把他們埋了還是撒了? 把他們放到架子上? Do you bury them, scatter them, put them on a shelf? 扔進恆河順流而下找個安樂窩? Float them down the ganges on a bed of flowers? 如果我感覺到火焰怎麼辦 What if I feel the flames? 但是我確定我會火葬 Well, I definitely want to have myself cremated. 也許我們應該像華特. 迪斯尼一樣把自己冷凍起來 Maybe we should go frozen like walt disney. 不好 還是火葬吧 No. cremated. 把骨灰放到鐵罐裡 埋到風景秀麗的地方 Ashes put in a can, buried some place with a view. 鐵罐 嗯? A can, huh? 是的 我不喜歡骨灰盒的說法 Yeah. I never liked the sound of the word urn. 是嗎 難道你對地穴有特殊的感覺? Really? got any special feelings about crypt? - - - - -====翻譯===== - - - -- 蕁香 卓為水蒙 蜀山天狼 Yancey 呂黎 校對: 小門柴 嘿 沒有 Heh. no. 沒有 對我來說一個舊的"巧克福納"牌咖啡罐就足矣 No, an old chock full o'nuts can will do me just fine. "巧克福納" 天堂咖啡 Chock full o'nuts, "the heavenly coffee." 朋友 好的咖啡甚至是花錢都買不到的 Better coffee even your money can't buy, my friend. 別拿這打賭 Don't bet on it. 噢 好吧 Oh, right. 魯哇克香貓 Kopi luwak. 你為什麼不喜歡魯哇克香貓咖啡? What do you got against kopi luwak? 跟我的品味太不搭了 Too fancy for my tastes. 噢 是的 對我的好搭檔"雷"來說 是很不搭 Oh, yeah. too fancy for my main man, ray. -陷阱 -該死 - Gin. - goddamn it. 牌都被你拿光了 You get all the cards. 寶貝 這就是中國 This is china for you, baby. 太棒了 Whoo -hoo! yeah! 如果我們可以登上去看的話 肯定很壯觀 Be a lot more majestic if we could see it. 看到那個老女人了嗎 See that old woman? 真奇怪我們竟然會比她先死 Odds are we're gonna be dead before her. 想開點 Happy thought. 當然 如果有來生的話 Of course, she's probably got reincarnation going for her... 她很可能會去轉世 ...however that system works. 啊 佛教徒相信他們會不斷地轉世 Ah, the buddhists believe you keep coming back. 此生的所為 會決定他們上天還是入地 Moving up or down a level, based on how you lived your life. 瞧 這正是我所不明白的 See, that's where they lose me. 我的意思是 一隻蝸牛要怎樣做才能上升一個境界呢 I mean, what would a snail have to do to move up in the lineup? 用粘液畫出完美的軌跡 Lay down a perfect trail of slime? 要聽壞消息還是更壞的消息 So shitty news, or really shitty news? A 第一個 A, the first one. 暴風雪要來了 There's a storm up there. 那謝謝你的提醒 湯姆 Well, thanks for the bulletin, tom, 我們現在沒看到那該死的 we can't even see the goddamn thing. 他們不會讓我們上山的 除非天氣變好了 They won't let us fly up until the weather clears. 那天氣什麼時候會變好? when do they expect it to clear? 嗯 明年春天 差不多吧 Uh, next spring, sometime. 如果你們想知道的話 這就是個那個更壞的消息 That's the really shitty news, in case you were wondering. 好吧 那下次吧 Well, maybe next time. 只能這樣了 Yeah. 明年春天 Next spring. 我們現在幹什麼呢 So now what? 也許你的山在告訴我們某些事情 Well, maybe your mountain's trying to tell us something. 什麼意思 What do you mean? 也許我們離開的夠久了 Maybe we've been gone long enough. 離開的夠久了? 離開誰夠久了 Gone long enough? gone long enough for whom? 噢 不 我明白了 Oh. no, I get it. 山不是告訴我們該回去了 The mountain isn't telling us it's time for us to go home. 山是讓你告訴我 The mountain is telling you to tell me 我該回去了 是嗎 it's time for me to go home, right? -是的 -一派胡言 - yeah. - you shit. 你為什麼不管管你自己 Why don't you worry about your life, 我們各擔心各的 懂嗎 and let me worry about mine, okay? 好的 好的 你沒必要跟我發火 Okay, okay! you don't have to get chippy with me. -下一站是哪裡 -下一站 香港 -What's next? -next, hong kong. 一套絲綢衣服 還有黑核桃仁冰淇凌 Silk suits and black walnut ice cream. 西藏人管他叫"修馬魯瑪" 雪的女神 Tibetans call it chomulungma, "goddess mother of the snows." 實際上是 宇宙的女神 "goddess mother of the world," actually. 根據傳統西藏語翻譯 In the traditional tibetan translation. 我認錯了 I stand corrected. 一杯加州葡萄酒 謝謝 Pinot noir, please. 我想你肯定去過那了吧 I take it you've been there? 呃... 呃... 嗯... 實際上我剛從那過來 Uh... uh... um... I just left, actually. 我們打算要爬上去的 但是沒有 We tried to go up, but it wasn't... 你已經錯過了登山的季節 You're a little late in the season. 他們也是這樣告訴我的 So they tell me. -我叫安婕列卡 -噢 我叫卡特 - my name's angelica. - yeah, carter. 很抱歉 很唐突地問一下 I'm sorry if this sounds terrible... 爬那麼高的山 你的年紀是不是有點過呢? but aren't you a little developed in years to be running up a giant mountain? 過 你是說我的年紀大了吧 "developed," now that's certainly one way of putting it. 其實我去上去過 Well, I've been up there, you know. -是嗎 -是的 - really? - mm -hm. 在我們必須返回之前 我爬到了26000英尺高 I made it to 26,000 feet before we had to turn back. -真的? -當然 - really? - mm -hm. 感覺怎麼樣? What was it like? 好冷 大部分時候 Cold mostly 白天 天空黑壓壓的 During the day, the sky is more black than blue. 因為空氣太稀薄 不能反射陽光 There's not enough air to reflect the sunlight. 但是在夜裡 你從來都沒有看到過那麼多星星 But at night, you've never seen so many stars. 看上去觸手可及 耀眼奪目 Seems like they're just out of reach, and so bright. 就好像是天堂地板上的一個個小洞 They're like little holes in the floor of heaven. -你聽到了嗎 -聽到什麼 - did you hear it? - hear what? 我讀過一個人在山頂寫的描述 I read an account of a man who made it to the summit 當你站在世界世界之巔 and standing there at the top of the world 他經歷過這種異常的寧靜 he experienced this profound silence. 就像所有的聲音都靜默了一樣 It was like all sound just fell away. 這就是他聽到的 And that's when he heard it. 什麼? What? 大山之音 The sound of the mountain. 他說他好像聽到了上帝的聲音 He said it was like he heard the voice of god. 我以前從沒這麼做過 I've never done this before. 這聽起來真是迂腐透頂 That sounds like such a cliche 不過我樓上有個房間 but I have a room upstairs. 那真是... Well, that's... 我是說... I mean... 我... I... 我很榮幸 I appreciate that. 但你看... But you see... 她真是個幸運的女人 She's a very lucky woman. 我寧願我比較幸運 Well, I rather think I'm the lucky one. 做得好 Good for you. 湯姆? Tom? 等你老了以後 記住三件事 Three things to remember when you get older 得有一間浴室 Never pass up a bathroom 不要浪費每次勃起 別相信那些屁話 never waste a hard -on, and never trust a fart. 等我老了以後我會記得的 I'll keep that in mind as I approach decrepitude. 嘿嘿 這就對了 Heh -heh. that's a good one there. 我們回家吧 Let's go home. 你說什麼 Excuse me? 我想現在回家 I want to go home now. 但我覺得... 那真絲西裝怎麼辦? But I thought that... what about the silk suits? 你怎麼知?? 帽子不错 汤姆 夏洛克·福尔摩斯