1#!/bin/sh 2# 3# A simple RTP server 4# sends the output of v4l2src as h264 encoded RTP on port 5000, RTCP is sent on 5# port 5001. The destination is 6# the video receiver RTCP reports are received on port 5005 7# sends the output of autoaudiosrc as alaw encoded RTP on port 5002, RTCP is sent on 8# port 5003. The destination is 9# the receiver RTCP reports are received on port 5007 10# 11# .-------. .-------. .-------. .----------. .-------. 12# |v4lssrc| |h264enc| |h264pay| | rtpbin | |udpsink| RTP 13# | src->sink src->sink src->send_rtp send_rtp->sink | port=5000 14# '-------' '-------' '-------' | | '-------' 15# | | 16# | | .-------. 17# | | |udpsink| RTCP 18# | send_rtcp->sink | port=5001 19# .-------. | | '-------' sync=false 20# RTCP |udpsrc | | | async=false 21# port=5005 | src->recv_rtcp | 22# '-------' | | 23# | | 24# .--------. .-------. .-------. | | .-------. 25# |audiosrc| |alawenc| |pcmapay| | rtpbin | |udpsink| RTP 26# | src->sink src->sink src->send_rtp send_rtp->sink | port=5002 27# '--------' '-------' '-------' | | '-------' 28# | | 29# | | .-------. 30# | | |udpsink| RTCP 31# | send_rtcp->sink | port=5003 32# .-------. | | '-------' sync=false 33# RTCP |udpsrc | | | async=false 34# port=5007 | src->recv_rtcp | 35# '-------' '----------' 36# 37# ideally we should transport the properties on the RTP udpsink pads to the 38# receiver in order to transmit the SPS and PPS earlier. 39 40# change this to send the RTP data and RTCP to another host 41DEST= 42 43# tuning parameters to make the sender send the streams out of sync. Can be used 44# ot test the client RTCP synchronisation. 45#VOFFSET=900000000 46VOFFSET=0 47AOFFSET=0 48 49# H264 encode from the source 50VELEM="v4l2src" 51#VELEM="videotestsrc is-live=1" 52VCAPS="video/x-raw,width=352,height=288,framerate=15/1" 53VSOURCE="$VELEM ! queue ! videorate ! videoconvert ! $VCAPS" 54VENC="x264enc tune=zerolatency byte-stream=true bitrate=300 ! rtph264pay" 55 56VRTPSINK="udpsink port=5000 host=$DEST ts-offset=$VOFFSET name=vrtpsink" 57VRTCPSINK="udpsink port=5001 host=$DEST sync=false async=false name=vrtcpsink" 58VRTCPSRC="udpsrc port=5005 name=vrtpsrc" 59 60# PCMA encode from the source 61AELEM="autoaudiosrc" 62#AELEM="audiotestsrc is-live=1" 63ASOURCE="$AELEM ! queue ! audioresample ! audioconvert" 64AENC="alawenc ! rtppcmapay" 65 66ARTPSINK="udpsink port=5002 host=$DEST ts-offset=$AOFFSET name=artpsink" 67ARTCPSINK="udpsink port=5003 host=$DEST sync=false async=false name=artcpsink" 68ARTCPSRC="udpsrc port=5007 name=artpsrc" 69 70gst-launch-1.0 -v rtpbin name=rtpbin \ 71 $VSOURCE ! $VENC ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_0 \ 72 rtpbin.send_rtp_src_0 ! $VRTPSINK \ 73 rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_0 ! $VRTCPSINK \ 74 $VRTCPSRC ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_0 \ 75 $ASOURCE ! $AENC ! rtpbin.send_rtp_sink_1 \ 76 rtpbin.send_rtp_src_1 ! $ARTPSINK \ 77 rtpbin.send_rtcp_src_1 ! $ARTCPSINK \ 78 $ARTCPSRC ! rtpbin.recv_rtcp_sink_1 79