#ifndef _GL4CPIPELINESTATISTICSQUERYTESTS_HPP #define _GL4CPIPELINESTATISTICSQUERYTESTS_HPP /*------------------------------------------------------------------------- * OpenGL Conformance Test Suite * ----------------------------- * * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 The Khronos Group Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ /*! * \file * \brief */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** */ /*! * \file gl4c PipelineStatisticsQueryTests.hpp * \brief Declares test classes that verify conformance of the * GL implementation with GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query * extension specification. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "glcTestCase.hpp" #include "glwDefs.hpp" #include "tcuDefs.hpp" #include #include #include namespace glcts { class PipelineStatisticsQueryUtilities { public: /* Public type definitions */ typedef bool (*PFNQUERYDRAWHANDLERPROC)(void* user_arg); /* Type of the draw call used for a test iteration */ enum _draw_call_type { /* glDrawArrays() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWARRAYS, /* glDrawArraysIndirect() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWARRAYSINDIRECT, /* glDrawArraysInstanced() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWARRAYSINSTANCED, /* glDrawArraysInstancedBaseInstance() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWARRAYSINSTANCEDBASEINSTANCE, /* glDrawElements() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWELEMENTS, /* glDrawElementsBaseVertex() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWELEMENTSBASEVERTEX, /* glDrawElementsIndirect() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWELEMENTSINDIRECT, /* glDrawElementsInstanced() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWELEMENTSINSTANCED, /* glDrawElementsInstancedBaseInstance() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWELEMENTSINSTANCEDBASEINSTANCE, /* glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertexBaseInstance() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWELEMENTSINSTANCEDBASEVERTEXBASEINSTANCE, /* glDrawRangeElements() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWRANGEELEMENTS, /* glDrawRangeElementsBaseVertex() */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_GLDRAWRANGEELEMENTSBASEVERTEX, /* Always last */ DRAW_CALL_TYPE_COUNT }; /* Input primitive type defined in geometry shader body used by a test iteration */ enum _geometry_shader_input { GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_FIRST, GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_POINTS = GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_FIRST, GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_LINES, GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_LINES_ADJACENCY, GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_TRIANGLES, GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY, /* Always last */ GEOMETRY_SHADER_INPUT_COUNT }; /* Output primitive type defined in geometry shader body used by a test iteration */ enum _geometry_shader_output { GEOMETRY_SHADER_OUTPUT_FIRST, GEOMETRY_SHADER_OUTPUT_POINTS = GEOMETRY_SHADER_OUTPUT_FIRST, GEOMETRY_SHADER_OUTPUT_LINE_STRIP, GEOMETRY_SHADER_OUTPUT_TRIANGLE_STRIP, /* Always last */ GEOMETRY_SHADER_OUTPUT_COUNT }; /* Primitive type used for a draw call */ enum _primitive_type { PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FIRST, /* GL_POINTS */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_POINTS = PRIMITIVE_TYPE_FIRST, /* GL_LINE_LOOP */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_LINE_LOOP, /* GL_LINE_STRIP */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_LINE_STRIP, /* GL_LINES */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_LINES, /* GL_LINES_ADJACENCY */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_LINES_ADJACENCY, /* GL_PATCHES */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_PATCHES, /* GL_TRIANGLE_FAN */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TRIANGLE_FAN, /* GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TRIANGLE_STRIP, /* GL_TRIANGLES */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TRIANGLES, /* GL_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_TRIANGLES_ADJACENCY, /* Always last */ PRIMITIVE_TYPE_COUNT }; /* Stores result of a single test iteration. */ struct _test_execution_result { /* true if 64-bit signed integer counter value was retrieved for the iteration, * false otherwise. */ bool int64_written; /* true if 64-bit unsigned integer counter value was retrieved for the iteration, * false otherwise. */ bool uint64_written; /* 32-bit signed integer counter value, as stored in the query buffer object * used for the test iteration. This variable will only be modified if query * buffer objects are supported. */ glw::GLint result_qo_int; /* 64-bit signed integer counter value, as stored in the query buffer object * used for the test iteration. This variable will only be modified if query * buffer objects are supported, and int64_written is true. */ glw::GLint64 result_qo_int64; /* 32-bit unsigned integer counter value, as stored in the query buffer object * used for the test iteration. This variable will only be modified if query * buffer objects are supported. */ glw::GLuint result_qo_uint; /* 64-bit unsigned integer counter value, as stored in the query buffer object * used for the test iteration. This variable will only be modified if query * buffer objects are supported, and uint64_written is true. */ glw::GLuint64 result_qo_uint64; /* 32-bit signed integer counter value, as stored in the query object * used for the test iteration. */ glw::GLint result_int; /* 64-bit signed integer counter value, as stored in the query object * used for the test iteration. Only set if int64_written is true. */ glw::GLint64 result_int64; /* 32-bit unsigned integer counter value, as stored in the query object * used for the test iteration. */ glw::GLuint result_uint; /* 64-bit unsigned integer counter value, as stored in the query object * used for the test iteration. Only set if uint64_written is true. */ glw::GLuint64 result_uint64; /* Constructor */ _test_execution_result() { result_qo_int = INT_MAX; result_qo_int64 = LLONG_MAX; result_qo_uint = UINT_MAX; result_qo_uint64 = ULLONG_MAX; result_int = INT_MAX; result_int64 = LLONG_MAX; result_uint = UINT_MAX; result_uint64 = ULLONG_MAX; int64_written = false; uint64_written = false; } }; /* Tells how the result values should be verified against * the reference value. */ enum _verification_type { /* The result value should be equal to the reference value */ VERIFICATION_TYPE_EXACT_MATCH, /* The result value should be equal or larger than the reference value */ VERIFICATION_TYPE_EQUAL_OR_GREATER, VERIFICATION_TYPE_UNDEFINED }; /* Code of a compute shader used by a functional test that verifies * GL_COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB query works correctly. */ static const char* minimal_cs_code; static const char* minimal_cs_code_arb; /* Code of a fragment shader used by a number of functional tests */ static const char* minimal_fs_code; /* Code of a tessellation control shader used by a functional test that verifies * GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_PATCHES_ARB and GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB * queries work correctly. */ static const char* minimal_tc_code; /* Code of a tessellation evaluation shader used by a functional test that verifies * GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_PATCHES_ARB and GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB * queries work correctly. */ static const char* minimal_te_code; /* Code of a vertex shader used by a number of functional tests */ static const char* minimal_vs_code; /* Tells how many query targets are stored in query_targets */ static const unsigned int n_query_targets; /* Stores all query targets that should be used by the tests */ static const glw::GLenum query_targets[]; /* Tells the offset, relative to the beginning of the buffer object storage, * from which the query's int32 result value starts. */ static const unsigned int qo_bo_int_offset; /* Tells the offset, relative to the beginning of the buffer object storage, * from which the query's int64 result value starts. */ static const unsigned int qo_bo_int64_offset; /* Tells the offset, relative to the beginning of the buffer object storage, * from which the query's uint32 result value starts. */ static const unsigned int qo_bo_uint_offset; /* Tells the offset, relative to the beginning of the buffer object storage, * from which the query's uint64 result value starts. */ static const unsigned int qo_bo_uint64_offset; static const unsigned int qo_bo_size; /* Public methods */ static std::string buildGeometryShaderBody(_geometry_shader_input gs_input, _geometry_shader_output gs_output, unsigned int n_primitives_to_emit_in_stream0, unsigned int n_streams); static bool executeQuery(glw::GLenum query_type, glw::GLuint qo_id, glw::GLuint qo_bo_id, PFNQUERYDRAWHANDLERPROC pfn_draw, void* draw_user_arg, const glu::RenderContext& render_context, tcu::TestContext& test_context, const glu::ContextInfo& context_info, _test_execution_result* out_result); static glw::GLenum getEnumForPrimitiveType(_primitive_type primitive_type); static std::string getGLSLStringForGSInput(_geometry_shader_input gs_input); static std::string getGLSLStringForGSOutput(_geometry_shader_output gs_output); static unsigned int getNumberOfVerticesForGSInput(_geometry_shader_input gs_input); static unsigned int getNumberOfVerticesForGSOutput(_geometry_shader_output gs_output); static unsigned int getNumberOfVerticesForPrimitiveType(_primitive_type primitive_type); static _primitive_type getPrimitiveTypeFromGSInput(_geometry_shader_input gs_input); static std::string getStringForDrawCallType(_draw_call_type draw_call_type); static std::string getStringForEnum(glw::GLenum value); static std::string getStringForPrimitiveType(_primitive_type primitive_type); static bool isDrawCallSupported(_draw_call_type draw_call, const glw::Functions& gl); static bool isInstancedDrawCall(_draw_call_type draw_call); static bool isQuerySupported(glw::GLenum value, const glu::ContextInfo& context_info, const glu::RenderContext& render_context); static bool verifyResultValues(const _test_execution_result& run_result, unsigned int n_expected_values, const glw::GLuint64* expected_values, bool should_check_qo_bo_values, const glw::GLenum query_type, const _draw_call_type* draw_call_type_ptr, const _primitive_type* primitive_type_ptr, bool is_primitive_restart_enabled, tcu::TestContext& test_context, _verification_type verification_type); /** Constructs a string that describes details of a test iteration that has been * detected to have failed. * * @param value Query counter value as retrieved by the test iteration. * @param value_type Null-terminated string holding the name of the type * of the result value. * @param n_expected_values Number of possible expected values. * @param expected_values Array of possible expected values. * @param query_type Type of the query used by the test iteration. * @param draw_call_type_name Type of the draw call used by the test iteration. * @param primitive_type_name Primitive type used for the test iteration's draw call. * @param is_primitive_restart_enabled true if the test iteration was run with "primitive restart" * functionality enabled, false otherwise. * * @return String that includes a human-readable description of the * test iteration's properties. * */ template static std::string getVerifyResultValuesErrorString(VALUE_TYPE value, const char* value_type, unsigned int n_expected_values, const glw::GLuint64* expected_values, glw::GLenum query_type, std::string draw_call_type_name, std::string primitive_type_name, bool is_primitive_restart_enabled) { std::stringstream log_sstream; DE_ASSERT(expected_values != DE_NULL); log_sstream << "Invalid default " << value_type << " query result value: found " "[" << value << "], expected:" "[" << expected_values[0] << "]"; for (unsigned int i = 1; i < n_expected_values; ++i) { log_sstream << " or [" << expected_values[i] << "]"; } log_sstream << ", query type:" "[" << getStringForEnum(query_type) << "], " "GL_PRIMITIVE_RESTART mode:" "[" << ((is_primitive_restart_enabled) ? "enabled" : "disabled") << "]" ", draw call type:" "[" << draw_call_type_name.c_str() << "]" ", primitive type:" "[" << primitive_type_name.c_str() << "]."; return log_sstream.str(); } }; /** Check that calling BeginQuery with a pipeline statistics query target * generates an INVALID_OPERATION error if the specified query was * previously used with a different pipeline statistics query target. **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestAPICoverage1 : public deqp::TestCase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestAPICoverage1(deqp::Context& context); virtual void deinit(); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate(); private: /* Private fields */ glw::GLuint m_qo_id; }; /** Performs the following tests: * * * If GL 3.2 and ARB_geometry_shader4 are not supported then check that * calling BeginQuery with target GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS or * GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_EMITTED_ARB generates an INVALID_ENUM error. * * * If GL 4.0 and ARB_tessellation_shader are not supported then check that * calling BeginQuery with target TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB or * TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB generates an INVALID_ENUM error. * * * If GL 4.3 and ARB_compute_shader are not supported then check that * calling BeginQuery with target COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB generates * an INVALID_ENUM error. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestAPICoverage2 : public deqp::TestCase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestAPICoverage2(deqp::Context& context); virtual void deinit(); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate(); private: /* Private fields */ glw::GLuint m_qo_id; }; /** Base class used by all functional test implementations. Provides various * methods that are shared between functional tests. * * Derivative classes must implement executeTest() method. */ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase : public deqp::TestCase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase(deqp::Context& context, const char* name, const char* description); virtual void deinit(); virtual tcu::TestNode::IterateResult iterate(); protected: /* Protected methods */ void buildProgram(const char* cs_body, const char* fs_body, const char* gs_body, const char* tc_body, const char* te_body, const char* vs_body); virtual void deinitObjects(); virtual bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target) = 0; void initFBO(); virtual void initObjects(); void initQOBO(); void initVAO(unsigned int n_components_per_vertex); void initVBO(const float* raw_vertex_data, unsigned int raw_vertex_data_size, const unsigned int* raw_index_data, unsigned int raw_index_data_size, unsigned int indirect_draw_bo_count_argument, unsigned int indirect_draw_bo_primcount_argument, unsigned int indirect_draw_bo_baseinstance_argument, unsigned int indirect_draw_bo_first_argument, /* glDrawArrays() only */ unsigned int indirect_draw_bo_basevertex_argument); /* glDrawElements() only */ virtual bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); /* Protected static methods */ static bool queryCallbackDrawCallHandler(void* pThis); /* Protected fields */ glw::GLuint m_bo_qo_id; glw::GLuint m_fbo_id; glw::GLuint m_po_id; glw::GLuint m_qo_id; glw::GLuint m_to_id; glw::GLuint m_vao_id; glw::GLuint m_vbo_id; const unsigned int m_to_height; const unsigned int m_to_width; unsigned int m_vbo_indirect_arrays_argument_offset; unsigned int m_vbo_indirect_elements_argument_offset; unsigned int m_vbo_index_data_offset; unsigned int m_vbo_n_indices; unsigned int m_vbo_vertex_data_offset; PipelineStatisticsQueryUtilities::_draw_call_type m_current_draw_call_type; PipelineStatisticsQueryUtilities::_primitive_type m_current_primitive_type; unsigned int m_indirect_draw_call_baseinstance_argument; unsigned int m_indirect_draw_call_basevertex_argument; unsigned int m_indirect_draw_call_count_argument; unsigned int m_indirect_draw_call_first_argument; unsigned int m_indirect_draw_call_firstindex_argument; unsigned int m_indirect_draw_call_primcount_argument; }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * Check that all pipeline statistics query types return a result of zero * if no rendering commands are issued between BeginQuery and EndQuery. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional1 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional1(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * Check that all pipeline statistics query types return a result of zero * if Clear, ClearBuffer*, BlitFramebuffer, or any of the non-rendering * commands involving blits or copies (e.g. TexSubImage, CopyImageSubData, * ClearTexSubImage, BufferSubData, ClearBufferSubData) are issued between * BeginQuery and EndQuery. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional2 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional2(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); private: static bool executeBlitFramebufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeBufferSubDataTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearBufferfvColorBufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearBufferfvDepthBufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearBufferivStencilBufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearBufferSubDataTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearColorBufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearDepthBufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearStencilBufferTest(void* pThis); static bool executeClearTexSubImageTest(void* pThis); static bool executeCopyImageSubDataTest(void* pThis); static bool executeTexSubImageTest(void* pThis); /* Private fields */ glw::GLuint m_bo_id; glw::GLuint m_fbo_draw_id; glw::GLuint m_fbo_read_id; glw::GLuint m_to_draw_fbo_id; glw::GLuint m_to_read_fbo_id; const glw::GLuint m_to_height; const glw::GLuint m_to_width; static const glw::GLuint bo_size; }; /** Performs the following functional tests: * * Using the basic outline check that VERTICES_SUBMITTED_ARB queries return * the number of vertices submitted using draw commands. Vertices * corresponding to partial/incomplete primitives may or may not be counted * (e.g. when submitting a single instance with 8 vertices with primitive * mode TRIANGLES, the result of the query could be either 6 or 8). * * Using the basic outline check that VERTICES_SUBMITTED_ARB queries don't * count primitive topology restarts when PRIMITIVE_RESTART is enabled and * DrawElements* is used to submit an element array which contains one or * more primitive restart index values. * * Using the basic outline check that PRIMITIVES_SUBMITTED_ARB queries * return the exact number of primitives submitted using draw commands. * Partial/incomplete primitives may or may not be counted (e.g. when * submitting a single instance with 8 vertices with primitive mode * TRIANGLES, the result of the query could be either 2 or 3). Test the * behavior with all supported primitive modes. * * Using the basic outline check that PRIMITIVES_SUBMITTED_ARB queries * don't count primitive topology restarts when PRIMITIVE_RESTART is * enabled and DrawElements* is used to submit an element array which * contains one or more primitive restart index values. Also, partial/ * incomplete primitives resulting from the use of primitive restart index * values may or may not be counted. * * Using the basic outline check that CLIPPING_INPUT_PRIMITIVES_ARB queries * return the exact number of primitives reaching the primitive clipping * stage. If RASTERIZER_DISCARD is disabled, and the tessellation and * geometry shader stage is not used, this should match the number of * primitives submitted. * * Using the basic outline check that CLIPPING_OUTPUT_PRIMITIVES_ARB * queries return a value that is always greater than or equal to the * number of primitives submitted if RASTERIZER_DISCARD is disabled, there * is no tessellation and geometry shader stage used, and all primitives * lie entirely in the cull volume. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional3 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional3(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); private: /* Private methods */ void getExpectedPrimitivesSubmittedQueryResult( PipelineStatisticsQueryUtilities::_primitive_type current_primitive_type, unsigned int* out_results_written, glw::GLuint64 out_results[4]); void getExpectedVerticesSubmittedQueryResult( PipelineStatisticsQueryUtilities::_primitive_type current_primitive_type, unsigned int* out_results_written, glw::GLuint64 out_results[4]); /* Private fields */ bool m_is_primitive_restart_enabled; }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * Using the basic outline with a program having a vertex shader check that * VERTEX_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB queries return a result greater than zero * if at least one vertex is submitted to the GL. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional4 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional4(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * If GL 4.0 is supported, using the basic outline with a program having a * tessellation control and tessellation evaluation shader check that * TESS_CONTROL_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB and TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER_- * INVOCATIONS_ARB queries return a result greater than zero if at least * one patch is needed to be processed by the GL (e.g. PATCH_VERTICES is 3, * and at least 3 vertices are submitted to the GL). * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional5 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional5(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * If GL 3.2 is supported, using the basic outline with a program having a * geometry shader check that GEOMETRY_SHADER_INVOCATIONS queries return * a result greater than zero if at least one complete primitive is * submitted to the GL. * * If GL 3.2 is supported, using the basic outline with a program having a * geometry shader check that GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_EMITTED_ARB * queries return the exact number of primitives emitted by the geometry * shader. Also, if GL 4.0 is supported, use a geometry shader that emits * primitives to multiple vertex streams. In this case the result of * GEOMETRY_SHADER_PRIMITIVES_EMITTED_ARB has to match the sum of the * number of primitives emitted to each particular vertex stream. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional6 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional6(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); private: /* Private fields */ const unsigned int m_n_primitives_emitted_by_gs; const unsigned int m_n_streams_emitted_by_gs; }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * Using the basic outline with a program having a fragment shader check * that FRAGMENT_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB queries return a result greater * than zero if at least one fragment gets rasterized. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional7 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional7(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); }; /** Performs the following functional test: * * Using the basic outline with a program having a compute shader check * that COMPUTE_SHADER_INVOCATIONS_ARB queries return a result greater * than zero if at least a single work group is submitted using one of the * Dispatch* commands. * **/ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional8 : public PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctionalBase { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTestFunctional8(deqp::Context& context); protected: /* Protected methods */ void deinitObjects(); bool executeTest(glw::GLenum current_query_target); void initObjects(); bool shouldExecuteForQueryTarget(glw::GLenum query_target); private: /* Private methods */ static bool queryCallbackDispatchCallHandler(void* pInstance); /* Private fields */ glw::GLuint m_bo_dispatch_compute_indirect_args_offset; glw::GLuint m_bo_id; unsigned int m_current_iteration; }; /** Test group which encapsulates all conformance tests for * GL_ARB_pipeline_statistics_query extension. */ class PipelineStatisticsQueryTests : public deqp::TestCaseGroup { public: /* Public methods */ PipelineStatisticsQueryTests(deqp::Context& context); void init(void); private: PipelineStatisticsQueryTests(const PipelineStatisticsQueryTests& other); PipelineStatisticsQueryTests& operator=(const PipelineStatisticsQueryTests& other); }; } /* glcts namespace */ #endif // _GL4CPIPELINESTATISTICSQUERYTESTS_HPP