/* IMPORTANT * This snapshot file is auto-generated, but designed for humans. * It should be checked into source control and tracked carefully. * Re-generate by setting TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 and running tests. * Make sure to inspect the output below. Do not ignore changes! */ 'use strict' exports[`test/lib/utils/validate-lockfile.js TAP extra inventory items on idealTree > should have missing entries error 1`] = ` Array [ "Missing: baz@3.0.0 from lock file", ] ` exports[`test/lib/utils/validate-lockfile.js TAP extra inventory items on virtualTree > should have no errors if finding virtualTree extra items 1`] = ` Array [] ` exports[`test/lib/utils/validate-lockfile.js TAP identical inventory for both idealTree and virtualTree > should have no errors on identical inventories 1`] = ` Array [] ` exports[`test/lib/utils/validate-lockfile.js TAP mismatching versions on inventory > should have errors for each mismatching version 1`] = ` Array [ "Invalid: lock file's foo@1.0.0 does not satisfy foo@2.0.0", "Invalid: lock file's bar@2.0.0 does not satisfy bar@3.0.0", ] ` exports[`test/lib/utils/validate-lockfile.js TAP missing virtualTree inventory > should have errors for each mismatching version 1`] = ` Array [ "Missing: foo@1.0.0 from lock file", "Missing: bar@2.0.0 from lock file", "Missing: baz@3.0.0 from lock file", ] `