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1'use strict';
2// Flags: --expose-gc
4const common = require('../common');
5const assert = require('assert');
6const async_hooks = require('async_hooks');
7const util = require('util');
8const print = process._rawDebug;
10if (typeof global.gc === 'function') {
11  (function exity(cntr) {
12    process.once('beforeExit', () => {
13      global.gc();
14      if (cntr < 4) setImmediate(() => exity(cntr + 1));
15    });
16  })(0);
19function noop() {}
21class ActivityCollector {
22  constructor(start, {
23    allowNoInit = false,
24    oninit,
25    onbefore,
26    onafter,
27    ondestroy,
28    onpromiseResolve,
29    logid = null,
30    logtype = null,
31  } = {}) {
32    this._start = start;
33    this._allowNoInit = allowNoInit;
34    this._activities = new Map();
35    this._logid = logid;
36    this._logtype = logtype;
38    // Register event handlers if provided
39    this.oninit = typeof oninit === 'function' ? oninit : noop;
40    this.onbefore = typeof onbefore === 'function' ? onbefore : noop;
41    this.onafter = typeof onafter === 'function' ? onafter : noop;
42    this.ondestroy = typeof ondestroy === 'function' ? ondestroy : noop;
43    this.onpromiseResolve = typeof onpromiseResolve === 'function' ?
44      onpromiseResolve : noop;
46    // Create the hook with which we'll collect activity data
47    this._asyncHook = async_hooks.createHook({
48      init: this._init.bind(this),
49      before: this._before.bind(this),
50      after: this._after.bind(this),
51      destroy: this._destroy.bind(this),
52      promiseResolve: this._promiseResolve.bind(this),
53    });
54  }
56  enable() {
57    this._asyncHook.enable();
58  }
60  disable() {
61    this._asyncHook.disable();
62  }
64  sanityCheck(types) {
65    if (types != null && !Array.isArray(types)) types = [ types ];
67    function activityString(a) {
68      return util.inspect(a, false, 5, true);
69    }
71    const violations = [];
72    let tempActivityString;
74    function v(msg) { violations.push(msg); }
75    for (const a of this._activities.values()) {
76      tempActivityString = activityString(a);
77      if (types != null && !types.includes(a.type)) continue;
79      if (a.init && a.init.length > 1) {
80        v(`Activity inited twice\n${tempActivityString}` +
81          '\nExpected "init" to be called at most once');
82      }
83      if (a.destroy && a.destroy.length > 1) {
84        v(`Activity destroyed twice\n${tempActivityString}` +
85          '\nExpected "destroy" to be called at most once');
86      }
87      if (a.before && a.after) {
88        if (a.before.length < a.after.length) {
89          v('Activity called "after" without calling "before"\n' +
90            `${tempActivityString}` +
91            '\nExpected no "after" call without a "before"');
92        }
93        if (a.before.some((x, idx) => x > a.after[idx])) {
94          v('Activity had an instance where "after" ' +
95            'was invoked before "before"\n' +
96            `${tempActivityString}` +
97            '\nExpected "after" to be called after "before"');
98        }
99      }
100      if (a.before && a.destroy) {
101        if (a.before.some((x, idx) => x > a.destroy[idx])) {
102          v('Activity had an instance where "destroy" ' +
103            'was invoked before "before"\n' +
104            `${tempActivityString}` +
105            '\nExpected "destroy" to be called after "before"');
106        }
107      }
108      if (a.after && a.destroy) {
109        if (a.after.some((x, idx) => x > a.destroy[idx])) {
110          v('Activity had an instance where "destroy" ' +
111            'was invoked before "after"\n' +
112            `${tempActivityString}` +
113            '\nExpected "destroy" to be called after "after"');
114        }
115      }
116      if (!a.handleIsObject) {
117        v(`No resource object\n${tempActivityString}` +
118          '\nExpected "init" to be called with a resource object');
119      }
120    }
121    if (violations.length) {
122      console.error(violations.join('\n\n') + '\n');
123      assert.fail(`${violations.length} failed sanity checks`);
124    }
125  }
127  inspect(opts = {}) {
128    if (typeof opts === 'string') opts = { types: opts };
129    const { types = null, depth = 5, stage = null } = opts;
130    const activities = types == null ?
131      Array.from(this._activities.values()) :
132      this.activitiesOfTypes(types);
134    if (stage != null) console.log(`\n${stage}`);
135    console.log(util.inspect(activities, false, depth, true));
136  }
138  activitiesOfTypes(types) {
139    if (!Array.isArray(types)) types = [ types ];
140    return this.activities.filter((x) => types.includes(x.type));
141  }
143  get activities() {
144    return Array.from(this._activities.values());
145  }
147  _stamp(h, hook) {
148    if (h == null) return;
149    if (h[hook] == null) h[hook] = [];
150    const time = process.hrtime(this._start);
151    h[hook].push((time[0] * 1e9) + time[1]);
152  }
154  _getActivity(uid, hook) {
155    const h = this._activities.get(uid);
156    if (!h) {
157      // If we allowed handles without init we ignore any further life time
158      // events this makes sense for a few tests in which we enable some hooks
159      // later
160      if (this._allowNoInit) {
161        const stub = { uid, type: 'Unknown', handleIsObject: true, handle: {} };
162        this._activities.set(uid, stub);
163        return stub;
164      } else if (!common.isMainThread) {
165        // Worker threads start main script execution inside of an AsyncWrap
166        // callback, so we don't yield errors for these.
167        return null;
168      }
169      const err = new Error(`Found a handle whose ${hook}` +
170                            ' hook was invoked but not its init hook');
171      throw err;
172    }
173    return h;
174  }
176  _init(uid, type, triggerAsyncId, handle) {
177    const activity = {
178      uid,
179      type,
180      triggerAsyncId,
181      // In some cases (e.g. Timeout) the handle is a function, thus the usual
182      // `typeof handle === 'object' && handle !== null` check can't be used.
183      handleIsObject: handle instanceof Object,
184      handle,
185    };
186    this._stamp(activity, 'init');
187    this._activities.set(uid, activity);
188    this._maybeLog(uid, type, 'init');
189    this.oninit(uid, type, triggerAsyncId, handle);
190  }
192  _before(uid) {
193    const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'before');
194    this._stamp(h, 'before');
195    this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'before');
196    this.onbefore(uid);
197  }
199  _after(uid) {
200    const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'after');
201    this._stamp(h, 'after');
202    this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'after');
203    this.onafter(uid);
204  }
206  _destroy(uid) {
207    const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'destroy');
208    this._stamp(h, 'destroy');
209    this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'destroy');
210    this.ondestroy(uid);
211  }
213  _promiseResolve(uid) {
214    const h = this._getActivity(uid, 'promiseResolve');
215    this._stamp(h, 'promiseResolve');
216    this._maybeLog(uid, h && h.type, 'promiseResolve');
217    this.onpromiseResolve(uid);
218  }
220  _maybeLog(uid, type, name) {
221    if (this._logid &&
222      (type == null || this._logtype == null || this._logtype === type)) {
223      print(`${this._logid}.${name}.uid-${uid}`);
224    }
225  }
228exports = module.exports = function initHooks({
229  oninit,
230  onbefore,
231  onafter,
232  ondestroy,
233  onpromiseResolve,
234  allowNoInit,
235  logid,
236  logtype,
237} = {}) {
238  return new ActivityCollector(process.hrtime(), {
239    oninit,
240    onbefore,
241    onafter,
242    ondestroy,
243    onpromiseResolve,
244    allowNoInit,
245    logid,
246    logtype,
247  });