prg_install = find_program('install') doxygen = find_program('doxygen', required : false) if not doxygen.found() error('Program "doxygen" not found or not executable. Try building with -Ddocumentation=false') endif dot = find_program('dot', required : false) if not dot.found() error('Program "dot" not found or not executable. Try building with -Ddocumentation=false') endif mainpage = vcs_tag(command : ['git', 'log', '-1', '--format=%h'], fallback : 'unknown', input : 'mainpage.dox', output : 'mainpage.dox', replace_string: '__GIT_VERSION__') src_doxygen = files( # source files '../../src/libinput.h', # style files 'style/header.html', 'style/footer.html', 'style/customdoxygen.css', 'style/bootstrap.css', 'style/libinputdoxygen.css', ) doxyfiles = [] foreach f : src_doxygen df = configure_file(input: f, output: '@PLAINNAME@', copy : true) doxyfiles += [ df ] endforeach doc_config = configuration_data() doc_config.set('PACKAGE_NAME', meson.project_name()) doc_config.set('PACKAGE_VERSION', meson.project_version()) doc_config.set('builddir', meson.current_build_dir()) doxyfile = configure_file(input : '', output : 'libinput.doxygen', configuration : doc_config) custom_target('doxygen', input : [ doxyfiles, doxyfile, mainpage ] + src_doxygen, output : [ 'html' ], command : [ doxygen, doxyfile ], install : false, depends: [ mainpage ], build_by_default : true)