# hiviewdfx_hidumper_lite - [Introduction](#Introduction) - [Directory Structure](#Directory Structure) - [Use of hidumper_lite](#Use of hidumper_lite) - [System Interface](#System Interface) - [Rewrite interface](#Rewrite interface) - [Related warehouses](#Related warehouses) ## Introduction The hidumper_lite provides dump interfaces in the LiteOS_M system to help developers export fault logs, memory, and CPU information. ## Directory Structure The source of Hiview code directory structure is as follows:: ``` /base/hiviewdfx/hidumper_lite. ├── lite └── hidumper.c #AT命令处理过程 └── mini ├── hidumper_adapter.c #hidumper功能函数适配层 ├── hidumper_core.c #hidumper核心层 └── interfaces #公共接口文件 ``` ## Use of hidumper_lite The hidumper_lite command is used to query data in the liteOS_M Parameter: | Format | Meaning | | -------- | -------- | | AT+HIDUMPER= | Displays the CPU, memory, and all task usage information | | AT+HIDUMPER=-dc | Displays CPU usage information | | AT+HIDUMPER=-dm | Displays memory usage information | | AT+HIDUMPER=-df | Print the last fault log information | | AT+HIDUMPER=-dt | Print all task information | | AT+HIDUMPER=-h | Print the help information | | AT+HIDUMPER=-ikc | Injecting faults into the kernel | | AT+HIDUMPER=-m | Prints all memory data in hexadecimal format | | AT+HIDUMPER=-m,memstart,memsize | Prints the data of a specific memory area in hexadecimal format. Two parameters, memstart: Memory start address. memsize: memory size | ## System Interface ### at_hidumper ``` int at_hidumper(unsigned int argc, const char **argv) ``` AT instruction processing function injected into the system - Parameter: | Member | Type | Required | Description | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | argc | unsigned int | Y | number of Parameter | | argv | const char** | Y | content of Parameter | ## Rewrite interface For details about the example, see the rewriting of the hi3861 chip. The corresponding position is as follows device/soc/hisilicon/hi3861v100/sdk_liteos/components/at/src/hidumper_adapter_impl.c The following functions are : that need to be rewritten on different chips. ### DumpSysInfo ``` int DumpSysInfo(void); ``` Rewrites the function of printing system information. This function prints the system information of the current device. ### DumpCpuUsage ``` int DumpCpuUsage(void); ``` Rewrites the function for printing CPU usage information. This function prints the CPU usage of the current device. ### DumpMemUsage ``` int DumpMemUsage(void); ``` Rewrites the function for printing memory usage information. This function prints the memory usage of the current device. ### DumpTaskInfo ``` int DumpTaskInfo(void); ``` Rewrite the function of printing all task information of the system. This function prints all task information in the system. ### DumpFaultLog ``` int DumpFaultLog(void); ``` Rewrite the function for printing exception logs. This function prints the last saved log information. ### DumpMemRegion ``` int DumpMemRegion(unsigned long long addr, unsigned long long size) ``` Overwrites the function of printing memory data in a specified area. This function prints the data of the memory area of the total size starting from addr. - Parameter: |Parameter name|Type|Mandatory|Description | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | | addr | unsigned long long | Y | Start address of the memory to be queried | | size | unsigned long long | Y | Internal size to be queried | ### DumpAllMem ``` int DumpAllMem(void); ``` Overwrites the function of printing all memory data. This function can print all memory data. ### PlatformHiDumperIinit ``` int PlatformHiDumperIinit(void); ``` Rewrites the platform hidumper initialization function. This function initializes features such as the at command of HiDumper based on different platforms. ## Related warehouses [Subsystem of DFX](https://gitee.com/openharmony/docs/blob/master/zh-cn/readme/DFX%E5%AD%90%E7%B3%BB%E7%BB%9F.md) **hiviewdfx\_hidumper\_lite** [hiviewdfx\_blackbox](https://gitee.com/openharmony/hiviewdfx_blackbox/blob/master/README_zh.md) [hiviewdfx\_hilog\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/hiviewdfx_hilog_lite/blob/master/README_zh.md) [hiviewdfx\_hievent\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/hiviewdfx_hievent_lite/blob/master/README_zh.md) [hiviewdfx\_hiview\_lite](https://gitee.com/openharmony/hiviewdfx_hiview_lite/blob/master/README_zh.md)