// Copyright 2020-2024 The Khronos Group Inc. // // SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 // Common H.265 Parameter Set descriptions // "operationType" attribute specifies whether this is included in the encode or decode section [[{operationType}-h265-vps]] H.265 Video Parameter Sets (VPS):: Represented by code:StdVideoH265VideoParameterSet structures and interpreted as follows: * code:reserved1, code:reserved2, and code:reserved3 are used only for padding purposes and are otherwise ignored; * code:vps_video_parameter_set_id is used as the key of the VPS entry; * the code:max_latency_increase_plus1, code:max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1, and code:max_num_reorder_pics members of the code:StdVideoH265DecPicBufMgr structure pointed to by code:pDecPicBufMgr correspond to `vps_max_latency_increase_plus1`, `vps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1`, and `vps_max_num_reorder_pics`, respectively, as defined in section of the <>; * the code:StdVideoH265HrdParameters structure pointed to by code:pHrdParameters is interpreted as follows: ** code:reserved is used only for padding purposes and is otherwise ignored; ** code:flags.fixed_pic_rate_general_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `fixed_pic_rate_general_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; ** code:flags.fixed_pic_rate_within_cvs_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `fixed_pic_rate_within_cvs_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; ** code:flags.low_delay_hrd_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `low_delay_hrd_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; ** if code:flags.nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag is set, then code:pSubLayerHrdParametersNal is a pointer to an array of [eq]#code:vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 + 1# number of code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structures where code:vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 is the corresponding member of the encompassing code:StdVideoH265VideoParameterSet structure and each element is interpreted as follows: *** code:cbr_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `cbr_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; *** all other members of the code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structure are interpreted as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; ** if code:flags.vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag is set, then code:pSubLayerHrdParametersVcl is a pointer to an array of [eq]#code:vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 + 1# number of code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structures where code:vps_max_sub_layers_minus1 is the corresponding member of the encompassing code:StdVideoH265VideoParameterSet structure and each element is interpreted as follows: *** code:cbr_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `cbr_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; *** all other members of the code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structure are interpreted as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; ** all other members of code:StdVideoH265HrdParameters are interpreted as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; * the code:StdVideoH265ProfileTierLevel structure pointed to by code:pProfileTierLevel are interpreted as follows: ** code:general_level_idc is one of the enum constants `STD_VIDEO_H265_LEVEL_IDC__` identifying the H.265 level `.` as defined in section A.4 of the <>; ** all other members of code:StdVideoH265ProfileTierLevel are interpreted as defined in section 7.4.4 of the <>; * all other members of code:StdVideoH265VideoParameterSet are interpreted as defined in section of the <>. [[{operationType}-h265-sps]] H.265 Sequence Parameter Sets (SPS):: Represented by code:StdVideoH265SequenceParameterSet structures and interpreted as follows: * code:reserved1 and code:reserved2 are used only for padding purposes and are otherwise ignored; * the pair constructed from code:sps_video_parameter_set_id and code:sps_seq_parameter_set_id is used as the key of the SPS entry; * the code:StdVideoH265ProfileTierLevel structure pointed to by code:pProfileTierLevel are interpreted as follows: ** code:general_level_idc is one of the enum constants `STD_VIDEO_H265_LEVEL_IDC__` identifying the H.265 level `.` as defined in section A.4 of the <>; ** all other members of code:StdVideoH265ProfileTierLevel are interpreted as defined in section 7.4.4 of the <>; * the code:max_latency_increase_plus1, code:max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1, and code:max_num_reorder_pics members of the code:StdVideoH265DecPicBufMgr structure pointed to by code:pDecPicBufMgr correspond to `sps_max_latency_increase_plus1`, `sps_max_dec_pic_buffering_minus1`, and `sps_max_num_reorder_pics`, respectively, as defined in section of the <>; * if code:flags.sps_scaling_list_data_present_flag is set, then the code:StdVideoH265ScalingLists structure pointed to by code:pScalingLists is interpreted as follows: ** code:ScalingList4x4, code:ScalingList8x8, code:ScalingList16x16, and code:ScalingList32x32 correspond to `ScalingList[0]`, `ScalingList[1]`, `ScalingList[2]`, and `ScalingList[3]`, respectively, as defined in section 7.3.4 of the <>; ** code:ScalingListDCCoef16x16 and code:ScalingListDCCoef32x32 correspond to `scaling_list_dc_coef_minus8[0]` and `scaling_list_dc_coef_minus8[1]`, respectively, as defined in section 7.3.4 of the <>; * code:pShortTermRefPicSet is a pointer to an array of code:num_short_term_ref_pic_sets number of code:StdVideoH265ShortTermRefPicSet structures where each element is interpreted as follows: ** code:reserved1, code:reserved2, and code:reserved3 are used only for padding purposes and are otherwise ignored; ** code:used_by_curr_pic_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `used_by_curr_pic_flag[i]` as defined in section 7.4.8 of the <>; ** code:use_delta_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `use_delta_flag[i]` as defined in section 7.4.8 of the <>; ** code:used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `used_by_curr_pic_s0_flag[i]` as defined in section 7.4.8 of the <>; ** code:used_by_curr_pic_s1_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `used_by_curr_pic_s1_flag[i]` as defined in section 7.4.8 of the <>; ** all other members of code:StdVideoH265ShortTermRefPicSet are interpreted as defined in section 7.4.8 of the <>; * if code:flags.long_term_ref_pics_present_flag is set then the code:StdVideoH265LongTermRefPicsSps structure pointed to by code:pLongTermRefPicsSps is interpreted as follows: ** code:used_by_curr_pic_lt_sps_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `used_by_curr_pic_lt_sps_flag[i]` as defined in section of the <>; ** all other members of code:StdVideoH265LongTermRefPicsSps are interpreted as defined in section of the <>; * if code:flags.vui_parameters_present_flag is set, then the code:StdVideoH265SequenceParameterSetVui structure pointed to by code:pSequenceParameterSetVui is interpreted as follows: ** code:reserved1, code:reserved2, and code:reserved3 are used only for padding purposes and are otherwise ignored; ** the code:StdVideoH265HrdParameters structure pointed to by code:pHrdParameters is interpreted as follows: *** code:flags.fixed_pic_rate_general_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `fixed_pic_rate_general_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; *** code:flags.fixed_pic_rate_within_cvs_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `fixed_pic_rate_within_cvs_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; *** code:flags.low_delay_hrd_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `low_delay_hrd_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; *** if code:flags.nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag is set, then code:pSubLayerHrdParametersNal is a pointer to an array of [eq]#code:sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 + 1# number of code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structures where code:sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 is the corresponding member of the encompassing code:StdVideoH265SequenceParameterSet structure and each element is interpreted as follows: **** code:cbr_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `cbr_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; **** all other members of the code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structure are interpreted as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; *** if code:flags.vcl_hrd_parameters_present_flag is set, then code:pSubLayerHrdParametersVcl is a pointer to an array of [eq]#code:sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 + 1# number of code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structures where code:sps_max_sub_layers_minus1 is the corresponding member of the encompassing code:StdVideoH265SequenceParameterSet structure and each element is interpreted as follows: **** code:cbr_flag is a bitmask where bit index [eq]#i# corresponds to `cbr_flag[i]` as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; **** all other members of the code:StdVideoH265SubLayerHrdParameters structure are interpreted as defined in section E.3.3 of the <>; *** all other members of code:StdVideoH265HrdParameters are interpreted as defined in section E.3.2 of the <>; ** all other members of code:pSequenceParameterSetVui are interpreted as defined in section E.3.1 of the <>; * if code:flags.sps_palette_predictor_initializer_present_flag is set, then the code:PredictorPaletteEntries member of the code:StdVideoH265PredictorPaletteEntries structure pointed to by code:pPredictorPaletteEntries is interpreted as defined in section of the <>; * all other members of code:StdVideoH265SequenceParameterSet are interpreted as defined in section of the <>. [[{operationType}-h265-pps]] H.265 Picture Parameter Sets (PPS):: Represented by code:StdVideoH265PictureParameterSet structures and interpreted as follows: * code:reserved1, code:reserved2, and code:reserved3 are used only for padding purposes and are otherwise ignored; * the triplet constructed from code:sps_video_parameter_set_id, code:pps_seq_parameter_set_id, and code:pps_pic_parameter_set_id is used as the key of the PPS entry; * if code:flags.pps_scaling_list_data_present_flag is set, then the code:StdVideoH265ScalingLists structure pointed to by code:pScalingLists is interpreted as follows: ** code:ScalingList4x4, code:ScalingList8x8, code:ScalingList16x16, and code:ScalingList32x32 correspond to `ScalingList[0]`, `ScalingList[1]`, `ScalingList[2]`, and `ScalingList[3]`, respectively, as defined in section 7.3.4 of the <>; ** code:ScalingListDCCoef16x16 and code:ScalingListDCCoef32x32 correspond to `scaling_list_dc_coef_minus8[0]` and `scaling_list_dc_coef_minus8[1]`, respectively, as defined in section 7.3.4 of the <>; * if code:flags.pps_palette_predictor_initializer_present_flag is set, then the code:PredictorPaletteEntries member of the code:StdVideoH265PredictorPaletteEntries structure pointed to by code:pPredictorPaletteEntries is interpreted as defined in section of the <>; * all other members of code:StdVideoH265PictureParameterSet are interpreted as defined in section of the <>.