/* @internal */ namespace ts.textChanges { /** * Currently for simplicity we store recovered positions on the node itself. * It can be changed to side-table later if we decide that current design is too invasive. */ function getPos(n: TextRange): number { const result = (n as any).__pos; Debug.assert(typeof result === "number"); return result; } function setPos(n: TextRange, pos: number): void { Debug.assert(typeof pos === "number"); (n as any).__pos = pos; } function getEnd(n: TextRange): number { const result = (n as any).__end; Debug.assert(typeof result === "number"); return result; } function setEnd(n: TextRange, end: number): void { Debug.assert(typeof end === "number"); (n as any).__end = end; } export interface ConfigurableStart { leadingTriviaOption?: LeadingTriviaOption; } export interface ConfigurableEnd { trailingTriviaOption?: TrailingTriviaOption; } export enum LeadingTriviaOption { /** Exclude all leading trivia (use getStart()) */ Exclude, /** Include leading trivia and, * if there are no line breaks between the node and the previous token, * include all trivia between the node and the previous token */ IncludeAll, /** * Include attached JSDoc comments */ JSDoc, /** * Only delete trivia on the same line as getStart(). * Used to avoid deleting leading comments */ StartLine, } export enum TrailingTriviaOption { /** Exclude all trailing trivia (use getEnd()) */ Exclude, /** Doesn't include whitespace, but does strip comments */ ExcludeWhitespace, /** Include trailing trivia */ Include, } function skipWhitespacesAndLineBreaks(text: string, start: number) { return skipTrivia(text, start, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ false, /*stopAtComments*/ true); } function hasCommentsBeforeLineBreak(text: string, start: number) { let i = start; while (i < text.length) { const ch = text.charCodeAt(i); if (isWhiteSpaceSingleLine(ch)) { i++; continue; } return ch === CharacterCodes.slash; } return false; } /** * Usually node.pos points to a position immediately after the previous token. * If this position is used as a beginning of the span to remove - it might lead to removing the trailing trivia of the previous node, i.e: * const x; // this is x * ^ - pos for the next variable declaration will point here * const y; // this is y * ^ - end for previous variable declaration * Usually leading trivia of the variable declaration 'y' should not include trailing trivia (whitespace, comment 'this is x' and newline) from the preceding * variable declaration and trailing trivia for 'y' should include (whitespace, comment 'this is y', newline). * By default when removing nodes we adjust start and end positions to respect specification of the trivia above. * If pos\end should be interpreted literally (that is, withouth including leading and trailing trivia), `leadingTriviaOption` should be set to `LeadingTriviaOption.Exclude` * and `trailingTriviaOption` to `TrailingTriviaOption.Exclude`. */ export interface ConfigurableStartEnd extends ConfigurableStart, ConfigurableEnd {} const useNonAdjustedPositions: ConfigurableStartEnd = { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.Exclude, trailingTriviaOption: TrailingTriviaOption.Exclude, }; export interface InsertNodeOptions { /** * Text to be inserted before the new node */ prefix?: string; /** * Text to be inserted after the new node */ suffix?: string; /** * Text of inserted node will be formatted with this indentation, otherwise indentation will be inferred from the old node */ indentation?: number; /** * Text of inserted node will be formatted with this delta, otherwise delta will be inferred from the new node kind */ delta?: number; } export interface ReplaceWithMultipleNodesOptions extends InsertNodeOptions { readonly joiner?: string; } enum ChangeKind { Remove, ReplaceWithSingleNode, ReplaceWithMultipleNodes, Text, } type Change = ReplaceWithSingleNode | ReplaceWithMultipleNodes | RemoveNode | ChangeText; interface BaseChange { readonly sourceFile: SourceFile; readonly range: TextRange; } export interface ChangeNodeOptions extends ConfigurableStartEnd, InsertNodeOptions {} interface ReplaceWithSingleNode extends BaseChange { readonly kind: ChangeKind.ReplaceWithSingleNode; readonly node: Node; readonly options?: InsertNodeOptions; } interface RemoveNode extends BaseChange { readonly kind: ChangeKind.Remove; readonly node?: never; readonly options?: never; } interface ReplaceWithMultipleNodes extends BaseChange { readonly kind: ChangeKind.ReplaceWithMultipleNodes; readonly nodes: readonly Node[]; readonly options?: ReplaceWithMultipleNodesOptions; } interface ChangeText extends BaseChange { readonly kind: ChangeKind.Text; readonly text: string; } function getAdjustedRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode: Node, endNode: Node, options: ConfigurableStartEnd): TextRange { return { pos: getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, startNode, options), end: getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, endNode, options) }; } function getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, options: ConfigurableStartEnd, hasTrailingComment = false) { const { leadingTriviaOption } = options; if (leadingTriviaOption === LeadingTriviaOption.Exclude) { return node.getStart(sourceFile); } if (leadingTriviaOption === LeadingTriviaOption.StartLine) { const startPos = node.getStart(sourceFile); const pos = getLineStartPositionForPosition(startPos, sourceFile); return rangeContainsPosition(node, pos) ? pos : startPos; } if (leadingTriviaOption === LeadingTriviaOption.JSDoc) { const JSDocComments = getJSDocCommentRanges(node, sourceFile.text); if (JSDocComments?.length) { return getLineStartPositionForPosition(JSDocComments[0].pos, sourceFile); } } const fullStart = node.getFullStart(); const start = node.getStart(sourceFile); if (fullStart === start) { return start; } const fullStartLine = getLineStartPositionForPosition(fullStart, sourceFile); const startLine = getLineStartPositionForPosition(start, sourceFile); if (startLine === fullStartLine) { // full start and start of the node are on the same line // a, b; // ^ ^ // | start // fullstart // when b is replaced - we usually want to keep the leading trvia // when b is deleted - we delete it return leadingTriviaOption === LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll ? fullStart : start; } // if node has a trailing comments, use comment end position as the text has already been included. if (hasTrailingComment) { // Check first for leading comments as if the node is the first import, we want to exclude the trivia; // otherwise we get the trailing comments. const comment = getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, fullStart)?.[0] || getTrailingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, fullStart)?.[0]; if (comment) { return skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, comment.end, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ true, /*stopAtComments*/ true); } } // get start position of the line following the line that contains fullstart position // (but only if the fullstart isn't the very beginning of the file) const nextLineStart = fullStart > 0 ? 1 : 0; let adjustedStartPosition = getStartPositionOfLine(getLineOfLocalPosition(sourceFile, fullStartLine) + nextLineStart, sourceFile); // skip whitespaces/newlines adjustedStartPosition = skipWhitespacesAndLineBreaks(sourceFile.text, adjustedStartPosition); return getStartPositionOfLine(getLineOfLocalPosition(sourceFile, adjustedStartPosition), sourceFile); } /** Return the end position of a multiline comment of it is on another line; otherwise returns `undefined`; */ function getEndPositionOfMultilineTrailingComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, options: ConfigurableEnd): number | undefined { const { end } = node; const { trailingTriviaOption } = options; if (trailingTriviaOption === TrailingTriviaOption.Include) { // If the trailing comment is a multiline comment that extends to the next lines, // return the end of the comment and track it for the next nodes to adjust. const comments = getTrailingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, end); if (comments) { const nodeEndLine = getLineOfLocalPosition(sourceFile, node.end); for (const comment of comments) { // Single line can break the loop as trivia will only be this line. // Comments on subsequest lines are also ignored. if (comment.kind === SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia || getLineOfLocalPosition(sourceFile, comment.pos) > nodeEndLine) { break; } // Get the end line of the comment and compare against the end line of the node. // If the comment end line position and the multiline comment extends to multiple lines, // then is safe to return the end position. const commentEndLine = getLineOfLocalPosition(sourceFile, comment.end); if (commentEndLine > nodeEndLine) { return skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, comment.end, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ true, /*stopAtComments*/ true); } } } } return undefined; } function getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, options: ConfigurableEnd): number { const { end } = node; const { trailingTriviaOption } = options; if (trailingTriviaOption === TrailingTriviaOption.Exclude) { return end; } if (trailingTriviaOption === TrailingTriviaOption.ExcludeWhitespace) { const comments = concatenate(getTrailingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, end), getLeadingCommentRanges(sourceFile.text, end)); const realEnd = comments?.[comments.length - 1]?.end; if (realEnd) { return realEnd; } return end; } const multilineEndPosition = getEndPositionOfMultilineTrailingComment(sourceFile, node, options); if (multilineEndPosition) { return multilineEndPosition; } const newEnd = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, end, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ true); return newEnd !== end && (trailingTriviaOption === TrailingTriviaOption.Include || isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(newEnd - 1))) ? newEnd : end; } /** * Checks if 'candidate' argument is a legal separator in the list that contains 'node' as an element */ function isSeparator(node: Node, candidate: Node | undefined): candidate is Token { return !!candidate && !!node.parent && (candidate.kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken || (candidate.kind === SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken && node.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.ObjectLiteralExpression)); } export interface TextChangesContext { host: LanguageServiceHost; formatContext: formatting.FormatContext; preferences: UserPreferences; } export type TypeAnnotatable = SignatureDeclaration | VariableDeclaration | ParameterDeclaration | PropertyDeclaration | PropertySignature; export type ThisTypeAnnotatable = FunctionDeclaration | FunctionExpression; export function isThisTypeAnnotatable(containingFunction: SignatureDeclaration): containingFunction is ThisTypeAnnotatable { return isFunctionExpression(containingFunction) || isFunctionDeclaration(containingFunction); } export class ChangeTracker { private readonly changes: Change[] = []; private readonly newFiles: { readonly oldFile: SourceFile | undefined, readonly fileName: string, readonly statements: readonly (Statement | SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia)[] }[] = []; private readonly classesWithNodesInsertedAtStart = new Map(); // Set implemented as Map private readonly deletedNodes: { readonly sourceFile: SourceFile, readonly node: Node | NodeArray }[] = []; public static fromContext(context: TextChangesContext): ChangeTracker { return new ChangeTracker(getNewLineOrDefaultFromHost(context.host, context.formatContext.options), context.formatContext); } public static with(context: TextChangesContext, cb: (tracker: ChangeTracker) => void): FileTextChanges[] { const tracker = ChangeTracker.fromContext(context); cb(tracker); return tracker.getChanges(); } /** Public for tests only. Other callers should use `ChangeTracker.with`. */ constructor(private readonly newLineCharacter: string, private readonly formatContext: formatting.FormatContext) {} public pushRaw(sourceFile: SourceFile, change: FileTextChanges) { Debug.assertEqual(sourceFile.fileName, change.fileName); for (const c of change.textChanges) { this.changes.push({ kind: ChangeKind.Text, sourceFile, text: c.newText, range: createTextRangeFromSpan(c.span), }); } } public deleteRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, range: TextRange): void { this.changes.push({ kind: ChangeKind.Remove, sourceFile, range }); } delete(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node | NodeArray): void { this.deletedNodes.push({ sourceFile, node }); } /** Stop! Consider using `delete` instead, which has logic for deleting nodes from delimited lists. */ public deleteNode(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, options: ConfigurableStartEnd = { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll }): void { this.deleteRange(sourceFile, getAdjustedRange(sourceFile, node, node, options)); } public deleteNodes(sourceFile: SourceFile, nodes: readonly Node[], options: ConfigurableStartEnd = { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll }, hasTrailingComment: boolean): void { // When deleting multiple nodes we need to track if the end position is including multiline trailing comments. for (const node of nodes) { const pos = getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, node, options, hasTrailingComment); const end = getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, node, options); this.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos, end }); hasTrailingComment = !!getEndPositionOfMultilineTrailingComment(sourceFile, node, options); } } public deleteModifier(sourceFile: SourceFile, modifier: Modifier): void { this.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: modifier.getStart(sourceFile), end: skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, modifier.end, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ true) }); } public deleteNodeRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode: Node, endNode: Node, options: ConfigurableStartEnd = { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll }): void { const startPosition = getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, startNode, options); const endPosition = getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, endNode, options); this.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: startPosition, end: endPosition }); } public deleteNodeRangeExcludingEnd(sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode: Node, afterEndNode: Node | undefined, options: ConfigurableStartEnd = { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll }): void { const startPosition = getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, startNode, options); const endPosition = afterEndNode === undefined ? sourceFile.text.length : getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, afterEndNode, options); this.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: startPosition, end: endPosition }); } public replaceRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, range: TextRange, newNode: Node, options: InsertNodeOptions = {}): void { this.changes.push({ kind: ChangeKind.ReplaceWithSingleNode, sourceFile, range, options, node: newNode }); } public replaceNode(sourceFile: SourceFile, oldNode: Node, newNode: Node, options: ChangeNodeOptions = useNonAdjustedPositions): void { this.replaceRange(sourceFile, getAdjustedRange(sourceFile, oldNode, oldNode, options), newNode, options); } public replaceNodeRange(sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode: Node, endNode: Node, newNode: Node, options: ChangeNodeOptions = useNonAdjustedPositions): void { this.replaceRange(sourceFile, getAdjustedRange(sourceFile, startNode, endNode, options), newNode, options); } private replaceRangeWithNodes(sourceFile: SourceFile, range: TextRange, newNodes: readonly Node[], options: ReplaceWithMultipleNodesOptions & ConfigurableStartEnd = {}): void { this.changes.push({ kind: ChangeKind.ReplaceWithMultipleNodes, sourceFile, range, options, nodes: newNodes }); } public replaceNodeWithNodes(sourceFile: SourceFile, oldNode: Node, newNodes: readonly Node[], options: ChangeNodeOptions = useNonAdjustedPositions): void { this.replaceRangeWithNodes(sourceFile, getAdjustedRange(sourceFile, oldNode, oldNode, options), newNodes, options); } public replaceNodeWithText(sourceFile: SourceFile, oldNode: Node, text: string): void { this.replaceRangeWithText(sourceFile, getAdjustedRange(sourceFile, oldNode, oldNode, useNonAdjustedPositions), text); } public replaceNodeRangeWithNodes(sourceFile: SourceFile, startNode: Node, endNode: Node, newNodes: readonly Node[], options: ReplaceWithMultipleNodesOptions & ConfigurableStartEnd = useNonAdjustedPositions): void { this.replaceRangeWithNodes(sourceFile, getAdjustedRange(sourceFile, startNode, endNode, options), newNodes, options); } public nodeHasTrailingComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, oldNode: Node, configurableEnd: ConfigurableEnd = useNonAdjustedPositions): boolean { return !!getEndPositionOfMultilineTrailingComment(sourceFile, oldNode, configurableEnd); } private nextCommaToken(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node): Node | undefined { const next = findNextToken(node, node.parent, sourceFile); return next && next.kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken ? next : undefined; } public replacePropertyAssignment(sourceFile: SourceFile, oldNode: PropertyAssignment, newNode: PropertyAssignment): void { const suffix = this.nextCommaToken(sourceFile, oldNode) ? "" : ("," + this.newLineCharacter); this.replaceNode(sourceFile, oldNode, newNode, { suffix }); } public insertNodeAt(sourceFile: SourceFile, pos: number, newNode: Node, options: InsertNodeOptions = {}): void { this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(pos), newNode, options); } private insertNodesAt(sourceFile: SourceFile, pos: number, newNodes: readonly Node[], options: ReplaceWithMultipleNodesOptions = {}): void { this.replaceRangeWithNodes(sourceFile, createRange(pos), newNodes, options); } public insertNodeAtTopOfFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, newNode: Statement, blankLineBetween: boolean): void { this.insertAtTopOfFile(sourceFile, newNode, blankLineBetween); } public insertNodesAtTopOfFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, newNodes: readonly Statement[], blankLineBetween: boolean): void { this.insertAtTopOfFile(sourceFile, newNodes, blankLineBetween); } private insertAtTopOfFile(sourceFile: SourceFile, insert: Statement | readonly Statement[], blankLineBetween: boolean): void { const pos = getInsertionPositionAtSourceFileTop(sourceFile); const options = { prefix: pos === 0 ? undefined : this.newLineCharacter, suffix: (isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos)) ? "" : this.newLineCharacter) + (blankLineBetween ? this.newLineCharacter : ""), }; if (isArray(insert)) { this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, pos, insert, options); } else { this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, pos, insert, options); } } public insertFirstParameter(sourceFile: SourceFile, parameters: NodeArray, newParam: ParameterDeclaration): void { const p0 = firstOrUndefined(parameters); if (p0) { this.insertNodeBefore(sourceFile, p0, newParam); } else { this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, parameters.pos, newParam); } } public insertNodeBefore(sourceFile: SourceFile, before: Node, newNode: Node, blankLineBetween = false, options: ConfigurableStartEnd = {}): void { this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, before, options), newNode, this.getOptionsForInsertNodeBefore(before, newNode, blankLineBetween)); } public insertModifierAt(sourceFile: SourceFile, pos: number, modifier: SyntaxKind, options: InsertNodeOptions = {}): void { this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, pos, factory.createToken(modifier), options); } public insertModifierBefore(sourceFile: SourceFile, modifier: SyntaxKind, before: Node): void { return this.insertModifierAt(sourceFile, before.getStart(sourceFile), modifier, { suffix: " " }); } public insertCommentBeforeLine(sourceFile: SourceFile, lineNumber: number, position: number, commentText: string): void { const lineStartPosition = getStartPositionOfLine(lineNumber, sourceFile); const startPosition = getFirstNonSpaceCharacterPosition(sourceFile.text, lineStartPosition); // First try to see if we can put the comment on the previous line. // We need to make sure that we are not in the middle of a string literal or a comment. // If so, we do not want to separate the node from its comment if we can. // Otherwise, add an extra new line immediately before the error span. const insertAtLineStart = isValidLocationToAddComment(sourceFile, startPosition); const token = getTouchingToken(sourceFile, insertAtLineStart ? startPosition : position); const indent = sourceFile.text.slice(lineStartPosition, startPosition); const text = `${insertAtLineStart ? "" : this.newLineCharacter}//${commentText}${this.newLineCharacter}${indent}`; this.insertText(sourceFile, token.getStart(sourceFile), text); } public insertJsdocCommentBefore(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: HasJSDoc, tag: JSDoc): void { const fnStart = node.getStart(sourceFile); if (node.jsDoc) { for (const jsdoc of node.jsDoc) { this.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: getLineStartPositionForPosition(jsdoc.getStart(sourceFile), sourceFile), end: getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, jsdoc, /*options*/ {}) }); } } const startPosition = getPrecedingNonSpaceCharacterPosition(sourceFile.text, fnStart - 1); const indent = sourceFile.text.slice(startPosition, fnStart); this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, fnStart, tag, { suffix: this.newLineCharacter + indent }); } private createJSDocText(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: HasJSDoc) { const comments = flatMap(node.jsDoc, jsDoc => isString(jsDoc.comment) ? factory.createJSDocText(jsDoc.comment) : jsDoc.comment) as JSDocComment[]; const jsDoc = singleOrUndefined(node.jsDoc); return jsDoc && positionsAreOnSameLine(jsDoc.pos, jsDoc.end, sourceFile) && length(comments) === 0 ? undefined : factory.createNodeArray(intersperse(comments, factory.createJSDocText("\n"))); } public replaceJSDocComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: HasJSDoc, tags: readonly JSDocTag[]) { this.insertJsdocCommentBefore(sourceFile, updateJSDocHost(node), factory.createJSDocComment(this.createJSDocText(sourceFile, node), factory.createNodeArray(tags))); } public addJSDocTags(sourceFile: SourceFile, parent: HasJSDoc, newTags: readonly JSDocTag[]): void { const oldTags = flatMapToMutable(parent.jsDoc, j => j.tags); const unmergedNewTags = newTags.filter(newTag => !oldTags.some((tag, i) => { const merged = tryMergeJsdocTags(tag, newTag); if (merged) oldTags[i] = merged; return !!merged; })); this.replaceJSDocComment(sourceFile, parent, [...oldTags, ...unmergedNewTags]); } public filterJSDocTags(sourceFile: SourceFile, parent: HasJSDoc, predicate: (tag: JSDocTag) => boolean): void { this.replaceJSDocComment(sourceFile, parent, filter(flatMapToMutable(parent.jsDoc, j => j.tags), predicate)); } public replaceRangeWithText(sourceFile: SourceFile, range: TextRange, text: string): void { this.changes.push({ kind: ChangeKind.Text, sourceFile, range, text }); } public insertText(sourceFile: SourceFile, pos: number, text: string): void { this.replaceRangeWithText(sourceFile, createRange(pos), text); } /** Prefer this over replacing a node with another that has a type annotation, as it avoids reformatting the other parts of the node. */ public tryInsertTypeAnnotation(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: TypeAnnotatable, type: TypeNode): boolean { let endNode: Node | undefined; if (isFunctionLike(node)) { endNode = findChildOfKind(node, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, sourceFile); if (!endNode) { if (!isArrowFunction(node)) return false; // Function missing parentheses, give up // If no `)`, is an arrow function `x => x`, so use the end of the first parameter endNode = first(node.parameters); } } else { endNode = (node.kind === SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration ? node.exclamationToken : node.questionToken) ?? node.name; } this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, endNode.end, type, { prefix: ": " }); return true; } public tryInsertThisTypeAnnotation(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: ThisTypeAnnotatable, type: TypeNode): void { const start = findChildOfKind(node, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, sourceFile)!.getStart(sourceFile) + 1; const suffix = node.parameters.length ? ", " : ""; this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, start, type, { prefix: "this: ", suffix }); } public insertTypeParameters(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: SignatureDeclaration, typeParameters: readonly TypeParameterDeclaration[]): void { // If no `(`, is an arrow function `x => x`, so use the pos of the first parameter const start = (findChildOfKind(node, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, sourceFile) || first(node.parameters)).getStart(sourceFile); this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, start, typeParameters, { prefix: "<", suffix: ">", joiner: ", " }); } private getOptionsForInsertNodeBefore(before: Node, inserted: Node, blankLineBetween: boolean): InsertNodeOptions { if (isStatement(before) || isClassElement(before)) { return { suffix: blankLineBetween ? this.newLineCharacter + this.newLineCharacter : this.newLineCharacter }; } else if (isVariableDeclaration(before)) { // insert `x = 1, ` into `const x = 1, y = 2; return { suffix: ", " }; } else if (isParameter(before)) { return isParameter(inserted) ? { suffix: ", " } : {}; } else if (isStringLiteral(before) && isImportDeclaration(before.parent) || isNamedImports(before)) { return { suffix: ", " }; } else if (isImportSpecifier(before)) { return { suffix: "," + (blankLineBetween ? this.newLineCharacter : " ") }; } return Debug.failBadSyntaxKind(before); // We haven't handled this kind of node yet -- add it } public insertNodeAtConstructorStart(sourceFile: SourceFile, ctr: ConstructorDeclaration, newStatement: Statement): void { const firstStatement = firstOrUndefined(ctr.body!.statements); if (!firstStatement || !ctr.body!.multiLine) { this.replaceConstructorBody(sourceFile, ctr, [newStatement, ...ctr.body!.statements]); } else { this.insertNodeBefore(sourceFile, firstStatement, newStatement); } } public insertNodeAtConstructorStartAfterSuperCall(sourceFile: SourceFile, ctr: ConstructorDeclaration, newStatement: Statement): void { const superCallStatement = find(ctr.body!.statements, stmt => isExpressionStatement(stmt) && isSuperCall(stmt.expression)); if (!superCallStatement || !ctr.body!.multiLine) { this.replaceConstructorBody(sourceFile, ctr, [...ctr.body!.statements, newStatement]); } else { this.insertNodeAfter(sourceFile, superCallStatement, newStatement); } } public insertNodeAtConstructorEnd(sourceFile: SourceFile, ctr: ConstructorDeclaration, newStatement: Statement): void { const lastStatement = lastOrUndefined(ctr.body!.statements); if (!lastStatement || !ctr.body!.multiLine) { this.replaceConstructorBody(sourceFile, ctr, [...ctr.body!.statements, newStatement]); } else { this.insertNodeAfter(sourceFile, lastStatement, newStatement); } } private replaceConstructorBody(sourceFile: SourceFile, ctr: ConstructorDeclaration, statements: readonly Statement[]): void { this.replaceNode(sourceFile, ctr.body!, factory.createBlock(statements, /*multiLine*/ true)); } public insertNodeAtEndOfScope(sourceFile: SourceFile, scope: Node, newNode: Node): void { const pos = getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, scope.getLastToken()!, {}); this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, pos, newNode, { prefix: isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(scope.getLastToken()!.pos)) ? this.newLineCharacter : this.newLineCharacter + this.newLineCharacter, suffix: this.newLineCharacter }); } public insertMemberAtStart(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | TypeLiteralNode, newElement: ClassElement | PropertySignature | MethodSignature): void { this.insertNodeAtStartWorker(sourceFile, node, newElement); } public insertNodeAtObjectStart(sourceFile: SourceFile, obj: ObjectLiteralExpression, newElement: ObjectLiteralElementLike): void { this.insertNodeAtStartWorker(sourceFile, obj, newElement); } private insertNodeAtStartWorker(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression | TypeLiteralNode, newElement: ClassElement | ObjectLiteralElementLike | PropertySignature | MethodSignature): void { const indentation = this.guessIndentationFromExistingMembers(sourceFile, node) ?? this.computeIndentationForNewMember(sourceFile, node); this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, getMembersOrProperties(node).pos, newElement, this.getInsertNodeAtStartInsertOptions(sourceFile, node, indentation)); } /** * Tries to guess the indentation from the existing members of a class/interface/object. All members must be on * new lines and must share the same indentation. */ private guessIndentationFromExistingMembers(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression | TypeLiteralNode) { let indentation: number | undefined; let lastRange: TextRange = node; for (const member of getMembersOrProperties(node)) { if (rangeStartPositionsAreOnSameLine(lastRange, member, sourceFile)) { // each indented member must be on a new line return undefined; } const memberStart = member.getStart(sourceFile); const memberIndentation = formatting.SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(getLineStartPositionForPosition(memberStart, sourceFile), memberStart, sourceFile, this.formatContext.options); if (indentation === undefined) { indentation = memberIndentation; } else if (memberIndentation !== indentation) { // indentation of multiple members is not consistent return undefined; } lastRange = member; } return indentation; } private computeIndentationForNewMember(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression | TypeLiteralNode) { const nodeStart = node.getStart(sourceFile); return formatting.SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(getLineStartPositionForPosition(nodeStart, sourceFile), nodeStart, sourceFile, this.formatContext.options) + (this.formatContext.options.indentSize ?? 4); } private getInsertNodeAtStartInsertOptions(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression | TypeLiteralNode, indentation: number): InsertNodeOptions { // Rules: // - Always insert leading newline. // - For object literals: // - Add a trailing comma if there are existing members in the node, or the source file is not a JSON file // (because trailing commas are generally illegal in a JSON file). // - Add a leading comma if the source file is not a JSON file, there are existing insertions, // and the node is empty (because we didn't add a trailing comma per the previous rule). // - Only insert a trailing newline if body is single-line and there are no other insertions for the node. // NOTE: This is handled in `finishClassesWithNodesInsertedAtStart`. const members = getMembersOrProperties(node); const isEmpty = members.length === 0; const isFirstInsertion = addToSeen(this.classesWithNodesInsertedAtStart, getNodeId(node), { node, sourceFile }); const insertTrailingComma = isObjectLiteralExpression(node) && (!isJsonSourceFile(sourceFile) || !isEmpty); const insertLeadingComma = isObjectLiteralExpression(node) && isJsonSourceFile(sourceFile) && isEmpty && !isFirstInsertion; return { indentation, prefix: (insertLeadingComma ? "," : "") + this.newLineCharacter, suffix: insertTrailingComma ? "," : isInterfaceDeclaration(node) && isEmpty ? ";" : "" }; } public insertNodeAfterComma(sourceFile: SourceFile, after: Node, newNode: Node): void { const endPosition = this.insertNodeAfterWorker(sourceFile, this.nextCommaToken(sourceFile, after) || after, newNode); this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, endPosition, newNode, this.getInsertNodeAfterOptions(sourceFile, after)); } public insertNodeAfter(sourceFile: SourceFile, after: Node, newNode: Node): void { const endPosition = this.insertNodeAfterWorker(sourceFile, after, newNode); this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, endPosition, newNode, this.getInsertNodeAfterOptions(sourceFile, after)); } public insertNodeAtEndOfList(sourceFile: SourceFile, list: NodeArray, newNode: Node): void { this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, list.end, newNode, { prefix: ", " }); } public insertNodesAfter(sourceFile: SourceFile, after: Node, newNodes: readonly Node[]): void { const endPosition = this.insertNodeAfterWorker(sourceFile, after, first(newNodes)); this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, endPosition, newNodes, this.getInsertNodeAfterOptions(sourceFile, after)); } private insertNodeAfterWorker(sourceFile: SourceFile, after: Node, newNode: Node): number { if (needSemicolonBetween(after, newNode)) { // check if previous statement ends with semicolon // if not - insert semicolon to preserve the code from changing the meaning due to ASI if (sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(after.end - 1) !== CharacterCodes.semicolon) { this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(after.end), factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken)); } } const endPosition = getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, after, {}); return endPosition; } private getInsertNodeAfterOptions(sourceFile: SourceFile, after: Node): InsertNodeOptions { const options = this.getInsertNodeAfterOptionsWorker(after); return { ...options, prefix: after.end === sourceFile.end && isStatement(after) ? (options.prefix ? `\n${options.prefix}` : "\n") : options.prefix, }; } private getInsertNodeAfterOptionsWorker(node: Node): InsertNodeOptions { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ModuleDeclaration: return { prefix: this.newLineCharacter, suffix: this.newLineCharacter }; case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StringLiteral: case SyntaxKind.Identifier: return { prefix: ", " }; case SyntaxKind.PropertyAssignment: return { suffix: "," + this.newLineCharacter }; case SyntaxKind.ExportKeyword: return { prefix: " " }; case SyntaxKind.Parameter: return {}; default: Debug.assert(isStatement(node) || isClassOrTypeElement(node)); // Else we haven't handled this kind of node yet -- add it return { suffix: this.newLineCharacter }; } } public insertName(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: FunctionExpression | ClassExpression | ArrowFunction, name: string): void { Debug.assert(!node.name); if (node.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction) { const arrow = findChildOfKind(node, SyntaxKind.EqualsGreaterThanToken, sourceFile)!; const lparen = findChildOfKind(node, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, sourceFile); if (lparen) { // `() => {}` --> `function f() {}` this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, lparen.getStart(sourceFile), [factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword), factory.createIdentifier(name)], { joiner: " " }); deleteNode(this, sourceFile, arrow); } else { // `x => {}` -> `function f(x) {}` this.insertText(sourceFile, first(node.parameters).getStart(sourceFile), `function ${name}(`); // Replacing full range of arrow to get rid of the leading space -- replace ` =>` with `)` this.replaceRange(sourceFile, arrow, factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken)); } if (node.body.kind !== SyntaxKind.Block) { // `() => 0` => `function f() { return 0; }` this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, node.body.getStart(sourceFile), [factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken), factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.ReturnKeyword)], { joiner: " ", suffix: " " }); this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, node.body.end, [factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken), factory.createToken(SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken)], { joiner: " " }); } } else { const pos = findChildOfKind(node, node.kind === SyntaxKind.FunctionExpression ? SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword : SyntaxKind.ClassKeyword, sourceFile)!.end; this.insertNodeAt(sourceFile, pos, factory.createIdentifier(name), { prefix: " " }); } } public insertExportModifier(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: DeclarationStatement | VariableStatement): void { this.insertText(sourceFile, node.getStart(sourceFile), "export "); } public insertImportSpecifierAtIndex(sourceFile: SourceFile, importSpecifier: ImportSpecifier, namedImports: NamedImports, index: number) { const prevSpecifier = namedImports.elements[index - 1]; if (prevSpecifier) { this.insertNodeInListAfter(sourceFile, prevSpecifier, importSpecifier); } else { this.insertNodeBefore( sourceFile, namedImports.elements[0], importSpecifier, !positionsAreOnSameLine(namedImports.elements[0].getStart(), namedImports.parent.parent.getStart(), sourceFile)); } } /** * This function should be used to insert nodes in lists when nodes don't carry separators as the part of the node range, * i.e. arguments in arguments lists, parameters in parameter lists etc. * Note that separators are part of the node in statements and class elements. */ public insertNodeInListAfter(sourceFile: SourceFile, after: Node, newNode: Node, containingList = formatting.SmartIndenter.getContainingList(after, sourceFile)): void { if (!containingList) { Debug.fail("node is not a list element"); return; } const index = indexOfNode(containingList, after); if (index < 0) { return; } const end = after.getEnd(); if (index !== containingList.length - 1) { // any element except the last one // use next sibling as an anchor const nextToken = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, after.end); if (nextToken && isSeparator(after, nextToken)) { // for list // a, b, c // create change for adding 'e' after 'a' as // - find start of next element after a (it is b) // - use next element start as start and end position in final change // - build text of change by formatting the text of node + whitespace trivia of b // in multiline case it will work as // a, // b, // c, // result - '*' denotes leading trivia that will be inserted after new text (displayed as '#') // a, // insertedtext# // ###b, // c, const nextNode = containingList[index + 1]; const startPos = skipWhitespacesAndLineBreaks(sourceFile.text, nextNode.getFullStart()); // write separator and leading trivia of the next element as suffix const suffix = `${tokenToString(nextToken.kind)}${sourceFile.text.substring(nextToken.end, startPos)}`; this.insertNodesAt(sourceFile, startPos, [newNode], { suffix }); } } else { const afterStart = after.getStart(sourceFile); const afterStartLinePosition = getLineStartPositionForPosition(afterStart, sourceFile); let separator: SyntaxKind.CommaToken | SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken | undefined; let multilineList = false; // insert element after the last element in the list that has more than one item // pick the element preceding the after element to: // - pick the separator // - determine if list is a multiline if (containingList.length === 1) { // if list has only one element then we'll format is as multiline if node has comment in trailing trivia, or as singleline otherwise // i.e. var x = 1 // this is x // | new element will be inserted at this position separator = SyntaxKind.CommaToken; } else { // element has more than one element, pick separator from the list const tokenBeforeInsertPosition = findPrecedingToken(after.pos, sourceFile); separator = isSeparator(after, tokenBeforeInsertPosition) ? tokenBeforeInsertPosition.kind : SyntaxKind.CommaToken; // determine if list is multiline by checking lines of after element and element that precedes it. const afterMinusOneStartLinePosition = getLineStartPositionForPosition(containingList[index - 1].getStart(sourceFile), sourceFile); multilineList = afterMinusOneStartLinePosition !== afterStartLinePosition; } if (hasCommentsBeforeLineBreak(sourceFile.text, after.end)) { // in this case we'll always treat containing list as multiline multilineList = true; } if (multilineList) { // insert separator immediately following the 'after' node to preserve comments in trailing trivia this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(end), factory.createToken(separator)); // use the same indentation as 'after' item const indentation = formatting.SmartIndenter.findFirstNonWhitespaceColumn(afterStartLinePosition, afterStart, sourceFile, this.formatContext.options); // insert element before the line break on the line that contains 'after' element let insertPos = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, end, /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ true, /*stopAtComments*/ false); // find position before "\n" or "\r\n" while (insertPos !== end && isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(insertPos - 1))) { insertPos--; } this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(insertPos), newNode, { indentation, prefix: this.newLineCharacter }); } else { this.replaceRange(sourceFile, createRange(end), newNode, { prefix: `${tokenToString(separator)} ` }); } } } public parenthesizeExpression(sourceFile: SourceFile, expression: Expression) { this.replaceRange(sourceFile, rangeOfNode(expression), factory.createParenthesizedExpression(expression)); } private finishClassesWithNodesInsertedAtStart(): void { this.classesWithNodesInsertedAtStart.forEach(({ node, sourceFile }) => { const [openBraceEnd, closeBraceEnd] = getClassOrObjectBraceEnds(node, sourceFile); if (openBraceEnd !== undefined && closeBraceEnd !== undefined) { const isEmpty = getMembersOrProperties(node).length === 0; const isSingleLine = positionsAreOnSameLine(openBraceEnd, closeBraceEnd, sourceFile); if (isEmpty && isSingleLine && openBraceEnd !== closeBraceEnd - 1) { // For `class C { }` remove the whitespace inside the braces. this.deleteRange(sourceFile, createRange(openBraceEnd, closeBraceEnd - 1)); } if (isSingleLine) { this.insertText(sourceFile, closeBraceEnd - 1, this.newLineCharacter); } } }); } private finishDeleteDeclarations(): void { const deletedNodesInLists = new Set(); // Stores nodes in lists that we already deleted. Used to avoid deleting `, ` twice in `a, b`. for (const { sourceFile, node } of this.deletedNodes) { if (!this.deletedNodes.some(d => d.sourceFile === sourceFile && rangeContainsRangeExclusive(d.node, node))) { if (isArray(node)) { this.deleteRange(sourceFile, rangeOfTypeParameters(sourceFile, node)); } else { deleteDeclaration.deleteDeclaration(this, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); } } } deletedNodesInLists.forEach(node => { const sourceFile = node.getSourceFile(); const list = formatting.SmartIndenter.getContainingList(node, sourceFile)!; if (node !== last(list)) return; const lastNonDeletedIndex = findLastIndex(list, n => !deletedNodesInLists.has(n), list.length - 2); if (lastNonDeletedIndex !== -1) { this.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: list[lastNonDeletedIndex].end, end: startPositionToDeleteNodeInList(sourceFile, list[lastNonDeletedIndex + 1]) }); } }); } /** * Note: after calling this, the TextChanges object must be discarded! * @param validate only for tests * The reason we must validate as part of this method is that `getNonFormattedText` changes the node's positions, * so we can only call this once and can't get the non-formatted text separately. */ public getChanges(validate?: ValidateNonFormattedText): FileTextChanges[] { this.finishDeleteDeclarations(); this.finishClassesWithNodesInsertedAtStart(); const changes = changesToText.getTextChangesFromChanges(this.changes, this.newLineCharacter, this.formatContext, validate); for (const { oldFile, fileName, statements } of this.newFiles) { changes.push(changesToText.newFileChanges(oldFile, fileName, statements, this.newLineCharacter, this.formatContext)); } return changes; } public createNewFile(oldFile: SourceFile | undefined, fileName: string, statements: readonly (Statement | SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia)[]): void { this.newFiles.push({ oldFile, fileName, statements }); } } function updateJSDocHost(parent: HasJSDoc): HasJSDoc { if (parent.kind !== SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction) { return parent; } const jsDocNode = parent.parent.kind === SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration ? parent.parent as HasJSDoc : parent.parent.parent as HasJSDoc; jsDocNode.jsDoc = parent.jsDoc; jsDocNode.jsDocCache = parent.jsDocCache; return jsDocNode; } function tryMergeJsdocTags(oldTag: JSDocTag, newTag: JSDocTag): JSDocTag | undefined { if (oldTag.kind !== newTag.kind) { return undefined; } switch (oldTag.kind) { case SyntaxKind.JSDocParameterTag: { const oldParam = oldTag as JSDocParameterTag; const newParam = newTag as JSDocParameterTag; return isIdentifier(oldParam.name) && isIdentifier(newParam.name) && oldParam.name.escapedText === newParam.name.escapedText ? factory.createJSDocParameterTag(/*tagName*/ undefined, newParam.name, /*isBracketed*/ false, newParam.typeExpression, newParam.isNameFirst, oldParam.comment) : undefined; } case SyntaxKind.JSDocReturnTag: return factory.createJSDocReturnTag(/*tagName*/ undefined, (newTag as JSDocReturnTag).typeExpression, oldTag.comment); case SyntaxKind.JSDocTypeTag: return factory.createJSDocTypeTag(/*tagName*/ undefined, (newTag as JSDocTypeTag).typeExpression, oldTag.comment); } } // find first non-whitespace position in the leading trivia of the node function startPositionToDeleteNodeInList(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node): number { return skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, node, { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll }), /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ false, /*stopAtComments*/ true); } function endPositionToDeleteNodeInList(sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, prevNode: Node | undefined, nextNode: Node): number { const end = startPositionToDeleteNodeInList(sourceFile, nextNode); if (prevNode === undefined || positionsAreOnSameLine(getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, node, {}), end, sourceFile)) { return end; } const token = findPrecedingToken(nextNode.getStart(sourceFile), sourceFile); if (isSeparator(node, token)) { const prevToken = findPrecedingToken(node.getStart(sourceFile), sourceFile); if (isSeparator(prevNode, prevToken)) { const pos = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, token.getEnd(), /*stopAfterLineBreak*/ true, /*stopAtComments*/ true); if (positionsAreOnSameLine(prevToken.getStart(sourceFile), token.getStart(sourceFile), sourceFile)) { return isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos - 1)) ? pos - 1 : pos; } if (isLineBreak(sourceFile.text.charCodeAt(pos))) { return pos; } } } return end; } function getClassOrObjectBraceEnds(cls: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression, sourceFile: SourceFile): [number | undefined, number | undefined] { const open = findChildOfKind(cls, SyntaxKind.OpenBraceToken, sourceFile); const close = findChildOfKind(cls, SyntaxKind.CloseBraceToken, sourceFile); return [open?.end, close?.end]; } function getMembersOrProperties(node: ClassLikeDeclaration | InterfaceDeclaration | ObjectLiteralExpression | TypeLiteralNode): NodeArray { return isObjectLiteralExpression(node) ? node.properties : node.members; } export type ValidateNonFormattedText = (node: Node, text: string) => void; export function getNewFileText(statements: readonly Statement[], scriptKind: ScriptKind, newLineCharacter: string, formatContext: formatting.FormatContext): string { return changesToText.newFileChangesWorker(/*oldFile*/ undefined, scriptKind, statements, newLineCharacter, formatContext); } namespace changesToText { export function getTextChangesFromChanges(changes: readonly Change[], newLineCharacter: string, formatContext: formatting.FormatContext, validate: ValidateNonFormattedText | undefined): FileTextChanges[] { return mapDefined(group(changes, c => c.sourceFile.path), changesInFile => { const sourceFile = changesInFile[0].sourceFile; // order changes by start position // If the start position is the same, put the shorter range first, since an empty range (x, x) may precede (x, y) but not vice-versa. const normalized = stableSort(changesInFile, (a, b) => (a.range.pos - b.range.pos) || (a.range.end - b.range.end)); // verify that change intervals do not overlap, except possibly at end points. for (let i = 0; i < normalized.length - 1; i++) { Debug.assert(normalized[i].range.end <= normalized[i + 1].range.pos, "Changes overlap", () => `${JSON.stringify(normalized[i].range)} and ${JSON.stringify(normalized[i + 1].range)}`); } const textChanges = mapDefined(normalized, c => { const span = createTextSpanFromRange(c.range); const newText = computeNewText(c, sourceFile, newLineCharacter, formatContext, validate); // Filter out redundant changes. if (span.length === newText.length && stringContainsAt(sourceFile.text, newText, span.start)) { return undefined; } return createTextChange(span, newText); }); return textChanges.length > 0 ? { fileName: sourceFile.fileName, textChanges } : undefined; }); } export function newFileChanges(oldFile: SourceFile | undefined, fileName: string, statements: readonly (Statement | SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia)[], newLineCharacter: string, formatContext: formatting.FormatContext): FileTextChanges { const text = newFileChangesWorker(oldFile, getScriptKindFromFileName(fileName), statements, newLineCharacter, formatContext); return { fileName, textChanges: [createTextChange(createTextSpan(0, 0), text)], isNewFile: true }; } export function newFileChangesWorker(oldFile: SourceFile | undefined, scriptKind: ScriptKind, statements: readonly (Statement | SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia)[], newLineCharacter: string, formatContext: formatting.FormatContext): string { // TODO: this emits the file, parses it back, then formats it that -- may be a less roundabout way to do this const nonFormattedText = statements.map(s => s === SyntaxKind.NewLineTrivia ? "" : getNonformattedText(s, oldFile, newLineCharacter).text).join(newLineCharacter); const sourceFile = createSourceFile("any file name", nonFormattedText, ScriptTarget.ESNext, /*setParentNodes*/ true, scriptKind); const changes = formatting.formatDocument(sourceFile, formatContext); return applyChanges(nonFormattedText, changes) + newLineCharacter; } function computeNewText(change: Change, sourceFile: SourceFile, newLineCharacter: string, formatContext: formatting.FormatContext, validate: ValidateNonFormattedText | undefined): string { if (change.kind === ChangeKind.Remove) { return ""; } if (change.kind === ChangeKind.Text) { return change.text; } const { options = {}, range: { pos } } = change; const format = (n: Node) => getFormattedTextOfNode(n, sourceFile, pos, options, newLineCharacter, formatContext, validate); const text = change.kind === ChangeKind.ReplaceWithMultipleNodes ? change.nodes.map(n => removeSuffix(format(n), newLineCharacter)).join(change.options?.joiner || newLineCharacter) : format(change.node); // strip initial indentation (spaces or tabs) if text will be inserted in the middle of the line const noIndent = (options.indentation !== undefined || getLineStartPositionForPosition(pos, sourceFile) === pos) ? text : text.replace(/^\s+/, ""); return (options.prefix || "") + noIndent + ((!options.suffix || endsWith(noIndent, options.suffix)) ? "" : options.suffix); } /** Note: this may mutate `nodeIn`. */ function getFormattedTextOfNode(nodeIn: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile, pos: number, { indentation, prefix, delta }: InsertNodeOptions, newLineCharacter: string, formatContext: formatting.FormatContext, validate: ValidateNonFormattedText | undefined): string { const { node, text } = getNonformattedText(nodeIn, sourceFile, newLineCharacter); if (validate) validate(node, text); const formatOptions = getFormatCodeSettingsForWriting(formatContext, sourceFile); const initialIndentation = indentation !== undefined ? indentation : formatting.SmartIndenter.getIndentation(pos, sourceFile, formatOptions, prefix === newLineCharacter || getLineStartPositionForPosition(pos, sourceFile) === pos); if (delta === undefined) { delta = formatting.SmartIndenter.shouldIndentChildNode(formatOptions, nodeIn) ? (formatOptions.indentSize || 0) : 0; } const file: SourceFileLike = { text, getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(pos) { return getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(this, pos); } }; const changes = formatting.formatNodeGivenIndentation(node, file, sourceFile.languageVariant, initialIndentation, delta, { ...formatContext, options: formatOptions }); return applyChanges(text, changes); } /** Note: output node may be mutated input node. */ export function getNonformattedText(node: Node, sourceFile: SourceFile | undefined, newLineCharacter: string): { text: string, node: Node } { const writer = createWriter(newLineCharacter); const newLine = getNewLineKind(newLineCharacter); createPrinter({ newLine, neverAsciiEscape: true, preserveSourceNewlines: true, terminateUnterminatedLiterals: true }, writer).writeNode(EmitHint.Unspecified, node, sourceFile, writer); return { text: writer.getText(), node: assignPositionsToNode(node) }; } } export function applyChanges(text: string, changes: readonly TextChange[]): string { for (let i = changes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const { span, newText } = changes[i]; text = `${text.substring(0, span.start)}${newText}${text.substring(textSpanEnd(span))}`; } return text; } function isTrivia(s: string) { return skipTrivia(s, 0) === s.length; } // A transformation context that won't perform parenthesization, as some parenthesization rules // are more aggressive than is strictly necessary. const textChangesTransformationContext: TransformationContext = { ...nullTransformationContext, factory: createNodeFactory( nullTransformationContext.factory.flags | NodeFactoryFlags.NoParenthesizerRules, nullTransformationContext.factory.baseFactory), }; export function assignPositionsToNode(node: Node): Node { const visited = visitEachChild(node, assignPositionsToNode, textChangesTransformationContext, assignPositionsToNodeArray, assignPositionsToNode); // create proxy node for non synthesized nodes const newNode = nodeIsSynthesized(visited) ? visited : Object.create(visited) as Node; setTextRangePosEnd(newNode, getPos(node), getEnd(node)); return newNode; } function assignPositionsToNodeArray(nodes: NodeArray, visitor: Visitor, test?: (node: Node) => boolean, start?: number, count?: number) { const visited = visitNodes(nodes, visitor, test, start, count); if (!visited) { return visited; } // clone nodearray if necessary const nodeArray = visited === nodes ? factory.createNodeArray(visited.slice(0)) : visited; setTextRangePosEnd(nodeArray, getPos(nodes), getEnd(nodes)); return nodeArray; } interface TextChangesWriter extends EmitTextWriter, PrintHandlers {} export function createWriter(newLine: string): TextChangesWriter { let lastNonTriviaPosition = 0; const writer = createTextWriter(newLine); const onBeforeEmitNode: PrintHandlers["onBeforeEmitNode"] = node => { if (node) { setPos(node, lastNonTriviaPosition); } }; const onAfterEmitNode: PrintHandlers["onAfterEmitNode"] = node => { if (node) { setEnd(node, lastNonTriviaPosition); } }; const onBeforeEmitNodeArray: PrintHandlers["onBeforeEmitNodeArray"] = nodes => { if (nodes) { setPos(nodes, lastNonTriviaPosition); } }; const onAfterEmitNodeArray: PrintHandlers["onAfterEmitNodeArray"] = nodes => { if (nodes) { setEnd(nodes, lastNonTriviaPosition); } }; const onBeforeEmitToken: PrintHandlers["onBeforeEmitToken"] = node => { if (node) { setPos(node, lastNonTriviaPosition); } }; const onAfterEmitToken: PrintHandlers["onAfterEmitToken"] = node => { if (node) { setEnd(node, lastNonTriviaPosition); } }; function setLastNonTriviaPosition(s: string, force: boolean) { if (force || !isTrivia(s)) { lastNonTriviaPosition = writer.getTextPos(); let i = 0; while (isWhiteSpaceLike(s.charCodeAt(s.length - i - 1))) { i++; } // trim trailing whitespaces lastNonTriviaPosition -= i; } } function write(s: string): void { writer.write(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeComment(s: string): void { writer.writeComment(s); } function writeKeyword(s: string): void { writer.writeKeyword(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeOperator(s: string): void { writer.writeOperator(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writePunctuation(s: string): void { writer.writePunctuation(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeTrailingSemicolon(s: string): void { writer.writeTrailingSemicolon(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeParameter(s: string): void { writer.writeParameter(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeProperty(s: string): void { writer.writeProperty(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeSpace(s: string): void { writer.writeSpace(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeStringLiteral(s: string): void { writer.writeStringLiteral(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeSymbol(s: string, sym: Symbol): void { writer.writeSymbol(s, sym); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeLine(force?: boolean): void { writer.writeLine(force); } function increaseIndent(): void { writer.increaseIndent(); } function decreaseIndent(): void { writer.decreaseIndent(); } function getText(): string { return writer.getText(); } function rawWrite(s: string): void { writer.rawWrite(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ false); } function writeLiteral(s: string): void { writer.writeLiteral(s); setLastNonTriviaPosition(s, /*force*/ true); } function getTextPos(): number { return writer.getTextPos(); } function getLine(): number { return writer.getLine(); } function getColumn(): number { return writer.getColumn(); } function getIndent(): number { return writer.getIndent(); } function isAtStartOfLine(): boolean { return writer.isAtStartOfLine(); } function clear(): void { writer.clear(); lastNonTriviaPosition = 0; } return { onBeforeEmitNode, onAfterEmitNode, onBeforeEmitNodeArray, onAfterEmitNodeArray, onBeforeEmitToken, onAfterEmitToken, write, writeComment, writeKeyword, writeOperator, writePunctuation, writeTrailingSemicolon, writeParameter, writeProperty, writeSpace, writeStringLiteral, writeSymbol, writeLine, increaseIndent, decreaseIndent, getText, rawWrite, writeLiteral, getTextPos, getLine, getColumn, getIndent, isAtStartOfLine, hasTrailingComment: () => writer.hasTrailingComment(), hasTrailingWhitespace: () => writer.hasTrailingWhitespace(), clear }; } function getInsertionPositionAtSourceFileTop(sourceFile: SourceFile): number { let lastPrologue: PrologueDirective | undefined; for (const node of sourceFile.statements) { if (isPrologueDirective(node)) { lastPrologue = node; } else { break; } } let position = 0; const text = sourceFile.text; if (lastPrologue) { position = lastPrologue.end; advancePastLineBreak(); return position; } const shebang = getShebang(text); if (shebang !== undefined) { position = shebang.length; advancePastLineBreak(); } const ranges = getLeadingCommentRanges(text, position); if (!ranges) return position; // Find the first attached comment to the first node and add before it let lastComment: { range: CommentRange; pinnedOrTripleSlash: boolean; } | undefined; let firstNodeLine: number | undefined; for (const range of ranges) { if (range.kind === SyntaxKind.MultiLineCommentTrivia) { if (isPinnedComment(text, range.pos)) { lastComment = { range, pinnedOrTripleSlash: true }; continue; } } else if (isRecognizedTripleSlashComment(text, range.pos, range.end)) { lastComment = { range, pinnedOrTripleSlash: true }; continue; } if (lastComment) { // Always insert after pinned or triple slash comments if (lastComment.pinnedOrTripleSlash) break; // There was a blank line between the last comment and this comment. // This comment is not part of the copyright comments const commentLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(range.pos).line; const lastCommentEndLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(lastComment.range.end).line; if (commentLine >= lastCommentEndLine + 2) break; } if (sourceFile.statements.length) { if (firstNodeLine === undefined) firstNodeLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile.statements[0].getStart()).line; const commentEndLine = sourceFile.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(range.end).line; if (firstNodeLine < commentEndLine + 2) break; } lastComment = { range, pinnedOrTripleSlash: false }; } if (lastComment) { position = lastComment.range.end; advancePastLineBreak(); } return position; function advancePastLineBreak() { if (position < text.length) { const charCode = text.charCodeAt(position); if (isLineBreak(charCode)) { position++; if (position < text.length && charCode === CharacterCodes.carriageReturn && text.charCodeAt(position) === CharacterCodes.lineFeed) { position++; } } } } } export function isValidLocationToAddComment(sourceFile: SourceFile, position: number) { return !isInComment(sourceFile, position) && !isInString(sourceFile, position) && !isInTemplateString(sourceFile, position) && !isInJSXText(sourceFile, position); } function needSemicolonBetween(a: Node, b: Node): boolean { return (isPropertySignature(a) || isPropertyDeclaration(a)) && isClassOrTypeElement(b) && b.name!.kind === SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName || isStatementButNotDeclaration(a) && isStatementButNotDeclaration(b); // TODO: only if b would start with a `(` or `[` } namespace deleteDeclaration { export function deleteDeclaration(changes: ChangeTracker, deletedNodesInLists: Set, sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node): void { switch (node.kind) { case SyntaxKind.Parameter: { const oldFunction = node.parent; if (isArrowFunction(oldFunction) && oldFunction.parameters.length === 1 && !findChildOfKind(oldFunction, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, sourceFile)) { // Lambdas with exactly one parameter are special because, after removal, there // must be an empty parameter list (i.e. `()`) and this won't necessarily be the // case if the parameter is simply removed (e.g. in `x => 1`). changes.replaceNodeWithText(sourceFile, node, "()"); } else { deleteNodeInList(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); } break; } case SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.ImportEqualsDeclaration: const isFirstImport = sourceFile.imports.length && node === first(sourceFile.imports).parent || node === find(sourceFile.statements, isAnyImportSyntax); // For first import, leave header comment in place, otherwise only delete JSDoc comments deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node, { leadingTriviaOption: isFirstImport ? LeadingTriviaOption.Exclude : hasJSDocNodes(node) ? LeadingTriviaOption.JSDoc : LeadingTriviaOption.StartLine, }); break; case SyntaxKind.BindingElement: const pattern = (node as BindingElement).parent; const preserveComma = pattern.kind === SyntaxKind.ArrayBindingPattern && node !== last(pattern.elements); if (preserveComma) { deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node); } else { deleteNodeInList(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); } break; case SyntaxKind.VariableDeclaration: deleteVariableDeclaration(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node as VariableDeclaration); break; case SyntaxKind.TypeParameter: deleteNodeInList(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); break; case SyntaxKind.ImportSpecifier: const namedImports = (node as ImportSpecifier).parent; if (namedImports.elements.length === 1) { deleteImportBinding(changes, sourceFile, namedImports); } else { deleteNodeInList(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); } break; case SyntaxKind.NamespaceImport: deleteImportBinding(changes, sourceFile, node as NamespaceImport); break; case SyntaxKind.SemicolonToken: deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node, { trailingTriviaOption: TrailingTriviaOption.Exclude }); break; case SyntaxKind.FunctionKeyword: deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node, { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.Exclude }); break; case SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.StructDeclaration: case SyntaxKind.FunctionDeclaration: deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node, { leadingTriviaOption: hasJSDocNodes(node) ? LeadingTriviaOption.JSDoc : LeadingTriviaOption.StartLine }); break; default: if (!node.parent) { // a misbehaving client can reach here with the SourceFile node deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node); } else if (isImportClause(node.parent) && node.parent.name === node) { deleteDefaultImport(changes, sourceFile, node.parent); } else if (isCallExpression(node.parent) && contains(node.parent.arguments, node)) { deleteNodeInList(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); } else { deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node); } } } function deleteDefaultImport(changes: ChangeTracker, sourceFile: SourceFile, importClause: ImportClause): void { if (!importClause.namedBindings) { // Delete the whole import deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, importClause.parent); } else { // import |d,| * as ns from './file' const start = importClause.name!.getStart(sourceFile); const nextToken = getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, importClause.name!.end); if (nextToken && nextToken.kind === SyntaxKind.CommaToken) { // shift first non-whitespace position after comma to the start position of the node const end = skipTrivia(sourceFile.text, nextToken.end, /*stopAfterLineBreaks*/ false, /*stopAtComments*/ true); changes.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: start, end }); } else { deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, importClause.name!); } } } function deleteImportBinding(changes: ChangeTracker, sourceFile: SourceFile, node: NamedImportBindings): void { if (node.parent.name) { // Delete named imports while preserving the default import // import d|, * as ns| from './file' // import d|, { a }| from './file' const previousToken = Debug.checkDefined(getTokenAtPosition(sourceFile, node.pos - 1)); changes.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: previousToken.getStart(sourceFile), end: node.end }); } else { // Delete the entire import declaration // |import * as ns from './file'| // |import { a } from './file'| const importDecl = getAncestor(node, SyntaxKind.ImportDeclaration)!; deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, importDecl); } } function deleteVariableDeclaration(changes: ChangeTracker, deletedNodesInLists: Set, sourceFile: SourceFile, node: VariableDeclaration): void { const { parent } = node; if (parent.kind === SyntaxKind.CatchClause) { // TODO: There's currently no unused diagnostic for this, could be a suggestion changes.deleteNodeRange(sourceFile, findChildOfKind(parent, SyntaxKind.OpenParenToken, sourceFile)!, findChildOfKind(parent, SyntaxKind.CloseParenToken, sourceFile)!); return; } if (parent.declarations.length !== 1) { deleteNodeInList(changes, deletedNodesInLists, sourceFile, node); return; } const gp = parent.parent; switch (gp.kind) { case SyntaxKind.ForOfStatement: case SyntaxKind.ForInStatement: changes.replaceNode(sourceFile, node, factory.createObjectLiteralExpression()); break; case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, parent); break; case SyntaxKind.VariableStatement: deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, gp, { leadingTriviaOption: hasJSDocNodes(gp) ? LeadingTriviaOption.JSDoc : LeadingTriviaOption.StartLine }); break; default: Debug.assertNever(gp); } } } /** Warning: This deletes comments too. See `copyComments` in `convertFunctionToEs6Class`. */ // Exported for tests only! (TODO: improve tests to not need this) export function deleteNode(changes: ChangeTracker, sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node, options: ConfigurableStartEnd = { leadingTriviaOption: LeadingTriviaOption.IncludeAll }): void { const startPosition = getAdjustedStartPosition(sourceFile, node, options); const endPosition = getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, node, options); changes.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: startPosition, end: endPosition }); } function deleteNodeInList(changes: ChangeTracker, deletedNodesInLists: Set, sourceFile: SourceFile, node: Node): void { const containingList = Debug.checkDefined(formatting.SmartIndenter.getContainingList(node, sourceFile)); const index = indexOfNode(containingList, node); Debug.assert(index !== -1); if (containingList.length === 1) { deleteNode(changes, sourceFile, node); return; } // Note: We will only delete a comma *after* a node. This will leave a trailing comma if we delete the last node. // That's handled in the end by `finishTrailingCommaAfterDeletingNodesInList`. Debug.assert(!deletedNodesInLists.has(node), "Deleting a node twice"); deletedNodesInLists.add(node); changes.deleteRange(sourceFile, { pos: startPositionToDeleteNodeInList(sourceFile, node), end: index === containingList.length - 1 ? getAdjustedEndPosition(sourceFile, node, {}) : endPositionToDeleteNodeInList(sourceFile, node, containingList[index - 1], containingList[index + 1]), }); } }