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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
16 #include "special_test_flow.h"
18 #include <string>
19 #include "ability_manager_client.h"
20 #include "report.h"
21 #include "string_ex.h"
22 #include "wukong_define.h"
24 namespace OHOS {
25 namespace WuKong {
26 namespace {
27 const std::string SPECIAL_TEST_HELP_MSG =
28     "usage: wukong special [<arguments>]\n"
29     "These are wukong special arguments list:\n"
30     "   -h, --help                 special test help\n"
31     "   -t, --touch[x,y]           touch event \n"
32     "   -c, --count                total count of test\n"
33     "   -i, --interval             interval\n"
34     "   -S, --swap[option]         swap event\n"
35     "                              option is -s| -e| -b\n"
36     "                              -s, --start: the start point of swap\n"
37     "                              -e, --end: the end point of swap\n"
38     "                              -b, --bilateral: swap go and back\n"
39     "   -k, --spec_insomnia        power on/off event\n"
40     "   -T, --time                 total time of test\n"
41     "   -C, --component            component event\n"
42     "   -p, --screenshot           get screenshot(only in componment input)\n"
43     "   -r, --record               record user operation\n"
44     "   -R, --replay               replay user operation\n"
45     "   -u, --uitest               uitest dumpLayout\n";
47 const std::string SHORT_OPTIONS = "c:hi:T:t:kSbs:e:C:pr:R:u:";
48 const struct option LONG_OPTIONS[] = {
49     {"count", required_argument, nullptr, 'c'},      // test count
50     {"help", no_argument, nullptr, 'h'},             // help information
51     {"interval", required_argument, nullptr, 'i'},   // test interval
52     {"touch", required_argument, nullptr, 't'},      // touch
53     {"spec_insomnia", no_argument, nullptr, 'k'},    // sleep and awake
54     {"time", required_argument, nullptr, 'T'},       // test time
55     {"swap", required_argument, nullptr, 'S'},       // swap
56     {"bilateral", no_argument, nullptr, 'b'},        // swap go and back
57     {"start", no_argument, nullptr, 's'},            // the start point of swap
58     {"end", no_argument, nullptr, 'e'},              // the end point of swap
59     {"component", required_argument, nullptr, 'C'},  // the end point of swap
60     {"screenshot", no_argument, nullptr, 'p'},       // get photo of screenshot
61     {"record", required_argument, nullptr, 'r'},     // record user operation
62     {"replay", required_argument, nullptr, 'R'},     // replay user operation
63     {"uitest", no_argument, nullptr, 'u'}            // uitest dumpLayout
64 };
65 const int ONE_MINUTE = 60000;
66 bool g_commandSWAPENABLE = false;
67 bool g_commandHELPENABLE = false;
68 bool g_commandTIMEENABLE = false;
69 bool g_commandTOUCHENABLE = false;
70 bool g_commandPOWERENABLE = false;
71 bool g_commandGOBACKENABLE = false;
72 bool g_commandCOUNTENABLE = false;
73 bool g_commandCOMPONENTENABLE = false;
74 bool g_commandSCREENSHOTENABLE = false;
75 bool g_commandRECORDABLE = false;
76 bool g_commandREPLAYABLE = false;
77 bool g_commandUITEST = false;
79 const int NUMBER_TWO = 2;
80 }  // namespace
81 using namespace std;
SpecialTestFlow(WuKongShellCommand & shellcommand)83 SpecialTestFlow::SpecialTestFlow(WuKongShellCommand &shellcommand) : TestFlow(shellcommand)
84 {
85 }
~SpecialTestFlow()87 SpecialTestFlow::~SpecialTestFlow()
88 {
89     if (timer_ != nullptr) {
90         timer_->Shutdown();
91         timer_->Unregister(timerId_);
92         timer_ = nullptr;
93     }
94 }
EnvInit()96 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::EnvInit()
97 {
98     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
99     const std::string paramError = "param is incorrect";
100     if (g_commandSWAPENABLE == true) {
101         if (swapStartPoint_.size() == NUMBER_TWO && swapEndPoint_.size() == NUMBER_TWO) {
102             // set the params of touch special test
103             std::shared_ptr<SwapParam> swapParam = std::make_shared<SwapParam>();
104             swapParam->startX_ = stoi(swapStartPoint_[0]);
105             swapParam->startY_ = stoi(swapStartPoint_[1]);
106             swapParam->endX_ = stoi(swapEndPoint_[0]);
107             swapParam->endY_ = stoi(swapEndPoint_[1]);
108             swapParam->isGoBack_ = g_commandGOBACKENABLE;
109             if (specialTestObject_ == nullptr) {
110                 specialTestObject_ = swapParam;
111             }
112         } else {
113             DEBUG_LOG(paramError.c_str());
114             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(paramError + "\n");
115             result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
116         }
117     } else if (g_commandTOUCHENABLE == true) {
118         if (touchParam_.size() == NUMBER_TWO) {
119             // set the params of swap special test
120             std::shared_ptr<TouchParam> touchParam = std::make_shared<TouchParam>();
121             touchParam->x_ = stoi(touchParam_[0]);
122             touchParam->y_ = stoi(touchParam_[1]);
123             if (specialTestObject_ == nullptr) {
124                 specialTestObject_ = touchParam;
125             }
126         } else {
127             DEBUG_LOG(paramError.c_str());
128             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(paramError + "\n");
129             result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
130         }
131     } else if (g_commandCOMPONENTENABLE == true) {
132         std::shared_ptr<ComponentParam> componentParam = std::make_shared<ComponentParam>();
133         for (auto name : bundleName_) {
134             componentParam->PushBundleName(name);
135         }
136         componentParam->isAllFinished_ = false;
137         specialTestObject_ = componentParam;
138     } else if (g_commandRECORDABLE == true) {
139         std::shared_ptr<RecordParam> recordParam = std::make_shared<RecordParam>();
140         recordParam->recordName_ = specialRecordName_;
141         recordParam->recordStatus_ = true;
142         if (specialTestObject_ == nullptr) {
143             specialTestObject_ = recordParam;
144         }
145     } else if (g_commandREPLAYABLE == true) {
146         std::shared_ptr<RecordParam> replayParam = std::make_shared<RecordParam>();
147         replayParam->recordName_ = specialRecordName_;
148         replayParam->recordStatus_ = false;
149         if (specialTestObject_ == nullptr) {
150             specialTestObject_ = replayParam;
151         }
152     }
154     // if time test flow, register timer.
155     if (g_commandTIMEENABLE) {
156         RegisterTimer();
157     }
158     return result;
159 }
RunStep()161 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::RunStep()
162 {
163     // control the count test flow
164     if (g_commandCOUNTENABLE == true) {
165         totalCount_--;
166         if (totalCount_ < 0) {
167             isFinished_ = true;
168             return OHOS::ERR_OK;
169         }
170     }
171     // order test
172     ErrCode result;
173     if (g_commandSCREENSHOTENABLE) {
174         std::string screenStorePath;
175         result = WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->WukongScreenCap(screenStorePath, g_commandUITEST);
176         if (result == OHOS::ERR_OK) {
177             Report::GetInstance()->RecordScreenPath(screenStorePath);
178         }
179     }
180     InputType inputTypeId = DistrbuteInputType();
181     std::shared_ptr<InputAction> inputaction = InputFactory::GetInputAction(inputTypeId);
182     result = inputaction->OrderInput(specialTestObject_);
183     if (result != OHOS::ERR_OK) {
184         WARN_LOG("This test failed");
185     }
186     if (!g_commandPOWERENABLE) {
187         if (ProtectRightAbility() == OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE) {
188             return OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
189         }
190     }
191     if (g_commandCOMPONENTENABLE) {
192         if (specialTestObject_->isAllFinished_) {
193             isFinished_ = true;
194         }
195     }
196     if (g_commandRECORDABLE) {
197         isFinished_ = true;
198     }
199     if (g_commandREPLAYABLE) {
200         isFinished_ = true;
201     }
202     usleep(intervalArgs_ * oneSecond_);
203     return result;
204 }
ProtectRightAbility()205 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::ProtectRightAbility()
206 {
207     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
208     auto elementName = AAFwk::AbilityManagerClient::GetInstance()->GetTopAbility();
209     auto curBundleName = elementName.GetBundleName();
210     auto static lastBundleName = elementName.GetBundleName();
211     if (curBundleName != lastBundleName) {
212         auto it = find(bundleName_.begin(), bundleName_.end(), curBundleName);
213         if (it == bundleName_.end()) {
214             std::vector<std::string> bundleList(0);
215             std::vector<std::string> abilityList(0);
216             auto util = WuKongUtil::GetInstance();
217             util->GetBundleList(bundleList, abilityList);
218             if (bundleList.size() == 0 || abilityList.size() == 0) {
219                 ERROR_LOG_STR("bundleList (%u) or abilityList (%u) is 0", bundleList.size(), abilityList.size());
220                 return OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
221             }
222             uint32_t index = util->FindElement(bundleList, lastBundleName);
223             if (index == INVALIDVALUE) {
224                 ERROR_LOG("not found bundle");
225                 return OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
226             }
227             // start ability through bundle information
228             result = AppManager::GetInstance()->StartAbilityByBundleInfo(abilityList[index], bundleList[index]);
229             if (result == OHOS::ERR_OK) {
230                 INFO_LOG_STR("Bundle Name: (%s) startup successful", bundleList[index].c_str());
231                 WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->SetIsFirstStartAppFlag(true);
232             } else {
233                 INFO_LOG_STR("Bundle Name: (%s) startup failed", bundleList[index].c_str());
234             }
235         } else {
236             lastBundleName = curBundleName;
237             DEBUG_LOG_STR("lastBundleName change to : %s", curBundleName.c_str());
238         }
239     }
240     return result;
241 }
DistrbuteInputType()243 InputType SpecialTestFlow::DistrbuteInputType()
244 {
245     InputType iputType = INPUTTYPE_INVALIDINPUT;
247     if (g_commandTOUCHENABLE == true) {
248         iputType = INPUTTYPE_TOUCHINPUT;
249     } else if (g_commandSWAPENABLE) {
250         iputType = INPUTTYPE_SWAPINPUT;
251     } else if (g_commandPOWERENABLE) {
252         iputType = INPUTTYPE_HARDKEYINPUT;
253     } else if (g_commandCOMPONENTENABLE) {
254         iputType = INPUTTYPE_ELEMENTINPUT;
255     } else if (g_commandRECORDABLE) {
256         iputType = INPUTTYPE_RECORDINPUT;
257     } else if (g_commandREPLAYABLE) {
258         iputType = INPUTTYPE_REPPLAYINPUT;
259     }
260     return iputType;
261 }
GetOptionArguments(std::string & shortOpts)263 const struct option *SpecialTestFlow::GetOptionArguments(std::string &shortOpts)
264 {
265     shortOpts = SHORT_OPTIONS;
266     return LONG_OPTIONS;
267 }
HandleUnknownOption(const char optopt)269 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::HandleUnknownOption(const char optopt)
270 {
271     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
272     switch (optopt) {
273         case 'T':
274         case 'i':
275         case 'c':
276         case 's':
277         case 'e':
278         case 'C':
279             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend("error: option '-");
280             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(string(1, optopt));
281             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend("' requires a value.\n");
282             result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
283             break;
284         case 'h': {
285             result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
286             break;
287         }
288         default: {
289             // 'wukong special' with a unknown option: wukong special -x
290             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(
291                 "'wukong special' with an unknown option, please reference help information:\n");
292             result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
293             break;
294         }
295     }
296     shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(SPECIAL_TEST_HELP_MSG);
297     return result;
298 }
HandleNormalOption(const int option)300 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::HandleNormalOption(const int option)
301 {
302     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
303     if (option == 'c' || option == 'T') {
304         CheckArgument(option);
305     } else if (option == 'i' || option == 't' || option == 's' || option == 'e' || option == 'C') {
306         result = SetRunningParam(option);
307     } else if (option == 'S' || option == 'k' || option == 'h' || option == 'b' || option == 'p' ||
308         option == 'r' || option == 'R' || option == 'u') {
309         result = SetRunningIndicator(option);
310     }
311     WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->SetOrderFlag(true);
312     return result;
313 }
CheckArgument(const int option)315 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::CheckArgument(const int option)
316 {
317     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
318     switch (option) {
319         case 'c': {
320             // check if the '-c' and 'T' is exist at the same time
321             if (g_commandTIMEENABLE == false) {
322                 g_commandCOUNTENABLE = true;
323                 countArgs_ = std::stoi(optarg);
324                 TEST_RUN_LOG(("Count: " + std::to_string(countArgs_)).c_str());
325                 totalCount_ = countArgs_;
326             } else {
327                 DEBUG_LOG(PARAM_COUNT_TIME_ERROR);
328                 shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(std::string(PARAM_COUNT_TIME_ERROR) + "\n");
329                 result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
330             }
331             break;
332         }
333         case 'T': {
334             // check if the '-c' and 'T' is exist at the same time
335             if (g_commandCOUNTENABLE == false) {
336                 totalTime_ = std::stof(optarg);
337                 TEST_RUN_LOG(("Time: " + std::to_string(totalTime_)).c_str());
338                 g_commandTIMEENABLE = true;
339             } else {
340                 DEBUG_LOG(PARAM_TIME_COUNT_ERROR);
341                 shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(std::string(PARAM_TIME_COUNT_ERROR) + "\n");
342                 result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
343             }
344             break;
345         }
346         default: {
347             result = OHOS::ERR_INVALID_VALUE;
348             break;
349         }
350     }
351     return result;
352 }
SetRunningParam(const int option)354 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::SetRunningParam(const int option)
355 {
356     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
357     if (option == 'i') {
358         intervalArgs_ = std::stoi(optarg);
359         TEST_RUN_LOG(("Interval: " + std::to_string(intervalArgs_)).c_str());
360     } else if (option == 't') {
361         SplitStr(optarg, ",", touchParam_);
362         // check if param is valid
363         result = CheckPosition(touchParam_);
364         g_commandTOUCHENABLE = true;
365     } else if (option == 's') {
366         SplitStr(optarg, ",", swapStartPoint_);
367         // check if param is valid
368         result = CheckPosition(swapStartPoint_);
369     } else if (option == 'e') {
370         SplitStr(optarg, ",", swapEndPoint_);
371         // check if param is valid
372         result = CheckPosition(swapEndPoint_);
373     } else if (option == 'C') {
374         SplitStr(optarg, ",", bundleName_);
375         result = WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->CheckArgumentList(bundleName_, true);
376         g_commandCOMPONENTENABLE = true;
377     }
378     return OHOS::ERR_OK;
379 }
SetRunningIndicator(const int option)381 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::SetRunningIndicator(const int option)
382 {
383     ErrCode result = OHOS::ERR_OK;
384     if (option == 'S') {
385         g_commandSWAPENABLE = true;
386     } else if (option == 'k') {
387         g_commandPOWERENABLE = true;
388     } else if (option == 'h') {
389         shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(SPECIAL_TEST_HELP_MSG);
390         result = ERR_NO_INIT;
391         g_commandHELPENABLE = true;
392     } else if (option == 'b') {
393         g_commandGOBACKENABLE = true;
394     } else if (option == 'p') {
395         g_commandSCREENSHOTENABLE = true;
396     } else if (option == 'r') {
397         g_commandRECORDABLE = true;
398         specialRecordName_ = optarg;
399     } else if (option == 'R') {
400         g_commandREPLAYABLE = true;
401         specialRecordName_ = optarg;
402     } else if (option == 'u') {
403         g_commandUITEST = true;
404     }
405     return OHOS::ERR_OK;
406 }
RegisterTimer()408 void SpecialTestFlow::RegisterTimer()
409 {
410     if (timer_ == nullptr) {
411         timer_ = std::make_shared<Utils::Timer>("wukong");
412         timerId_ = timer_->Register(std::bind(&SpecialTestFlow::TestTimeout, this), totalTime_ * ONE_MINUTE, true);
413         timer_->Setup();
414     }
415 }
TestTimeout()417 void SpecialTestFlow::TestTimeout()
418 {
419     g_commandTIMEENABLE = false;
420     isFinished_ = true;
421 }
CheckPosition(std::vector<std::string> argumentlist)423 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::CheckPosition(std::vector<std::string> argumentlist)
424 {
425     int32_t screenWidth = -1;
426     int32_t screenHeight = -1;
428     // get the size of screen
429     ErrCode result = WuKongUtil::GetInstance()->GetScreenSize(screenWidth, screenHeight);
430     if (result != OHOS::ERR_OK) {
431         return result;
432     }
433     if (argumentlist.size() > 0) {
434         if (stoi(argumentlist[0]) > screenWidth || stoi(argumentlist[1]) > screenHeight || stoi(argumentlist[0]) < 0 ||
435             stoi(argumentlist[1]) < 0) {
436             std::string paramError = "the param of position is incorrect";
437             DEBUG_LOG(paramError.c_str());
438             shellcommand_.ResultReceiverAppend(paramError + "\n");
439             result = OHOS::ERR_NO_INIT;
440         }
441     }
442     return result;
443 }
LauncherApp()445 ErrCode SpecialTestFlow::LauncherApp()
446 {
447     std::shared_ptr<InputAction> inputaction = InputFactory::GetInputAction(INPUTTYPE_APPSWITCHINPUT);
448     ErrCode result = inputaction->OrderInput(specialTestObject_);
449     if (result != OHOS::ERR_OK) {
450         ERROR_LOG("launcher app failed");
451     }
452     return result;
453 }
454 }  // namespace WuKong
455 }  // namespace OHOS