/*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Sample Code of OS Dependent Functions for FatFs */ /* (C)ChaN, 2018 */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ff.h" #ifdef __LITEOS_M__ #include "ffconf.h" #include "los_memory.h" #include "los_membox.h" #endif #ifdef __LITEOS_M__ #define FF_MEM_BLOCK_NUM (FAT_MAX_OPEN_FILES + FF_VOLUMES) #define FF_MEMBOX_HEAD_SIZE (sizeof(LOS_MEMBOX_INFO) + OS_MEMBOX_NODE_HEAD_SIZE * FF_MEM_BLOCK_NUM) #define FF_MEMBOX_ALLOC_SIZE (FF_MAX_SS * FF_MEM_BLOCK_NUM + FF_MEMBOX_HEAD_SIZE) static unsigned char g_ffMemBoxArray[FF_MEMBOX_ALLOC_SIZE] = {0}; #endif void ff_memset (void* dst, int val, UINT cnt ) { BYTE *d = (BYTE*)dst; do { *d++ = (BYTE)val; } while (--cnt); } #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ int ff_strnlen(const void *str, size_t maxlen ) { const BYTE *p = (const BYTE *)NULL; const BYTE *c = (const BYTE*)str; for (p = c; maxlen-- != 0 && *p != '\0'; ++p); return p - c; } #endif /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Allocate a memory block */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void* ff_memalloc ( /* Returns pointer to the allocated memory block (null if not enough core) */ UINT msize /* Number of bytes to allocate */ ) { void* ptr = NULL; if(msize == 0) return NULL; #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ ptr = LOS_MemAlloc((void *)OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, msize); /* Allocate a new memory block*/ #else static int initFlag = 0; if (initFlag == 0) { (VOID)LOS_MemboxInit(g_ffMemBoxArray, FF_MEMBOX_ALLOC_SIZE, FF_MAX_SS); initFlag = 1; } ptr = LOS_MemboxAlloc(g_ffMemBoxArray); #endif if (ptr != NULL) { ff_memset((void *)ptr, (int)0, msize); } return ptr; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Free a memory block */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void ff_memfree ( void* mblock /* Pointer to the memory block to free (nothing to do if null) */ ) { if (mblock == NULL) return; #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ (VOID)LOS_MemFree((void *)OS_SYS_MEM_ADDR, mblock); #else (VOID)LOS_MemboxFree(g_ffMemBoxArray, mblock); #endif } #if FF_FS_REENTRANT /* Mutal exclusion */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Create a Synchronization Object */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This function is called in f_mount() function to create a new / synchronization object for the volume, such as semaphore and mutex. / When a 0 is returned, the f_mount() function fails with FR_INT_ERR. */ //const osMutexDef_t Mutex[FF_VOLUMES]; /* Table of CMSIS-RTOS mutex */ int ff_cre_syncobj ( /* 1:Function succeeded, 0:Could not create the sync object */ BYTE vol, /* Corresponding volume (logical drive number) */ FF_SYNC_t* sobj /* Pointer to return the created sync object */ ) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ int ret; ret = LOS_MuxInit(sobj, NULL); if (ret == LOS_OK ) { return TRUE; } else return FALSE; #else return TRUE; #endif } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Delete a Synchronization Object */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This function is called in f_mount() function to delete a synchronization / object that created with ff_cre_syncobj() function. When a 0 is returned, / the f_mount() function fails with FR_INT_ERR. */ int ff_del_syncobj ( /* 1:Function succeeded, 0:Could not delete due to an error */ FF_SYNC_t* sobj /* Sync object tied to the logical drive to be deleted */ ) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ int ret; ret = LOS_MuxDestroy(sobj); if(ret == LOS_OK) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } #else return TRUE; #endif } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Request Grant to Access the Volume */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This function is called on entering file functions to lock the volume. / When a 0 is returned, the file function fails with FR_TIMEOUT. */ int ff_req_grant ( /* 1:Got a grant to access the volume, 0:Could not get a grant */ FF_SYNC_t* sobj /* Sync object to wait */ ) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ if (LOS_MuxLock(sobj, FF_FS_TIMEOUT) == LOS_OK) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; #else return TRUE; #endif } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Release Grant to Access the Volume */ /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This function is called on leaving file functions to unlock the volume. */ void ff_rel_grant ( FF_SYNC_t* sobj /* Sync object to be signaled */ ) { #ifndef __LITEOS_M__ (void)LOS_MuxUnlock(sobj); #endif } #endif