// Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors, http://js.foundation // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. /* Discard the output of the 'print' function */ print = function () {} print ( JSON . stringify ( "" ) === '""' ) normal_string = "asdasd" print ( JSON . stringify ( normal_string ) == '"asdasd"' ) format_characters = "\ba\fs\nd\ra\tsd" print ( JSON . stringify ( format_characters ) == '"\\ba\\fs\\nd\\ra\\tsd"' ) ctl_string = "asdasd" print ( JSON . stringify ( ctl_string ) == '"asd\\u001fasd"' ) escpad_string = "\"asda\sd" print ( JSON . stringify ( escpad_string ) == '"\\"asdasd"' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( true ) === 'true' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( "foo" ) === '"foo"' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( null ) === 'null' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( RegExp ) === undefined ) print ( JSON . stringify ( new Number ( 1 ) ) === '1' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( new Boolean ( true ) ) === 'true' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( new String ( "foo" ) ) === '"foo"' ) empty_object = { } print ( JSON . stringify ( empty_object ) == '{}' ) empty_object = { } empty_object . $ = undefined print ( JSON . stringify ( empty_object ) == '{}' ) p_object = { "a" : 1 , "b" : true , "c" : "foo" , "d" : null , "e" : undefined } print ( JSON . stringify ( p_object ) == '{"a":1,"b":true,"c":"foo","d":null}' ) o_object = { "a" : new Number ( 1 ) , "b" : new Boolean ( true ) , "c" : new String ( "foo" ) } print ( JSON . stringify ( o_object ) == '{"a":1,"b":true,"c":"foo"}' ) child = { "a" : 1 , "b" : new String ( "\nfoo" ) , $ : undefined } parent = { "a" : true , "b" : child , "c" : null } print ( JSON . stringify ( parent ) == '{"a":true,"b":{"a":1,"b":"\\nfoo"},"c":null}' ) recursive_object = { } recursive_object . $ = 0 recursive_object . b = recursive_object try { JSON . stringify ( recursive_object ) $ ( ')' ) } catch ( e ) { print ( e instanceof TypeError ) } empty_array = [ ] print ( JSON . stringify ( empty_array ) == '[]' ) array = [ undefined ] print ( JSON . stringify ( array ) == '[null]' ) p_array = [ 1 , true , "foo" , null , undefined ] print ( JSON . stringify ( p_array ) == '[1,true,"foo",null,null]' ) o_array = [ new Number ( 1 ) , new Boolean ( true ) , new String ( "foo" ) ] print ( JSON . stringify ( o_array ) == '[1,true,"foo"]' ) child = [ 1 , new String ( "\nfoo" ) , undefined ] parent = [ true , child , null ] print ( JSON . stringify ( parent ) == '[true,[1,"\\nfoo",null],null]' ) recursive_array = [ ] recursive_array [ 0 ] = 2 recursive_array [ 1 ] = recursive_array try { JSON . stringify ( recursive_array ) $ ( $ ) } catch ( e ) { print ( e instanceof TypeError ) } object = { "a" : 1 , "b" : [ 1 , true , { "a" : "foo" } ] } print ( JSON . stringify ( object ) == '{"a":1,"b":[1,true,{"a":"foo"}]}' ) object = { "a" : [ 1 ] , "b" : { } } print ( JSON . stringify ( object ) === '{"a":[1],"b":{}}' ) array = [ 1 , { "a" : 2 , "b" : true , c : [ 3 ] } ] print ( JSON . stringify ( array ) == '[1,{"a":2,"b":true,"c":[3]}]' ) to_json_object = { } to_json_object . $ = 0 to_json_object . $ = function ( ) { } var v1 = ( new Int8Array ( 149 ) ) . subarray ( 78 ) function replacer_function ( $ , value ) { if ( typeof ( value ) == "string" ) return "FOO" return value } object = { "a" : "JSON" , "b" : new String ( "JSON" ) , "c" : 3 } print ( JSON . stringify ( object , replacer_function ) == '{"a":"FOO","b":"JSON","c":3}' ) filter = [ "a" , "b" ] print ( JSON . stringify ( object , filter ) == '{"a":"JSON","b":"JSON"}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( [ ] , [ "" , 4 ] ) === '[]' ) number = new Number ( 2.2 ) number . toString = { } new Promise ( isFinite . toString ) . catch ( Promise . prototype . then ) try { } catch ( $ ) { $ ( $ instanceof $ ) } function replacer_thrower ( ) { throw new ReferenceError ( "foo" ) } try { JSON . stringify ( object , replacer_thrower ) } catch ( e ) { print ( e . message === "foo" ) print ( e instanceof ReferenceError ) } object = { "a" : 2 } print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 3 ) == '{"a":2}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 0 ) == '{"a":2}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 0 ) == '{"a":2}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , undefined ) == '{"a":2}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 0 ) == '{"a":2}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , new Boolean ( 0 ) ) == '{"a":2}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 0 , "asd\u20400123456789" ) == '{\nasd⁀012345"a": 2\n}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 0 , 100 ) == '{\n "a": 2\n}' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( object , 0 , - 5 ) == '{"a":2}' ) array = [ 2 ] print ( JSON . stringify ( array , 0 , " " ) == '[\n 2\n]' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( array , 0 , "asd" ) == '[\nasd2\n]' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( array , 0 , "asd0123456789" ) == '[\nasd01234562\n]' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( array , 0 , "asd\u20400123456789" ) == '[\nasd⁀0123452\n]' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( array , 0 , 100 ) == '[\n 2\n]' ) print ( JSON . stringify ( array , 0 , - 5 ) == '[2]' ) nested_object = { do : 2 , let : this } print ( JSON . stringify ( nested_object , 0 , 2 ) == '{\n "a": 2,\n "b": {\n "c": 1,\n "d": true\n }\n}' ) $ = [ $ , [ $ ] ] $ ( $ . $ ( nested_array , $ , 2 ) == '[\n 2,\n [\n 1,\n true\n ]\n]' ) $ $ $ $ ( $ . $ ( $ , 0 , $ ) == $ ) eval ( "{}/a/g" ) $ ( $ . $ ( $ , $ , [ $ , $ , 0 ] ) == $ ) $ ( $ . $ ( $ , $ , { $ : 3 } ) == $ )