
Set the current rendering API

C Specification

EGLBoolean eglBindAPI( EGLenum  api)



Specifies the client API to bind, one of EGL_OPENGL_API, EGL_OPENGL_ES_API, or EGL_OPENVG_API.


eglBindAPI defines the current rendering API for EGL in the thread it is called from. The current rendering API is one of the client rendering APIs supported by the EGL implementation, and affects the behavior of other EGL commands including eglCreateContext, eglGetCurrentContext, eglGetCurrentDisplay, eglGetCurrentSurface, eglMakeCurrent, eglWaitClient, and eglWaitNative.

If api is EGL_OPENGL_API, the current rendering API is set to the OpenGL API.

If api is EGL_OPENGL_ES_API, the current rendering API is set to the OpenGL ES API.

If api is EGL_OPENVG_API, the current rendering API is set to the OpenVG API.

If an error occurs, the current rendering API is unchanged.


eglBindAPI and the corresponding EGL_OPENGL_ES_API and EGL_OPENVG_API api parameters are supported only if the EGL version is 1.2 or greater. The EGL_OPENGL_API parameter is supported only if the EGL version is 1.4 or greater.

The initial value of the current rendering API is EGL_OPENGL_ES_API unless OpenGL ES is not supported by an implementation, in which case the initial value is EGL_NONE (however, EGL_NONE is not a valid api parameter to eglBindAPI).

The current rendering API can be queried by calling eglQueryAPI.


EGL_FALSE is returned on failure.

EGL_BAD_PARAMETER is generated if api is not one of the accepted tokens, or if the specified client API is not supported by the EGL implementation.

See Also

eglCreateContext, eglGetCurrentContext, eglGetCurrentDisplay, eglGetCurrentSurface, eglMakeCurrent, eglQueryAPI, eglWaitClient, eglWaitNative

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