from github import Github, Repository from gftools.utils import download_file from zipfile import ZipFile from pathlib import Path import tempfile import os import json from io import BytesIO from pybars import Compiler, strlist import re import subprocess TESTING = False SPECIAL_REPOS = [ "", "overview", ".github", ".allstar", "notobuilder", "noto-data-dev", "noto-docs", "noto-project-template", "notoglot-mini", ] def fonts_from_zip(zipfile, dst=None): """Unzip fonts. If not dst is given unzip as BytesIO objects""" fonts = [] for filename in zipfile.namelist(): if filename.endswith(".ttf") or filename.endswith(".otf"): if dst: target = os.path.join(dst, filename) zipfile.extract(filename, dst) fonts.append(target) else: fonts.append(BytesIO( return fonts def tree_has_new_files(): ls =["git", "ls-files", "--others"], capture_output=True) return ls.stdout print("Fetching existing repos") g = Github(os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"]) org = g.get_organization("notofonts") org_repos = org.get_repos() org_names = [ for r in org_repos]["git", "config", "", "actions-user"])["git", "config", "", ""]) to_push = [] fontrepos = json.load(open("fontrepos.json")) if os.path.exists("state.json"): state = json.load(open("state.json")) else: state = {} results = {} for repo_name in org_names: if repo_name in SPECIAL_REPOS: continue repo = g.get_repo("notofonts/" + repo_name) if repo.archived: continue if repo_name not in fontrepos: print("Unknown repo %s; is it missing from fontrepos?" % repo_name) continue print(f"Gathering data for {repo_name}") repo = g.get_repo("notofonts/" + repo_name) results[repo_name] = { "title": repo.description, "tier": fontrepos[repo_name].get("tier", 3), "gh_url": "" + repo_name, "repo_url": "" + repo_name, } # Get issues results[repo_name]["issues"] = [] for issue in repo.get_issues(): results[repo_name]["issues"].append( {"title": issue.title, "number": issue.number, "url": issue.html_url} ) if repo_name not in state: state[repo_name] = {} # Check for new releases releases = repo.get_releases() for release in sorted( releases, key=lambda r: r.published_at.isoformat() if r.published_at else "" ): m = re.match(r"^(.*)-(v[\d.]+)", release.tag_name) if not m: print(f"Unparsable release {release.tag_name} in {repo_name}") continue if release.draft: continue family, version = m[1], m[2] family = re.sub(r"([a-z])([A-Z])", r"\1 \2", family) if release.tag_name in state[repo_name].get("known_releases", []): continue assets = release.get_assets() if not assets: continue latest_asset = assets[0] state[repo_name].setdefault("known_releases", []).append(release.tag_name) family_thing = ( state[repo_name].setdefault("families", {}).setdefault(family, {}) ) body = release.body if not body: tag_sha = repo.get_git_ref("tags/" + release.tag_name).object.sha try: body = repo.get_git_tag(tag_sha).message except Exception as e: print("Couldn't retrieve release message for %s" % release.tag_name) family_thing["latest_release"] = { "url": release.html_url, "version": version, "notes": body, } if release.published_at: family_thing["latest_release"][ "published" ] = release.published_at.isoformat() try: z = ZipFile(download_file(latest_asset.browser_download_url)) family_thing["files"] = [] with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir: fonts = fonts_from_zip(z, tmpdir) for font in fonts: newpath = Path("fonts/") / Path(font).relative_to(tmpdir) os.makedirs(newpath.parent, exist_ok=True) family_thing["files"].append(str(newpath)) os.rename(font, newpath) if tree_has_new_files() and not TESTING: # Add it and tag it["git", "add", "."])["git", "commit", "-m", "Add " + release.tag_name])["git", "tag", release.tag_name]) to_push.append(release.tag_name) except Exception as e: print("Couldn't fetch download for %s" % latest_asset.browser_download_url) # Tweet about the new release or something results[repo_name]["families"] = state[repo_name].get("families", {})["git", "push"]) for tag in to_push:["git", "push", "origin", tag]) # Save state json.dump(state, open("state.json", "w"), indent=True, sort_keys=True) for result in results.values(): for family in result.get("families", {}).values(): newfiles = {"unhinted": [], "hinted": [], "full": []} for file in sorted(family.get("files", [])): if "unhinted" in file: newfiles["unhinted"].append(file) elif "hinted" in file: newfiles["hinted"].append(file) elif "full" in file: newfiles["full"].append(file) family["files"] = newfiles json.dump(results, open("docs/noto.json", "w"), indent=True, sort_keys=True)