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1 /*
2  * Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
3  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
6  *
7  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8  *
9  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13  * limitations under the License.
14  */
16 #ifndef TEST_DISPLAY_H
17 #define TEST_DISPLAY_H
18 #include <gtest/gtest.h>
19 #include "camera.h"
20 #include <thread>
21 #include <map>
22 #include <cstdio>
23 #include <climits>
24 #include "v1_0/types.h"
25 #include "v1_0/icamera_host.h"
26 #include "v1_0/icamera_device.h"
27 #include "v1_0/istream_operator.h"
28 #include "v1_0/stream_operator_proxy.h"
29 #include "idevice_manager.h"
30 #include "camera_metadata_info.h"
31 #include "metadata_utils.h"
32 #include <v1_0/display_composer_type.h>
33 #include <fcntl.h>
34 #include <unistd.h>
35 #include <sys/ioctl.h>
36 #include <sys/wait.h>
37 #include "buffer_manager.h"
38 #include "stream_customer.h"
39 #include "camera_host_callback.h"
40 #include "camera_device_callback.h"
41 #include "stream_operator_callback.h"
42 #include "v1_0/istream_operator_callback.h"
43 #include "v1_0/icamera_host.h"
44 #include "v1_0/camera_host_proxy.h"
45 #include "ibuffer.h"
46 #include <algorithm>
47 #include <cassert>
48 #include <cerrno>
49 #include <getopt.h>
50 #include <linux/fb.h>
51 #include <linux/videodev2.h>
52 #include <mutex>
53 #include <pthread.h>
54 #include <cstdlib>
55 #include <cstring>
56 #include <sys/mman.h>
57 #include <sys/stat.h>
58 #include <sys/time.h>
59 #include <vector>
60 #include <iostream>
61 #include <cstring>
62 #include <cerrno>
63 #include <securec.h>
64 #include <surface_buffer.h>
65 #include <ibuffer_producer.h>
66 #include <fstream>
67 #define PATH_MAX 128
68 #define BUFFERSCOUNT 8
69 #define CAMERA_BUFFER_QUEUE_IPC 654320
70 #define RANGE_LIMIT(x) ((x) > 255 ? 255 : ((x) < 0 ? 0 : (x)))
71 #define PREVIEW_WIDTH 640
72 #define PREVIEW_HEIGHT 480
73 #define CAPTURE_WIDTH 1280
74 #define CAPTURE_HEIGHT 960
75 #define VIDEO_WIDTH 1280
76 #define VIDEO_HEIGHT 960
77 #define ANALYZE_WIDTH 640
78 #define ANALYZE_HEIGHT 480
80 constexpr int DEFAULT_STREAM_ID = 1001;
81 constexpr int INVALID_VALUE_TEST = 2147483647;
83 using namespace OHOS::HDI::Camera::V1_0;
84 using namespace OHOS::HDI::Display::Composer::V1_0;
85 using namespace OHOS::Camera;
86 class TestDisplay {
87 public:
88     // This should get the size setting according to the bottom layer
89     unsigned int bufSize_ = 614400; // 614400:bufSize
90     unsigned char* displayBuf_ = nullptr;
91     unsigned int camframeV4l2Exit_ = 1;
92     unsigned int numOfReadyFrames_ = 0;
93     unsigned int bufCont_ = BUFFERSCOUNT;
94     pthread_cond_t subThreadReadyCond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
95     pthread_mutex_t subThreadReadyMutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
96     pthread_t previewThreadId_;
97     std::mutex readyFrameLock_;
99     int fbFd_ = 0;
100     int readIndex_ = 0;
101     struct fb_var_screeninfo vinfo_;
102     struct fb_fix_screeninfo finfo_;
104     std::shared_ptr<StreamCustomer> streamCustomerPreview_ = nullptr;
105     std::shared_ptr<StreamCustomer> streamCustomerCapture_ = nullptr;
106     std::shared_ptr<StreamCustomer> streamCustomerVideo_ = nullptr;
107     std::shared_ptr<StreamCustomer> streamCustomerAnalyze_ = nullptr;
108     OHOS::sptr<IStreamOperator> streamOperator = nullptr;
109     std::shared_ptr<IStreamOperatorCallback> streamOperatorCallback = nullptr;
110     CaptureInfo captureInfo = {};
111     std::vector<StreamInfo> streamInfos = {};
112     StreamInfo streamInfo = {};
113     StreamInfo streamInfoPre = {};
114     StreamInfo streamInfoVideo = {};
115     StreamInfo streamInfoCapture = {};
116     StreamInfo streamInfoAnalyze = {};
117     OHOS::sptr<ICameraHost> cameraHost = nullptr;
118     OHOS::sptr<ICameraDevice> cameraDevice = nullptr;
119     std::shared_ptr<CameraAbility> ability = nullptr;
120     std::vector<uint8_t> ability_ = {};
121     std::vector<int> captureIds;
122     std::vector<std::string> cameraIds;
123     std::vector<int> streamIds;
124     std::vector<StreamIntent> intents;
125     enum {
126         STREAM_ID_PREVIEW = 1000, // 1000:preview streamID
127         STREAM_ID_CAPTURE,
128         STREAM_ID_VIDEO,
129         STREAM_ID_ANALYZE,
130         CAPTURE_ID_PREVIEW = 2000, // 2000:preview captureId
132         CAPTURE_ID_VIDEO,
134     };
135     enum {
136         PREVIEW_MODE = 0,
137         CAPTURE_MODE,
138         VIDEO_MODE,
139         ANALYZE_MODE,
140     };
141     CamRetCode rc;
142     int initFlag = 0;
143     bool status = false;
145 public:
146     TestDisplay();
147     sptr<ICameraHost> CameraHostImplGetInstance(void);
148     uint64_t GetCurrentLocalTimeStamp();
149     int32_t SaveYUV(char* type, unsigned char* buffer, int32_t size);
150     int DoFbMunmap(unsigned char* addr);
151     unsigned char* DoFbMmap(int* pmemfd);
152     void FBLog();
153     OHOS::Camera::RetCode FBInit();
154     void ProcessImage(unsigned char* p, unsigned char* fbp);
155     void LcdDrawScreen(unsigned char* displayBuf, unsigned char* addr);
156     void BufferCallback(unsigned char* addr, int choice);
157     void Init();
158     void UsbInit();
159     std::shared_ptr<CameraAbility> GetCameraAbility();
160     void OpenUsbCamera();
161     CamRetCode SelectOpenCamera(std::string cameraId);
162     void Close();
163     void OpenCamera();
164     void AchieveStreamOperator();
165     void StartStream(std::vector<StreamIntent> intents);
166     void StopStream(std::vector<int>& captureIds, std::vector<int>& streamIds);
167     void StartCapture(int streamId, int captureId, bool shutterCallback, bool isStreaming);
168     float CalTime(struct timeval start, struct timeval end);
169     void StoreImage(const unsigned char *bufStart, const uint32_t size) const;
170     void StoreVideo(const unsigned char *bufStart, const uint32_t size) const;
171     void OpenVideoFile();
172     void PrintFaceDetectInfo(const unsigned char *bufStart, const uint32_t size) const;
173     void StartStreamUpdate(int wide, int hight);
174     void CloseFd();
175     int videoFd_ = -1;
176 };
179 class DemoCameraDeviceCallback : public ICameraDeviceCallback {
180 public:
181     DemoCameraDeviceCallback() = default;
182     virtual ~DemoCameraDeviceCallback() = default;
183     int32_t OnError(ErrorType type, int32_t errorCode) override;
184     int32_t OnResult(uint64_t timestamp, const std::vector<uint8_t>& result) override;
186     void PrintStabiliInfo(const std::vector<uint8_t>& result);
187     void PrintFpsInfo(const std::vector<uint8_t>& result);
188     void DealCameraMetadata(const std::vector<uint8_t> &settings);
189 };
191 class DemoCameraHostCallback : public ICameraHostCallback {
192 public:
193     DemoCameraHostCallback() = default;
194     virtual ~DemoCameraHostCallback() = default;
196 public:
197     int32_t OnCameraStatus(const std::string& cameraId, CameraStatus status) override;
199     int32_t OnFlashlightStatus(const std::string& cameraId, FlashlightStatus status) override;
201     int32_t OnCameraEvent(const std::string& cameraId, CameraEvent event) override;
202 };
204 class DemoStreamOperatorCallback : public IStreamOperatorCallback {
205 public:
206     DemoStreamOperatorCallback() = default;
207     virtual ~DemoStreamOperatorCallback() = default;
209 public:
210     int32_t OnCaptureStarted(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds) override;
211     int32_t OnCaptureEnded(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<CaptureEndedInfo>& infos) override;
212     int32_t OnCaptureError(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<CaptureErrorInfo>& infos) override;
213     int32_t OnFrameShutter(int32_t captureId, const std::vector<int32_t>& streamIds, uint64_t timestamp) override;
214 };
216 #endif
217 #endif