// Copyright 2015 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. import { PhaseView } from "../src/view"; import { anyToString, ViewElements, isIterable } from "../src/util"; import { MySelection } from "../src/selection"; import { SourceResolver } from "./source-resolver"; import { SelectionBroker } from "./selection-broker"; import { NodeSelectionHandler, BlockSelectionHandler, RegisterAllocationSelectionHandler } from "./selection-handler"; export abstract class TextView extends PhaseView { selectionHandler: NodeSelectionHandler; blockSelectionHandler: BlockSelectionHandler; registerAllocationSelectionHandler: RegisterAllocationSelectionHandler; selection: MySelection; blockSelection: MySelection; registerAllocationSelection: MySelection; textListNode: HTMLUListElement; instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap: Map>; nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap: Map>; blockIdToHtmlElementsMap: Map>; blockIdToNodeIds: Map>; nodeIdToBlockId: Array; patterns: any; sourceResolver: SourceResolver; broker: SelectionBroker; constructor(id, broker) { super(id); const view = this; view.textListNode = view.divNode.getElementsByTagName('ul')[0]; view.patterns = null; view.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap = new Map(); view.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap = new Map(); view.blockIdToHtmlElementsMap = new Map(); view.blockIdToNodeIds = new Map(); view.nodeIdToBlockId = []; view.selection = new MySelection(anyToString); view.blockSelection = new MySelection(anyToString); view.broker = broker; view.sourceResolver = broker.sourceResolver; const selectionHandler = { clear: function () { view.selection.clear(); view.updateSelection(); broker.broadcastClear(selectionHandler); }, select: function (nodeIds, selected) { view.selection.select(nodeIds, selected); view.updateSelection(); broker.broadcastNodeSelect(selectionHandler, view.selection.selectedKeys(), selected); }, brokeredNodeSelect: function (nodeIds, selected) { const firstSelect = view.blockSelection.isEmpty(); view.selection.select(nodeIds, selected); view.updateSelection(firstSelect); }, brokeredClear: function () { view.selection.clear(); view.updateSelection(); } }; this.selectionHandler = selectionHandler; broker.addNodeHandler(selectionHandler); view.divNode.addEventListener('click', e => { if (!e.shiftKey) { view.selectionHandler.clear(); } e.stopPropagation(); }); const blockSelectionHandler = { clear: function () { view.blockSelection.clear(); view.updateSelection(); broker.broadcastClear(blockSelectionHandler); }, select: function (blockIds, selected) { view.blockSelection.select(blockIds, selected); view.updateSelection(); broker.broadcastBlockSelect(blockSelectionHandler, blockIds, selected); }, brokeredBlockSelect: function (blockIds, selected) { const firstSelect = view.blockSelection.isEmpty(); view.blockSelection.select(blockIds, selected); view.updateSelection(firstSelect); }, brokeredClear: function () { view.blockSelection.clear(); view.updateSelection(); } }; this.blockSelectionHandler = blockSelectionHandler; broker.addBlockHandler(blockSelectionHandler); view.registerAllocationSelection = new MySelection(anyToString); const registerAllocationSelectionHandler = { clear: function () { view.registerAllocationSelection.clear(); view.updateSelection(); broker.broadcastClear(registerAllocationSelectionHandler); }, select: function (instructionIds, selected) { view.registerAllocationSelection.select(instructionIds, selected); view.updateSelection(); broker.broadcastInstructionSelect(null, [instructionIds], selected); }, brokeredRegisterAllocationSelect: function (instructionIds, selected) { const firstSelect = view.blockSelection.isEmpty(); view.registerAllocationSelection.select(instructionIds, selected); view.updateSelection(firstSelect); }, brokeredClear: function () { view.registerAllocationSelection.clear(); view.updateSelection(); } }; broker.addRegisterAllocatorHandler(registerAllocationSelectionHandler); view.registerAllocationSelectionHandler = registerAllocationSelectionHandler; } // instruction-id are the divs for the register allocator phase addHtmlElementForInstructionId(anyInstructionId: any, htmlElement: HTMLElement) { const instructionId = anyToString(anyInstructionId); if (!this.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap.has(instructionId)) { this.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap.set(instructionId, []); } this.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(instructionId).push(htmlElement); } addHtmlElementForNodeId(anyNodeId: any, htmlElement: HTMLElement) { const nodeId = anyToString(anyNodeId); if (!this.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap.has(nodeId)) { this.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap.set(nodeId, []); } this.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(nodeId).push(htmlElement); } addHtmlElementForBlockId(anyBlockId, htmlElement) { const blockId = anyToString(anyBlockId); if (!this.blockIdToHtmlElementsMap.has(blockId)) { this.blockIdToHtmlElementsMap.set(blockId, []); } this.blockIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(blockId).push(htmlElement); } addNodeIdToBlockId(anyNodeId, anyBlockId) { const blockId = anyToString(anyBlockId); if (!this.blockIdToNodeIds.has(blockId)) { this.blockIdToNodeIds.set(blockId, []); } this.blockIdToNodeIds.get(blockId).push(anyToString(anyNodeId)); this.nodeIdToBlockId[anyNodeId] = blockId; } blockIdsForNodeIds(nodeIds) { const blockIds = []; for (const nodeId of nodeIds) { const blockId = this.nodeIdToBlockId[nodeId]; if (blockId == undefined) continue; blockIds.push(blockId); } return blockIds; } updateSelection(scrollIntoView: boolean = false) { if (this.divNode.parentNode == null) return; const mkVisible = new ViewElements(this.divNode.parentNode as HTMLElement); const view = this; const elementsToSelect = view.divNode.querySelectorAll(`[data-pc-offset]`); for (const el of elementsToSelect) { el.classList.toggle("selected", false); } for (const [blockId, elements] of this.blockIdToHtmlElementsMap.entries()) { const isSelected = view.blockSelection.isSelected(blockId); for (const element of elements) { mkVisible.consider(element, isSelected); element.classList.toggle("selected", isSelected); } } for (const key of this.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap.keys()) { for (const element of this.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(key)) { element.classList.toggle("selected", false); } } for (const instrId of view.registerAllocationSelection.selectedKeys()) { const elements = this.instructionIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(instrId); if (!elements) continue; for (const element of elements) { mkVisible.consider(element, true); element.classList.toggle("selected", true); } } for (const key of this.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap.keys()) { for (const element of this.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(key)) { element.classList.toggle("selected", false); } } for (const nodeId of view.selection.selectedKeys()) { const elements = this.nodeIdToHtmlElementsMap.get(nodeId); if (!elements) continue; for (const element of elements) { mkVisible.consider(element, true); element.classList.toggle("selected", true); } } mkVisible.apply(scrollIntoView); } setPatterns(patterns) { this.patterns = patterns; } clearText() { while (this.textListNode.firstChild) { this.textListNode.removeChild(this.textListNode.firstChild); } } createFragment(text, style) { const fragment = document.createElement("SPAN"); if (typeof style.associateData == 'function') { if (style.associateData(text, fragment) === false) { return null; } } else { if (style.css != undefined) { const css = isIterable(style.css) ? style.css : [style.css]; for (const cls of css) { fragment.classList.add(cls); } } fragment.innerText = text; } return fragment; } processLine(line) { const view = this; const result = []; let patternSet = 0; while (true) { const beforeLine = line; for (const pattern of view.patterns[patternSet]) { const matches = line.match(pattern[0]); if (matches != null) { if (matches[0] != '') { const style = pattern[1] != null ? pattern[1] : {}; const text = matches[0]; if (text != '') { const fragment = view.createFragment(matches[0], style); if (fragment !== null) result.push(fragment); } line = line.substr(matches[0].length); } let nextPatternSet = patternSet; if (pattern.length > 2) { nextPatternSet = pattern[2]; } if (line == "") { if (nextPatternSet != -1) { throw ("illegal parsing state in text-view in patternSet" + patternSet); } return result; } patternSet = nextPatternSet; break; } } if (beforeLine == line) { throw ("input not consumed in text-view in patternSet" + patternSet); } } } processText(text) { const view = this; const textLines = text.split(/[\n]/); let lineNo = 0; for (const line of textLines) { const li = document.createElement("LI"); li.className = "nolinenums"; li.dataset.lineNo = "" + lineNo++; const fragments = view.processLine(line); for (const fragment of fragments) { li.appendChild(fragment); } view.textListNode.appendChild(li); } } initializeContent(data, rememberedSelection) { this.clearText(); this.processText(data); this.show(); } public onresize(): void {} }