namespace Harness { export interface IO { newLine(): string; getCurrentDirectory(): string; useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean; resolvePath(path: string): string | undefined; getFileSize(path: string): number; readFile(path: string): string | undefined; writeFile(path: string, contents: string): void; directoryName(path: string): string | undefined; getDirectories(path: string): string[]; createDirectory(path: string): void; fileExists(fileName: string): boolean; directoryExists(path: string): boolean; deleteFile(fileName: string): void; enumerateTestFiles(runner: RunnerBase): (string | FileBasedTest)[]; listFiles(path: string, filter?: RegExp, options?: { recursive?: boolean }): string[]; log(text: string): void; args(): string[]; getExecutingFilePath(): string; getWorkspaceRoot(): string; exit(exitCode?: number): void; readDirectory(path: string, extension?: readonly string[], exclude?: readonly string[], include?: readonly string[], depth?: number): readonly string[]; getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(dirname: string): ts.FileSystemEntries; tryEnableSourceMapsForHost?(): void; getEnvironmentVariable?(name: string): string; getMemoryUsage?(): number | undefined; joinPath(...components: string[]): string } export let IO: IO; export function setHarnessIO(io: IO) { IO = io; } // harness always uses one kind of new line // But note that `parseTestData` in `fourslash.ts` uses "\n" export const harnessNewLine = "\r\n"; // Root for file paths that are stored in a virtual file system export const virtualFileSystemRoot = "/"; function createNodeIO(): IO { const workspaceRoot = Utils.findUpRoot(); let fs: any, pathModule: any; if (require) { fs = require("fs"); pathModule = require("path"); } else { fs = pathModule = {}; } function deleteFile(path: string) { try { fs.unlinkSync(path); } catch { /*ignore*/ } } function directoryName(path: string) { const dirPath = pathModule.dirname(path); // Node will just continue to repeat the root path, rather than return null return dirPath === path ? undefined : dirPath; } function joinPath(...components: string[]) { return pathModule.join(...components); } function enumerateTestFiles(runner: RunnerBase) { return runner.getTestFiles(); } function listFiles(path: string, spec: RegExp, options: { recursive?: boolean } = {}) { function filesInFolder(folder: string): string[] { let paths: string[] = []; for (const file of fs.readdirSync(folder)) { const pathToFile = pathModule.join(folder, file); if (!fs.existsSync(pathToFile)) continue; // ignore invalid symlinks const stat = fs.statSync(pathToFile); if (options.recursive && stat.isDirectory()) { paths = paths.concat(filesInFolder(pathToFile)); } else if (stat.isFile() && (!spec || file.match(spec))) { paths.push(pathToFile); } } return paths; } return filesInFolder(path); } function getAccessibleFileSystemEntries(dirname: string): ts.FileSystemEntries { try { const entries: string[] = fs.readdirSync(dirname || ".").sort(ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames ? ts.compareStringsCaseSensitive : ts.compareStringsCaseInsensitive); const files: string[] = []; const directories: string[] = []; for (const entry of entries) { if (entry === "." || entry === "..") continue; const name = vpath.combine(dirname, entry); try { const stat = fs.statSync(name); if (!stat) continue; if (stat.isFile()) { files.push(entry); } else if (stat.isDirectory()) { directories.push(entry); } } catch { /*ignore*/ } } return { files, directories }; } catch (e) { return { files: [], directories: [] }; } } function createDirectory(path: string) { try { fs.mkdirSync(path); } catch (e) { if (e.code === "ENOENT") { createDirectory(vpath.dirname(path)); createDirectory(path); } else if (!ts.sys.directoryExists(path)) { throw e; } } } return { newLine: () => harnessNewLine, getCurrentDirectory: () => ts.sys.getCurrentDirectory(), useCaseSensitiveFileNames: () => ts.sys.useCaseSensitiveFileNames, resolvePath: (path: string) => ts.sys.resolvePath(path), getFileSize: (path: string) => ts.sys.getFileSize!(path), readFile: path => ts.sys.readFile(path), writeFile: (path, content) => ts.sys.writeFile(path, content), directoryName, getDirectories: path => ts.sys.getDirectories(path), createDirectory, fileExists: path => ts.sys.fileExists(path), directoryExists: path => ts.sys.directoryExists(path), deleteFile, listFiles, enumerateTestFiles, log: s => console.log(s), args: () => ts.sys.args, getExecutingFilePath: () => ts.sys.getExecutingFilePath(), getWorkspaceRoot: () => workspaceRoot, exit: exitCode => ts.sys.exit(exitCode), readDirectory: (path, extension, exclude, include, depth) => ts.sys.readDirectory(path, extension, exclude, include, depth), getAccessibleFileSystemEntries, tryEnableSourceMapsForHost: () => ts.sys.tryEnableSourceMapsForHost && ts.sys.tryEnableSourceMapsForHost(), getMemoryUsage: () => ts.sys.getMemoryUsage && ts.sys.getMemoryUsage(), getEnvironmentVariable: name => ts.sys.getEnvironmentVariable(name), joinPath }; } export function mockHash(s: string): string { return `hash-${s}`; } IO = createNodeIO(); if (IO.tryEnableSourceMapsForHost && /^development$/i.test(IO.getEnvironmentVariable!("NODE_ENV"))) { IO.tryEnableSourceMapsForHost(); } export const libFolder = "built/local/"; export type SourceMapEmitterCallback = ( emittedFile: string, emittedLine: number, emittedColumn: number, sourceFile: string, sourceLine: number, sourceColumn: number, sourceName: string, ) => void; // Settings /* eslint-disable prefer-const */ export let userSpecifiedRoot = ""; export let lightMode = false; /* eslint-enable prefer-const */ export function setLightMode(flag: boolean) { lightMode = flag; } /** Functionality for compiling TypeScript code */ export namespace Compiler { /** Aggregate various writes into a single array of lines. Useful for passing to the * TypeScript compiler to fill with source code or errors. */ export class WriterAggregator { public lines: string[] = []; public currentLine: string = undefined!; public Write(str: string) { // out of memory usage concerns avoid using + or += if we're going to do any manipulation of this string later this.currentLine = [(this.currentLine || ""), str].join(""); } public WriteLine(str: string) { // out of memory usage concerns avoid using + or += if we're going to do any manipulation of this string later this.lines.push([(this.currentLine || ""), str].join("")); this.currentLine = undefined!; } public Close() { if (this.currentLine !== undefined) this.lines.push(this.currentLine); this.currentLine = undefined!; } public reset() { this.lines = []; this.currentLine = undefined!; } } export function createSourceFileAndAssertInvariants( fileName: string, sourceText: string, languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget) { // We'll only assert invariants outside of light mode. const shouldAssertInvariants = !lightMode; // Only set the parent nodes if we're asserting invariants. We don't need them otherwise. const result = ts.createSourceFile(fileName, sourceText, languageVersion, /*setParentNodes:*/ shouldAssertInvariants); if (shouldAssertInvariants) { Utils.assertInvariants(result, /*parent:*/ undefined); } return result; } export const defaultLibFileName = "lib.d.ts"; export const es2015DefaultLibFileName = "lib.es2015.d.ts"; // Cache of lib files from "built/local" let libFileNameSourceFileMap: ts.ESMap | undefined; export function getDefaultLibrarySourceFile(fileName = defaultLibFileName): ts.SourceFile | undefined { if (!isDefaultLibraryFile(fileName)) { return undefined; } if (!libFileNameSourceFileMap) { libFileNameSourceFileMap = new ts.Map(ts.getEntries({ [defaultLibFileName]: createSourceFileAndAssertInvariants(defaultLibFileName, IO.readFile(libFolder + "lib.es5.d.ts")!, /*languageVersion*/ ts.ScriptTarget.Latest) })); } let sourceFile = libFileNameSourceFileMap.get(fileName); if (!sourceFile) { libFileNameSourceFileMap.set(fileName, sourceFile = createSourceFileAndAssertInvariants(fileName, IO.readFile(libFolder + fileName)!, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest)); } return sourceFile; } export function getDefaultLibFileName(options: ts.CompilerOptions): string { switch (ts.getEmitScriptTarget(options)) { case ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext: case ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017: return "lib.es2017.d.ts"; case ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016: return "lib.es2016.d.ts"; case ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015: return es2015DefaultLibFileName; default: return defaultLibFileName; } } // Cache these between executions so we don't have to re-parse them for every test export const fourslashFileName = "fourslash.ts"; export let fourslashSourceFile: ts.SourceFile; export function getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string { return fileName; } interface HarnessOptions { useCaseSensitiveFileNames?: boolean; includeBuiltFile?: string; baselineFile?: string; libFiles?: string; noTypesAndSymbols?: boolean; } // Additional options not already in ts.optionDeclarations const harnessOptionDeclarations: ts.CommandLineOption[] = [ { name: "allowNonTsExtensions", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, { name: "useCaseSensitiveFileNames", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, { name: "baselineFile", type: "string" }, { name: "includeBuiltFile", type: "string" }, { name: "fileName", type: "string" }, { name: "libFiles", type: "string" }, { name: "noErrorTruncation", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, { name: "suppressOutputPathCheck", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, { name: "noImplicitReferences", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, { name: "currentDirectory", type: "string" }, { name: "symlink", type: "string" }, { name: "link", type: "string" }, { name: "noTypesAndSymbols", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, // Emitted js baseline will print full paths for every output file { name: "fullEmitPaths", type: "boolean", defaultValueDescription: false }, ]; let optionsIndex: ts.ESMap; function getCommandLineOption(name: string): ts.CommandLineOption | undefined { if (!optionsIndex) { optionsIndex = new ts.Map(); const optionDeclarations = harnessOptionDeclarations.concat(ts.optionDeclarations); for (const option of optionDeclarations) { optionsIndex.set(, option); } } return optionsIndex.get(name.toLowerCase()); } export function setCompilerOptionsFromHarnessSetting(settings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings, options: ts.CompilerOptions & HarnessOptions): void { for (const name in settings) { if (ts.hasProperty(settings, name)) { const value = settings[name]; if (value === undefined) { throw new Error(`Cannot have undefined value for compiler option '${name}'.`); } const option = getCommandLineOption(name); if (option) { const errors: ts.Diagnostic[] = []; options[] = optionValue(option, value, errors); if (errors.length > 0) { throw new Error(`Unknown value '${value}' for compiler option '${name}'.`); } } else { throw new Error(`Unknown compiler option '${name}'.`); } } } } function optionValue(option: ts.CommandLineOption, value: string, errors: ts.Diagnostic[]): any { switch (option.type) { case "boolean": return value.toLowerCase() === "true"; case "string": return value; case "number": { const numverValue = parseInt(value, 10); if (isNaN(numverValue)) { throw new Error(`Value must be a number, got: ${JSON.stringify(value)}`); } return numverValue; } // If not a primitive, the possible types are specified in what is effectively a map of options. case "list": return ts.parseListTypeOption(option, value, errors); default: if ( === "ets") { const etsOptionFilePath = IO.resolvePath("tests/cases/fourslash/etsOption.json"); const etsOptionJson = IO.readFile(etsOptionFilePath!); const etsOption = JSON.parse(etsOptionJson!); const etsLibs: string[] = []; etsOption?.libs?.forEach(filename => { const absuluteFilePath = IO.resolvePath(filename); etsLibs.push(absuluteFilePath!); }); etsOption.libs = etsLibs; return etsOption; } return ts.parseCustomTypeOption(option as ts.CommandLineOptionOfCustomType, value, errors); } } export interface TestFile { unitName: string; content: string; fileOptions?: any; } export function compileFiles( inputFiles: TestFile[], otherFiles: TestFile[], harnessSettings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings | undefined, compilerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions | undefined, // Current directory is needed for rwcRunner to be able to use currentDirectory defined in json file currentDirectory: string | undefined, symlinks?: vfs.FileSet ): compiler.CompilationResult { const options: ts.CompilerOptions & HarnessOptions = compilerOptions ? ts.cloneCompilerOptions(compilerOptions) : { noResolve: false }; = ts.getEmitScriptTarget(options); options.newLine = options.newLine || ts.NewLineKind.CarriageReturnLineFeed; options.noErrorTruncation = true; options.skipDefaultLibCheck = typeof options.skipDefaultLibCheck === "undefined" ? true : options.skipDefaultLibCheck; if (typeof currentDirectory === "undefined") { currentDirectory = vfs.srcFolder; } // Parse settings if (harnessSettings) { setCompilerOptionsFromHarnessSetting(harnessSettings, options); } if (options.rootDirs) { options.rootDirs =, d => ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(d, currentDirectory)); } const useCaseSensitiveFileNames = options.useCaseSensitiveFileNames !== undefined ? options.useCaseSensitiveFileNames : true; const programFileNames = => file.unitName).filter(fileName => !ts.fileExtensionIs(fileName, ts.Extension.Json) && !ts.fileExtensionIs(fileName, ".json5")); // Files from built\local that are requested by test "@includeBuiltFiles" to be in the context. // Treat them as library files, so include them in build, but not in baselines. if (options.includeBuiltFile) { programFileNames.push(vpath.combine(vfs.builtFolder, options.includeBuiltFile)); } // Files from tests\lib that are requested by "@libFiles" if (options.libFiles) { for (const fileName of options.libFiles.split(",")) { programFileNames.push(vpath.combine(vfs.testLibFolder, fileName)); } } const docs = inputFiles.concat(otherFiles).map(documents.TextDocument.fromTestFile); const fs = vfs.createFromFileSystem(IO, !useCaseSensitiveFileNames, { documents: docs, cwd: currentDirectory }); if (symlinks) { fs.apply(symlinks); } const host = new fakes.CompilerHost(fs, options); const result = compiler.compileFiles(host, programFileNames, options); result.symlinks = symlinks; return result; } export interface DeclarationCompilationContext { declInputFiles: TestFile[]; declOtherFiles: TestFile[]; harnessSettings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings & HarnessOptions | undefined; options: ts.CompilerOptions; currentDirectory: string; } export function prepareDeclarationCompilationContext(inputFiles: readonly TestFile[], otherFiles: readonly TestFile[], result: compiler.CompilationResult, harnessSettings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings & HarnessOptions, options: ts.CompilerOptions, // Current directory is needed for rwcRunner to be able to use currentDirectory defined in json file currentDirectory: string | undefined): DeclarationCompilationContext | undefined { if (options.declaration && result.diagnostics.length === 0) { if (options.emitDeclarationOnly) { if (result.js.size > 0 || result.dts.size === 0) { throw new Error("Only declaration files should be generated when emitDeclarationOnly:true"); } } else if (result.dts.size !== result.getNumberOfJsFiles(/*includeJson*/ false)) { throw new Error("There were no errors and declFiles generated did not match number of js files generated"); } } const declInputFiles: TestFile[] = []; const declOtherFiles: TestFile[] = []; // if the .d.ts is non-empty, confirm it compiles correctly as well if (options.declaration && result.diagnostics.length === 0 && result.dts.size > 0) { ts.forEach(inputFiles, file => addDtsFile(file, declInputFiles)); ts.forEach(otherFiles, file => addDtsFile(file, declOtherFiles)); return { declInputFiles, declOtherFiles, harnessSettings, options, currentDirectory: currentDirectory || harnessSettings.currentDirectory }; } function addDtsFile(file: TestFile, dtsFiles: TestFile[]) { if (vpath.isDeclaration(file.unitName) || vpath.isJson(file.unitName)) { dtsFiles.push(file); } else if (vpath.isTypeScript(file.unitName) || (vpath.isJavaScript(file.unitName) && ts.getAllowJSCompilerOption(options))) { const declFile = findResultCodeFile(file.unitName); if (declFile && !findUnit(declFile.file, declInputFiles) && !findUnit(declFile.file, declOtherFiles)) { dtsFiles.push({ unitName: declFile.file, content: Utils.removeByteOrderMark(declFile.text) }); } } } function findResultCodeFile(fileName: string) { const sourceFile = result.program!.getSourceFile(fileName)!; assert(sourceFile, "Program has no source file with name '" + fileName + "'"); // Is this file going to be emitted separately let sourceFileName: string; const outFile = options.outFile || options.out; if (!outFile) { if (options.outDir) { let sourceFilePath = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(sourceFile.fileName, result.vfs.cwd()); sourceFilePath = sourceFilePath.replace(result.program!.getCommonSourceDirectory(), ""); sourceFileName = ts.combinePaths(options.outDir, sourceFilePath); } else { sourceFileName = sourceFile.fileName; } } else { // Goes to single --out file sourceFileName = outFile; } const dTsFileName = ts.removeFileExtension(sourceFileName) + ts.getDeclarationEmitExtensionForPath(sourceFileName); return result.dts.get(dTsFileName); } function findUnit(fileName: string, units: TestFile[]) { return ts.forEach(units, unit => unit.unitName === fileName ? unit : undefined); } } export function compileDeclarationFiles(context: DeclarationCompilationContext | undefined, symlinks: vfs.FileSet | undefined) { if (!context) { return; } const { declInputFiles, declOtherFiles, harnessSettings, options, currentDirectory } = context; const output = compileFiles(declInputFiles, declOtherFiles, harnessSettings, options, currentDirectory, symlinks); return { declInputFiles, declOtherFiles, declResult: output }; } export function minimalDiagnosticsToString(diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[], pretty?: boolean) { const host = { getCanonicalFileName, getCurrentDirectory: () => "", getNewLine: () => IO.newLine() }; return (pretty ? ts.formatDiagnosticsWithColorAndContext : ts.formatDiagnostics)(diagnostics, host); } export function getErrorBaseline(inputFiles: readonly TestFile[], diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[], pretty?: boolean) { let outputLines = ""; const gen = iterateErrorBaseline(inputFiles, diagnostics, { pretty }); for (let {done, value} =; !done; { done, value } = { const [, content] = value; outputLines += content; } if (pretty) { outputLines += ts.getErrorSummaryText(ts.getErrorCountForSummary(diagnostics), ts.getFilesInErrorForSummary(diagnostics), IO.newLine(), { getCurrentDirectory: () => "" }); } return outputLines; } export const diagnosticSummaryMarker = "__diagnosticSummary"; export const globalErrorsMarker = "__globalErrors"; export function *iterateErrorBaseline(inputFiles: readonly TestFile[], diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[], options?: { pretty?: boolean, caseSensitive?: boolean, currentDirectory?: string }): IterableIterator<[string, string, number]> { diagnostics = ts.sort(diagnostics, ts.compareDiagnostics); let outputLines = ""; // Count up all errors that were found in files other than lib.d.ts so we don't miss any let totalErrorsReportedInNonLibraryFiles = 0; let errorsReported = 0; let firstLine = true; function newLine() { if (firstLine) { firstLine = false; return ""; } return "\r\n"; } const formatDiagnsoticHost = { getCurrentDirectory: () => options && options.currentDirectory ? options.currentDirectory : "", getNewLine: () => IO.newLine(), getCanonicalFileName: ts.createGetCanonicalFileName(options && options.caseSensitive !== undefined ? options.caseSensitive : true), }; function outputErrorText(error: ts.Diagnostic) { const message = ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(error.messageText, IO.newLine()); const errLines = Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(message) .split("\n") .map(s => s.length > 0 && s.charAt(s.length - 1) === "\r" ? s.substr(0, s.length - 1) : s) .filter(s => s.length > 0) .map(s => "!!! " + ts.diagnosticCategoryName(error) + " TS" + error.code + ": " + s); if (error.relatedInformation) { for (const info of error.relatedInformation) { errLines.push(`!!! related TS${info.code}${info.file ? " " + ts.formatLocation(info.file, info.start!, formatDiagnsoticHost, ts.identity) : ""}: ${ts.flattenDiagnosticMessageText(info.messageText, IO.newLine())}`); } } errLines.forEach(e => outputLines += (newLine() + e)); errorsReported++; // do not count errors from lib.d.ts here, they are computed separately as numLibraryDiagnostics // if lib.d.ts is explicitly included in input files and there are some errors in it (i.e. because of duplicate identifiers) // then they will be added twice thus triggering 'total errors' assertion with condition // 'totalErrorsReportedInNonLibraryFiles + numLibraryDiagnostics + numTest262HarnessDiagnostics, diagnostics.length if (!error.file || !isDefaultLibraryFile(error.file.fileName)) { totalErrorsReportedInNonLibraryFiles++; } } yield [diagnosticSummaryMarker, Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(minimalDiagnosticsToString(diagnostics, options && options.pretty)) + IO.newLine() + IO.newLine(), diagnostics.length]; // Report global errors const globalErrors = diagnostics.filter(err => !err.file); globalErrors.forEach(outputErrorText); yield [globalErrorsMarker, outputLines, errorsReported]; outputLines = ""; errorsReported = 0; // 'merge' the lines of each input file with any errors associated with it const dupeCase = new ts.Map(); for (const inputFile of inputFiles.filter(f => f.content !== undefined)) { // Filter down to the errors in the file const fileErrors = diagnostics.filter((e): e is ts.DiagnosticWithLocation => { const errFn = e.file; return !!errFn && ts.comparePaths(Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(errFn.fileName), Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(inputFile.unitName), options && options.currentDirectory || "", !(options && options.caseSensitive)) === ts.Comparison.EqualTo; }); // Header outputLines += (newLine() + "==== " + inputFile.unitName + " (" + fileErrors.length + " errors) ===="); // Make sure we emit something for every error let markedErrorCount = 0; // For each line, emit the line followed by any error squiggles matching this line // Note: IE JS engine incorrectly handles consecutive delimiters here when using RegExp split, so // we have to string-based splitting instead and try to figure out the delimiting chars const lineStarts = ts.computeLineStarts(inputFile.content); let lines = inputFile.content.split("\n"); if (lines.length === 1) { lines = lines[0].split("\r"); } lines.forEach((line, lineIndex) => { if (line.length > 0 && line.charAt(line.length - 1) === "\r") { line = line.substr(0, line.length - 1); } const thisLineStart = lineStarts[lineIndex]; let nextLineStart: number; // On the last line of the file, fake the next line start number so that we handle errors on the last character of the file correctly if (lineIndex === lines.length - 1) { nextLineStart = inputFile.content.length; } else { nextLineStart = lineStarts[lineIndex + 1]; } // Emit this line from the original file outputLines += (newLine() + " " + line); fileErrors.forEach(errDiagnostic => { const err = errDiagnostic as ts.TextSpan; // TODO: GH#18217 // Does any error start or continue on to this line? Emit squiggles const end = ts.textSpanEnd(err); if ((end >= thisLineStart) && ((err.start < nextLineStart) || (lineIndex === lines.length - 1))) { // How many characters from the start of this line the error starts at (could be positive or negative) const relativeOffset = err.start - thisLineStart; // How many characters of the error are on this line (might be longer than this line in reality) const length = (end - err.start) - Math.max(0, thisLineStart - err.start); // Calculate the start of the squiggle const squiggleStart = Math.max(0, relativeOffset); // TODO/REVIEW: this doesn't work quite right in the browser if a multi file test has files whose names are just the right length relative to one another outputLines += (newLine() + " " + line.substr(0, squiggleStart).replace(/[^\s]/g, " ") + new Array(Math.min(length, line.length - squiggleStart) + 1).join("~")); // If the error ended here, or we're at the end of the file, emit its message if ((lineIndex === lines.length - 1) || nextLineStart > end) { // Just like above, we need to do a split on a string instead of on a regex // because the JS engine does regexes wrong outputErrorText(errDiagnostic); markedErrorCount++; } } }); }); // Verify we didn't miss any errors in this file assert.equal(markedErrorCount, fileErrors.length, "count of errors in " + inputFile.unitName); const isDupe = dupeCase.has(sanitizeTestFilePath(inputFile.unitName)); yield [checkDuplicatedFileName(inputFile.unitName, dupeCase), outputLines, errorsReported]; if (isDupe && !(options && options.caseSensitive)) { // Case-duplicated files on a case-insensitive build will have errors reported in both the dupe and the original // thanks to the canse-insensitive path comparison on the error file path - We only want to count those errors once // for the assert below, so we subtract them here. totalErrorsReportedInNonLibraryFiles -= errorsReported; } outputLines = ""; errorsReported = 0; } const numLibraryDiagnostics = ts.countWhere(diagnostics, diagnostic => { return !!diagnostic.file && (isDefaultLibraryFile(diagnostic.file.fileName) || isBuiltFile(diagnostic.file.fileName)); }); const numTest262HarnessDiagnostics = ts.countWhere(diagnostics, diagnostic => { // Count an error generated from tests262-harness folder.This should only apply for test262 return !!diagnostic.file && diagnostic.file.fileName.indexOf("test262-harness") >= 0; }); // Verify we didn't miss any errors in total assert.equal(totalErrorsReportedInNonLibraryFiles + numLibraryDiagnostics + numTest262HarnessDiagnostics, diagnostics.length, "total number of errors"); } export function doErrorBaseline(baselinePath: string, inputFiles: readonly TestFile[], errors: readonly ts.Diagnostic[], pretty?: boolean) { Baseline.runBaseline(baselinePath.replace(/\.tsx?$/, ".errors.txt"), !errors || (errors.length === 0) ? null : getErrorBaseline(inputFiles, errors, pretty)); // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null } export function doTypeAndSymbolBaseline(baselinePath: string, program: ts.Program, allFiles: {unitName: string, content: string}[], opts?: Baseline.BaselineOptions, multifile?: boolean, skipTypeBaselines?: boolean, skipSymbolBaselines?: boolean, hasErrorBaseline?: boolean) { // The full walker simulates the types that you would get from doing a full // compile. The pull walker simulates the types you get when you just do // a type query for a random node (like how the LS would do it). Most of the // time, these will be the same. However, occasionally, they can be different. // Specifically, when the compiler internally depends on symbol IDs to order // things, then we may see different results because symbols can be created in a // different order with 'pull' operations, and thus can produce slightly differing // output. // // For example, with a full type check, we may see a type displayed as: number | string // But with a pull type check, we may see it as: string | number // // These types are equivalent, but depend on what order the compiler observed // certain parts of the program. const fullWalker = new TypeWriterWalker(program, !!hasErrorBaseline); // Produce baselines. The first gives the types for all expressions. // The second gives symbols for all identifiers. let typesError: Error | undefined, symbolsError: Error | undefined; try { checkBaseLines(/*isSymbolBaseLine*/ false); } catch (e) { typesError = e; } try { checkBaseLines(/*isSymbolBaseLine*/ true); } catch (e) { symbolsError = e; } if (typesError && symbolsError) { throw new Error(typesError.stack + IO.newLine() + symbolsError.stack); } if (typesError) { throw typesError; } if (symbolsError) { throw symbolsError; } return; function checkBaseLines(isSymbolBaseLine: boolean) { const fullExtension = isSymbolBaseLine ? ".symbols" : ".types"; // When calling this function from rwc-runner, the baselinePath will have no extension. // As rwc test- file is stored in json which ".json" will get stripped off. // When calling this function from compiler-runner, the baselinePath will then has either ".ts" or ".tsx" extension const outputFileName = ts.endsWith(baselinePath, ts.Extension.Ts) || ts.endsWith(baselinePath, ts.Extension.Tsx) ? baselinePath.replace(/\.tsx?/, "") : baselinePath; if (!multifile) { const fullBaseLine = generateBaseLine(isSymbolBaseLine, isSymbolBaseLine ? skipSymbolBaselines : skipTypeBaselines); Baseline.runBaseline(outputFileName + fullExtension, fullBaseLine, opts); } else { Baseline.runMultifileBaseline(outputFileName, fullExtension, () => { return iterateBaseLine(isSymbolBaseLine, isSymbolBaseLine ? skipSymbolBaselines : skipTypeBaselines); }, opts); } } function generateBaseLine(isSymbolBaseline: boolean, skipBaseline?: boolean): string | null { let result = ""; const gen = iterateBaseLine(isSymbolBaseline, skipBaseline); for (let {done, value} =; !done; { done, value } = { const [, content] = value; result += content; } return result || null; // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null } function *iterateBaseLine(isSymbolBaseline: boolean, skipBaseline?: boolean): IterableIterator<[string, string]> { if (skipBaseline) { return; } const dupeCase = new ts.Map(); for (const file of allFiles) { const { unitName } = file; let typeLines = "=== " + unitName + " ===\r\n"; const codeLines = ts.flatMap(file.content.split(/\r?\n/g), e => e.split(/[\r\u2028\u2029]/g)); const gen: IterableIterator = isSymbolBaseline ? fullWalker.getSymbols(unitName) : fullWalker.getTypes(unitName); let lastIndexWritten: number | undefined; for (let {done, value: result} =; !done; { done, value: result } = { if (isSymbolBaseline && !result.symbol) { return; } if (lastIndexWritten === undefined) { typeLines += codeLines.slice(0, result.line + 1).join("\r\n") + "\r\n"; } else if (result.line !== lastIndexWritten) { if (!((lastIndexWritten + 1 < codeLines.length) && (codeLines[lastIndexWritten + 1].match(/^\s*[{|}]\s*$/) || codeLines[lastIndexWritten + 1].trim() === ""))) { typeLines += "\r\n"; } typeLines += codeLines.slice(lastIndexWritten + 1, result.line + 1).join("\r\n") + "\r\n"; } lastIndexWritten = result.line; const typeOrSymbolString = isSymbolBaseline ? result.symbol : result.type; const formattedLine = result.sourceText.replace(/\r?\n/g, "") + " : " + typeOrSymbolString; typeLines += ">" + formattedLine + "\r\n"; } lastIndexWritten ??= -1; if (lastIndexWritten + 1 < codeLines.length) { if (!((lastIndexWritten + 1 < codeLines.length) && (codeLines[lastIndexWritten + 1].match(/^\s*[{|}]\s*$/) || codeLines[lastIndexWritten + 1].trim() === ""))) { typeLines += "\r\n"; } typeLines += codeLines.slice(lastIndexWritten + 1).join("\r\n"); } typeLines += "\r\n"; yield [checkDuplicatedFileName(unitName, dupeCase), Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(typeLines)]; } } } export function doSourcemapBaseline(baselinePath: string, options: ts.CompilerOptions, result: compiler.CompilationResult, harnessSettings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings) { const declMaps = ts.getAreDeclarationMapsEnabled(options); if (options.inlineSourceMap) { if (result.maps.size > 0 && !declMaps) { throw new Error("No sourcemap files should be generated if inlineSourceMaps was set."); } return; } else if (options.sourceMap || declMaps) { if (result.maps.size !== ((options.sourceMap ? result.getNumberOfJsFiles(/*includeJson*/ false) : 0) + (declMaps ? result.getNumberOfJsFiles(/*includeJson*/ true) : 0))) { throw new Error("Number of sourcemap files should be same as js files."); } let sourceMapCode: string | null; if ((options.noEmitOnError && result.diagnostics.length !== 0) || result.maps.size === 0) { // We need to return null here or the runBaseLine will actually create a empty file. // Baselining isn't required here because there is no output. sourceMapCode = null; // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null } else { sourceMapCode = ""; result.maps.forEach(sourceMap => { if (sourceMapCode) sourceMapCode += "\r\n"; sourceMapCode += fileOutput(sourceMap, harnessSettings); if (!options.inlineSourceMap) { sourceMapCode += createSourceMapPreviewLink(sourceMap.text, result); } }); } Baseline.runBaseline(baselinePath.replace(/\.tsx?/, ""), sourceMapCode); } } function createSourceMapPreviewLink(sourcemap: string, result: compiler.CompilationResult) { const sourcemapJSON = JSON.parse(sourcemap); const outputJSFile = result.outputs.find(td => td.file.endsWith(sourcemapJSON.file)); if (!outputJSFile) return ""; const sourceTDs =, (s: string) => result.inputs.find(td => td.file.endsWith(s))); const anyUnfoundSources = ts.contains(sourceTDs, /*value*/ undefined); if (anyUnfoundSources) return ""; const hash = "#base64," +[outputJSFile.text, sourcemap].concat( => td!.text)), (s) => ts.convertToBase64(decodeURIComponent(encodeURIComponent(s)))).join(","); return "\n////" + hash + "\n"; } export function doJsEmitBaseline(baselinePath: string, header: string, options: ts.CompilerOptions, result: compiler.CompilationResult, tsConfigFiles: readonly TestFile[], toBeCompiled: readonly TestFile[], otherFiles: readonly TestFile[], harnessSettings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings) { if (!options.noEmit && !options.emitDeclarationOnly && result.js.size === 0 && result.diagnostics.length === 0) { throw new Error("Expected at least one js file to be emitted or at least one error to be created."); } // check js output let tsCode = ""; const tsSources = otherFiles.concat(toBeCompiled); if (tsSources.length > 1) { tsCode += "//// [" + header + "] ////\r\n\r\n"; } for (let i = 0; i < tsSources.length; i++) { tsCode += "//// [" + ts.getBaseFileName(tsSources[i].unitName) + "]\r\n"; tsCode += tsSources[i].content + (i < (tsSources.length - 1) ? "\r\n" : ""); } let jsCode = ""; result.js.forEach(file => { if (jsCode.length && jsCode.charCodeAt(jsCode.length - 1) !== ts.CharacterCodes.lineFeed) { jsCode += "\r\n"; } if (!result.diagnostics.length && !ts.endsWith(file.file, ts.Extension.Json)) { const fileParseResult = ts.createSourceFile(file.file, file.text, ts.getEmitScriptTarget(options), /*parentNodes*/ false, ts.endsWith(file.file, "x") ? ts.ScriptKind.JSX : ts.ScriptKind.JS); if (ts.length(fileParseResult.parseDiagnostics)) { jsCode += getErrorBaseline([file.asTestFile()], fileParseResult.parseDiagnostics); return; } } jsCode += fileOutput(file, harnessSettings); }); if (result.dts.size > 0) { jsCode += "\r\n\r\n"; result.dts.forEach(declFile => { jsCode += fileOutput(declFile, harnessSettings); }); } const declFileContext = prepareDeclarationCompilationContext( toBeCompiled, otherFiles, result, harnessSettings, options, /*currentDirectory*/ undefined ); const declFileCompilationResult = compileDeclarationFiles(declFileContext, result.symlinks); if (declFileCompilationResult && declFileCompilationResult.declResult.diagnostics.length) { jsCode += "\r\n\r\n//// [DtsFileErrors]\r\n"; jsCode += "\r\n\r\n"; jsCode += getErrorBaseline(tsConfigFiles.concat(declFileCompilationResult.declInputFiles, declFileCompilationResult.declOtherFiles), declFileCompilationResult.declResult.diagnostics); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null Baseline.runBaseline(baselinePath.replace(/\.tsx?/, ts.Extension.Js), jsCode.length > 0 ? tsCode + "\r\n\r\n" + jsCode : null); } function fileOutput(file: documents.TextDocument, harnessSettings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings): string { const fileName = harnessSettings.fullEmitPaths ? Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(file.file) : ts.getBaseFileName(file.file); return "//// [" + fileName + "]\r\n" + Utils.removeTestPathPrefixes(file.text); } export function collateOutputs(outputFiles: readonly documents.TextDocument[]): string { const gen = iterateOutputs(outputFiles); // Emit them let result = ""; for (let {done, value} =; !done; { done, value } = { // Some extra spacing if this isn't the first file if (result.length) { result += "\r\n\r\n"; } // FileName header + content const [, content] = value; result += content; } return result; } export function* iterateOutputs(outputFiles: Iterable): IterableIterator<[string, string]> { // Collect, test, and sort the fileNames const files = Array.from(outputFiles); files.slice().sort((a, b) => ts.compareStringsCaseSensitive(cleanName(a.file), cleanName(b.file))); const dupeCase = new ts.Map(); // Yield them for (const outputFile of files) { yield [checkDuplicatedFileName(outputFile.file, dupeCase), "/*====== " + outputFile.file + " ======*/\r\n" + Utils.removeByteOrderMark(outputFile.text)]; } function cleanName(fn: string) { const lastSlash = ts.normalizeSlashes(fn).lastIndexOf("/"); return fn.substr(lastSlash + 1).toLowerCase(); } } function checkDuplicatedFileName(resultName: string, dupeCase: ts.ESMap): string { resultName = sanitizeTestFilePath(resultName); if (dupeCase.has(resultName)) { // A different baseline filename should be manufactured if the names differ only in case, for windows compat const count = 1 + dupeCase.get(resultName)!; dupeCase.set(resultName, count); resultName = `${resultName}.dupe${count}`; } else { dupeCase.set(resultName, 0); } return resultName; } export function sanitizeTestFilePath(name: string) { const path = ts.toPath(ts.normalizeSlashes(name.replace(/[\^<>:"|?*%]/g, "_")).replace(/\.\.\//g, "__dotdot/"), "", Utils.canonicalizeForHarness); if (ts.startsWith(path, "/")) { return path.substring(1); } return path; } } export interface FileBasedTest { file: string; configurations?: FileBasedTestConfiguration[]; } export interface FileBasedTestConfiguration { [key: string]: string; } function splitVaryBySettingValue(text: string, varyBy: string): string[] | undefined { if (!text) return undefined; let star = false; const includes: string[] = []; const excludes: string[] = []; for (let s of text.split(/,/g)) { s = s.trim().toLowerCase(); if (s.length === 0) continue; if (s === "*") { star = true; } else if (ts.startsWith(s, "-") || ts.startsWith(s, "!")) { excludes.push(s.slice(1)); } else { includes.push(s); } } // do nothing if the setting has no variations if (includes.length <= 1 && !star && excludes.length === 0) { return undefined; } const variations: { key: string, value?: string | number }[] = []; const values = getVaryByStarSettingValues(varyBy); // add (and deduplicate) all included entries for (const include of includes) { const value = values?.get(include); if (ts.findIndex(variations, v => v.key === include || value !== undefined && v.value === value) === -1) { variations.push({ key: include, value }); } } if (star && values) { // add all entries for (const [key, value] of ts.arrayFrom(values.entries())) { if (ts.findIndex(variations, v => v.key === key || v.value === value) === -1) { variations.push({ key, value }); } } } // remove all excluded entries for (const exclude of excludes) { const value = values?.get(exclude); let index: number; while ((index = ts.findIndex(variations, v => v.key === exclude || value !== undefined && v.value === value)) >= 0) { ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(variations, index); } } if (variations.length === 0) { throw new Error(`Variations in test option '@${varyBy}' resulted in an empty set.`); } return, v => v.key); } function computeFileBasedTestConfigurationVariations(configurations: FileBasedTestConfiguration[], variationState: FileBasedTestConfiguration, varyByEntries: [string, string[]][], offset: number) { if (offset >= varyByEntries.length) { // make a copy of the current variation state configurations.push({ ...variationState }); return; } const [varyBy, entries] = varyByEntries[offset]; for (const entry of entries) { // set or overwrite the variation, then compute the next variation variationState[varyBy] = entry; computeFileBasedTestConfigurationVariations(configurations, variationState, varyByEntries, offset + 1); } } let booleanVaryByStarSettingValues: ts.ESMap | undefined; function getVaryByStarSettingValues(varyBy: string): ts.ReadonlyESMap | undefined { const option = ts.forEach(ts.optionDeclarations, decl => ts.equateStringsCaseInsensitive(, varyBy) ? decl : undefined); if (option) { if (typeof option.type === "object") { return option.type; } if (option.type === "boolean") { return booleanVaryByStarSettingValues || (booleanVaryByStarSettingValues = new ts.Map(ts.getEntries({ true: 1, false: 0 }))); } } } /** * Compute FileBasedTestConfiguration variations based on a supplied list of variable settings. */ export function getFileBasedTestConfigurations(settings: TestCaseParser.CompilerSettings, varyBy: readonly string[]): FileBasedTestConfiguration[] | undefined { let varyByEntries: [string, string[]][] | undefined; let variationCount = 1; for (const varyByKey of varyBy) { if (ts.hasProperty(settings, varyByKey)) { // we only consider variations when there are 2 or more variable entries. const entries = splitVaryBySettingValue(settings[varyByKey], varyByKey); if (entries) { if (!varyByEntries) varyByEntries = []; variationCount *= entries.length; if (variationCount > 25) throw new Error(`Provided test options exceeded the maximum number of variations: ${ => `'@${v}'`).join(", ")}`); varyByEntries.push([varyByKey, entries]); } } } if (!varyByEntries) return undefined; const configurations: FileBasedTestConfiguration[] = []; computeFileBasedTestConfigurationVariations(configurations, /*variationState*/ {}, varyByEntries, /*offset*/ 0); return configurations; } /** * Compute a description for this configuration based on its entries */ export function getFileBasedTestConfigurationDescription(configuration: FileBasedTestConfiguration) { let name = ""; if (configuration) { const keys = Object.keys(configuration).sort(); for (const key of keys) { if (name) name += ", "; name += `@${key}: ${configuration[key]}`; } } return name; } export namespace TestCaseParser { /** all the necessary information to set the right compiler settings */ export interface CompilerSettings { [name: string]: string; } /** All the necessary information to turn a multi file test into useful units for later compilation */ export interface TestUnitData { content: string; name: string; fileOptions: any; originalFilePath: string; references: string[]; } // Regex for parsing options in the format "@Alpha: Value of any sort" const optionRegex = /^[\/]{2}\s*@(\w+)\s*:\s*([^\r\n]*)/gm; // multiple matches on multiple lines const linkRegex = /^[\/]{2}\s*@link\s*:\s*([^\r\n]*)\s*->\s*([^\r\n]*)/gm; // multiple matches on multiple lines export function parseSymlinkFromTest(line: string, symlinks: vfs.FileSet | undefined) { const linkMetaData = linkRegex.exec(line); linkRegex.lastIndex = 0; if (!linkMetaData) return undefined; if (!symlinks) symlinks = {}; symlinks[linkMetaData[2].trim()] = new vfs.Symlink(linkMetaData[1].trim()); return symlinks; } export function extractCompilerSettings(content: string): CompilerSettings { const opts: CompilerSettings = {}; let match: RegExpExecArray | null; while ((match = optionRegex.exec(content)) !== null) { // eslint-disable-line no-null/no-null opts[match[1]] = match[2].trim(); } return opts; } export interface TestCaseContent { settings: CompilerSettings; testUnitData: TestUnitData[]; tsConfig: ts.ParsedCommandLine | undefined; tsConfigFileUnitData: TestUnitData | undefined; symlinks?: vfs.FileSet; } /** Given a test file containing // @FileName directives, return an array of named units of code to be added to an existing compiler instance */ export function makeUnitsFromTest(code: string, fileName: string, rootDir?: string, settings = extractCompilerSettings(code)): TestCaseContent { // List of all the subfiles we've parsed out const testUnitData: TestUnitData[] = []; const lines = Utils.splitContentByNewlines(code); // Stuff related to the subfile we're parsing let currentFileContent: string | undefined; let currentFileOptions: any = {}; let currentFileName: any; let refs: string[] = []; let symlinks: vfs.FileSet | undefined; for (const line of lines) { let testMetaData: RegExpExecArray | null; const possiblySymlinks = parseSymlinkFromTest(line, symlinks); if (possiblySymlinks) { symlinks = possiblySymlinks; } else if (testMetaData = optionRegex.exec(line)) { // Comment line, check for global/file @options and record them optionRegex.lastIndex = 0; const metaDataName = testMetaData[1].toLowerCase(); currentFileOptions[testMetaData[1]] = testMetaData[2].trim(); if (metaDataName !== "filename") { continue; } // New metadata statement after having collected some code to go with the previous metadata if (currentFileName) { // Store result file const newTestFile = { content: currentFileContent!, // TODO: GH#18217 name: currentFileName, fileOptions: currentFileOptions, originalFilePath: fileName, references: refs }; testUnitData.push(newTestFile); // Reset local data currentFileContent = undefined; currentFileOptions = {}; currentFileName = testMetaData[2].trim(); refs = []; } else { // First metadata marker in the file currentFileName = testMetaData[2].trim(); } } else { // Subfile content line // Append to the current subfile content, inserting a newline needed if (currentFileContent === undefined) { currentFileContent = ""; } else if (currentFileContent !== "") { // End-of-line currentFileContent = currentFileContent + "\n"; } currentFileContent = currentFileContent + line; } } // normalize the fileName for the single file case currentFileName = testUnitData.length > 0 || currentFileName ? currentFileName : ts.getBaseFileName(fileName); // EOF, push whatever remains const newTestFile2 = { content: currentFileContent || "", name: currentFileName, fileOptions: currentFileOptions, originalFilePath: fileName, references: refs }; testUnitData.push(newTestFile2); // unit tests always list files explicitly const parseConfigHost: ts.ParseConfigHost = { useCaseSensitiveFileNames: false, readDirectory: () => [], fileExists: () => true, readFile: (name) => ts.forEach(testUnitData, data => === name.toLowerCase() ? data.content : undefined) }; // check if project has tsconfig.json in the list of files let tsConfig: ts.ParsedCommandLine | undefined; let tsConfigFileUnitData: TestUnitData | undefined; for (let i = 0; i < testUnitData.length; i++) { const data = testUnitData[i]; if (getConfigNameFromFileName( { const configJson = ts.parseJsonText(, data.content); assert.isTrue(configJson.endOfFileToken !== undefined); let baseDir = ts.normalizePath(ts.getDirectoryPath(; if (rootDir) { baseDir = ts.getNormalizedAbsolutePath(baseDir, rootDir); } tsConfig = ts.parseJsonSourceFileConfigFileContent(configJson, parseConfigHost, baseDir); tsConfig.options.configFilePath =; tsConfigFileUnitData = data; // delete entry from the list ts.orderedRemoveItemAt(testUnitData, i); break; } } return { settings, testUnitData, tsConfig, tsConfigFileUnitData, symlinks }; } } /** Support class for baseline files */ export namespace Baseline { const noContent = ""; export interface BaselineOptions { Subfolder?: string; Baselinefolder?: string; PrintDiff?: true; } export function localPath(fileName: string, baselineFolder?: string, subfolder?: string) { if (baselineFolder === undefined) { return baselinePath(fileName, "local", "tests/baselines", subfolder); } else { return baselinePath(fileName, "local", baselineFolder, subfolder); } } function referencePath(fileName: string, baselineFolder?: string, subfolder?: string) { if (baselineFolder === undefined) { return baselinePath(fileName, "reference", "tests/baselines", subfolder); } else { return baselinePath(fileName, "reference", baselineFolder, subfolder); } } function baselinePath(fileName: string, type: string, baselineFolder: string, subfolder?: string) { if (subfolder !== undefined) { return userSpecifiedRoot + baselineFolder + "/" + subfolder + "/" + type + "/" + fileName; } else { return userSpecifiedRoot + baselineFolder + "/" + type + "/" + fileName; } } const fileCache: { [idx: string]: boolean } = {}; function compareToBaseline(actual: string | null, relativeFileName: string, opts: BaselineOptions | undefined) { // actual is now either undefined (the generator had an error), null (no file requested), // or some real output of the function if (actual === undefined) { // Nothing to do return undefined!; // TODO: GH#18217 } const refFileName = referencePath(relativeFileName, opts && opts.Baselinefolder, opts && opts.Subfolder); // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null if (actual === null) { actual = noContent; } let expected = ""; if (IO.fileExists(refFileName)) { expected = IO.readFile(refFileName)!; // TODO: GH#18217 } return { expected, actual }; } function writeComparison(expected: string, actual: string, relativeFileName: string, actualFileName: string, opts?: BaselineOptions) { // For now this is written using TypeScript, because sys is not available when running old test cases. // But we need to move to sys once we have // Creates the directory including its parent if not already present function createDirectoryStructure(dirName: string) { if (fileCache[dirName] || IO.directoryExists(dirName)) { fileCache[dirName] = true; return; } const parentDirectory = IO.directoryName(dirName)!; // TODO: GH#18217 if (parentDirectory !== "" && parentDirectory !== dirName) { createDirectoryStructure(parentDirectory); } IO.createDirectory(dirName); fileCache[dirName] = true; } // Create folders if needed createDirectoryStructure(IO.directoryName(actualFileName)!); // TODO: GH#18217 // Delete the actual file in case it fails if (IO.fileExists(actualFileName)) { IO.deleteFile(actualFileName); } const encodedActual = Utils.encodeString(actual); if (expected !== encodedActual) { if (actual === noContent) { IO.writeFile(actualFileName + ".delete", ""); } else { IO.writeFile(actualFileName, encodedActual); } const errorMessage = getBaselineFileChangedErrorMessage(relativeFileName); if (!!require && opts && opts.PrintDiff) { const Diff = require("diff"); const patch = Diff.createTwoFilesPatch("Expected", "Actual", expected, actual, "The current baseline", "The new version"); throw new Error(`${errorMessage}${ts.ForegroundColorEscapeSequences.Grey}\n\n${patch}`); } else { if (!IO.fileExists(expected)) { throw new Error(`New baseline created at ${IO.joinPath("tests", "baselines","local", relativeFileName)}`); } else { throw new Error(errorMessage); } } } } function getBaselineFileChangedErrorMessage(relativeFileName: string): string { return `The baseline file ${relativeFileName} has changed. (Run "gulp baseline-accept" if the new baseline is correct.)`; } export function runBaseline(relativeFileName: string, actual: string | null, opts?: BaselineOptions): void { const actualFileName = localPath(relativeFileName, opts && opts.Baselinefolder, opts && opts.Subfolder); if (actual === undefined) { throw new Error("The generated content was \"undefined\". Return \"null\" if no baselining is required.\""); } const comparison = compareToBaseline(actual, relativeFileName, opts); writeComparison(comparison.expected, comparison.actual, relativeFileName, actualFileName, opts); } export function runMultifileBaseline(relativeFileBase: string, extension: string, generateContent: () => IterableIterator<[string, string, number]> | IterableIterator<[string, string]> | null, opts?: BaselineOptions, referencedExtensions?: string[]): void { const gen = generateContent(); const writtenFiles = new ts.Map(); const errors: Error[] = []; // eslint-disable-next-line no-null/no-null if (gen !== null) { for (let {done, value} =; !done; { done, value } = { const [name, content, count] = value as [string, string, number | undefined]; if (count === 0) continue; // Allow error reporter to skip writing files without errors const relativeFileName = relativeFileBase + "/" + name + extension; const actualFileName = localPath(relativeFileName, opts && opts.Baselinefolder, opts && opts.Subfolder); const comparison = compareToBaseline(content, relativeFileName, opts); try { writeComparison(comparison.expected, comparison.actual, relativeFileName, actualFileName); } catch (e) { errors.push(e); } writtenFiles.set(relativeFileName, true); } } const referenceDir = referencePath(relativeFileBase, opts && opts.Baselinefolder, opts && opts.Subfolder); let existing = IO.readDirectory(referenceDir, referencedExtensions || [extension]); if (extension === ".ts" || referencedExtensions && referencedExtensions.indexOf(".ts") > -1 && referencedExtensions.indexOf(".d.ts") === -1) { // special-case and filter .d.ts out of .ts results existing = existing.filter(f => !ts.endsWith(f, ".d.ts")); } const missing: string[] = []; for (const name of existing) { const localCopy = name.substring(referenceDir.length - relativeFileBase.length); if (!writtenFiles.has(localCopy)) { missing.push(localCopy); } } if (missing.length) { for (const file of missing) { IO.writeFile(localPath(file + ".delete", opts && opts.Baselinefolder, opts && opts.Subfolder), ""); } } if (errors.length || missing.length) { let errorMsg = ""; if (errors.length) { errorMsg += `The baseline for ${relativeFileBase} in ${errors.length} files has changed:${"\n " + errors.slice(0, 5).map(e => e.message).join("\n ") + (errors.length > 5 ? "\n" + ` and ${errors.length - 5} more` : "")}`; } if (errors.length && missing.length) { errorMsg += "\n"; } if (missing.length) { const writtenFilesArray = ts.arrayFrom(writtenFiles.keys()); errorMsg += `Baseline missing ${missing.length} files:${"\n " + missing.slice(0, 5).join("\n ") + (missing.length > 5 ? "\n" + ` and ${missing.length - 5} more` : "") + "\n"}Written ${writtenFiles.size} files:${"\n " + writtenFilesArray.slice(0, 5).join("\n ") + (writtenFilesArray.length > 5 ? "\n" + ` and ${writtenFilesArray.length - 5} more` : "")}`; } throw new Error(errorMsg); } } } export function isDefaultLibraryFile(filePath: string): boolean { // We need to make sure that the filePath is prefixed with "lib." not just containing "lib." and end with ".d.ts" const fileName = ts.getBaseFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(filePath)); return ts.startsWith(fileName, "lib.") && (ts.endsWith(fileName, ts.Extension.Dts) || ts.endsWith(fileName, ts.Extension.Dets)); } export function isBuiltFile(filePath: string): boolean { return filePath.indexOf(libFolder) === 0 || filePath.indexOf(vpath.addTrailingSeparator(vfs.builtFolder)) === 0; } export function getDefaultLibraryFile(filePath: string, io: IO): Compiler.TestFile { const libFile = userSpecifiedRoot + libFolder + ts.getBaseFileName(ts.normalizeSlashes(filePath)); return { unitName: libFile, content: io.readFile(libFile)! }; } export function getConfigNameFromFileName(filename: string): "tsconfig.json" | "jsconfig.json" | undefined { const flc = ts.getBaseFileName(filename).toLowerCase(); return ts.find(["tsconfig.json" as const, "jsconfig.json" as const], x => x === flc); } if (Error) (Error as any).stackTraceLimit = 100; }