declare namespace Intl { // type LDMLPluralRule = "zero" | "one" | "two" | "few" | "many" | "other"; type PluralRuleType = "cardinal" | "ordinal"; interface PluralRulesOptions { localeMatcher?: "lookup" | "best fit" | undefined; type?: PluralRuleType | undefined; minimumIntegerDigits?: number | undefined; minimumFractionDigits?: number | undefined; maximumFractionDigits?: number | undefined; minimumSignificantDigits?: number | undefined; maximumSignificantDigits?: number | undefined; } interface ResolvedPluralRulesOptions { locale: string; pluralCategories: LDMLPluralRule[]; type: PluralRuleType; minimumIntegerDigits: number; minimumFractionDigits: number; maximumFractionDigits: number; minimumSignificantDigits?: number; maximumSignificantDigits?: number; } interface PluralRules { resolvedOptions(): ResolvedPluralRulesOptions; select(n: number): LDMLPluralRule; } const PluralRules: { new (locales?: string | string[], options?: PluralRulesOptions): PluralRules; (locales?: string | string[], options?: PluralRulesOptions): PluralRules; supportedLocalesOf(locales: string | string[], options?: { localeMatcher?: "lookup" | "best fit" }): string[]; }; // We can only have one definition for 'type' in TypeScript, and so you can learn where the keys come from here: type ES2018NumberFormatPartType = "literal" | "nan" | "infinity" | "percent" | "integer" | "group" | "decimal" | "fraction" | "plusSign" | "minusSign" | "percentSign" | "currency" | "code" | "symbol" | "name"; type ES2020NumberFormatPartType = "compact" | "exponentInteger" | "exponentMinusSign" | "exponentSeparator" | "unit" | "unknown"; type NumberFormatPartTypes = ES2018NumberFormatPartType | ES2020NumberFormatPartType; interface NumberFormatPart { type: NumberFormatPartTypes; value: string; } interface NumberFormat { formatToParts(number?: number | bigint): NumberFormatPart[]; } }