# # build script written by : Michael Gene Brockus. # github repo author: Mike Karlesky, Mark VanderVoord, Greg Williams. # # license: MIT # project('unity', 'c', license: 'MIT', # Set project version to value extracted from unity.h header version: run_command( [ 'auto/extract_version.py', 'src/unity.h' ], check: true ).stdout().strip(), meson_version: '>=0.47.0', default_options: [ 'werror=true', 'c_std=c11' ] ) build_fixture = get_option('extension_fixture') build_memory = get_option('extension_memory') support_double = get_option('support_double') unity_args = [] unity_src = [] unity_inc = [] subdir('src') if build_fixture # Building the fixture extension implies building the memory # extension. build_memory = true subdir('extras/fixture/src') endif if build_memory subdir('extras/memory/src') endif if support_double unity_args += '-DUNITY_INCLUDE_DOUBLE' endif unity_lib = static_library(meson.project_name(), sources: unity_src, c_args: unity_args, include_directories: unity_inc, install: not meson.is_subproject(), ) unity_dep = declare_dependency( link_with: unity_lib, include_directories: unity_inc ) # Generate pkg-config file. if not meson.is_subproject() pkg = import('pkgconfig') pkg.generate( name: meson.project_name(), version: meson.project_version(), libraries: [ unity_lib ], description: 'C Unit testing framework.' ) endif # Create a generator that can be used by consumers of our build system to generate # test runners. gen_test_runner = generator( find_program('auto/generate_test_runner.rb'), output: '@BASENAME@_Runner.c', arguments: ['@INPUT@', '@OUTPUT@'] )