'use strict'; const common = require('../common'); const assert = require('assert'); const fs = require('fs'); const path = require('path'); const tmpdir = require('../common/tmpdir'); const testDir = tmpdir.path; const files = ['empty', 'files', 'for', 'just', 'testing']; // Make sure tmp directory is clean tmpdir.refresh(); // Create the necessary files files.forEach(function(filename) { fs.closeSync(fs.openSync(path.join(testDir, filename), 'w')); }); function assertDirent(dirent) { assert(dirent instanceof fs.Dirent); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isFile(), true); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isDirectory(), false); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isSocket(), false); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isBlockDevice(), false); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isCharacterDevice(), false); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isFIFO(), false); assert.strictEqual(dirent.isSymbolicLink(), false); } const dirclosedError = { code: 'ERR_DIR_CLOSED' }; const dirconcurrentError = { code: 'ERR_DIR_CONCURRENT_OPERATION' }; const invalidCallbackObj = { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError' }; // Check the opendir Sync version { const dir = fs.opendirSync(testDir); const entries = files.map(() => { const dirent = dir.readSync(); assertDirent(dirent); return { name: dirent.name, path: dirent.path, parentPath: dirent.parentPath, toString() { return dirent.name; } }; }).sort(); assert.deepStrictEqual(entries.map((d) => d.name), files); assert.deepStrictEqual(entries.map((d) => d.path), files.map((name) => path.join(testDir, name))); assert.deepStrictEqual(entries.map((d) => d.parentPath), Array(entries.length).fill(testDir)); // dir.read should return null when no more entries exist assert.strictEqual(dir.readSync(), null); // check .path assert.strictEqual(dir.path, testDir); dir.closeSync(); assert.throws(() => dir.readSync(), dirclosedError); assert.throws(() => dir.closeSync(), dirclosedError); } // Check the opendir async version fs.opendir(testDir, common.mustSucceed((dir) => { let sync = true; dir.read(common.mustSucceed((dirent) => { assert(!sync); // Order is operating / file system dependent assert(files.includes(dirent.name), `'files' should include ${dirent}`); assertDirent(dirent); let syncInner = true; dir.read(common.mustSucceed((dirent) => { assert(!syncInner); dir.close(common.mustSucceed()); })); syncInner = false; })); sync = false; })); // opendir() on file should throw ENOTDIR assert.throws(function() { fs.opendirSync(__filename); }, /Error: ENOTDIR: not a directory/); assert.throws(function() { fs.opendir(__filename); }, /TypeError \[ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE\]: The "callback" argument must be of type function/); fs.opendir(__filename, common.mustCall(function(e) { assert.strictEqual(e.code, 'ENOTDIR'); })); [false, 1, [], {}, null, undefined].forEach((i) => { assert.throws( () => fs.opendir(i, common.mustNotCall()), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError' } ); assert.throws( () => fs.opendirSync(i), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE', name: 'TypeError' } ); }); // Promise-based tests async function doPromiseTest() { // Check the opendir Promise version const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); const entries = []; let i = files.length; while (i--) { const dirent = await dir.read(); entries.push(dirent.name); assertDirent(dirent); } assert.deepStrictEqual(files, entries.sort()); // dir.read should return null when no more entries exist assert.strictEqual(await dir.read(), null); await dir.close(); } doPromiseTest().then(common.mustCall()); // Async iterator async function doAsyncIterTest() { const entries = []; for await (const dirent of await fs.promises.opendir(testDir)) { entries.push(dirent.name); assertDirent(dirent); } assert.deepStrictEqual(files, entries.sort()); // Automatically closed during iterator } doAsyncIterTest().then(common.mustCall()); // Async iterators should do automatic cleanup async function doAsyncIterBreakTest() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); for await (const dirent of dir) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars break; } await assert.rejects(async () => dir.read(), dirclosedError); } doAsyncIterBreakTest().then(common.mustCall()); async function doAsyncIterReturnTest() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); await (async function() { for await (const dirent of dir) { return; } })(); await assert.rejects(async () => dir.read(), dirclosedError); } doAsyncIterReturnTest().then(common.mustCall()); async function doAsyncIterThrowTest() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); try { for await (const dirent of dir) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars throw new Error('oh no'); } } catch (err) { if (err.message !== 'oh no') { throw err; } } await assert.rejects(async () => dir.read(), dirclosedError); } doAsyncIterThrowTest().then(common.mustCall()); // Check error thrown on invalid values of bufferSize for (const bufferSize of [-1, 0, 0.5, 1.5, Infinity, NaN]) { assert.throws( () => fs.opendirSync(testDir, common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep({ bufferSize })), { code: 'ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE' }); } for (const bufferSize of ['', '1', null]) { assert.throws( () => fs.opendirSync(testDir, common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep({ bufferSize })), { code: 'ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE' }); } // Check that passing a positive integer as bufferSize works { const dir = fs.opendirSync(testDir, common.mustNotMutateObjectDeep({ bufferSize: 1024 })); assertDirent(dir.readSync()); dir.close(); } // Check that when passing a string instead of function - throw an exception async function doAsyncIterInvalidCallbackTest() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); assert.throws(() => dir.close('not function'), invalidCallbackObj); } doAsyncIterInvalidCallbackTest().then(common.mustCall()); // Check first call to close() - should not report an error. async function doAsyncIterDirClosedTest() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); await dir.close(); await assert.rejects(() => dir.close(), dirclosedError); } doAsyncIterDirClosedTest().then(common.mustCall()); // Check that readSync() and closeSync() during read() throw exceptions async function doConcurrentAsyncAndSyncOps() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); const promise = dir.read(); assert.throws(() => dir.closeSync(), dirconcurrentError); assert.throws(() => dir.readSync(), dirconcurrentError); await promise; dir.closeSync(); } doConcurrentAsyncAndSyncOps().then(common.mustCall()); // Check read throw exceptions on invalid callback { const dir = fs.opendirSync(testDir); assert.throws(() => dir.read('INVALID_CALLBACK'), /ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE/); } // Check that concurrent read() operations don't do weird things. async function doConcurrentAsyncOps() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); const promise1 = dir.read(); const promise2 = dir.read(); assertDirent(await promise1); assertDirent(await promise2); dir.closeSync(); } doConcurrentAsyncOps().then(common.mustCall()); // Check that concurrent read() + close() operations don't do weird things. async function doConcurrentAsyncMixedOps() { const dir = await fs.promises.opendir(testDir); const promise1 = dir.read(); const promise2 = dir.close(); assertDirent(await promise1); await promise2; } doConcurrentAsyncMixedOps().then(common.mustCall()); // Check if directory already closed - the callback should pass an error. { const dir = fs.opendirSync(testDir); dir.closeSync(); dir.close(common.mustCall((error) => { assert.strictEqual(error.code, dirclosedError.code); })); } // Check if directory already closed - throw an promise exception. { const dir = fs.opendirSync(testDir); dir.closeSync(); assert.rejects(dir.close(), dirclosedError).then(common.mustCall()); }