Name |
Date |
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#Lines |
.. | - | - | ||||
config/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 110 | 95 | ||
docs/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 530 | 374 | ||
figures/ | 12-May-2024 | - | ||||
lite/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 18 | 16 | ||
plugins/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 12,662 | 10,711 | ||
src/xdevice/ | 12-May-2024 | - | 13,232 | 10,685 | ||
.gitattributes | D | 12-May-2024 | 631 | 16 | 15 | |
.gitignore | D | 12-May-2024 | 6 | 2 | 1 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 720 | 18 | 16 | |
LICENSE | D | 12-May-2024 | 9.9 KiB | 178 | 150 | |
OAT.xml | D | 12-May-2024 | 3.8 KiB | 63 | 10 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 10.3 KiB | 227 | 175 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 14.3 KiB | 341 | 275 | |
run.bat | D | 12-May-2024 | 1.7 KiB | 68 | 59 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 1.7 KiB | 64 | 39 | | | D | 12-May-2024 | 1.8 KiB | 60 | 36 |
1# XDevice<a name="EN-US_TOPIC_0000001083129731"></a> 2 3- [Introduction](#section15701932113019) 4- [Directory Structure](#section1791423143211) 5- [Constraints](#section118067583303) 6- [Usage](#section2036431583) 7- [Repositories Involved](#section260848241) 8 9## Introduction<a name="section15701932113019"></a> 10 11XDevice, a core module of the OpenHarmony test framework, provides services on which test case execution depends. 12 13XDevice consists of the following sub-modules: 14 15- **command**: enables command-based interactions between users and the test platform. It parses and processes user commands. 16- **config**: sets test framework configurations and provides different configuration options for the serial port connection and USB connection modes. 17- **driver**: functions as a test case executor, which defines main test steps, such as test case distribution, execution, and result collection. 18- **report**: parses test results and generates test reports. 19- **scheduler**: schedules various test case executors in the test framework. 20- **environment**: configures the test framework environment, enabling device discovery and device management. 21- **testkit**: provides test tools to implement JSON parsing, network file mounting, etc. 22- **resource**: provides the device connection configuration file and report template definitions. 23 24## Directory Structure<a name="section1791423143211"></a> 25 26``` 27xdevice 28├── config # XDevice configuration 29│ ├── user_config.xml # XDevice environment configuration 30├── src # Source code 31│ ├── xdevice 32├── plugins # XDevice plugins 33│ ├── ohos # OpenHarmony plugins 34| ├── src # OpenHarmony plugins source code 35│ └── # Installation script of the plugins 36``` 37 38## Constraints<a name="section118067583303"></a> 39 40The environment requirements for using this module are as follows: 41 42- Python version: 3.7.5 or later 43- pySerial version: 3.3 or later 44- Paramiko version: 2.7.1 or later 45- RSA version: 4.0 or later 46 47## Usage<a name="section2036431583"></a> 48 49- **Installing XDevice** 50 1. Go to the installation directory of XDevice. 51 2. Open the console window and run the following command: 52 53 ``` 54 python install 55 ``` 56 57 58- **Installing the extension** 59 1. Go to the installation directory of the XDevice extension. 60 2. Open the console and run the following command: 61 62 ``` 63 python install 64 ``` 65 66 67- **Modifying the user\_config.xml file** 68 69 Configure information about your environment in the **user\_config.xml** file. 70 71 **1. Configure the environment.** 72 73 - For devices that support hdc connection, refer to the following note to configure the environment. 74 75 > **NOTE:** 76 >**ip/port**: IP address and port of a remote device. By default, the parameter is left blank, indicating that the local device \(IP address:; port: the one used for hdc startup\) is used as the test device. 77 >**sn**: SN of the test devices specified for command execution. If this parameter is set to **SN1**, only device SN1 can execute the subsequent **run** commands. In this case, other devices are set as **Ignored** and not involved in the command execution. You can run the **list devices** command and check the value of **Allocation** to view the **sn** values. You can set multiple SNs and separate each two of them with a semicolon \(;\). 78 79 - For devices that support serial port connection, refer to the following note to configure the environment. 80 81 > **NOTE:** 82 >**type**: device connection mode. The **com** mode indicates that the device is connected through the serial port. 83 >**label**: device type, for example, **wifiiot** 84 >**serial**: serial port 85 >- **serial/com**: serial port for local connection, for example, **COM20** 86 >- **serial/type**: serial port type. The value can be **cmd** \(serial port for test case execution\) or **deploy** \(serial port for system upgrade\). 87 > For the open-source project, the **cmd** and **deploy** serial ports are the same, and their **com** values are the same too. 88 > **serial/baud\_rate, data\_bits, stop\_bits** and **timeout**: serial port parameters. You can use the default values. 89 90 91 **2. Set the test case directory.** 92 93 **dir**: test case directory 94 95 **3. Mount the NFS.** 96 97 > **NOTE:** 98 >**server**: NFS mounting configuration. Set the value to **NfsServer**. 99 >**server/ip**: IP address of the mounting environment 100 >**server/port**: port number of the mounting environment 101 >**server/username**: user name for logging in to the server 102 >**server/password**: password for logging in to the server 103 >**server/dir**: external mount path 104 >**server/remote**: whether the NFS server and the XDevice executor are deployed on different devices. If yes, set this parameter to **true**. Otherwise, set it to **false**. 105 106- **Specify the task type.** 107- **Start the test framework.** 108- **Execute test commands.** 109 110 Test framework commands can be classified into three groups: **help**, **list**, and **run**. Among them, **run** commands are most commonly used in the instruction sequence. 111 112 **help** 113 114 Queries help information about test framework commands. 115 116 ``` 117 help: 118 use help to get information. 119 usage: 120 run: Display a list of supported run command. 121 list: Display a list of supported device and task record. 122 Examples: 123 help run 124 help list 125 ``` 126 127 > **NOTE:** 128 >**help run**: displays the description of **run** commands. 129 >**help list**: displays the description of **list** commands. 130 131 **list** 132 133 Displays device information and related task information. 134 135 ``` 136 list: 137 This command is used to display device list and task record. 138 usage: 139 list 140 list history 141 list <id> 142 Introduction: 143 list: display device list 144 list history: display history record of a serial of tasks 145 list <id>: display history record about task what contains specific id 146 Examples: 147 list 148 list history 149 list 6e****90 150 ``` 151 152 > **NOTE:** 153 >**list**: displays device information. 154 >**list history**: displays historical task information. 155 >**list <id\>**: displays historical information about tasks with specified IDs. 156 157 **run** 158 159 Executes test tasks. 160 161 ``` 162 run: 163 This command is used to execute the selected testcases. 164 It includes a series of processes such as use case compilation, execution, and result collection. 165 usage: run [-l TESTLIST [TESTLIST ...] | -tf TESTFILE 166 [TESTFILE ...]] [-tc TESTCASE] [-c CONFIG] [-sn DEVICE_SN] 167 [-rp REPORT_PATH [REPORT_PATH ...]] 168 [-respath RESOURCE_PATH [RESOURCE_PATH ...]] 169 [-tcpath TESTCASES_PATH [TESTCASES_PATH ...]] 170 [-ta TESTARGS [TESTARGS ...]] [-pt] 171 [-env TEST_ENVIRONMENT [TEST_ENVIRONMENT ...]] 172 [-e EXECTYPE] [-t [TESTTYPE [TESTTYPE ...]]] 173 [-td TESTDRIVER] [-tl TESTLEVEL] [-bv BUILD_VARIANT] 174 [-cov COVERAGE] [--retry RETRY] [--session SESSION] 175 [--dryrun] [--reboot-per-module] [--check-device] 176 [--repeat REPEAT] 177 action task 178 Specify tests to run. 179 positional arguments: 180 action Specify action 181 task Specify task name,such as "ssts", "acts", "hits" 182 ``` 183 184 > **NOTE:** 185 >The structure of a basic **run** command is as follows: 186 >``` 187 >run [task name] -l module1;moudle2 188 >``` 189 >**task name**: task type. This parameter is optional. Generally, the value is **ssts**, **acts**, or **hits**. 190 >**-l**: test cases to execute. Use semicolons \(;\) to separate each two test cases. 191 >**module**: module to test. Generally, there is a **.json** file of the module in the **testcases** directory. 192 >In addition, other parameters can be attached to this command as constraints. Common parameters are as follows: 193 >**-sn**: specifies the devices for test case execution. If this parameter is set to **SN1**, only device SN1 executes the test cases. 194 >**-c**: specifies a new **user\_config.xml** file. 195 >**-rp**: indicates the path where the report is generated. The default directory is **xxx/xdevice/reports**. Priority of a specified directory is higher than that of the default one. 196 >**-tcpath**: indicates the environment directory, which is **xxx/xdevice/testcases** by default. Priority of a specified directory is higher than that of the default one. 197 >**-respath**: indicates the test suite directory, which is **xxx/xdevice/resource** by default. Priority of a specified directory is higher than that of the default one. 198 >**--reboot-per-module**: restarts the device before test case execution. 199 200- **View the execution result.** 201 202 After executing the **run** commands, the test framework displays the corresponding logs on the console, and generates the execution report in the directory specified by the **-rp** parameter. If the parameter is not set, the report will be generated in the default directory. 203 204 ``` 205 Structure of the report directory (the default or the specified one) 206 ├── result # Test case execution results of the module 207 │ ├── module name.xml 208 │ ├── ... ... 209 │ 210 ├── log # Running logs of devices and tasks 211 │ ├── device 1.log 212 │ ├── ... ... 213 │ ├── task.log 214 ├── summary_report.html # Visual report 215 ├── summary_report.html # Statistical report 216 └── ... ... 217 ``` 218 219 220## Repositories Involved<a name="section260848241"></a> 221 222[testing subsystem]( 223 224**test\_xdevice** 225 226[test\_developertest]( 227
1# xdevice 2- [xdevice](#xdevice组件) 3 - [简介](#简介) 4 - [目录](#目录) 5 - [约束](#约束) 6 - [使用](#使用) 7 - [相关资料](#相关资料) 8 - [相关仓](#相关仓) 9 10## 简介 11xdevice是OpenHarmony中为测试框架的核心组件,提供用例执行所依赖的相关服务。 12 13xdevice主要包括以下几个主要模块: 14 15- command,用户与测试平台命令行交互模块,提供用户输入命令解析,命令处理。 16- config,测试框架配置模块,提供测试平台串口连接方式和USB连接方式的不同配置选项。 17- driver,测试用例执行器,提供测试用例分发,执行,结果收集等主要测试步骤定义。 18- report,测试报告模块,提供测试结果解析和测试报告生成。 19- scheduler,测试框架调度模块,提供不同类型的测试执行器调度的调度功能。 20- environment,测试框架的环境配置模块,提供设备发现,设备管理的功能。 21- testkit,测试框架工具模块,提供json解析,网络文件挂载等操作。 22- resource,测试框架资源模块,提供设备连接配置文件和报告模板定义。 23 24 25## 目录 26``` 27xdevice 28├── config # xdevice组件配置 29│ ├── user_config.xml # xdevice环境配置 30├── src # 组件源码目录 31│ ├── xdevice 32├── plugins # xdevice扩展模块 33| |—— ohos # openharmony测试驱动插件 34│ ├── src # 扩展模块源码 35│ └── # ohos扩展模块安装脚本 36| |--devicetest # devicetest测试驱动插件 37| └── # deviectest扩展模块安装脚本 38``` 39 40 41## 约束 42运行环境要求: 43 44- python版本>=3.7.5 45- pyserial>=3.3 46- paramiko>=2.7.1 47- rsa>=4.0 48 49## 使用 50- **安装xdevice** 51 52 1. 打开xdevice安装目录。 53 54 2. 打开控制台,执行如下命令: 55 ``` 56 python install 57 ``` 58 59- **安装ohos扩展模块** 60 61 1. 打开plugins\ohos安装目录。 62 63 2. 打开控制台,执行如下命令: 64 ``` 65 python install 66 ``` 67 68- **修改user\_config.xml** 69 70 user\_config.xml是框架提供的用户配置文件,用户可以根据自身环境信息配置相关内容,具体介绍如下: 71 72 1. **environment环境相关配置** 73 74 以下列出三种device配置。 75 76 ```xml 77 <environment> 78 <!-- 标准系统设备配置> 79 <device type="usb-hdc"> <!-- type: 设备连接方式,usb-hdc表示使用hdc命令控制设备(默认) --> 80 <ip></ip> <!-- ip: 远端设备地址,ip和port为空时使用本地设备,非空时使用远端设备 --> 81 <port></port> <!-- port: 远端设备端口号 --> 82 <sn></sn> <!-- sn: 设备串口号列表,串口号之间用分号;分隔,sn为空时使用所有本地设备,非空时使用指定的sn设备 --> 83 </device> 84 85 <!-- 轻量系统设备配置(轻量系统设备进行测试时,需要刷入已经集成好测试用例的系统,所以需要配置两个串口进行通信,如设备支持,可以将两个serial标签的com口设置为一致),可配置多个 --> 86 <device type="com" label="wifiiot"> <!-- type: 设备连接方式,com表示连接方式为串口;label:设备种类,如wifiiot --> 87 <serial> <!-- serial:表示一个串口定义 --> 88 <com></com> <!-- serial:表示本地连接的串口,如COM4 --> 89 <type>cmd</type> <!-- type:表示串口类型,cmd为命令串口 --> 90 <baud_rate>115200</baud_rate> <!-- baud_rate、data_bits、stop_bits、timeout:为串口波特率等串口参数,一般采用默认值即可 --> 91 <data_bits>8</data_bits> 92 <stop_bits>1</stop_bits> 93 <timeout>20</timeout> 94 </serial> 95 <serial> 96 <com></com> 97 <type>deploy</type> <!-- type:表示串口类型,cmd为刷机串口 --> 98 <baud_rate>115200</baud_rate> 99 </serial> 100 </device> 101 102 <!-- 小型系统设备配置,可配置多个 --> 103 <device type="com" label="ipcamera"> 104 <serial> 105 <com></com> 106 <type>cmd</type> 107 <baud_rate>115200</baud_rate> 108 <data_bits>8</data_bits> 109 <stop_bits>1</stop_bits> 110 <timeout>1</timeout> 111 </serial> 112 </device> 113 <device type="com" label="ipcamera"> 114 <ip></ip> 115 <port></port> 116 </device> 117 </environment> 118 ``` 119 120 2. **测试用例目录设置** 121 122 以下为testcase标签内容及作用。 123 124 ```xml 125 <testcases> 126 <!-- dir标签和server标签同时配置时只有一个会起作用 --> 127 <!-- 指定测试用例目录,为空则默认设置为当前项目下的testcase文件夹 --> 128 <dir></dir> 129 <!-- nfs挂载配置,label取值为NfsServer --> 130 <server label="NfsServer"> 131 <ip></ip> <!-- 挂载环境IP地址 --> 132 <port></port> <!-- 挂载环境端口 --> 133 <dir></dir> <!-- 对应挂载的外部路径 --> 134 <username></username> <!-- 登录用户名(remote为false时,可不填或删除) --> 135 <password></password> <!-- 登录密码(remote为false时,可不填或删除) --> 136 <remote></remote> <!-- nfs服务器与xDevice执行机不在同一机器时,remote配置为true,否则为false --> 137 </server> 138 </testcases> 139 ``` 140 141 3. **资源目录设置** 142 143 以下为resource标签内容及作用。 144 145 ```xml 146 <resource> 147 <!-- 指定资源目录,为空则默认设置为当前项目下的resource文件夹 --> 148 <dir></dir> 149 <!-- 下载OpenHarmony官网测试资源 --> 150 <web_resource> 151 <!-- 是否开启功能,TRUE开启/FALSE不开启,默认配置为FALSE --> 152 <enable>FALSE</enable> 153 <!-- 下载接口地址 --> 154 <url></url> 155 </web_resource>> 156 </resource> 157 ``` 158 159 4. **日志打印等级设置** 160 161 以下为loglevel标签内容及作用。 162 163 ```xml 164 <!-- 默认为INFO,如需更详细信息可设置为DEBUG --> 165 <loglevel>INFO</loglevel> 166 ``` 167 168 169- **选定任务类型** 170 171 设备执行的测试支撑套件是由测试配置文件所指定。 172 173 每类XTS测试套都有一个json格式的测试配置文件,主要配置了需要使用的kits(测试支撑套件)等信息,执行预制和清理操作。 174 175 以下为某个测试支撑套件的json配置文件样例。 176 177 ```json 178 { 179 //测试支撑套件描述 180 "description":"Configuration for acecshi Tests", 181 182 //指定执行当前测试支撑套件的设备 183 //environment设置为可选,如不设置,将从框架中注册的设备中选择一个符合的空闲设备执行用例 184 "environment":{ 185 "type":"device", 186 "label":"wifiiot" 187 }, 188 189 //指定设备执行的驱动 190 "driver":{ 191 "type":"OHJSUnitTest", 192 "test-timeout":"700000", 193 "bundle-name":"", 194 "package-name":"", 195 "shell-timeout":"700000", 196 }, 197 198 //kit的作用是为了支撑测试执行活动 199 "kits":[ 200 { 201 "type":"ShellKit", 202 "run-command":[ 203 "remount", 204 "mkdir /data/data/resource" 205 ], 206 "teardown-command":[ 207 "remount", 208 "rm -rf /data/data/resource" 209 ] 210 } 211 ] 212 } 213 ``` 214 215 216- **启动框架** 217 218 可以通过以下几种方式启动框架 219 - Linux系统可以运行根目录下的run.sh文件 220 - Windows系统可以运行根目录下的run.bat文件 221 - Linux和Windows系统皆可运行项目目录下的src\xdevice\\\_\__main___.py文件 222 223- **执行指令** 224 225 框架指令可以分为三组:help、list、run。在指令序列中,以run为最常用的执行指令。 226 227 1. **help** 228 229 输入help指令可以查询框架指令帮助信息。 230 231 ```bash 232 help: 233 use help to get information. 234 usage: 235 run: Display a list of supported run command. 236 list: Display a list of supported device and task record. 237 Examples: 238 help run 239 help list 240 ``` 241 242 说明: help run:展示run指令相关说明 help list:展示 list指令相关说明。 243 244 2. **list** 245 246 list指令用来展示设备和相关的任务信息。 247 248 ```bash 249 list: 250 This command is used to display device list and task record. 251 usage: 252 list 253 list history 254 list <id> 255 Introduction: 256 list: display device list 257 list history: display history record of a serial of tasks 258 list <id>: display history record about task what contains specific id 259 Examples: 260 list 261 list history 262 list 6e****90 263 ``` 264 265 说明: list: 展示设备信息 list history: 展示任务历史信息 list <id>: 展示特定id的任务其历史信息。 266 267 3. **run** 268 269 run指令主要用于执行测试任务。 270 271 ```bash 272 run: 273 This command is used to execute the selected testcases. 274 It includes a series of processes such as use case compilation, execution, and result collection. 275 usage: run [-l TESTLIST [TESTLIST ...] | -tf TESTFILE 276 [TESTFILE ...]] [-tc TESTCASE] [-c CONFIG] [-sn DEVICE_SN] 277 [-rp REPORT_PATH [REPORT_PATH ...]] 278 [-respath RESOURCE_PATH [RESOURCE_PATH ...]] 279 [-tcpath TESTCASES_PATH [TESTCASES_PATH ...]] 280 [-ta TESTARGS [TESTARGS ...]] [-pt] 281 [-env TEST_ENVIRONMENT [TEST_ENVIRONMENT ...]] 282 [-e EXECTYPE] [-t [TESTTYPE [TESTTYPE ...]]] 283 [-td TESTDRIVER] [-tl TESTLEVEL] [-bv BUILD_VARIANT] 284 [-cov COVERAGE] [--retry RETRY] [--session SESSION] 285 [--dryrun] [--reboot-per-module] [--check-device] 286 [--repeat REPEAT] 287 action task 288 Specify tests to run. 289 positional arguments: 290 action Specify action 291 task Specify task name,such as "ssts", "acts", "hits" 292 ``` 293 294 run常用指令基本使用方式如下。 295 296 | xDevice命令 | 功能 | 示例 | 297 | :---------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | 298 | run xts | 运行所有指定类型的xts模块,如acts,hits,ssts等 | run acts | 299 | run -l XXX | 运行指定测试套。如有多个测试套,测试套之间以分号分隔 | run -l ActsWifiServiceTest;ActsLwipTest(testcase目录下的测试套名称) | 300 | run -sn | 指定运行设备sn号,多个sn号之间以分号分隔 | run acts -sn <br/> run acts -sn 2222122;22321321 | 301 | run -rp | 指定报告生成路径,默认报告生成在项目根目录下的reports文件夹,以时间戳或任务id建立子目录 | run acts -rp /XXXX/XXX | 302 | run -respath | 指定测试资源路径,默认为项目根目录下的resource文件夹 | run -respath /XXX/XXX/XXX | 303 | run -tcpath | 指定测试用例路径,默认为项目根目录下的testcases文件夹 | run -tcpath /XXX/XXX/XXX | 304 | run - ta | 指定模块运行参数,可以指定运行测试套中的某个用例,多个用例之间以逗号分隔,目前只支持hits | run hits -ta size:large <br/> run hits -l XXXTest -ta class:XXXX(类名)#XXXXX(方法名) | 305 | run --retry | 重新运行上次失败的测试用例 | run --retry --session 2022-12-13-12-21-11(report任务报告目录) | 306 | run --reboot-per-module | 执行前先重启设备 | run --reboot-per-module -l XXXX | 307 308 309- **查看执行结果** 310 311 框架执行run指令,控制台会输出对应的log打印,还会生成对应的执行结果报告。如果使用了-rp参数指定报告路径,那么报告就会生成在指定的路径下。否则报告会存放在默认目录。 312 313 ``` 314 当前报告目录(默认目录/指定目录) 315 ├── result(模块执行结果存放目录) 316 │ ├── <模块名>.xml 317 │ ├── ... ... 318 │ 319 ├── log (设备和任务运行log存放目录) 320 │ ├── <设备1>.log 321 │ ├── ... ... 322 │ ├── <任务>.log 323 ├── summary_report.html(测试任务可视化报告) 324 ├── summary_report.html(测试任务数据化报告) 325 ├── detail_report.html(详细执行用例结果可视化报告) 326 ├── failures_report.html(失败用例可视化报告,无失败用例时不生成) 327 ├── summary.ini(记录测试类型,使用的设备,开始时间和结束时间等信息) 328 ├── task_info.record(记录执行命令,失败用例等清单信息) 329 ├──对上述文件进行压缩得到的文件) 330 ├── summary_report.hash(对压缩文件进行SHA256加密得到的文件) 331 └── ... ... 332 ``` 333 334## 相关仓 335 336 [测试子系统]( 337 338 **test\_xdevice** 339 340 [test\_developertest]( 341