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1#!/usr/bin/env python3
2# coding=utf-8
5# Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
6# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
7# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
8# You may obtain a copy of the License at
10#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
12# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
13# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
14# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
15# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
16# limitations under the License.
19import os
20import random
21import re
22import string
23import subprocess
24import shutil
25import platform
26import glob
27import time
28import sys
29from xdevice import Plugin
30from xdevice import platform_logger
31from xdevice import DeviceAllocationState
32from xdevice import ParamError
33from xdevice import ITestKit
34from xdevice import get_config_value
35from xdevice import get_file_absolute_path
36from xdevice import UserConfigManager
37from xdevice import ConfigConst
38from xdevice import get_local_ip
39from xdevice import FilePermission
40from xdevice import DeviceTestType
41from xdevice import DeviceLabelType
42from ohos.exception import LiteDeviceConnectError
43from ohos.exception import LiteDeviceError
44from ohos.exception import LiteDeviceMountError
45from ohos.constants import ComType
46from ohos.constants import CKit
47from ohos.constants import DeviceLiteKernel
48from ohos.utils import parse_strings_key_value
51__all__ = ["DeployKit", "MountKit", "RootFsKit", "QueryKit", "LiteShellKit",
52           "LiteAppInstallKit", "DeployToolKit"]
53LOG = platform_logger("KitLite")
54RESET_CMD = "0xEF, 0xBE, 0xAD, 0xDE, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x87, 0x78, 0x00, 0x00, " \
55            "0x61, 0x94"
58@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.deploy)
59class DeployKit(ITestKit):
60    def __init__(self):
61        self.burn_file = ""
62        self.burn_command = ""
63        self.timeout = ""
64        self.paths = ""
66    def __check_config__(self, config):
67        self.timeout = str(int(get_config_value(
68            'timeout', config, is_list=False, default=0)) // 1000)
69        self.burn_file = get_config_value('burn_file', config, is_list=False)
70        burn_command = get_config_value('burn_command', config, is_list=False,
71                                        default=RESET_CMD)
72        self.burn_command = burn_command.replace(" ", "").split(",")
73        self.paths = get_config_value('paths', config)
74        if self.timeout == "0" or not self.burn_file:
75            msg = "The config for deploy kit is invalid with timeout:{}, " \
76                  "burn_file:{}".format(self.timeout, self.burn_file)
77            raise ParamError(msg, error_no="00108")
79    def _reset(self, device):
80        cmd_com = device.device.com_dict.get(ComType.cmd_com)
81        try:
82            cmd_com.connect()
83            cmd_com.execute_command(
84                command='AT+RST={}'.format(self.timeout))
85            cmd_com.close()
86        except (LiteDeviceConnectError, IOError) as error:
87            device.device_allocation_state = DeviceAllocationState.unusable
88            LOG.error(
89                "The exception {} happened in deploy kit running".format(
90                    error), error_no=getattr(error, "error_no",
91                                             "00000"))
92            raise LiteDeviceError("%s port set_up wifiiot failed" %
93                                  cmd_com.serial_port,
94                                  error_no=getattr(error, "error_no",
95                                                   "00000"))
96        finally:
97            if cmd_com:
98                cmd_com.close()
100    def _send_file(self, device):
101        burn_tool_name = "HiBurn.exe" if os.name == "nt" else "HiBurn"
102        burn_tool_path = get_file_absolute_path(
103            os.path.join("tools", burn_tool_name), self.paths)
104        patch_file = get_file_absolute_path(self.burn_file, self.paths)
105        deploy_serial_port = device.device.com_dict.get(
106            ComType.deploy_com).serial_port
107        deploy_baudrate = device.device.com_dict.\
108            get(ComType.deploy_com).baud_rate
109        port_number = re.findall(r'\d+$', deploy_serial_port)
110        if not port_number:
111            raise LiteDeviceError("The config of serial port {} to deploy is "
112                                  "invalid".format(deploy_serial_port),
113                                  error_no="00108")
114        new_temp_tool_path = copy_file_as_temp(burn_tool_path, 10)
115        cmd = '{} -com:{} -bin:{} -signalbaud:{}' \
116            .format(new_temp_tool_path, port_number[0], patch_file,
117                    deploy_baudrate)
118        LOG.info('The running cmd is {}'.format(cmd))
119        LOG.info('The burn tool is running, please wait..')
120        return_code, out = subprocess.getstatusoutput(cmd)
121        LOG.info(
122            'Deploy kit to execute burn tool finished with return code: {} '
123            'output: {}'.format(return_code, out))
124        os.remove(new_temp_tool_path)
125        if 0 != return_code:
126            device.device_allocation_state = DeviceAllocationState.unusable
127            raise LiteDeviceError("%s port set_up wifiiot failed" %
128                                  deploy_serial_port, error_no="00402")
130    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
131        """
132        Execute reset command on the device by cmd serial port and then upload
133        patch file by deploy tool.
134        Parameters:
135            device: the instance of LocalController with one or more
136                    ComController
137        """
138        del kwargs
139        self._reset(device)
140        self._send_file(device)
142    def __teardown__(self, device):
143        pass
146@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.mount)
147class MountKit(ITestKit):
148    def __init__(self):
149        self.remote = None
150        self.paths = ""
151        self.mount_list = []
152        self.mounted_dir = set()
153        self.server = ""
154        self.file_name_list = []
155        self.remote_info = None
157    def __check_config__(self, config):
158        self.remote = get_config_value('server', config, is_list=False)
159        self.paths = get_config_value('paths', config)
160        self.mount_list = get_config_value('mount', config, is_list=True)
161        self.server = get_config_value('server', config, is_list=False,
162                                       default="NfsServer")
163        if not self.mount_list:
164            msg = "The config for mount kit is invalid with mount:{}" \
165                  .format(self.mount_list)
166            LOG.error(msg, error_no="00108")
167            raise TypeError("Load Error[00108]")
169    def mount_on_board(self, device=None, remote_info=None, case_type=""):
170        """
171        Init the environment on the device server, e.g. mount the testcases to
172        server
174        Parameters:
175            device: DeviceLite, device lite on local or remote
176            remote_info: dict, includes
177                         linux_host: str, nfs_server ip
178                         linux_directory: str, the directory on the linux
179                         is_remote: str, server is remote or not
180            case_type: str, CppTestLite or CTestLite, default value is
181                       DeviceTestType.cpp_test_lite
183        Returns:
184            True or False, represent init Failed or success
185        """
186        if not remote_info:
187            raise ParamError("failed to get server environment",
188                             error_no="00108")
190        linux_host = remote_info.get("ip", "")
191        linux_directory = remote_info.get("dir", "")
192        is_remote = remote_info.get("remote", "false")
193        liteos_commands = ["cd /", "umount device_directory",
194                           "mount nfs_ip:nfs_directory  device"
195                           "_directory nfs"]
196        linux_commands = ["cd /{}".format("storage"),
197                          "umount -f /{}/{}".format("storage", "device_directory"),
198                          "toybox mount -t nfs -o nolock,addr=nfs_ip nfs_ip:nfs_directory "
199                          "/{}/{}".format("storage", "device_directory"),
200                          "chmod 755 -R /{}/{}".format(
201                              "storage", "device_directory")]
202        if not linux_host or not linux_directory:
203            raise LiteDeviceMountError(
204                "nfs server miss ip or directory[00108]", error_no="00108")
206        commands = []
207        if device.label == "ipcamera":
208            env_result, status, _ = device.execute_command_with_timeout(
209                command="uname", timeout=1, retry=2)
210            if status:
211                if env_result.find(DeviceLiteKernel.linux_kernel) != -1 or \
212                        env_result.find("Linux") != -1:
213                    commands = linux_commands
214                    device.__set_device_kernel__(DeviceLiteKernel.linux_kernel)
215                else:
216                    commands = liteos_commands
217                    device.__set_device_kernel__(DeviceLiteKernel.lite_kernel)
218            else:
219                raise LiteDeviceMountError("failed to get device env[00402]",
220                                           error_no="00402")
222        for mount_file in self.mount_list:
223            target = mount_file.get("target", "/test_root")
224            if target in self.mounted_dir:
225                LOG.debug("%s is mounted" % target)
226                continue
227            mkdir_on_board(device, target)
229            # local nfs server need use alias of dir to mount
230            if is_remote.lower() == "false":
231                linux_directory = get_mount_dir(linux_directory)
232            for command in commands:
233                command = command.replace("nfs_ip", linux_host). \
234                    replace("nfs_directory", linux_directory).replace(
235                    "device_directory", target).replace("//", "/")
236                timeout = 15 if command.startswith("mount") else 1
237                if command.startswith("mount"):
238                    self.mounted_dir.add(target)
239                    for mount_time in range(1, 4):
240                        result, status, _ = device.\
241                            execute_command_with_timeout(command=command,
242                                                         case_type=case_type,
243                                                         timeout=timeout)
244                        if status:
245                            break
246                        if "already mounted" in result:
247                            LOG.info("{} is mounted".format(target))
248                            break
249                        LOG.info("Mount failed,try "
250                                 "again {} time".format(mount_time))
251                        if mount_time == 3:
252                            raise LiteDeviceMountError("Failed to mount the "
253                                                       "device[00402]",
254                                                       error_no="00402")
255                else:
256                    result, status, _ = device.execute_command_with_timeout(
257                        command=command, case_type=case_type, timeout=timeout)
258        LOG.info('Prepare environment success')
260    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
261        """
262        Mount the file to the board by the nfs server.
263        """
264        LOG.debug("Start mount kit setup")
266        request = kwargs.get("request", None)
267        if not request:
268            raise ParamError("MountKit setup request is None",
269                             error_no="02401")
270        device.connect()
272        config_manager = UserConfigManager(
273            config_file=request.get(ConfigConst.configfile, ""),
274            env=request.get(ConfigConst.test_environment, ""))
275        remote_info = config_manager.get_user_config("testcases/server",
276                                                     filter_name=self.server)
278        copy_list = self.copy_to_server(remote_info.get("dir"),
279                                        remote_info.get("ip"),
280                                        request, request.config.testcases_path)
282        self.mount_on_board(device=device, remote_info=remote_info,
283                            case_type=DeviceTestType.cpp_test_lite)
285        return copy_list
287    def copy_to_server(self, linux_directory, linux_host, request,
288                       testcases_dir):
289        file_local_paths = []
290        for mount_file in self.mount_list:
291            source = mount_file.get("source")
292            if not source:
293                raise TypeError("The source of MountKit cant be empty "
294                                "in Test.json!")
295            source = source.replace("$testcases/", "").\
296                replace("$resources/", "")
297            file_path = get_file_absolute_path(source, self.paths)
298            if os.path.isdir(file_path):
299                for root, _, files in os.walk(file_path):
300                    for _file in files:
301                        if _file.endswith(".json"):
302                            continue
303                        file_local_paths.append(os.path.join(root, _file))
304            else:
305                file_local_paths.append(file_path)
307        config_manager = UserConfigManager(
308            config_file=request.get(ConfigConst.configfile, ""),
309            env=request.get(ConfigConst.test_environment, ""))
310        remote_info = config_manager.get_user_config("testcases/server",
311                                                     filter_name=self.server)
312        self.remote_info = remote_info
314        if not remote_info:
315            err_msg = "The name of remote device {} does not match". \
316                format(self.remote)
317            LOG.error(err_msg, error_no="00403")
318            raise TypeError(err_msg)
319        is_remote = remote_info.get("remote", "false")
320        if (str(get_local_ip()) == linux_host) and (
321                linux_directory == ("/data%s" % testcases_dir)):
322            return
323        ip = remote_info.get("ip", "")
324        port = remote_info.get("port", "")
325        remote_dir = remote_info.get("dir", "")
326        if not ip or not port or not remote_dir:
327            LOG.warning("Nfs server's ip or port or dir is empty")
328            return
329        for _file in file_local_paths:
330            # remote copy
331            LOG.info("Trying to copy the file from {} to nfs server".
332                     format(_file))
333            if not is_remote.lower() == "false":
334                try:
335                    import paramiko
336                    client = paramiko.Transport(ip, int(port))
337                    client.connect(username=remote_info.get("username"),
338                                   password=remote_info.get("password"))
339                    sftp = paramiko.SFTPClient.from_transport(client)
340                    sftp.put(localpath=_file, remotepath=os.path.join(
341                        remote_info.get("dir"), os.path.basename(_file)))
342                    client.close()
343                except (OSError, Exception) as exception:
344                    msg = "copy file to nfs server failed with error {}" \
345                        .format(exception)
346                    LOG.error(msg, error_no="00403")
347            # local copy
348            else:
349                for count in range(1, 4):
350                    try:
351                        os.remove(os.path.join(remote_info.get("dir"),
352                                               os.path.basename(_file)))
353                    except OSError as _:
354                        pass
355                    shutil.copy(_file, remote_info.get("dir"))
356                    if check_server_file(_file, remote_info.get("dir")):
357                        break
358                    else:
359                        LOG.info(
360                            "Trying to copy the file from {} to nfs "
361                            "server {} times".format(_file, count))
362                        if count == 3:
363                            msg = "Copy {} to nfs server " \
364                                  "failed {} times".format(
365                                   os.path.basename(_file), count)
366                            LOG.error(msg, error_no="00403")
367                            LOG.debug("Nfs server:{}".format(glob.glob(
368                                os.path.join(remote_info.get("dir"), '*.*'))))
370            self.file_name_list.append(os.path.basename(_file))
372        return self.file_name_list
374    def __teardown__(self, device):
375        if device.__get_device_kernel__() == DeviceLiteKernel.linux_kernel:
376            device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /storage",
377                                                timeout=1)
378            for mounted_dir in self.mounted_dir:
379                device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="umount -f "
380                                                            "/storage{}".
381                                                    format(mounted_dir),
382                                                    timeout=2)
383                device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="rm -r /storage{}".
384                                                    format(mounted_dir),
385                                                    timeout=1)
386        else:
387            device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /", timeout=1)
388            for mounted_dir in self.mounted_dir:
389                for mount_time in range(1, 3):
390                    result, status, _ = device.execute_command_with_timeout(
391                        command="umount {}".format(mounted_dir),
392                        timeout=2)
393                    if result.find("Resource busy") == -1:
394                        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="rm -r {}".
395                                                            format(mounted_dir)
396                                                            , timeout=1)
397                    if status:
398                        break
399                    LOG.info("Umount failed,try "
400                             "again {} time".format(mount_time))
401                    time.sleep(1)
404def copy_file_as_temp(original_file, str_length):
405    """
406    To obtain a random string with specified length
407    Parameters:
408        original_file : the original file path
409        str_length: the length of random string
410    """
411    if os.path.isfile(original_file):
412        random_str = random.sample(string.ascii_letters + string.digits,
413                                   str_length)
414        new_temp_tool_path = '{}_{}{}'.format(
415            os.path.splitext(original_file)[0], "".join(random_str),
416            os.path.splitext(original_file)[1])
417        return shutil.copyfile(original_file, new_temp_tool_path)
420def mkdir_on_board(device, dir_path):
421    """
422    Liteos L1 board don't support mkdir -p
423    Parameters:
424        device : the L1 board
425        dir_path: the dir path to make
426    """
427    if device.__get_device_kernel__() == DeviceLiteKernel.linux_kernel:
428        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /storage", timeout=1)
429    else:
430        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /", timeout=1)
431    for sub_dir in dir_path.split("/"):
432        if sub_dir in ["", "/"]:
433            continue
434        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="mkdir {}".format(sub_dir),
435                                            timeout=1)
436        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd {}".format(sub_dir),
437                                            timeout=1)
438    if device.__get_device_kernel__() == DeviceLiteKernel.linux_kernel:
439        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /storage", timeout=1)
440    else:
441        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /", timeout=1)
444def get_mount_dir(mount_dir):
445    """
446    Use windows path to mount directly when the system is windows
447    Parameters:
448        mount_dir : the dir to mount that config in user_config.xml
449        such as: the mount_dir is: D:\\mount\\root
450                 the mount command should be: mount ip:/d/mount/root
451    """
452    if platform.system() == "Windows":
453        mount_dir = mount_dir.replace(":", "").replace("\\", "/")
454        _list = mount_dir.split("/")
455        if mount_dir.startswith("/"):
456            _list[1] = _list[1].lower()
457        else:
458            _list[0] = _list[0].lower()
459        mount_dir = "/".join(_list)
460        mount_dir = "/%s" % mount_dir
461    return mount_dir
464def check_server_file(local_file, target_path):
465    for file_list in glob.glob(os.path.join(target_path, '*.*')):
466        if os.path.basename(local_file) in file_list:
467            return True
468    return False
471@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.rootfs)
472class RootFsKit(ITestKit):
473    def __init__(self):
474        self.checksum_command = None
475        self.hash_file_name = None
476        self.device_label = None
478    def __check_config__(self, config):
479        self.checksum_command = get_config_value("command", config,
480                                                 is_list=False)
481        self.hash_file_name = get_config_value("hash_file_name", config,
482                                               is_list=False)
483        self.device_label = get_config_value("device_label", config,
484                                             is_list=False)
485        if not self.checksum_command or not self.hash_file_name or \
486                not self.device_label:
487            msg = "The config for rootfs kit is invalid : checksum :{}" \
488                  " hash file name:{} device label:{}" \
489                .format(self.checksum_command, self.hash_file_name,
490                        self.device_label)
491            LOG.error(msg, error_no="00108")
492            return TypeError(msg)
494    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
495        del kwargs
497        # check device label
498        if not device.label == self.device_label:
499            LOG.error("Device label is not match '%s '" % "demo label",
500                      error_no="00108")
501            return False
502        else:
503            report_path = self._get_report_dir()
504            if report_path and os.path.exists(report_path):
506                # execute command of checksum
507                device.connect()
508                device.execute_command_with_timeout(
509                    command="cd /", case_type=DeviceTestType.cpp_test_lite)
510                result, _, _ = device.execute_command_with_timeout(
511                    command=self.checksum_command,
512                    case_type=DeviceTestType.cpp_test_lite)
513                device.close()
514                # get serial from device and then join new file name
515                pos = self.hash_file_name.rfind(".")
516                serial = "_%s" % device.__get_serial__()
517                if pos > 0:
518                    hash_file_name = "".join((self.hash_file_name[:pos],
519                                              serial,
520                                              self.hash_file_name[pos:]))
521                else:
522                    hash_file_name = "".join((self.hash_file_name, serial))
523                hash_file_path = os.path.join(report_path, hash_file_name)
524                # write result to file
525                hash_file_path_open = os.open(hash_file_path, os.O_WRONLY |
526                                              os.O_CREAT | os.O_APPEND,
527                                              FilePermission.mode_755)
529                with os.fdopen(hash_file_path_open, mode="w") as hash_file:
530                    hash_file.write(result)
531                    hash_file.flush()
532            else:
533                msg = "RootFsKit teardown, log path [%s] not exists!" \
534                      % report_path
535                LOG.error(msg, error_no="00440")
536                return False
537            return True
539    def __teardown__(self, device):
540        pass
542    @staticmethod
543    def _get_report_dir():
544        from xdevice import Variables
545        report_path = os.path.join(Variables.exec_dir,
546                                   Variables.report_vars.report_dir,
547                                   Variables.task_name)
548        return report_path
551@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.query)
552class QueryKit(ITestKit):
553    def __init__(self):
554        self.mount_kit = MountKit()
555        self.query = ""
556        self.properties = ""
558    def __check_config__(self, config):
559        setattr(self.mount_kit, "mount_list",
560                get_config_value('mount', config))
561        setattr(self.mount_kit, "server", get_config_value(
562            'server', config, is_list=False, default="NfsServer"))
563        self.query = get_config_value('query', config, is_list=False)
564        self.properties = get_config_value('properties', config, is_list=False)
566        if not self.query:
567            msg = "The config for query kit is invalid with query:{}" \
568                  .format(self.query)
569            LOG.error(msg, error_no="00108")
570            raise TypeError(msg)
572    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
573        LOG.debug("Start query kit setup")
574        if device.label != DeviceLabelType.ipcamera:
575            return
576        request = kwargs.get("request", None)
577        if not request:
578            raise ParamError("the request of queryKit is None",
579                             error_no="02401")
580        self.mount_kit.__setup__(device, request=request)
581        device.execute_command_with_timeout(command="cd /", timeout=0.2)
582        if device.__get_device_kernel__() == DeviceLiteKernel.linux_kernel:
583            command = f"chmod +x /storage{self.query} && ./storage{self.query}"
584            output, _, _ = device.execute_command_with_timeout(
585                command=command, timeout=5)
586        else:
587            output, _, _ = device.execute_command_with_timeout(
588                command=".{}".format(self.query), timeout=5)
589        LOG.debug(output)
590        params = parse_strings_key_value(output)
591        device.update_device_props(params)
593    def __teardown__(self, device):
594        if device.label != DeviceLabelType.ipcamera:
595            return
596        device.connect()
597        self.mount_kit.__teardown__(device)
598        device.close()
601@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.liteshell)
602class LiteShellKit(ITestKit):
603    def __init__(self):
604        self.command_list = []
605        self.tear_down_command = []
606        self.paths = None
608    def __check_config__(self, config):
609        self.command_list = get_config_value('run-command', config)
610        self.tear_down_command = get_config_value('teardown-command', config)
612    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
613        del kwargs
614        LOG.debug("LiteShellKit setup, device:{}".format(device.device_sn))
615        if len(self.command_list) == 0:
616            LOG.info("No setup command to run, skipping!")
617            return
618        for command in self.command_list:
619            run_command(device, command)
621    def __teardown__(self, device):
622        LOG.debug("LiteShellKit teardown: device:{}".format(device.device_sn))
623        if len(self.tear_down_command) == 0:
624            LOG.info("No teardown command to run, skipping!")
625            return
626        for command in self.tear_down_command:
627            run_command(device, command)
630def run_command(device, command):
631    LOG.debug("The command:{} is running".format(command))
632    if command.strip() == "reset":
633        device.reboot()
634    else:
635        device.execute_shell_command(command)
638@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.liteinstall)
639class LiteAppInstallKit(ITestKit):
640    def __init__(self):
641        self.app_list = ""
642        self.is_clean = ""
643        self.alt_dir = ""
644        self.bundle_name = None
645        self.paths = ""
646        self.signature = False
648    def __check_config__(self, options):
649        self.app_list = get_config_value('test-file-name', options)
650        self.is_clean = get_config_value('cleanup-apps', options, False)
651        self.signature = get_config_value('signature', options, False)
652        self.alt_dir = get_config_value('alt-dir', options, False)
653        if self.alt_dir and self.alt_dir.startswith("resource/"):
654            self.alt_dir = self.alt_dir[len("resource/"):]
655        self.paths = get_config_value('paths', options)
657    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
658        del kwargs
659        LOG.debug("LiteAppInstallKit setup, device:{}".
660                  format(device.device_sn))
661        if len(self.app_list) == 0:
662            LOG.info("No app to install, skipping!")
663            return
665        for app in self.app_list:
666            if app.endswith(".hap"):
667                device.execute_command_with_timeout("cd /", timeout=1)
668                if self.signature:
669                    device.execute_command_with_timeout(
670                        command="./bin/bm set -d enable", timeout=10)
671                else:
672                    device.execute_command_with_timeout(
673                        command="./bin/bm set -s disable", timeout=10)
675                device.execute_command_with_timeout(
676                    "./bin/bm install -p %s" % app, timeout=60)
678    def __teardown__(self, device):
679        LOG.debug("LiteAppInstallKit teardown: device:{}".format(
680            device.device_sn))
681        if self.is_clean and str(self.is_clean).lower() == "true" \
682                and self.bundle_name:
683            device.execute_command_with_timeout(
684                "./bin/bm uninstall -n %s" % self.bundle_name, timeout=90)
687def process_product_info(message, product_info):
688    if "The" in message:
689        message = message[message.index("The"):]
690        items = message[len("The "):].split(" is ")
691        product_info.setdefault(items[0].strip(),
692                                items[1].strip().strip("[").strip("]"))
695@Plugin(type=Plugin.TEST_KIT, id=CKit.deploytool)
696class DeployToolKit(ITestKit):
697    def __init__(self):
698        self.config = None
699        self.auto_deploy = None
700        self.device_label = None
701        self.time_out = None
702        self.paths = None
703        self.upgrade_file_path = None
704        self.burn_tools = None
706    def __check_config__(self, config):
707        self.config = config
708        self.paths = get_config_value("paths", config)
709        self.burn_file = get_config_value("burn_file", config, is_list=False)
710        self.auto_deploy = get_config_value('auto_deploy',
711                                            config, is_list=False)
712        self.device_label = get_config_value("device_label", config,
713                                             is_list=False)
714        self.time_out = get_config_value("timeout", config,
715                                         is_list=False)
716        self.upgrade_file_path = get_config_value("upgrade_file_path", config, is_list=False)
717        self.burn_tools = get_config_value("burn_tools", config, is_list=False)
719        if not self.auto_deploy or not self.upgrade_file_path or not self.time_out:
720            msg = "The config for deploy tool kit is" \
721                  "invalid: upgrade_file_path :{} time out:{}".format(
722                self.upgrade_file_path, self.time_out)
723            LOG.error(msg, error_no="00108")
724            return TypeError(msg)
726    def __setup__(self, device, **kwargs):
727        LOG.info("Upgrade file path:{}".format(self.upgrade_file_path))
728        upgrade_file_name = os.path.basename(self.upgrade_file_path)
729        if self.upgrade_file_path.startswith("resource"):
730            self.upgrade_file_path = get_file_absolute_path(
731                os.path.join("tools", upgrade_file_name), self.paths)
732        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(self.upgrade_file_path))
733        serial_port = device.device.com_dict.get(ComType.deploy_com).serial_port
734        LOG.debug("Serial port:{}".format(serial_port))
735        baud_rate = device.device.com_dict.get(ComType.deploy_com).baud_rate
736        usb_port = device.device.com_dict.get(ComType.cmd_com).usb_port
737        patch_file = get_file_absolute_path(self.burn_file, self.paths)
738        upgrade_name = upgrade_file_name.split(".py")[0]
739        import_cmd_str = "from {} import {} as upgrade_device".format(
740            upgrade_name, upgrade_name)
741        scope = {}
742        exec(import_cmd_str, scope)
743        upgrade_device = scope.get("upgrade_device", "None")
744        upgrade = upgrade_device(serial_port=serial_port, baud_rate=baud_rate,
745                                 patch_file=patch_file, usb_port=usb_port)
746        upgrade_result = upgrade.burn()
747        if upgrade_result:
748            return upgrade.reset_device()
749        return None
751    def __teardown__(self, device):
752        pass