Lines Matching refs:glw
46 static glw::GLuint createComputeProgram(const glw::Functions& gl, const char** cs_body_parts,
49 …static glw::GLuint createProgram(const glw::Functions& gl, const char** fs_body_parts, unsigned in…
53 const glw::GLchar* const* tf_varyings = DE_NULL, unsigned int n_tf_varyings = 0,
54 glw::GLenum tf_varying_mode = GL_NONE);
56 static std::string getSparseBOFlagsString(glw::GLenum flags);
110 …glw::GLuint m_helper_bo_id; /* never allocated actual storage; bound to GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFE…
111 glw::GLuint m_immutable_bo_id; /* bound to GL_COPY_READ_BUFFER */
114 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo_id; /* bound to GL_ARRAY_BUFFER */
142 virtual bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags) = 0;
145 virtual bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo) = 0;
178 …AtomicCounterBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::G…
185 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
187 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
197 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
198 glw::GLint m_gl_atomic_counter_uniform_array_stride;
199 glw::GLint m_gl_max_vertex_atomic_counters_value;
200 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
204 glw::GLint m_page_size;
205 glw::GLuint m_po;
206 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
212 glw::GLuint m_vao;
238 …BufferTextureStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, deqp::Context& context, tcu::TestContext& t…
239 glw::GLint page_size);
244 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
246 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
255 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
256 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
260 glw::GLint m_page_size;
261 glw::GLuint m_po;
263 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
266 glw::GLuint m_ssbo;
270 glw::GLuint m_to;
289 …ClearOpsBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint …
294 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
296 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
305 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
306 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* holds m_sparse_bo_size_rounded bytes */
309 glw::GLint m_page_size;
310 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
348 …CopyOpsBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint p…
353 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
355 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
366 glw::GLint dst_bo_commit_size;
367 glw::GLint dst_bo_commit_start_offset;
368 glw::GLuint dst_bo_sparse_id;
371 glw::GLint dst_bo_start_offset;
373 glw::GLint n_bytes_to_copy;
375 glw::GLint src_bo_commit_size;
376 glw::GLint src_bo_commit_start_offset;
377 glw::GLuint src_bo_sparse_id;
380 glw::GLint src_bo_start_offset;
392 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
393 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
394 glw::GLuint m_immutable_bo;
395 glw::GLint m_page_size;
400 …glw::GLuint m_sparse_bos[2]; /* [0] - provided by BufferStorageTest[0], [1] - managed by the t…
426 IndirectDispatchBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext,
427 glw::GLint page_size);
432 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
434 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
445 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
447 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* stores AC value + indirect dispatch call args */
449 glw::GLint m_page_size;
450 glw::GLuint m_po;
451 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
470 …InvalidateBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLin…
475 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
477 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
486 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
488 const glw::GLint m_page_size;
489 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
515 …PixelPackBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint…
520 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
522 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
531 glw::GLuint m_color_rb;
534 glw::GLuint m_fbo;
535 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
536 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
537 glw::GLint m_page_size;
538 glw::GLuint m_po;
541 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
545 glw::GLuint m_vao;
570 …PixelUnpackBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLi…
575 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
577 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
586 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
587 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
588 glw::GLint m_page_size;
590 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
596 glw::GLuint m_to;
672 …QuadsBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint pag…
678 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
680 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
701 glw::GLuint m_attribute_color_location;
702 glw::GLuint m_attribute_position_location;
703 glw::GLuint m_color_data_offset;
705 glw::GLuint m_data_size; /* ibo, vbo, color data */
706 glw::GLuint m_data_size_rounded; /* rounded up to page size */
707 glw::GLuint m_fbo;
708 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
709 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
710 glw::GLuint m_ibo_data_offset;
720 glw::GLuint m_po;
721 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
723 glw::GLuint m_to;
727 glw::GLuint m_vao;
728 glw::GLuint m_vbo_data_offset;
752 …QueryBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint pag…
757 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
759 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
768 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
769 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
771 glw::GLint m_page_size;
772 glw::GLuint m_po;
773 glw::GLuint m_qo;
774 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
778 glw::GLuint m_vao;
804 SSBOStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint page_size);
809 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
811 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
820 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
821 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* holds m_sparse_bo_size bytes */
822 glw::GLint m_page_size;
823 glw::GLuint m_po;
825 glw::GLuint m_result_bo;
826 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
921 TransformFeedbackBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext,
922 glw::GLint page_size, bool all_pages_committed);
926 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
928 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
943 glw::GLuint m_data_bo;
949 glw::GLuint m_data_bo_size;
954 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
955 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo; /* of m_result_bo_size size */
956 glw::GLuint* m_index_data;
957 glw::GLuint m_index_data_size;
958 glw::GLuint* m_indirect_arg_data;
959 glw::GLuint m_indirect_arg_data_size;
961 glw::GLint m_multidrawcall_basevertex[2];
962 glw::GLsizei m_multidrawcall_count[2];
964 glw::GLint m_multidrawcall_first[2];
965 glw::GLvoid* m_multidrawcall_index[2];
969 glw::GLint m_page_size;
970 glw::GLuint m_po_ia; /* interleave attribs TF */
971 glw::GLuint m_po_sa; /* separate attribs TF */
972 glw::GLuint m_result_bo;
973 glw::GLuint m_result_bo_size;
974 glw::GLuint m_result_bo_size_rounded;
976 glw::GLuint m_vao;
992 …UniformBufferStorageTestCase(const glw::Functions& gl, tcu::TestContext& testContext, glw::GLint p…
997 bool execute(glw::GLuint sparse_bo_storage_flags);
999 bool initTestCaseIteration(glw::GLuint sparse_bo);
1008 const glw::Functions& m_gl;
1009 glw::GLint m_gl_uniform_buffer_offset_alignment_value;
1010 glw::GLuint m_helper_bo;
1013 glw::GLint m_page_size;
1014 glw::GLuint m_po;
1015 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;
1021 glw::GLuint m_tf_bo;
1023 glw::GLuint m_vao;
1060 glw::GLuint m_sparse_bo;