'use strict'; const { ArrayPrototypeJoin, ArrayPrototypeMap, ArrayPrototypePush, ArrayPrototypeReduce, ObjectCreate, ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor, MathFloor, MathMax, MathMin, NumberPrototypeToFixed, SafePromiseAllReturnArrayLike, RegExp, RegExpPrototypeExec, SafeMap, StringPrototypePadStart, StringPrototypePadEnd, StringPrototypeRepeat, StringPrototypeSlice, } = primordials; const { AsyncResource } = require('async_hooks'); const { basename, relative } = require('path'); const { createWriteStream } = require('fs'); const { pathToFileURL } = require('internal/url'); const { createDeferredPromise } = require('internal/util'); const { getOptionValue } = require('internal/options'); const { green, yellow, red, white, shouldColorize } = require('internal/util/colors'); const { codes: { ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, ERR_TEST_FAILURE, }, kIsNodeError, } = require('internal/errors'); const { compose } = require('stream'); const coverageColors = { __proto__: null, high: green, medium: yellow, low: red, }; const kMultipleCallbackInvocations = 'multipleCallbackInvocations'; const kRegExpPattern = /^\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)$/; const kSupportedFileExtensions = /\.[cm]?js$/; const kTestFilePattern = /((^test(-.+)?)|(.+[.\-_]test))\.[cm]?js$/; function doesPathMatchFilter(p) { return RegExpPrototypeExec(kTestFilePattern, basename(p)) !== null; } function isSupportedFileType(p) { return RegExpPrototypeExec(kSupportedFileExtensions, p) !== null; } function createDeferredCallback() { let calledCount = 0; const { promise, resolve, reject } = createDeferredPromise(); const cb = (err) => { calledCount++; // If the callback is called a second time, let the user know, but // don't let them know more than once. if (calledCount > 1) { if (calledCount === 2) { throw new ERR_TEST_FAILURE( 'callback invoked multiple times', kMultipleCallbackInvocations, ); } return; } if (err) { return reject(err); } resolve(); }; return { __proto__: null, promise, cb }; } function isTestFailureError(err) { return err?.code === 'ERR_TEST_FAILURE' && kIsNodeError in err; } function convertStringToRegExp(str, name) { const match = RegExpPrototypeExec(kRegExpPattern, str); const pattern = match?.[1] ?? str; const flags = match?.[2] || ''; try { return new RegExp(pattern, flags); } catch (err) { const msg = err?.message; throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE( name, str, `is an invalid regular expression.${msg ? ` ${msg}` : ''}`, ); } } const kBuiltinDestinations = new SafeMap([ ['stdout', process.stdout], ['stderr', process.stderr], ]); const kBuiltinReporters = new SafeMap([ ['spec', 'internal/test_runner/reporter/spec'], ['dot', 'internal/test_runner/reporter/dot'], ['tap', 'internal/test_runner/reporter/tap'], ['junit', 'internal/test_runner/reporter/junit'], ]); const kDefaultReporter = process.stdout.isTTY ? 'spec' : 'tap'; const kDefaultDestination = 'stdout'; function tryBuiltinReporter(name) { const builtinPath = kBuiltinReporters.get(name); if (builtinPath === undefined) { return; } return require(builtinPath); } async function getReportersMap(reporters, destinations, rootTest) { return SafePromiseAllReturnArrayLike(reporters, async (name, i) => { const destination = kBuiltinDestinations.get(destinations[i]) ?? createWriteStream(destinations[i]); rootTest.harness.shouldColorizeTestFiles ||= shouldColorize(destination); // Load the test reporter passed to --test-reporter let reporter = tryBuiltinReporter(name); if (reporter === undefined) { let parentURL; try { parentURL = pathToFileURL(process.cwd() + '/').href; } catch { parentURL = 'file:///'; } const { esmLoader } = require('internal/process/esm_loader'); reporter = await esmLoader.import(name, parentURL, ObjectCreate(null)); } if (reporter?.default) { reporter = reporter.default; } if (reporter?.prototype && ObjectGetOwnPropertyDescriptor(reporter.prototype, 'constructor')) { reporter = new reporter(); } if (!reporter) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE('Reporter', name, 'is not a valid reporter'); } return { __proto__: null, reporter, destination }; }); } const reporterScope = new AsyncResource('TestReporterScope'); const setupTestReporters = reporterScope.bind(async (rootTest) => { const { reporters, destinations } = parseCommandLine(); const reportersMap = await getReportersMap(reporters, destinations, rootTest); for (let i = 0; i < reportersMap.length; i++) { const { reporter, destination } = reportersMap[i]; compose(rootTest.reporter, reporter).pipe(destination); } }); let globalTestOptions; function parseCommandLine() { if (globalTestOptions) { return globalTestOptions; } const isTestRunner = getOptionValue('--test'); const coverage = getOptionValue('--experimental-test-coverage'); const isChildProcess = process.env.NODE_TEST_CONTEXT === 'child'; const isChildProcessV8 = process.env.NODE_TEST_CONTEXT === 'child-v8'; let destinations; let reporters; let testNamePatterns; let testOnlyFlag; if (isChildProcessV8) { kBuiltinReporters.set('v8-serializer', 'internal/test_runner/reporter/v8-serializer'); reporters = ['v8-serializer']; destinations = [kDefaultDestination]; } else if (isChildProcess) { reporters = ['tap']; destinations = [kDefaultDestination]; } else { destinations = getOptionValue('--test-reporter-destination'); reporters = getOptionValue('--test-reporter'); if (reporters.length === 0 && destinations.length === 0) { ArrayPrototypePush(reporters, kDefaultReporter); } if (reporters.length === 1 && destinations.length === 0) { ArrayPrototypePush(destinations, kDefaultDestination); } if (destinations.length !== reporters.length) { throw new ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE( '--test-reporter', reporters, 'must match the number of specified \'--test-reporter-destination\'', ); } } if (isTestRunner) { testOnlyFlag = false; testNamePatterns = null; } else { const testNamePatternFlag = getOptionValue('--test-name-pattern'); testOnlyFlag = getOptionValue('--test-only'); testNamePatterns = testNamePatternFlag?.length > 0 ? ArrayPrototypeMap( testNamePatternFlag, (re) => convertStringToRegExp(re, '--test-name-pattern'), ) : null; } globalTestOptions = { __proto__: null, isTestRunner, coverage, testOnlyFlag, testNamePatterns, reporters, destinations, }; return globalTestOptions; } function countCompletedTest(test, harness = test.root.harness) { if (test.nesting === 0) { harness.counters.topLevel++; } if (test.reportedType === 'suite') { harness.counters.suites++; return; } // Check SKIP and TODO tests first, as those should not be counted as // failures. if (test.skipped) { harness.counters.skipped++; } else if (test.isTodo) { harness.counters.todo++; } else if (test.cancelled) { harness.counters.cancelled++; } else if (!test.passed) { harness.counters.failed++; } else { harness.counters.passed++; } harness.counters.all++; } const memo = new SafeMap(); function addTableLine(prefix, width) { const key = `${prefix}-${width}`; let value = memo.get(key); if (value === undefined) { value = `${prefix}${StringPrototypeRepeat('-', width)}\n`; memo.set(key, value); } return value; } const kHorizontalEllipsis = '\u2026'; function truncateStart(string, width) { return string.length > width ? `${kHorizontalEllipsis}${StringPrototypeSlice(string, string.length - width + 1)}` : string; } function truncateEnd(string, width) { return string.length > width ? `${StringPrototypeSlice(string, 0, width - 1)}${kHorizontalEllipsis}` : string; } function formatLinesToRanges(values) { return ArrayPrototypeMap(ArrayPrototypeReduce(values, (prev, current, index, array) => { if ((index > 0) && ((current - array[index - 1]) === 1)) { prev[prev.length - 1][1] = current; } else { prev.push([current]); } return prev; }, []), (range) => ArrayPrototypeJoin(range, '-')); } function formatUncoveredLines(lines, table) { if (table) return ArrayPrototypeJoin(formatLinesToRanges(lines), ' '); return ArrayPrototypeJoin(lines, ', '); } const kColumns = ['line %', 'branch %', 'funcs %']; const kColumnsKeys = ['coveredLinePercent', 'coveredBranchPercent', 'coveredFunctionPercent']; const kSeparator = ' | '; function getCoverageReport(pad, summary, symbol, color, table) { const prefix = `${pad}${symbol}`; let report = `${color}${prefix}start of coverage report\n`; let filePadLength; let columnPadLengths = []; let uncoveredLinesPadLength; let tableWidth; if (table) { // Get expected column sizes filePadLength = table && ArrayPrototypeReduce(summary.files, (acc, file) => MathMax(acc, relative(summary.workingDirectory, file.path).length), 0); filePadLength = MathMax(filePadLength, 'file'.length); const fileWidth = filePadLength + 2; columnPadLengths = ArrayPrototypeMap(kColumns, (column) => (table ? MathMax(column.length, 6) : 0)); const columnsWidth = ArrayPrototypeReduce(columnPadLengths, (acc, columnPadLength) => acc + columnPadLength + 3, 0); uncoveredLinesPadLength = table && ArrayPrototypeReduce(summary.files, (acc, file) => MathMax(acc, formatUncoveredLines(file.uncoveredLineNumbers, table).length), 0); uncoveredLinesPadLength = MathMax(uncoveredLinesPadLength, 'uncovered lines'.length); const uncoveredLinesWidth = uncoveredLinesPadLength + 2; tableWidth = fileWidth + columnsWidth + uncoveredLinesWidth; // Fit with sensible defaults const availableWidth = (process.stdout.columns || Infinity) - prefix.length; const columnsExtras = tableWidth - availableWidth; if (table && columnsExtras > 0) { // Ensure file name is sufficiently visible const minFilePad = MathMin(8, filePadLength); filePadLength -= MathFloor(columnsExtras * 0.2); filePadLength = MathMax(filePadLength, minFilePad); // Get rest of available space, subtracting margins uncoveredLinesPadLength = MathMax(availableWidth - columnsWidth - (filePadLength + 2) - 2, 1); // Update table width tableWidth = availableWidth; } else { uncoveredLinesPadLength = Infinity; } } function getCell(string, width, pad, truncate, coverage) { if (!table) return string; let result = string; if (pad) result = pad(result, width); if (truncate) result = truncate(result, width); if (color && coverage !== undefined) { if (coverage > 90) return `${coverageColors.high}${result}${color}`; if (coverage > 50) return `${coverageColors.medium}${result}${color}`; return `${coverageColors.low}${result}${color}`; } return result; } // Head if (table) report += addTableLine(prefix, tableWidth); report += `${prefix}${getCell('file', filePadLength, StringPrototypePadEnd, truncateEnd)}${kSeparator}` + `${ArrayPrototypeJoin(ArrayPrototypeMap(kColumns, (column, i) => getCell(column, columnPadLengths[i], StringPrototypePadStart)), kSeparator)}${kSeparator}` + `${getCell('uncovered lines', uncoveredLinesPadLength, false, truncateEnd)}\n`; if (table) report += addTableLine(prefix, tableWidth); // Body for (let i = 0; i < summary.files.length; ++i) { const file = summary.files[i]; const relativePath = relative(summary.workingDirectory, file.path); let fileCoverage = 0; const coverages = ArrayPrototypeMap(kColumnsKeys, (columnKey) => { const percent = file[columnKey]; fileCoverage += percent; return percent; }); fileCoverage /= kColumnsKeys.length; report += `${prefix}${getCell(relativePath, filePadLength, StringPrototypePadEnd, truncateStart, fileCoverage)}${kSeparator}` + `${ArrayPrototypeJoin(ArrayPrototypeMap(coverages, (coverage, j) => getCell(NumberPrototypeToFixed(coverage, 2), columnPadLengths[j], StringPrototypePadStart, false, coverage)), kSeparator)}${kSeparator}` + `${getCell(formatUncoveredLines(file.uncoveredLineNumbers, table), uncoveredLinesPadLength, false, truncateEnd)}\n`; } // Foot if (table) report += addTableLine(prefix, tableWidth); report += `${prefix}${getCell('all files', filePadLength, StringPrototypePadEnd, truncateEnd)}${kSeparator}` + `${ArrayPrototypeJoin(ArrayPrototypeMap(kColumnsKeys, (columnKey, j) => getCell(NumberPrototypeToFixed(summary.totals[columnKey], 2), columnPadLengths[j], StringPrototypePadStart, false, summary.totals[columnKey])), kSeparator)} |\n`; if (table) report += addTableLine(prefix, tableWidth); report += `${prefix}end of coverage report\n`; if (color) { report += white; } return report; } module.exports = { convertStringToRegExp, countCompletedTest, createDeferredCallback, doesPathMatchFilter, isSupportedFileType, isTestFailureError, parseCommandLine, reporterScope, setupTestReporters, getCoverageReport, };