import { spawnPromisified } from '../common/index.mjs'; import * as fixtures from '../common/fixtures.mjs'; import assert from 'node:assert'; import { execPath } from 'node:process'; import { describe, it } from 'node:test'; const importStatement = 'import { foo, notfound } from \'./module-named-exports.mjs\';'; const importStatementMultiline = `import { foo, notfound } from './module-named-exports.mjs'; `; describe('ESM: nonexistent exports', { concurrency: true }, () => { for ( const { name, input } of [ { input: importStatement, name: 'single-line import', }, { input: importStatementMultiline, name: 'multi-line import', }, ] ) { it(`should throw for nonexistent exports via ${name}`, async () => { const { code, stderr } = await spawnPromisified(execPath, [ '--input-type=module', '--eval', input, ], { cwd: fixtures.path('es-module-loaders'), }); assert.notStrictEqual(code, 0); // SyntaxError: The requested module './module-named-exports.mjs' // does not provide an export named 'notfound' assert.match(stderr, /SyntaxError:/); // The quotes ensure that the path starts with ./ and not ../ assert.match(stderr, /'\.\/module-named-exports\.mjs'/); assert.match(stderr, /notfound/); }); } });