# # WARNING: NO LINE IN THIS FILE SHOULD BE LONGER THAN 999 characters! # # a vague real world example # # the vers no of this file. useful for debug confversion= # date and time of expiry of this license expires=19:57:56 03/16/01 # max no of simultaneous sessions sessions=-1 # hostid(s) of licensed host(s): matisse hostid=72738c36 # degas (exodus) hostid=80b0cafb # max hostid=80c104e4 # breton hostid=80cf520f # vaneyck hostid=809fc805 # port at which SSM should listen (unless -p) port=6666 # the name of the realserver that we proxy for realservername=goya:554 # the ip addr of real server we proxy fo realserverip= # are we using an SDMUX to receive rev STP pkts? sdmux=0 # allow run time config through TCP connection runtimeconf=1 # should we connect to SOC for delivinit/update etc? soc=1 # address of the SOC socaddr= # no of secs before we timeout SOC connection socconntimeout=3 # SOC port for sending delivinit query socqport=4110 # SOC port for sending delivery update socuport=4111 # run in load test mode? (ignore player disconnect) loadtest=0 # port of SSM to redirect to on probe bw < desc bw tunnelssmport=5541 # allow TCP (RTSP interleaved) streaming? allowtcptransport=0 # enable RDT rev packets? realrevpkts=0 # allow asm switches? 0=no,1=yes,2=all within maxasmtime,3=1 within maxasmtime # 4=same as 2 but also whenever told by CSM after maxasmtime+tell CSM asmrules=4; # max time to which we will allow asm switches maxasmtime=10 # time to wait after switch before starting below asmwaittime=4 # time over which to calc post asm switch input rate asmcalctime=4 # time after LETSWITCH within which to permit switch maxletswitchtime=20 # change setbw? 0=no,1=block,2=sub w/1st,3=sub w/curr,4=tell CSM,5=allow w/asm # 6=sub w/cur enc rate & tell CSM & generate setbw on switch setbw=6; # minimum time between setbw requests from player setbwblocktime=15 # max time within which we allow post asm setbw asmsetbwtime=3 # post switch wait time (secs) before we send setbw setbwwaittime=1 # max setbw as % of [init/post switch] input rate inputmaxsetbw=100 # max setbw as % of current encoding rate encratemaxsetbw=100 # % increase in encratemaxsetbw for live streams livesetbwdelta=2 # temporarily here. encoding rate bits/sec encrate=34000 # max output rate = maxoutproberate % probe rate maxoutproberate=85 # max output rate = maxoutencrate % curr enc rate maxoutencrate=140 # worst case outrate. should be > encratemaxsetbw minoutencrate=108 # max out rate = er+erprgamma%(maxoutpr%pr-er) erprgamma=70 # the CSM UTP: % loss above which CSM will enter CC utp=15 # CSM alpha for narrowband nbalpha=77 # CSM alpha for broadband bbalpha=83 # periodic sendTS? 0 = sendTS only at SR_COMPUTE tsfrequency=10 # SReoc as a % of the encoding rate recoveryrate=140 # maximum server side buffer (in packets) maxbuffer=2000 # client side buffer (in milliseconds) csmbuffer=12000 # probe bw > probedelta % describe bw for us to work probedelta=120 # the number of probes to do at the beginning numprobes=4 # number of packets to burst during each probe probebuffpkts=5 # time (in microsecs) interval between probes probeinterval=600000 # client logs to none(0),disk(1),soc(2),both(3) clientlog=2 # 0=none,1=brief,2=detailed,3=extensive loglevel=2 # connected to monitor? monitor=0 # 0=none, 1=test testmode=0 # are we using the emulator? emulator=0 # emulator IP address emuaddr= # emulator TCP control port to connect to emuport=4200 # # aux serv config # # start aux server? 0=no, 1=yes auxsvr=0 # IP address of mgmt server mngsvrip= # port where mgmt server listens mngsvrport=15550 # IP address of SSM that we are monitoring ssmip= # port where aux server should listen auxsvrport=14445 # frequency of aux server checks auxsvrchkfreq=2 auxsvrchkperiod=60; # # congestion simulation info # # congestion simulation? simulation=0 # size of the network buffer netbuffer=5 # time (in secs) between drop rate recalculation siminterval=3