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1 //! This crate allows interacting with the data stored by [`OsStr`] and
2 //! [`OsString`], without resorting to panics or corruption for invalid UTF-8.
3 //! Thus, methods can be used that are already defined on [`[u8]`][slice] and
4 //! [`Vec<u8>`].
5 //!
6 //! Typically, the only way to losslessly construct [`OsStr`] or [`OsString`]
7 //! from a byte sequence is to use `OsStr::new(str::from_utf8(bytes)?)`, which
8 //! requires the bytes to be valid in UTF-8. However, since this crate makes
9 //! conversions directly between the platform encoding and raw bytes, even some
10 //! strings invalid in UTF-8 can be converted.
11 //!
12 //! In most cases, [`RawOsStr`] and [`RawOsString`] should be used.
13 //! [`OsStrBytes`] and [`OsStringBytes`] provide lower-level APIs that are
14 //! easier to misuse.
15 //!
16 //! # Encoding
17 //!
18 //! The encoding of bytes returned or accepted by methods of this crate is
19 //! intentionally left unspecified. It may vary for different platforms, so
20 //! defining it would run contrary to the goal of generic string handling.
21 //! However, the following invariants will always be upheld:
22 //!
23 //! - The encoding will be compatible with UTF-8. In particular, splitting an
24 //!   encoded byte sequence by a UTF-8&ndash;encoded character always produces
25 //!   other valid byte sequences. They can be re-encoded without error using
26 //!   [`RawOsString::into_os_string`] and similar methods.
27 //!
28 //! - All characters valid in platform strings are representable. [`OsStr`] and
29 //!   [`OsString`] can always be losslessly reconstructed from extracted bytes.
30 //!
31 //! Note that the chosen encoding may not match how Rust stores these strings
32 //! internally, which is undocumented. For instance, the result of calling
33 //! [`OsStr::len`] will not necessarily match the number of bytes this crate
34 //! uses to represent the same string.
35 //!
36 //! Additionally, concatenation may yield unexpected results without a UTF-8
37 //! separator. If two platform strings need to be concatenated, the only safe
38 //! way to do so is using [`OsString::push`]. This limitation also makes it
39 //! undesirable to use the bytes in interchange.
40 //!
41 //! Since this encoding can change between versions and platforms, it should
42 //! not be used for storage. The standard library provides implementations of
43 //! [`OsStrExt`] and [`OsStringExt`] for various platforms, which should be
44 //! preferred for that use case.
45 //!
46 //! # User Input
47 //!
48 //! Traits in this crate should ideally not be used to convert byte sequences
49 //! that did not originate from [`OsStr`] or a related struct. The encoding
50 //! used by this crate is an implementation detail, so it does not make sense
51 //! to expose it to users.
52 //!
53 //! Crate [bstr] offers some useful alternative methods, such as
54 //! [`ByteSlice::to_os_str`] and [`ByteVec::into_os_string`], that are meant
55 //! for user input. But, they reject some byte sequences used to represent
56 //! valid platform strings, which would be undesirable for reliable path
57 //! handling. They are best used only when accepting unknown input.
58 //!
59 //! This crate is meant to help when you already have an instance of [`OsStr`]
60 //! and need to modify the data in a lossless way.
61 //!
62 //! # Features
63 //!
64 //! These features are optional and can be enabled or disabled in a
65 //! "Cargo.toml" file.
66 //!
67 //! ### Default Features
68 //!
69 //! - **memchr** -
70 //!   Changes the implementation to use crate [memchr] for better performance.
71 //!   This feature is useless when "raw\_os\_str" is disabled.
72 //!
73 //!   For more information, see [`RawOsStr`][memchr complexity].
74 //!
75 //! - **raw\_os\_str** -
76 //!   Provides:
77 //!   - [`iter`]
78 //!   - [`Pattern`]
79 //!   - [`RawOsStr`]
80 //!   - [`RawOsStrCow`]
81 //!   - [`RawOsString`]
82 //!
83 //! ### Optional Features
84 //!
85 //! - **checked\_conversions** -
86 //!   Provides:
87 //!   - [`EncodingError`]
88 //!   - [`OsStrBytes::from_raw_bytes`]
89 //!   - [`OsStringBytes::from_raw_vec`]
90 //!   - [`RawOsStr::from_raw_bytes`]
91 //!   - [`RawOsString::from_raw_vec`]
92 //!
93 //!   Because this feature should not be used in libraries, the
94 //!   "OS_STR_BYTES_CHECKED_CONVERSIONS" environment variable must be defined
95 //!   during compilation.
96 //!
97 //! - **print\_bytes** -
98 //!   Provides implementations of [`print_bytes::ToBytes`] for [`RawOsStr`] and
99 //!   [`RawOsString`].
100 //!
101 //! - **uniquote** -
102 //!   Provides implementations of [`uniquote::Quote`] for [`RawOsStr`] and
103 //!   [`RawOsString`].
104 //!
105 //! # Implementation
106 //!
107 //! Some methods return [`Cow`] to account for platform differences. However,
108 //! no guarantee is made that the same variant of that enum will always be
109 //! returned for the same platform. Whichever can be constructed most
110 //! efficiently will be returned.
111 //!
112 //! All traits are [sealed], meaning that they can only be implemented by this
113 //! crate. Otherwise, backward compatibility would be more difficult to
114 //! maintain for new features.
115 //!
116 //! # Complexity
117 //!
118 //! Conversion method complexities will vary based on what functionality is
119 //! available for the platform. At worst, they will all be linear, but some can
120 //! take constant time. For example, [`RawOsString::into_os_string`] might be
121 //! able to reuse its allocation.
122 //!
123 //! # Examples
124 //!
125 //! ```
126 //! # use std::io;
127 //! #
128 //! # #[cfg(feature = "raw_os_str")]
129 //! # {
130 //! # #[cfg(any())]
131 //! use std::env;
132 //! use std::fs;
133 //!
134 //! use os_str_bytes::RawOsStr;
135 //!
136 //! # mod env {
137 //! #   use std::env;
138 //! #   use std::ffi::OsString;
139 //! #
140 //! #   pub fn args_os() -> impl Iterator<Item = OsString> {
141 //! #       let mut file = env::temp_dir();
142 //! #       file.push("os_str_bytes\u{E9}.txt");
143 //! #       return vec![OsString::new(), file.into_os_string()].into_iter();
144 //! #   }
145 //! # }
146 //! #
147 //! for file in env::args_os().skip(1) {
148 //!     if !RawOsStr::new(&file).starts_with('-') {
149 //!         let string = "Hello, world!";
150 //!         fs::write(&file, string)?;
151 //!         assert_eq!(string, fs::read_to_string(file)?);
152 //!     }
153 //! }
154 //! # }
155 //! #
156 //! # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
157 //! ```
158 //!
159 //! [bstr]: https://crates.io/crates/bstr
160 //! [`ByteSlice::to_os_str`]: https://docs.rs/bstr/0.2.12/bstr/trait.ByteSlice.html#method.to_os_str
161 //! [`ByteVec::into_os_string`]: https://docs.rs/bstr/0.2.12/bstr/trait.ByteVec.html#method.into_os_string
162 //! [memchr complexity]: RawOsStr#complexity
163 //! [memchr]: https://crates.io/crates/memchr
164 //! [`OsStrExt`]: ::std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt
165 //! [`OsStringExt`]: ::std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt
166 //! [sealed]: https://rust-lang.github.io/api-guidelines/future-proofing.html#c-sealed
167 //! [print\_bytes]: https://crates.io/crates/print_bytes
169 #![cfg_attr(not(feature = "checked_conversions"), allow(deprecated))]
170 // Only require a nightly compiler when building documentation for docs.rs.
171 // This is a private option that should not be used.
172 // https://github.com/rust-lang/docs.rs/issues/147#issuecomment-389544407
173 // https://github.com/dylni/os_str_bytes/issues/2
174 #![cfg_attr(os_str_bytes_docs_rs, feature(doc_cfg))]
175 // Nightly is also currently required for the SGX platform.
176 #![cfg_attr(
177     all(target_vendor = "fortanix", target_env = "sgx"),
178     feature(sgx_platform)
179 )]
180 #![warn(unsafe_op_in_unsafe_fn)]
181 #![warn(unused_results)]
183 use std::borrow::Cow;
184 use std::error::Error;
185 use std::ffi::OsStr;
186 use std::ffi::OsString;
187 use std::fmt;
188 use std::fmt::Display;
189 use std::fmt::Formatter;
190 use std::path::Path;
191 use std::path::PathBuf;
192 use std::result;
194 macro_rules! if_checked_conversions {
195     ( $($item:item)+ ) => {
196         $(
197             #[cfg(feature = "checked_conversions")]
198             $item
199         )+
200     };
201 }
203 #[cfg(not(os_str_bytes_docs_rs))]
204 if_checked_conversions! {
205     const _: &str = env!(
207         "The 'OS_STR_BYTES_CHECKED_CONVERSIONS' environment variable must be \
208          defined to use the 'checked_conversions' feature.",
209     );
210 }
212 #[rustfmt::skip]
213 macro_rules! deprecated_checked_conversion {
214     ( $message:expr , $item:item ) => {
215         #[cfg_attr(
216             not(feature = "checked_conversions"),
217             deprecated = $message
218         )]
219         $item
220     };
221 }
223 macro_rules! expect_encoded {
224     ( $result:expr ) => {
225         $result.expect("invalid raw bytes")
226     };
227 }
229 macro_rules! if_raw_str {
230     ( $($item:item)+ ) => {
231         $(
232             #[cfg(feature = "raw_os_str")]
233             $item
234         )+
235     };
236 }
238 #[cfg_attr(
239     all(target_family = "wasm", target_os = "unknown"),
240     path = "wasm/mod.rs"
241 )]
242 #[cfg_attr(windows, path = "windows/mod.rs")]
243 #[cfg_attr(
244     not(any(all(target_family = "wasm", target_os = "unknown"), windows)),
245     path = "common/mod.rs"
246 )]
247 mod imp;
249 #[cfg(any(
250     all(
251         feature = "raw_os_str",
252         target_family = "wasm",
253         target_os = "unknown",
254     ),
255     windows,
256 ))]
257 mod util;
259 if_raw_str! {
260     pub mod iter;
262     mod pattern;
263     pub use pattern::Pattern;
265     mod raw_str;
266     pub use raw_str::RawOsStr;
267     pub use raw_str::RawOsStrCow;
268     pub use raw_str::RawOsString;
269 }
271 deprecated_checked_conversion! {
272     "use `OsStrBytes::assert_from_raw_bytes` or \
273      `OsStringBytes::assert_from_raw_vec` instead, or enable the \
274      'checked_conversions' feature",
275     /// The error that occurs when a byte sequence is not representable in the
276     /// platform encoding.
277     ///
278     /// [`Result::unwrap`] should almost always be called on results containing
279     /// this error. It should be known whether or not byte sequences are
280     /// properly encoded for the platform, since [the module-level
281     /// documentation][encoding] discourages using encoded bytes in
282     /// interchange. Results are returned primarily to make panicking behavior
283     /// explicit.
284     ///
285     /// On Unix, this error is never returned, but [`OsStrExt`] or
286     /// [`OsStringExt`] should be used instead if that needs to be guaranteed.
287     ///
288     /// [encoding]: self#encoding
289     /// [`OsStrExt`]: ::std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt
290     /// [`OsStringExt`]: ::std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt
291     /// [`Result::unwrap`]: ::std::result::Result::unwrap
292     #[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq)]
293     #[cfg_attr(
294         os_str_bytes_docs_rs,
295         doc(cfg(feature = "checked_conversions"))
296     )]
297     pub struct EncodingError(imp::EncodingError);
298 }
300 impl Display for EncodingError {
301     #[inline]
fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result302     fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
303         self.0.fmt(f)
304     }
305 }
307 impl Error for EncodingError {}
309 type Result<T> = result::Result<T, EncodingError>;
from_raw_bytes<'a, S>( string: S, ) -> result::Result<Cow<'a, OsStr>, imp::EncodingError> where S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,311 fn from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(
312     string: S,
313 ) -> result::Result<Cow<'a, OsStr>, imp::EncodingError>
314 where
315     S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,
316 {
317     match string.into() {
318         Cow::Borrowed(string) => imp::os_str_from_bytes(string),
319         Cow::Owned(string) => imp::os_string_from_vec(string).map(Cow::Owned),
320     }
321 }
cow_os_str_into_path(string: Cow<'_, OsStr>) -> Cow<'_, Path>323 fn cow_os_str_into_path(string: Cow<'_, OsStr>) -> Cow<'_, Path> {
324     match string {
325         Cow::Borrowed(string) => Cow::Borrowed(Path::new(string)),
326         Cow::Owned(string) => Cow::Owned(string.into()),
327     }
328 }
330 /// A platform agnostic variant of [`OsStrExt`].
331 ///
332 /// For more information, see [the module-level documentation][module].
333 ///
334 /// [module]: self
335 /// [`OsStrExt`]: ::std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt
336 pub trait OsStrBytes: private::Sealed + ToOwned {
337     /// Converts a byte string into an equivalent platform-native string.
338     ///
339     /// # Panics
340     ///
341     /// Panics if the string is not valid for the [unspecified encoding] used
342     /// by this crate.
343     ///
344     /// # Examples
345     ///
346     /// ```
347     /// use std::env;
348     /// use std::ffi::OsStr;
349     /// # use std::io;
350     ///
351     /// use os_str_bytes::OsStrBytes;
352     ///
353     /// let os_string = env::current_exe()?;
354     /// let os_bytes = os_string.to_raw_bytes();
355     /// assert_eq!(os_string, OsStr::assert_from_raw_bytes(os_bytes));
356     /// #
357     /// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
358     /// ```
359     ///
360     /// [unspecified encoding]: self#encoding
361     #[must_use = "method should not be used for validation"]
362     #[track_caller]
assert_from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Cow<'a, Self> where S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>363     fn assert_from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Cow<'a, Self>
364     where
365         S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>;
367     deprecated_checked_conversion! {
368         "use `assert_from_raw_bytes` instead, or enable the \
369          'checked_conversions' feature",
370         /// Converts a byte string into an equivalent platform-native string.
371         ///
372         /// [`assert_from_raw_bytes`] should almost always be used instead. For
373         /// more information, see [`EncodingError`].
374         ///
375         /// # Errors
376         ///
377         /// See documentation for [`EncodingError`].
378         ///
379         /// # Examples
380         ///
381         /// ```
382         /// use std::env;
383         /// use std::ffi::OsStr;
384         /// # use std::io;
385         ///
386         /// use os_str_bytes::OsStrBytes;
387         ///
388         /// let os_string = env::current_exe()?;
389         /// let os_bytes = os_string.to_raw_bytes();
390         /// assert_eq!(os_string, OsStr::from_raw_bytes(os_bytes).unwrap());
391         /// #
392         /// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
393         /// ```
394         ///
395         /// [`assert_from_raw_bytes`]: Self::assert_from_raw_bytes
396         #[cfg_attr(
397             os_str_bytes_docs_rs,
398             doc(cfg(feature = "checked_conversions"))
399         )]
400         fn from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Result<Cow<'a, Self>>
401         where
402             S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>;
403     }
405     /// Converts a platform-native string into an equivalent byte string.
406     ///
407     /// The returned string will use an [unspecified encoding].
408     ///
409     /// # Examples
410     ///
411     /// ```
412     /// use std::ffi::OsStr;
413     ///
414     /// use os_str_bytes::OsStrBytes;
415     ///
416     /// let string = "foobar";
417     /// let os_string = OsStr::new(string);
418     /// assert_eq!(string.as_bytes(), &*os_string.to_raw_bytes());
419     /// ```
420     ///
421     /// [unspecified encoding]: self#encoding
422     #[must_use]
to_raw_bytes(&self) -> Cow<'_, [u8]>423     fn to_raw_bytes(&self) -> Cow<'_, [u8]>;
424 }
426 impl OsStrBytes for OsStr {
427     #[inline]
assert_from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Cow<'a, Self> where S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,428     fn assert_from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Cow<'a, Self>
429     where
430         S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,
431     {
432         expect_encoded!(from_raw_bytes(string))
433     }
435     #[inline]
from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Result<Cow<'a, Self>> where S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,436     fn from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Result<Cow<'a, Self>>
437     where
438         S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,
439     {
440         from_raw_bytes(string).map_err(EncodingError)
441     }
443     #[inline]
to_raw_bytes(&self) -> Cow<'_, [u8]>444     fn to_raw_bytes(&self) -> Cow<'_, [u8]> {
445         imp::os_str_to_bytes(self)
446     }
447 }
449 impl OsStrBytes for Path {
450     #[inline]
assert_from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Cow<'a, Self> where S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,451     fn assert_from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Cow<'a, Self>
452     where
453         S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,
454     {
455         cow_os_str_into_path(OsStr::assert_from_raw_bytes(string))
456     }
458     #[inline]
from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Result<Cow<'a, Self>> where S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,459     fn from_raw_bytes<'a, S>(string: S) -> Result<Cow<'a, Self>>
460     where
461         S: Into<Cow<'a, [u8]>>,
462     {
463         OsStr::from_raw_bytes(string).map(cow_os_str_into_path)
464     }
466     #[inline]
to_raw_bytes(&self) -> Cow<'_, [u8]>467     fn to_raw_bytes(&self) -> Cow<'_, [u8]> {
468         self.as_os_str().to_raw_bytes()
469     }
470 }
472 /// A platform agnostic variant of [`OsStringExt`].
473 ///
474 /// For more information, see [the module-level documentation][module].
475 ///
476 /// [module]: self
477 /// [`OsStringExt`]: ::std::os::unix::ffi::OsStringExt
478 pub trait OsStringBytes: private::Sealed + Sized {
479     /// Converts a byte string into an equivalent platform-native string.
480     ///
481     /// # Panics
482     ///
483     /// Panics if the string is not valid for the [unspecified encoding] used
484     /// by this crate.
485     ///
486     /// # Examples
487     ///
488     /// ```
489     /// use std::env;
490     /// use std::ffi::OsString;
491     /// # use std::io;
492     ///
493     /// use os_str_bytes::OsStringBytes;
494     ///
495     /// let os_string = env::current_exe()?;
496     /// let os_bytes = os_string.clone().into_raw_vec();
497     /// assert_eq!(os_string, OsString::assert_from_raw_vec(os_bytes));
498     /// #
499     /// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
500     /// ```
501     ///
502     /// [unspecified encoding]: self#encoding
503     #[must_use = "method should not be used for validation"]
504     #[track_caller]
assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self505     fn assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self;
507     deprecated_checked_conversion! {
508         "use `assert_from_raw_vec` instead, or enable the \
509          'checked_conversions' feature",
510         /// Converts a byte string into an equivalent platform-native string.
511         ///
512         /// [`assert_from_raw_vec`] should almost always be used instead. For
513         /// more information, see [`EncodingError`].
514         ///
515         /// # Errors
516         ///
517         /// See documentation for [`EncodingError`].
518         ///
519         /// # Examples
520         ///
521         /// ```
522         /// use std::env;
523         /// use std::ffi::OsString;
524         /// # use std::io;
525         ///
526         /// use os_str_bytes::OsStringBytes;
527         ///
528         /// let os_string = env::current_exe()?;
529         /// let os_bytes = os_string.clone().into_raw_vec();
530         /// assert_eq!(os_string, OsString::from_raw_vec(os_bytes).unwrap());
531         /// #
532         /// # Ok::<_, io::Error>(())
533         /// ```
534         ///
535         /// [`assert_from_raw_vec`]: Self::assert_from_raw_vec
536         #[cfg_attr(
537             os_str_bytes_docs_rs,
538             doc(cfg(feature = "checked_conversions"))
539         )]
540         fn from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self>;
541     }
543     /// Converts a platform-native string into an equivalent byte string.
544     ///
545     /// The returned string will use an [unspecified encoding].
546     ///
547     /// # Examples
548     ///
549     /// ```
550     /// use std::ffi::OsString;
551     ///
552     /// use os_str_bytes::OsStringBytes;
553     ///
554     /// let string = "foobar".to_owned();
555     /// let os_string: OsString = string.clone().into();
556     /// assert_eq!(string.into_bytes(), os_string.into_raw_vec());
557     /// ```
558     ///
559     /// [unspecified encoding]: self#encoding
560     #[must_use]
into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8>561     fn into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8>;
562 }
564 impl OsStringBytes for OsString {
565     #[inline]
assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self566     fn assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
567         expect_encoded!(imp::os_string_from_vec(string))
568     }
570     #[inline]
from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self>571     fn from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self> {
572         imp::os_string_from_vec(string).map_err(EncodingError)
573     }
575     #[inline]
into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8>576     fn into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
577         imp::os_string_into_vec(self)
578     }
579 }
581 impl OsStringBytes for PathBuf {
582     #[inline]
assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self583     fn assert_from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
584         OsString::assert_from_raw_vec(string).into()
585     }
587     #[inline]
from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self>588     fn from_raw_vec(string: Vec<u8>) -> Result<Self> {
589         OsString::from_raw_vec(string).map(Into::into)
590     }
592     #[inline]
into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8>593     fn into_raw_vec(self) -> Vec<u8> {
594         self.into_os_string().into_raw_vec()
595     }
596 }
598 mod private {
599     use std::ffi::OsStr;
600     use std::ffi::OsString;
601     use std::path::Path;
602     use std::path::PathBuf;
604     if_raw_str! {
605         use std::borrow::Cow;
607         use super::RawOsStr;
608     }
610     pub trait Sealed {}
612     impl Sealed for char {}
613     impl Sealed for OsStr {}
614     impl Sealed for OsString {}
615     impl Sealed for Path {}
616     impl Sealed for PathBuf {}
617     impl Sealed for &str {}
618     impl Sealed for &String {}
620     if_raw_str! {
621         impl Sealed for Cow<'_, RawOsStr> {}
622     }
623 }