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Lines Matching refs:Detail

1466     namespace Detail {  namespace
1480 …virtual Detail::EnumInfo const& registerEnum( StringRef enumName, StringRef allEnums, std::vector<…
1483Detail::EnumInfo const& registerEnum( StringRef enumName, StringRef allEnums, std::initializer_lis… in registerEnum()
1553 namespace Detail { namespace
1584 return Detail::unprintableString; in convertUnstreamable()
1619 typename std::enable_if<::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable<Fake>::value, std::string>::type
1630 … typename std::enable_if<!::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInsertable<Fake>::value, std::string>::type
1633 return Detail::convertUnstreamable(value); in convert()
1640 namespace Detail { namespace
1651 … return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<typename std::underlying_type<E>::type>(e)); in convertUnknownEnumToString()
1714 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::string{ str }); in convert()
1720 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::string{ reinterpret_cast<char const *>(str) }); in convert()
1726 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::string{ reinterpret_cast<char const *>(str) }); in convert()
1801 return ::Catch::Detail::rawMemoryToString(p); in convert()
1812 return ::Catch::Detail::rawMemoryToString(p); in convert()
1823 return ::Catch::Detail::clrReferenceToString(ref);
1828 namespace Detail { namespace
1834 rss << ::Catch::Detail::stringify(*first); in rangeToString()
1836 rss << ", " << ::Catch::Detail::stringify(*first); in rangeToString()
1855 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify([nsObject description]); in convert()
1859 namespace Detail { namespace
1890 << ::Catch::Detail::stringify(pair.first) in convert()
1892 << ::Catch::Detail::stringify(pair.second) in convert()
1908 rss << ::Catch::Detail::stringify(*optional); in convert()
1922 namespace Detail { namespace
1931 << ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::get<N>(tuple)); in print()
1951 Detail::TupleElementPrinter<std::tuple<Types...>>::print(tuple, rss.get()); in convert()
1977 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(value); in convert()
2020 return ::Catch::Detail::rangeToString( begin( range ), end( range ) ); in rangeToString()
2034 rss << ::Catch::Detail::stringify( b ); in rangeToString()
2041 …struct StringMaker<R, typename std::enable_if<is_range<R>::value && !::Catch::Detail::IsStreamInse…
2142 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(time_point.time_since_epoch()) + " since epoch"; in convert()
2232 … ( os, Catch::Detail::stringify( m_lhs ), m_op, Catch::Detail::stringify( m_rhs ) ); in streamReconstructedExpression()
2305 os << Catch::Detail::stringify( m_lhs ); in streamReconstructedExpression()
2665 captureValue( index, Catch::Detail::stringify( value ) ); in captureValues()
2670 captureValue( index, Catch::Detail::stringify(value) ); in captureValues()
3077 namespace Detail { namespace
3181 Detail::Approx operator "" _a(long double val);
3182 Detail::Approx operator "" _a(unsigned long long val);
3186 struct StringMaker<Catch::Detail::Approx> {
3187 static std::string convert(Catch::Detail::Approx const& value);
3491 namespace Detail { namespace
3503 m_description(Detail::finalizeDescription(descr)) in PredicateMatcher()
3622 return "Contains: " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify( m_comparator ); in describe()
3652 return "Contains: " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify( m_comparator ); in describe()
3676 return "Equals: " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify( m_comparator ); in describe()
3695 return "is approx: " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify( m_comparator ); in describe()
3714 mutable Catch::Detail::Approx approx = Catch::Detail::Approx::custom();
3728 return "UnorderedEquals: " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify(m_target); in describe()
3785 os << Catch::Detail::stringify( m_arg ) << ' '; in streamReconstructedExpression()
3786 if( matcherAsString == Detail::unprintableString ) in streamReconstructedExpression()
4895 namespace Detail{ namespace
4927 std::string name = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Name", testCaseName ); in registerTestMethods()
4928 … std::string desc = Detail::getAnnotation( cls, "Description", testCaseName ); in registerTestMethods()
4970 return "equals string: " + Catch::Detail::stringify( m_substr ); in describe()
4983 return "contains string: " + Catch::Detail::stringify( m_substr ); in describe()
4996 return "starts with: " + Catch::Detail::stringify( m_substr ); in describe()
5008 return "ends with: " + Catch::Detail::stringify( m_substr ); in describe()
6501 namespace Detail { namespace
6515 namespace Detail {
6551 namespace Detail { namespace
6586 Detail::CompleteType_t<FunctionReturnType<Fun>> user_code(Fun&& fun) { in user_code()
6588 return Detail::complete_invoke(std::forward<Fun>(fun)); in user_code()
6591 CATCH_RUNTIME_ERROR(Detail::benchmarkErrorMsg); in user_code()
6600 namespace Detail { namespace
6625 Chronometer(Detail::ChronometerConcept& meter, int k) in Chronometer()
6637 Detail::optimizer_barrier(); in measure()
6641 Detail::optimizer_barrier(); in measure()
6644 Detail::ChronometerConcept* impl;
6695 namespace Detail { namespace
6786 namespace Detail { namespace
6832 …using TimingOf = Timing<ClockDuration<Clock>, Detail::CompleteType_t<FunctionReturnType<Func, Args…
6841 namespace Detail { namespace
6845 auto&& r = Detail::complete_invoke(fun, std::forward<Args>(args)...); in measure()
6860 namespace Detail { namespace
6863 return Detail::measure<Clock>(fun, iters); in measure_one()
6867 Detail::ChronometerModel<Clock> meter; in measure_one()
6868 auto&& result = Detail::complete_invoke(fun, Chronometer(meter, iters)); in measure_one()
6909 Detail::BenchmarkFunction benchmark;
6921Detail::run_for_at_least<Clock>(std::chrono::duration_cast<ClockDuration<Clock>>(warmup_time), war… in run()
6926 Detail::ChronometerModel<Clock> model; in run()
6962 namespace Detail { namespace
7100 namespace Detail { namespace
7146 return Detail::measure<Clock>([k] { in estimate_clock_cost()
7175 auto iters = Detail::warmup<Clock>(); in measure_environment()
7176 auto resolution = Detail::estimate_clock_resolution<Clock>(iters); in measure_environment()
7177 auto cost = Detail::estimate_clock_cost<Clock>(resolution.mean); in measure_environment()
7236 namespace Detail { namespace
7244 …auto analysis = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::analyse_samples(cfg.benchmarkConfidenceInterval(), cfg.b… in analyse()
7245 … auto outliers = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::classify_outliers(samples.begin(), samples.end()); in analyse()
7309 auto min_time = env.clock_resolution.mean * Detail::minimum_ticks; in prepare()
7311 …auto&& test = Detail::run_for_at_least<Clock>(std::chrono::duration_cast<ClockDuration<Clock>>(run… in prepare()
7313 …:chrono::duration_cast<FloatDuration<Clock>>(cfg.benchmarkWarmupTime()), Detail::warmup_iterations… in prepare()
7320 auto env = Detail::measure_environment<Clock>(); in run()
7344 auto analysis = Detail::analyse(*cfg, env, samples.begin(), samples.end()); in run()
7349 …if (translateActiveException() != Detail::benchmarkErrorMsg) // benchmark errors have been reporte… in run()
7356 typename std::enable_if<!Detail::is_related<Fun, Benchmark>::value, int>::type = 0>
7358 fun = Detail::BenchmarkFunction(func); in operator =()
7368 Detail::BenchmarkFunction fun;
7395 namespace Detail { namespace
7448 using storage_for = Detail::ObjectStorage<T, true>;
7451 using destructable_object = Detail::ObjectStorage<T, false>;
7740 auto m = Catch::Benchmark::Detail::mean(first, last); in standard_deviation()
7752 namespace Detail { namespace
7821 auto mean = &Detail::mean<std::vector<double>::iterator>; in analyse_samples()
7851 … double outlier_variance = Detail::outlier_variance(mean_estimate, stddev_estimate, n); in analyse_samples()
7877 namespace Detail { namespace
7898 rss << "Approx( " << ::Catch::Detail::stringify( m_value ) << " )"; in toString()
7926 Detail::Approx operator "" _a(long double val) { in operator ""_a()
7927 return Detail::Approx(val); in operator ""_a()
7929 Detail::Approx operator "" _a(unsigned long long val) { in operator ""_a()
7930 return Detail::Approx(val); in operator ""_a()
7934 std::string StringMaker<Catch::Detail::Approx>::convert(Catch::Detail::Approx const& value) { in convert()
10564 namespace Detail { namespace
10590 namespace Detail { namespace
10630 const auto valueNames = Catch::Detail::parseEnums( allValueNames ); in makeEnumInfo()
10702 return Catch::Detail::stringify( [exception description] ); in translateActiveException()
11275 …Catch::cout() << Column( Catch::Detail::stringify( testCaseInfo.lineInfo ) ).indent(4) << std::end… in listTests()
11584 …return "is within " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify(m_margin) + " of " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify(m… in describe()
11697 std::string Catch::Matchers::Generic::Detail::finalizeDescription(const std::string& desc) { in finalizeDescription()
11782 …return "matches " + ::Catch::Detail::stringify(m_regex) + ((m_caseSensitivity == CaseSensitive::Ch… in describe()
12509 Detail::EnumValuesRegistry m_enumValuesRegistry;
13648 namespace Detail { namespace { namespace
13747 return new Detail::CoutStream(); in makeStream()
13750 return new Detail::DebugOutStream(); in makeStream()
13755 return new Detail::FileStream( filename ); in makeStream()
15023 namespace Detail { namespace
15111 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::string{ str }); in convert()
15117 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::string{ str }); in convert()
15124 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::string{ str }); in convert()
15137 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(s); in convert()
15148 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::wstring{ str }); in convert()
15155 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::wstring{ str }); in convert()
15165 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(std::to_integer<unsigned long long>(value)); in convert()
15170 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<long long>(value)); in convert()
15173 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<long long>(value)); in convert()
15178 if (value > Detail::hexThreshold) { in convert()
15185 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<unsigned long long>(value)); in convert()
15188 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<unsigned long long>(value)); in convert()
15193 if (value > Detail::hexThreshold) { in convert()
15213 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<unsigned int>(value)); in convert()
15221 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<signed char>(c)); in convert()
15224 return ::Catch::Detail::stringify(static_cast<char>(c)); in convert()
17772 using Catch::Detail::Approx;
17949 using Catch::Detail::Approx;